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Lemon against fibroids


On 24/01/2023

Lemon treats uterine fibroids

What is a uterine fibroid?

Uterine fibroids are the  most common benign gynecologic tumor , the result of the multiplication of muscle and connective cells that normally form the uterine wall. 

Periods of reproduction, during which hormone levels increase significantly, promote the appearance and development of uterine fibroids in women. Thus, at the level of the uterus, a series of fibromatous nodules of varying sizes can appear - from millimeter-sized nodules to those of impressive dimensions that can reach the size of a full term pregnancy.




Herbal remedy to treat fibroids

Natural remedy for fibroids

Curing uterine fibroids with a natural remedy made entirely from plants is possible. The natural treatment that we offer you to permanently cure uterine fibroids consists of herbal teas. This remedy has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. It is therefore specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery.

All the elements of our natural treatment are completely herbal.
Herbal tea to eliminate  fibroids  is made up of plants that have been shown to be effective. They are probably used in the composition of certain drugs. However, we offer you a definite advantage: the absence of side effects and contraindications. They work by preventing the action of progesterone on the endometrium (lining of the uterus). But our herbal teas keep estrogen levels within normal limits.
Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly leads to the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all waste from your uterus.


To discover our natural remedy to treat fibroids click here !!!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022951374202


How to use lemon juice to reduce fibroids?

Uterine fibroids: 5 important information

Lemon juice helps a lot in reducing the  symptoms of fibroids . Lemon juice is another natural remedy for treating fibroids. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water, mix the solution well, then drink. If you want to relieve the symptoms of uterine fibroids, consume this mixture regularly.


READ ALSO ... Moringa: the plant you need against fibroids


8 health benefits of lemon juice

10 benefits of eating lemons - Natur House

1. It is a powerful antioxidant

Lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This liquid is very rich in vitamin C,  flavonoids, beta-carotene and more.

Free radicals are the result of unhealthy habits, poor nutrition, air pollution, stress, etc. When we eat foods rich in antioxidants, we maintain our health and improve our physical appearance. We also slow down the aging process.

2. Cleanses the body

Few fruits have as much cleaning power as lemon. Its juice can help the body flush out toxins, supporting liver, gallbladder and kidney health, and thus improving digestion.

The calcium and potassium in lemons prevent water retention  and improve the kidneys' ability to clean the blood.

3. Balance the pH

Despite the fact that it is acidic,  lemon juice can neutralize  excess stomach acids that have built up in the stomach. In addition, it increases the pH of the blood and the whole body.

Whatever the cause, when the body has an excessively acidic pH, it becomes much more vulnerable to disease. Some studies suggest that lemons  may prevent cancer, a  process that appears to be associated with very low (i.e. acidic) pH.

4. Protects the heart

Lemon contains a significant amount of vitamin C, hesperidin and rutin, as well as a large number of antioxidants. All of these nutrients  improve the elasticity of veins and arteries. The nutrients prevent diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and atherosclerosis.

5. Stimulates weight loss

Lemon juice activates the metabolism and breaks down fat, which  is why it is an ideal addition to any diet.

With this benefit, along with its ability to prevent water retention and promote detoxification, lemon juice can stimulate weight loss and improve body health.

In addition,  this liquid is very nourishing and can help us control our appetite,  especially if we consume it before eating.

6. Improves digestion

Lemon juice is a very useful dietary supplement for improving digestion. You can add it to teas,  consume it on an empty stomach, or use it as a salad dressing.

This drink prevents heartburn, helps the body digest fat and protein more easily, and regulates appetite. This way it helps whether you eat too much or too little.

If you want to prepare various sauces or dressings, you can use lemon juice as a vinegar substitute. Add this liquid to stews and pastries  and add grated lemon zest to your desserts.

By including a little lemon juice in your preparations, you will improve your body's absorption of iron and prevent anemia naturally.


ALSO DISCOVER ... NATURAL REMEDY: Ginger to treat fibroids

To discover our natural remedy to treat fibroids click here !!!

Contact our experts now to start your treatment: +229 51374202 (WhatsApp / Tel).

We have representations in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Delivery is free. We also deliver all over the world.

Uterine Synechia: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

On 15/11/2022

Uterine synechiae or Asherman's syndrome correspond to intrauterine adhesions. This is the adhesion of the 2 sides of the uterus, normally the uterus is like a hollow cavity covered with a mucous membrane (a kind of carpet that lines it) and which prevents one side from sticking to the other: like an empty glove that can be stretched when the fingers are inserted. If the mucous membrane is damaged and disappears, the two sides of the cavity may stick to each other and thus reduce the size of the cavity, which may then compromise implantation and the progress of a pregnancy; these synechiae may be of variable size (surface) and therefore of variable consequences, but in very extensive forms they may even affect the volume of the menstrual period which is then absent. They can be partial or total, occupying respectively a part or the totality of the uterine cavity.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world

Causes of Uterine Synechia 

Initially, a synechia is formed in reaction to a trauma of the uterine mucous membrane having caused the destruction of its basal layer. It then consists of a simple mucosal flange, easily removed by the passage of the hysteroscope during a diagnostic hysteroscopy. In the absence of treatment, this loose flange becomes fibrous, resistant, more or less thick, then muscular. It is then no longer covered by endometrium.

