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Improve fertility

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FERTILITY BOOSTER : methods to get pregnant easily

By On 03/01/2020


It seems that simple things count for boosting fertility. In what follows, we will find expert advice that helps us understand exactly what we are doing wrong.
For some, fertility and conception are not a problem. For others, assisted human reproduction techniques become the only hope for having a baby.

Between these extremes, there is an increasing number of couples waiting. Some of them do not feel ready to use medical technology, while other couples have not been able to discover the cause of infertility without even using the latest technology. For the latter group, doctors are trying to discover the factors of daily life that could make the difference.

"Sometimes everything is fine, regarding the treatment, and yet the women do not get pregnant - so we started to look for other factors that could play an important role," said African experts.

You have been in a relationship for a while and you finally decide to have children. But despite several unprotected intercourses after 1 year, you are still not pregnant. You may be suffering from female infertility. However, the diagnosis of infertility must be made in both partners. Several elements can cause infertility in women including blocked fallopian tubes, uterine polyps, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, etc. If you suffer from any of these conditions, don't be afraid. Dawasante's experts have developed natural treatments that have already proven to be effective in each of these conditions. To discover our treatments for female infertility, click here!

Behind the scenes of fertility

Doctors believe that one of the most important external factors is smoking. While most people know that smoking and pregnancy don't mix, experts say that very few people seem to realize the negative impact of smoking on fertility.

Experts believe that smoking leads to male and female infertility and has a negative impact on conception rates.

A study published in the journal "Fertility and sterility" has shown that smokers have a 17% lower sperm count. Recently, a Polish study has shown that smoking significantly lowers the number of sperm and affects the quality of sperm. For women, experts believe that smoking not only decreases the chances of getting pregnant, but also affects the duration of pregnancy.

In addition, specialists believe that smokers who take fertility treatments need higher doses of drugs than non-smokers. Not only is active smoking important; In a recent study, doctors showed that passive smoking reduces conception rates in women who use modern technology to help with reproduction.

The good news is that quitting smoking can make you pregnant more easily and in less time! In an American study, specialists discovered that men who stopped smoking saw their number of viable sperm increase by up to 800%!

Dawasanté remedy for female infertility

FEMALE INFERTILITY: Natural treatment

Dawasanté experts, with their experience in the field of herbal medicine, have developed a natural herbal remedy to cure female infertility. It is a totally natural remedy that has proven itself with many women in difficulty.

To discover our natural remedy for female infertility, click here!

To discover our natural product to increase sperm quality, click here

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To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527


Reducing stress increases fertility

Although the link between stress and fertility is not very clear, more and more doctors say that stress plays an important role.
"There are no big data sets that can be unequivocally linked, but more and more small samples show that stress reduction methods have a favorable effect on fertility, and we think that it is only a matter of time until someone gathers all the data to show once and for all the impact of stress on the reproductive system, '' said the experts.
In an American study, women who used assisted human reproduction techniques received a relaxing foot massage before the embryo transfer; the study authors find the results encouraging.
Experts in stress studies at Harvard University have shown that many women who perform stress reduction procedures caused by infertility get pregnant more easily, this effect being based on learning relaxation techniques.


Nutrition and fertility: the latest data

While very few people believe there may be a link between nutrition and fertility, recent studies show that infertile people lack important nutrients in nutrition.

American experts from Harvard University have found that 79% of infertile couples eat a diet lower in antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) than others. This discovery becomes even more important in light of recent research showing that vitamins C and E play an important role in male fertility. An American study shows that after a week of 1000 milligrams of vitamin C, the number of viable sperm has increased by about 140%.

Recently, a study has shown that substances with significant antioxidant activity such as vitamin E and selenium have improved the ability of sperm to swim - a skill necessary for them to reach the egg during fertilization.
Experts believe there is an interesting link between fertility and eating fish. Studies have shown that couples with fertility problems and men with sperm abnormalities have high levels of mercury in their blood; the same people also had a diet rich in fish.

