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natural hepatitis A treatment

4 easy ways to treat hepatitis A

By On 02/01/2020

Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis) is a viral disease that affects the liver. Anyone can get hepatitis A if they have direct contact with food, drink, or objects contaminated with the feces of an infected person. Almost everyone who gets hepatitis A heals completely and is immune for the rest of their lives. However, a very small proportion of people infected with HAV can be struck down by fulminant hepatitis. There is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent hepatitis A.

It is important to remember that hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are caused by different viruses, spread in different ways and require different treatments. This means that previous infection with one type of virus will not offer immunity against another.


Hepatitis A vaccination
The most important action you can take to protect yourself from the hepatitis A virus is to get vaccinated. Paying close attention to personal hygiene can also reduce the risk of hepatitis A.

In general, there is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. In most cases, your immune system will clear the infection and your heart will heal completely. If your body cannot get rid of the virus, we have a natural solution that will be very useful to you.

Dawasanté experts offer you here a very effective natural remedy to destroy the hepatitis virus in 2 months at most. The natural treatment that we offer to cure hepatitis is entirely composed of medicinal plants. Unlike drugs that only fight the symptoms of hepatitis, it completely destroys the virus. It also helps cleanse the liver. How does it work?

The herbal tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in the treatment and prevention of liver problems, so it is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis A, B, and C. It also fights against the viruses responsible for 'hepatitis. It also gives the antioxidants that help maintain overall liver health. In other words, it helps the body fight viral infections and cleanse the liver.

It’s the quick fix for curing hepatitis.
To discover our natural remedy for treating hepatitis, click here.

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Why are the symptoms of hepatitis A different in each person?
The symptoms of hepatitis, in general, are fever, fatigue or malaise, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort and jaundice (skin color and sclera turn yellow, dark urine and pale stools).

Not all infected people will have these symptoms. Adults show symptoms more often than children, and the severity of the disease will increase in the older group. The difference in symptoms occurs due to various factors.

The symptoms depend mainly on the patient's immune system. Judging by the number of viruses that enter the body, the factors are in the environment and others. The more there is in the environment, the exposure (hepatitis A), the more the virus manifests.

This disease is rarely fatal, but if you are infected, you should at least rest for a long time. In fact, the incubation period for hepatitis A spans 15 to 50 days and is generally 14 to 28 days.

3 ways to treat hepatitis A

1. Rest
Hepatitis A can tire you easily and leave you with less energy to do your daily activities. It is therefore necessary to get enough rest.

2. Eat small portions but often
Nausea and vomiting can affect your appetite and lack of food can make your body weak and easily tired. Therefore, try to choose foods high in calories if you experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

3. Protect your liver
The liver is the organ that transforms drugs and alcohol. So, try to avoid alcohol or any food that can damage your liver and have your treatment reviewed with your doctor.

If you have been in contact with someone who has hepatitis A and has never had a hepatitis A vaccine before, try talking to your doctor about what treatment options you can get.

The hepatitis A vaccine itself can be given from the age of 12 months and older. For babies under 12 months of age and for people with health conditions such as a weak immune system, which is also closely linked to people with hepatitis A, injections of immunoglobulins (also called passive immunizations) may be used.