The following circumstances may be at the origin of the formation of a synechia:

  • Curettage or aspiration for early miscarriage or voluntary termination of pregnancy, post abortum or post partum curettage.
  • Retention of a terminated pregnancy, placental retention after childbirth or after termination of pregnancy.
  • Operative hysteroscopy with fibroid resection, polyp resection, cure of uterine malformation, endometrialctomy, miscarriage during cervical dilatation.
  • Myomectomy, conization.
  • Significant endometrial atrophy due to hormonal deficiency related to menopause.
  • Uterine infection, endometritis, genital tuberculosis, IUD infection.
  • Post pelvic radiotherapy for cancer.

Certain factors favour the occurrence of uterine synechia following trauma to the endometrium:

  • Softened uterus: this is the case during advanced pregnancy; retention of a dead egg; postpartum (after childbirth).
  • The uterine evacuation technique with a respectively increased risk when using a suction cannula, a foam curette or a fenestrated curette.
  • The occurrence of an infection following uterine evacuation.
  • Presence of two traumatized areas in the endometrium located opposite each other, thus favouring healing in the form of a "fibrous bridge" by direct contact.

Symptoms of uterine synechiae 

Most synechiae are asymptomatic (have no symptoms). They are often discovered incidentally during diagnostic hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography. They are sometimes found during an infertility test and more rarely in the presence of suggestive clinical signs:

  • Secondary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) or oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation), occurring in the aftermath of uterine curettage or aspiration. These signs are often accompanied by cyclical pelvic pain, explained by the difficulty of evacuating the blood present in the uterus at the time of menstruation. The diagnosis of synechia is made in this context after ruling out a new pregnancy, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy by a pregnancy test and pelvic ultrasound.
  • Infertility: the presence of synechiae in the uterine cavity can prevent the meeting of spermatozoa and ovum or prevent the implantation of the embryo.
  • Recurrent early miscarriages: the presence of synechiae sometimes causes the expulsion of the embryo because the uterine cavity is reduced in size with a poor quality endometrium, thus preventing embryonic development.
  • Placental pathologies: placenta previae, placenta accreta.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world


Plants and natural remedies to treat and relieve uterine synechiae

  • Yarrow 

Achille e millefeuille

Yarrow is a decongestant herb for the uterus that helps reduce menstrual cramps. It promotes blood circulation and helps regulate blood flow. It has an antispasmodic action and helps relieve pain and inflammation. The yarrow can thus prove to be effective in the event of painful and abundant rules. It can be consumed as an herbal tea.

  • Green tea

The vert 1

A powerful antioxidant, green tea helps reduce oxidative stress by fighting free radicals that damage cells and spread inflammation. Due to its content of epigallocatechin gallate (EGGG), known for its antifibrotic properties, green tea helps reduce endometrial cell proliferation and endometriosis lesions. In addition, it acts on estrogen receptors, thus regulating their overproduction.

  • Turmeric  

Curcuma 2

A study shows that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can reduce endometrial proliferation. Indeed, curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can therefore be beneficial in reducing the pain associated with endometriosis. Curcumin can be taken in capsules.

  • Fenugreek infusion

Infusion de fenugrec

Fenugreek is an herb with interesting medicinal properties. It is highly recommended for women as it is believed to support hormonal balance as well as the menstrual cycle, although its effectiveness in treating abnormal vaginal discharge is unproven.


1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (10 g)

1 glass of water (200 ml)


Carefully crush 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, using a pestle and mortar if possible.

Bring the glass of water to a boil and pour it over the seeds.

Cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes.

Consume up to twice a day for 10 days.

  • Plain yogurt

Yaourt nature

Plain yogurt is one of the best natural remedies to help fight the fungi and bacteria that cause vaginal infections. This is due to its high concentration of lactobacilli, healthy bacteria that have the ability to regulate the vaginal flora to change the environment that pathogens need.

To keep infections and yeast at bay, the best way is to drink at least half a glass of yogurt a day. If you notice any reaction or if you suffer from intolerance, consult your doctor first.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world

  • Garlic


Garlic is considered the most powerful natural antibiotic.  Its active compounds contain antibacterial properties, although there is no evidence that its use can eliminate this problem.  However, you can try to include it in your menus:


.   1 clove garlic

.   1 glass of water (200 ml)


Crush the raw garlic clove and add a glass of hot water.