"If you have fertility problems, it would be advisable to try to eat less seafood," experts say.
Since obesity is considered one of the main causes of infertility in women, experts say that adopting a low-calorie diet can lead to increased fertility.

"If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, a mere weight loss of just 5% can dramatically improve your chances of ovulating and becoming pregnant," say experts in the field. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the decrease or absence of ovulation, the increase in androgen hormone levels and the resistance of cells to the action of insulin are encountered. Many people who suffer from this disease suffer from obesity at the same time or are overweight.


Natural fertility solutions

Although folklore abounds with natural fertility solutions, it was not until the last period that science entered the garden of Mother Nature. In fact, it is only in the past two years that a number of credible studies have been able to show that certain food constituents or plants can offer improved fertility for both men and women.
A group of German researchers has shown that certain natural remedies can work for men. They showed that sperm function and quality improved with the administration of food supplements containing combinations of zinc and folic acid, an antioxidant with a carotenoid structure called Astacarox, or a combination of energizing substances actil-carnitine.

In addition, the researchers demonstrated that men with fertility problems who received a daily dose of 66 milligrams of zinc and 5 milligrams of folic acid for about six months experienced a 74% increase in the number of viable sperm.

The most recent studies have shown that L-carnitine and L-acetyl-carnitine improve sperm quality in people with fertility problems. "We do not yet know how these natural treatments translate into conception rate, but it is clear: the quality of sperm is greatly improved," say the specialists.

Regarding the fertility of women, Mother Nature has not forgotten that she is also a woman. In a small sample study, doctors showed that favorable effects were recorded in dietary supplements based on folic acid, vitamins E, B6 and B12, iron, magnesium, zinc, L-arginine , selenium, vitex extract ("the fruit of chastity") and green tea.

Research on women with fertility issues and between the ages of 24 and 46 has shown that women who took such nutritional supplements twice a day for three months experienced an increase in body temperature at the half cycle level and progesterone - both being indicators of ovulation, while the control group of women who were not taking supplements did not record these increases. Women who took the supplement remained pregnant for the first five months, while women who did not take a supplement were kept for nine months.

Similarly, a German study found that conception rates are 82% among women who have used speed supplements, compared to only 45% among women who have not taken these supplements.


Sleep and pesticides - new factors that can affect fertility

While a number of factors can improve fertility, others can decrease it. One of the most important is exposure to pesticides.
“Many pesticides can act on estrogen receptors; Although they are not actually estrogens, they can behave in the body in the same way as estrogens, and since estrogen is the hormone involved in fertility, the whole problem is many question marks, "experts say.

In a study published in "Biology of Reproduction", doctors discovered that exposure to an artificial pesticide called methoxychlor (a member of the DDT family) lowers testosterone levels, causing a decline in male fertility. In a study from Yale University, researchers found that the same pesticide - which is used to control mosquitoes, weasels and other insects - can also affect the reproductive ability of women.

It also seems that the impact of pesticides on fertility is so concerning that the American Society of Reproductive Medicine has appointed a division to investigate the overall impact of these substances on fertility in women and men.
The good news is that avoiding exposure - especially in your own garden - can help improve your fertility profile.

Although the impact is not so direct, another factor that can affect fertility is lack of sleep. The biochemical link in this case is the hormone called leptin, known as a regulator of appetite and body weight. Researchers have discovered that it plays a vital role in women's fertility. Leptin levels go down when we are sleep deprived. It seems that there is a link between this aspect and the fact that in the case of women suffering from infertility, the level of leptin is low.

In addition, a study has shown that administering injections of leptin twice a day, in women who have had their period (and therefore their ovulation) for at least three months have not only increased the level of this hormone, but also contributed to the recurrence of ovulation.
Can a similar effect only be obtained by prolonging sleep? Experts are unsure of this.
Experts conclude that "if you are constantly deprived of sleep, it is very likely that your menstrual cycles will become irregular - which means that ovulation is affected, which can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant".


To discover our natural remedy for female infertility, click here!

To discover our natural product to increase sperm quality, click here

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