Let stand for 10 minutes and drink the infusion.

  • Milk and turmeric

Lait et curcuma

It is thought that a combination of milk and turmeric would be a simple antibacterial remedy (due to the antibacterial properties of turmeric) that would kill yeast and protect the vaginal area.  However, there is not enough evidence to support the safety of these claims; if you decide to take it, first check that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.


.   1 teaspoon turmeric powder (5g)

.   1 glass of milk


Heat the glass of milk, then add the teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Serve warm and repeat daily until the flow is relieved.

Taste once a day for a week.

  • Raspberry leaf: POST-ABORTION

Feuille de framboisier

After a spontaneous or induced abortion, the uterus remains in a vulnerable state that needs rest, nutrition and confinement.
Raspberry is a soft, fresh-leaved shrub known for its health benefits for women, including stimulating and tonic uteri. Its consumption prevents spasms and relaxes the uterus after the contractions suffered during an abortion, while repairing and cleaning the uterine walls.
As a hormonal regulator, it helps the uterus to regain its condition so that subsequent menstruations can take place normally. On the other hand, the leaves are rich in iron, which allows to recover this mineral lost during bleeding.
Boil water and extinguish the fire.
Add a tablespoon of dried leaves, let steep for 3 minutes and strain.
Consumption: three cups a day for two weeks. The dose can be repeated for three months.
Recommendation: Consume completely dry leaves to avoid poisoning. Filter well the infusion. Raspberry leaves are particularly prickly.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is known for its moisturizing benefits. In the same way that it activates its properties at the skin level, aloe vera acts gently in the vaginal ecosystem, keeping it hydrated.
It can be applied externally by spreading the pulp over areas of the vulva that itch, burn or are dry. It is also a natural lubricant that does not change our pH. Internally, it is used as an egg to cool, reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by vaginal infection.

.   Soak the stem in water for one minute to remove iodine and soil.
.   Cut the spines and peel the stem on both sides.
.   Remove the transparent pulp, roll it into an egg and carefully insert it into the vaginal canal.
Application: Use in the evening for three nights in a row, the heat of the body will absorb the pulp in the vaginal mucosa. For external use, there are no contraindications, it can be brushed in case of discomfort.
Recommendation: use fleshy stems and make sure there is no allergic reaction by testing the pulp on the skin beforehand. It can be used as a lubricant before using a menstrual cup.

  • Vaporisations 


Spraying is a home exercise that originates in Mayan practices. Its multiple functions range from the ritual of cleaning the uterus - since it releases toxins and endometrial debris - to the treatment of vaginal and urinary infections, as well as the healing of internal cracks or wounds. In addition, heat tones the uterus and balances the internal cold after delivery.
For its part, sage is considered one of the main allied plants of women. By its name (from the Latin salvus: save and salveo: heal), it has a ritual status of energetic and therapeutic cleanser. In vaporization, it helps to a harmonious toilet, gives a tonic effect and a good genital smell. It is also phytoestrogenic: it regulates hormonal disorders.

.   Boil water and turn off the heat. Add two handles of dried sage.
.   Let steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
.   Pour the infusion into the container to use (avoid plastic). Make sure the temperature is pleasant for the body.
Application: Sit at a height that allows steam to enter our vaginal canal, stay there for 15 to 20 minutes.
Cover us with a towel or blanket to avoid cooling.
Recommendation: Avoid exposure to drafts after steaming. Do not use vaginal baths during menstruation. Sage is only one option among the many medicinal plants that can be used for baths, the choice is free.

Advice to avoid uterine synechiae 

  • Use condoms that do not cause latex allergies  
  • Take anti-contraceptive pills if you don’t want to get pregnant. This allows you to avoid abortion because abortion is a major cause of uterine synechiae.
  • Avoid chemicals in menstrual products such as pads or scented towels.
  • Adopt good intimate hygiene
  • Consult a gynecologist at least once a year.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world

Charcot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Charcot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

On 29/10/2022

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a group of inherited disorders that cause nerve damage. This damage is greatest in the arms and legs (peripheral nerves). Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease causes smaller and weaker muscles. You may have loss of sensation and muscle contractions, and difficulty walking. Foot deformities, such as hammertoes and high plantar arches, are also common. Symptoms usually begin in the feet and legs, but can eventually affect the hands and arms.

Symptoms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease usually appear in adolescence or early adulthood, but may also appear in middle age.


We have a very effective natural herbal remedy that can rid you of Charcot disease for good. 


Order it and start in advance the natural treatment to cure Charcot's disease. An accompaniment is proposed during all the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 99 54 64 63.

We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be sure to receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.



Signs and symptoms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease may include the following:

Weakness in the legs, ankles, and feet.
Loss of body mass in the legs and feet
High arches of the feet
Bent toes (hammertoes)
Decreased ability to run
Difficulty flexing the heel (foot drop)
Ungainly gait or gait with knees higher than usual
Frequent trips or falls
Decreased sensation or loss of sensation in the legs and feet
As Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease progresses, symptoms may progress from the feet and legs to the hands and arms. The severity of symptoms can vary considerably from person to person, even among family members.



Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is an inherited genetic condition. It occurs when there are mutations in the genes that affect the nerves in the feet, legs, hands, and arms.

Sometimes these mutations damage the nerves. Other mutations damage the protective coating that surrounds the nerve (myelin sheath). Both make the messages between the limbs and the brain weaker.

Risk Factors

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is hereditary, so you are at increased risk of developing the disorder if a member of your immediate family has had the disease.

Other causes of neuropathies, such as diabetes, can cause symptoms similar to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These conditions can also cause symptoms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease to worsen. Medications such as the chemotherapy drugs vincristine (Marqibo), paclitaxel (Abraxane) and others can make symptoms worse. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you take.




On 15/01/2021

Drinking alcohol is a generally accepted social activity, but when drinking becomes abusive alcoholism ensues, a condition that leads people to experience alcohol dependence, which puts their own health, integrity and their safety at risk and that of their loved ones.

Alcoholism is a multi-factorial problem , but ultimately affects the alcoholic's overall quality of life. In the medium to long term, it can increase the risk of liver disease and cancer, as well as depression.


Baclofen and alcoholism: 12 specialists denounce the "work ...

It is difficult for an alcoholic to realize his condition, but there are a few points to detect it. Affected people cannot control the way they drink, need to drink continuously, drink several alcoholic beverages in a few hours, show withdrawal symptoms when quitting or do so quickly, have tried to stop drinking but do not cannot, have an emergency or a strong (uncontrollable) desire to drink, have given up important activities or events to satisfy their desire, and may have had altercations with other people due to their drinking.

It is not uncommon for people with this problem to experience anxiety, feelings of sadness, and even depression.


There is no single cause for alcoholism. As stated, it can be influenced by several factors, among which are social, genetic, psychological and environmental. It is believed that there may be a genetic predisposition, but this does not guarantee the development of the problem. An event in life can trigger it; for example, the death of a loved one, separation or financial hardship.

It is also believed that as alcohol consumption increases, changes in the functions of certain areas of the brain related to pleasure and controlling ability occur, which can lead to over-stimulation of the brain's reward system. . This is why the urge to drink to repeat the pleasant experience is generated, but if the consumption ceases, symptoms of withdrawal syndrome appear, such as restlessness, tremors, nausea, sweating and l 'irritability.


Being a multifactorial condition, the  treatment varies from individual to individual.  Cases can be resolved with psychological therapies, drug rehab programs, oral or injected medications, and medical treatments to alleviate other problems that alcoholism may generate; for example, liver damage. Alcoholics often need a lot of emotional support.


The herbal remedy is an alternative to medical treatment and cheaper. It is one of the popular beliefs among people. The use of herbs to get rid of addiction gives effective results and does not affect bodily functions or the brain. The  treatment of herbal dependency does not cause side effects. Here is a list of herbs to fight alcoholism:


Natural Tobacco Control - Natural Herbal Remedy to Stop ...

Our natural remedy to stop alcoholism is in the form of herbal tea. This natural therapy is the perfect solution to stop drinking. It is made up of plants that remove harmful toxins from the body while reducing the need for alcohol. These plants play the role of decreasing the release of dopamine (stimulated by the consumption of alcohol or other psychoactive substance) by inhibiting the neurons that release it. The decrease in the release of dopamine decreases the phenomenon of positive reinforcement (feeling of pleasure or reward) which would lead to abstinence. Our natural remedy for stopping alcohol consumption helps overcome withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, irritation, hunger, and lack of concentration.

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727




A Portable Solution for the On-scene Identification of Kratom

One of the plants used in the  treatment of addiction with  the  herbal  medicinal because it causes a kind of relaxation and calm the body and prevents the onset of withdrawal symptoms resulting from the judgment of opiates.


Lovage - Benefits and cultivation of this condiment - Plants and Health

It is used to get rid of alcohol addiction and puts some turmeric in the alcohol cup because it makes the user feel uncomfortable, which prevents them from using it.


The therapeutic virtues of ginger |  Myafricainfos

In the herbal addiction treatment program  , ginger is used which generates a feeling of vomiting when consumed before consuming alcohol, where it grinds its roots and a teaspoon is taken and boiled with it. of water for 30 minutes, then taken.


Helleborus x hybridus 'Black' laidback gardener

Black hellebore works to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body when consumed and thus lose cravings for alcohol.


Kudzu: an ally to quit smoking: Femme Actuelle MAG

Kudzu works to  treat withdrawal symptoms  caused by alcohol abuse, but it reduces the body's intense cravings.


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It is one of the traditional herbs used to flush toxins from the body and treat withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping the drug.


Update on youth foods - Green tea -

One of the Chinese herbs which has been used through the ages to get rid of addiction and detoxify the body.


Does chamomile tea really make you sleepy?  |  Health Magazine

Chamomile, or chamomile, treats the withdrawal symptoms caused by reducing the insomnia and nausea dose of the drug, and the detox phase is painless.

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727


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NATURAL RECIPE: using cloves to get pregnant

On 15/01/2021



Clove, which attracts attention with its taste and smell, is also good for sexual and infertility problems. Makes couples happy with the aphrodisiac effect


Find in this article,





Clove, which became famous as a love flower in ancient times, brings happiness with its aphrodisiac effect. Saying that cloves increase sexual desire in women and men, experts say, “Cloves also make childbirth easier while increasing the chances of getting pregnant.” Experts who claim that cloves , which is a strong antimicrobial agent, has many other health benefits, lists the benefits of this fragrant spice as follows:



FEMALE INFERTILITY: Natural treatment

Female infertility can be caused by many gynecological disorders or dysfunctions:  endometriosis ,  anovulation (absence of ovulation),  uterine polyps ,  uterine fibroids ,  miscarriages ,  blocked tubes , obesity,  ovarian cysts , stress , excessive alcohol consumption . ..

For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer specific natural treatment. This is the secret to curing female infertility. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or have had a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility. Our treatment for female infertility depends on the origin of the disease. The composition of the natural remedy will therefore depend on the cause of female infertility. Our natural treatments are only made from plants whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. So this is the best natural remedy for female infertility made with herbal remedies. They are the miracle solution to cure virtually all forms of female infertility.



To start your treatment, contact our experts on +229 51374202 (WhatsApp / Tel) or click on our whatasapp button just in the right corner of your screen

We have representations in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free.

We also deliver all over the world.





Nelkentee |  Die besten Lebensmittel zur Migräne-Prophylaxe ...

Clove recipe 1 for fertility

Dried and beat in a mortar with 6-7 cloves until it becomes powder. After you've boiled the amount of water you drink, turn off the stove and throw the clove powder into the water. You can drink after waiting for the infusion for 10 minutes with the lid closed. You can steep for 20 minutes to make the tea strong. If you brew more clove tea, you can store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Clove Recipe 2 for fertility

It is a nutrient that makes it easier to conceive according to research done by health doctors. If consumed regularly in the form of 1 tea glass after each meal; It has the characteristic of functioning within the reproductive organs, performing your hormonal tasks and strengthening the uterus.

Ingredients for clove tea:

  • 1 clove
  • 1 teaspoon of hot water

Make clove tea: For clove tea, first boil the water, then add 1 clove to the boiled water and steep for 5 minutes. Then do your herbal treatment so that you can conceive easily by drinking the brewed and warmed clove tea immediately after meals.

In addition to clove tea; other plants with the same characteristic; saffron, hops, shepherd's sack, lion's rivet, cinnamon , mint, rosemary, chamomile, zahter, fennel, sage, brewer's yeast, mustard, oatmeal, vanilla and pine nuts. You can also brew herbal tea using these herbs and similarly you can use herbal methods to conceive easily.

These plants, recommended for pregnancy, generally benefit from the relaxing, stress-reducing and relaxing properties. In this way, women and even men feel more comfortable and increase the chances of having children. At the same time, these herbs increase the chances of pregnancy by widening the fallopian tubes and the vessels of the ovaries.<%

Treat hyperprolactinemia naturally

Hyperprolactinemia - how to naturally lower the level of prolactine

On 07/01/2021

Prolactin [PRL] is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It induces lactation and stimulates breast growth during pregnancy, controls ovulation and the production of estrogen and testosterone. Prolactin also affects the liver, gonads and lymphoid cells, these organs have specific hormone receptors.

Mode of action of our natural treatment

Hyperprolactinemia natural herbal treatment 1

Our natural herbal treatment is very effective in healing excess prolactin in the blood. These are herbal teas in the form of powder which aims to suppress the excessive production of prolactin and activate the release of dopamine, decreases the tumor mass in varying proportions, then boost the quality of your ovulation. The treatment also improves the functioning of  the thyroid gland .

Duration of treatment

The duration of our natural treatment to reduce excess prolactin in the blood varies from 2 to 3 months. Our support is individualized. It will vary depending on your symptoms and your expectations.

To discover our cure for hyperprolactinemia, click HERE

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

The level of prolactin in the blood fluctuates all the time, but there are certain norms

  • Normal prolactin levels can reach  23 ng / ml .
  • A slightly elevated level above  25 ng / ml  can cause irregular periods and anovulatory cycles. However, a single test can be confusing as some factors can cause a temporary increase in prolactin, such as alcohol, sleep deprivation , sex, strength training,  dehydration , mild thyroid disease, contraceptives, drugs that reduce stomach acid and psychotropic drugs. There is always a high level in the post-ovulation phase, so there is no need to do any tests then.
  • When the level of prolactin is above  50 ng / ml  - periods may stop completely
  • A level above  100 ng / ml raises the suspicion of a pituitary tumor.

Reasons for overproduction of prolactin

  • Long-term use of certain medicines, eg for high blood pressure, antidepressants that lower stomach acid
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Renal failure
  • Liver disease
  • Adenomas
  • Chronic stress
  • An imbalance of other hormones produced by the pituitary gland

High levels of prolactin are symptoms 

In women

  • Irregular periods, anovulatory or complete loss of periods
  • Excessive hair
  • Leaking milk from the nipples
  • Weakened libido
  • Acne in the back and chest
  • Dry eyes, reduced vision, headache

At men's

  • Impaired libido and erectile dysfunction
  • Leaking milk from the nipples
  • Reduction in muscle mass
  • Bone reduction
  • Dry eyes, reduced vision, headache

Hyperprolactinemia and exercises

What is the relationship between Tai Chi and meditation?  - Tai Chi Lyon

Slightly elevated prolactin levels can be lowered by reducing stress levels. Getting enough sleep and doing gentle physical exercises such as  yoga and tai chi will help  . You need to cut down on alcohol, especially beer, as barley stimulates the growth of prolactin. Beer was traditionally recommended to increase lactation.

Hyperprolactinemia and diet 

Ketogenic diet: all you need to know about the ketogenic diet - Marie Claire

Prolactin binds to zinc, so the diet should be rich in this element or supplemented. As  studies have shown,  zinc lowers its level. In addition, B vitamins are essential, especially B6, vitamin E and vitamin C - possibly natural without processed products, containing hormones, antibiotics, artificial substances. Include in your diet dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, potatoes, cold water fish, bananas, milk and meat from naturally fed animals

Hyperprolactinemia - chaste herbs and others 

Medicinal plants: 5 plants that really heal - Moroccan ladies

Among the herbs, chaste (vitex) deserves attention. Studies have shown  that high doses of chaste tree reduce prolactin levels, small doses on the contrary. It should be remembered that the chaste tree works slowly and smoothly. Therefore, patience and regularity are important.


We recommend an infusion of chaste tree:

1 tablespoon of leaves or 1 flat tablespoon of fresh or dried and crushed fruit pour 200 ml of boiling water or better milk, leave it covered for 20 minutes, filter. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Other natural plant substances that regulate prolactin secretion include ginseng root, maca, ginkgo, and mucuna pruriens.

The endocrine system is very delicate. Taking preparations with chaste, vitamin supplementation should be carried out under the supervision of a wise specialist. However, in the case of thyroid, liver and kidney diseases, their cause must be treated, due to which the level of prolactin will spontaneously decrease.

To discover our cure for hyperprolactinemia, click HERE

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

Herpes: causes, symptoms and natural treatment

Herpes: causes, symptoms and natural treatment

On 28/12/2020



Herbal tea remedy to cure herpes

The treatment we offer you is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for their entire life. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, no more repeated recurrences in the year.


To discover the natural solution to cure herpes, click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022951374202


Herpes  is the name of a group of viruses that cause painful blisters and sores. The most common viruses are:

  • Herpes zoster. It causes chickenpox and shingles .
  • Herpes simplex virus  (HSV) type 1 and type 2. Type 1 usually causes cold sores or cold sores around the mouth. Type 2 usually causes sores on the genitals (sex organs). But it is possible to have type 1 on the genitals and type 2 around the mouth.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Once infected, you have the virus for the rest of your life.



Many people with herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and mistaken for another skin condition. Symptoms may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks or thighs.
  • Itching
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headaches. Many people with a herpes infection will experience flare-ups and symptoms from time to time. Symptoms are generally less severe than during the primary outbreak. The frequency of epidemics also tends to decrease over time.




Once infected with the virus, you will go through different stages of infection.



This stage begins 2 to 8 days after becoming infected. The infection usually causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, but they can also be painful. During this stage, it may be painful to pass urine.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some do not have any symptoms. They may not even know they are infected.



At this point, there are no blisters, sores, or other symptoms. The virus spreads from the skin to the nerves near the spine.



At the stage of replication, the virus begins to multiply at nerve endings. If these nerve endings are in areas of the body that produce or come in contact with bodily fluids, the virus can enter those fluids. For example, in saliva, semen or vaginal fluids. During this stage, there are no symptoms, but the virus can be transmitted anyway. This means that herpes is very contagious at this stage.



Many people have blisters and sores that come back after the first attack of herpes. This is called recurrence. Symptoms are usually not as severe as they were with the first attack.

Stress, illness or fatigue can cause a recurrence. Being in the sun or having your period can also cause a recurrence. You may know that a recurrence is about to happen if you experience itching, tingling, or pain in the places where it was first infected.



The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from person to person through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a wound on the skin. It can also enter through the skin of the mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is spread more easily when blisters or sores are visible on the infected person. But it can be passed on at any time, even when the person with herpes has no symptoms. Herpes can also be passed from anywhere in your body. If you touch the sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can extend it to other parts of the body, like the mouth or eyes.



Genital herpes: from diagnosis to treatment - Doctissimo

Your doctor will do a physical exam and examine the wounds. They can cultivate fluid from a wound and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests may also be done on the liquid in an ampoule.



The best way to prevent herpes is not to have sex with someone who has the virus. It can be transmitted even when the person who has it has no symptoms. If your partner has herpes, there is no way to know for sure that it will not spread.

There isn't a completely safe time to have sex and not spread herpes. If you have herpes, you should tell your sexual partner. You should avoid having sex if you have sores. Herpes can be passed from person to person very easily with sores.

You should use condoms every time you have sex. They can help reduce the risk of spreading herpes. But it is possible to spread or catch herpes even if you use a condom.



If you think you have herpes, see your doctor as soon as possible. It is easier to diagnose when there are sores. You can start treatment earlier and you may feel less pain from the infection.

There is no cure for herpes. But drugs can help. They can be provided as a pill, cream, or injection. Medicines like acyclovir and valaciclovir fight the herpes virus. They can speed healing and decrease the pain of herpes for many people. They can be used to treat a primary or recurrent outbreak.

If the drugs are being used to treat a recurrence, you should start taking them as soon as you experience stinging, burning, or itching. They can also be taken every day to prevent recurrence.



Genital herpes during pregnancy - Dr Jalel BEN GHOZZIA ...

It is important to avoid getting herpes during pregnancy. If your partner has herpes and you don't, make sure you use condoms during sex at all times. Your partner can pass the infection to you even if you are not currently having an outbreak. If there are any visible sores, avoid having sex completely until the sores have healed.

If you are pregnant and have genital herpes, or if you have ever had sex with someone who has had it, talk to your doctor. He will give you an antiviral medicine. This will make it less likely that you will have an outbreak at or near labor.

If you have an active genital herpes infection during or near labor, you can pass it to your baby. When the baby passes through the birth canal, he can come in contact with sores and become infected with the virus. It can cause brain damage, blindness or even death in newborns.

If you have a flare-up of genital herpes around the time of delivery, your doctor will most likely perform a cesarean section. With a cesarean section, the baby will not pass through the birth canal and will not be exposed to the virus. This reduces the risk of passing herpes on to your baby.



It is common to feel guilty or ashamed when diagnosed with herpes. You might feel like your sex life is ruined or that someone you thought you trusted was harming you. You may feel sad or upset. Talk to your doctor about how you are feeling.

Keep in mind that herpes is very common. About 1 in 6 adults has it. Herpes can become less severe over time. You can help protect your sexual partner by not having sex during relapses and by using condoms at other times.



  • Talk to a specialist if you think you have herpes.
  • Remember you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from herpes.
  • Stay healthy and limit stress.
  • Don't touch the sores.
  • Tell your sex partner and use condoms.



  • Take aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).
  • Put hot or cold cloths on the painful area.
  • Take hot baths. (A woman can urinate in the tub at the end of the bath if she experiences pain while urinating. This can help dilute the urine so that the sores do not burn as much.)
  • Keep the area dry and clean.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Wear loose clothing.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Herbal tea remedy to cure herpes

The treatment we offer you is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for their entire life. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, no more repeated recurrences in the year.


To discover the natural solution to cure herpes, click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022951374202



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We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



On 23/12/2020




What is a varicocele?


The varicocele is a varicose dilation of veins of the spermatic cord (located in exchanges, over and around each testicle). It usually does not have any specific symptoms. But it can be manifested by a heaviness in the stock market. At an advanced stage, it causes an increase in the size of the testicle. It is therefore very troublesome. Varicoceles are a common cause of low sperm production and poor quality, which can lead to infertility. This is one reason why the experts at Dawasanté provide you with natural treatments for varicocele. 





However, not all varicoceles affect sperm production. Varicoceles can also prevent the testicles from growing normally or from shrinking.

Most varicoceles develop over time. Fortunately, most varicoceles are easy to diagnose, and many don't need treatment. If a varicocele is causing symptoms, it can often be repaired surgically. Most of the time, the treatment is surgical, but many people refuse to be operated on for fear or otherwise. However, there is a very effective solution: Medicinal plants. The purpose of these plants is to make it disappear. Also, it is important to trust us because your satisfaction is our priority. We offer you below the best natural remedy to cure varicocele quickly without operation or surgery.




Voici le meilleur remède naturel pour grossir pénis avec les plantes​

Herbal tea is vasculoprotective and venotonic. It is a natural remedy that successfully cures varicocele by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cords. So the veins become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins. This to join the most important veins like the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Our natural remedy is the miracle solution to avoiding surgery. It will allow you to avoid surgery and regain your full fertility. So, it has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. So, this is one of the best natural treatments to cure varicocele and prevent surgery.


Discover the best natural treatment for varicocele

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727




What are the symptoms of varicocele?


Most men with a varicocele will not have symptoms. Some men, however, may feel a dull discomfort in the affected testicle, especially after exercising, standing for a long time, or at the end of the day. The discomfort will usually improve when the man lies down.

The testicle on the same side as the varicocele may be smaller than expected. If the varicocele is repaired in childhood or adolescence, the testicle may grow to “catch up” in size. Testicle size does not increase when the varicocele is repaired in adults.



Let’s look at the top nine symptoms of a varicocele occurrence by first discussing what you might notice in terms of the look and feel of your scrotum.

1. Enlarged veins in your scrotum. A varicocele is a group of enlarged veins that often looks or feels like a bag of worms.

2. One testicle is larger than the other. Typically, the smaller testicle will be on the side of your scrotum that has the varicocele. And most often – 85% of the time – varicoceles develop on the left side of the scrotum due to the position of the veins on that side.

3. A lump in your testicle that doesn’t hurt. Any time you find a lump in your testicle or scrotum, you should have it checked by your doctor as soon as possible. However, if the lump you’re feeling is in fact a varicocele, it likely won’t cause pain.[i]

While varicocele pain is not common, it can occur, especially as the varicocele becomes larger. The pain will typically take on the following characteristics.

4. An uncomfortable, dull ache in your scrotum. This ache is caused by the pooling of blood in your scrotum. Supporting your varicocele with a jockstrap or briefs, rather than boxer-style underwear, can sometimes help ease the discomfort.

5. Pain that gets worse the longer you stand and gets better when you lie down. The longer you’re on your feet, the longer blood pools in your varicocele. Lying down can help the blood drain from your scrotum, thus relieving pain.

6. Pain that’s worse after prolonged or strenuous exercise. Prolonged and strenuous exercise can strain venous circulation, causing more blood to pool.

7. Pain that gets worse in hot weather. Hot weather can cause veins to dilate or become larger, making it more difficult for the affected veins to pump blood back to your heart.




For some men, the other two varicocele complications are more troublesome and have to do with systemic issues such as sperm and testosterone production, both of which occur in your testicles.


8. Infertility. Sperm is produced in your testicles. It’s thought that the enlarged veins that make up a varicocele keep the temperature in or around your testicles higher than normal. Doctors believe this may affect sperm production, motility (movement), and function, leading to the potential for lower fertility or male factor infertility. In fact, varicoceles are a leading cause of problems in four out of 10 men experiencing infertility issues. Some researchers also believe that there is an autoimmune component to infertility in conjunction with a varicocele. That is, your own body may start to kill off sperm. According to at least one study, the chances of this occurring are higher in men with varicoceles than in those without.[v]

9. Low testosterone. Doctors also know that varicoceles can interfere with the actual production of testosterone. In addition to infertility, low testosterone production can result in many problems, including:

  • Inability to get a firm erection
  • Low sex drive
  • Depression
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Lack of ambition
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • Hot flashes
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Increased fat mass





Using these natural treatments for varicocele helps sufferers to get rid of the ailment and father their own child. 



natural treatments for varicocele 

Horny goat weed is an effective herb used for improving sexual performance concerns including involuntary ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It also arouses sexual desire in men in order to improve their reproductive system. 



Gui Zhi - Latin: Ramulus Cinnamomi. Warm natured. Flavor: Acrid ...

Besides having a delicious flavor and beautiful aroma, Ramulus Cinnamomi helps warm and improve blood circulation in the vessels within the male reproductive system. It also has the ability to release muscle layers produced due to varicocele and increase libido. It is equally beneficial for other body parts like heart, lung, and urinary bladder. For its gynecological benefits, herbalists recommended using Ramulus Cinnamomi as one of the natural treatment for varicocele.



Can Dong Quai Help with Menopause?

Dong Quai has ferulic acid that works as a muscle relaxer and pain reliever. When it is used combined with multi-ingredients, it helps as a natural treatment for varicocele since it deals with infertility and hypertension.



Antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles produced by ...

Plantago is a plant that is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It not only promotes tissue repair but also alleviates sinus congestions. It is effective in reducing male reproductive complications. Plantago, as a natural treatment for varicocele patients, benefits them in more than one way by reducing related pain, discomfort, and visual ugliness.



Discover the best natural treatment for varicocele

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727