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Plants for uterine polyps

Uterine Polyp: Surgery or Natural Treatment

By On 17/01/2020

What are hysteroscopy and operative hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy: is a diagnostic procedure in which the uterine cavity is examined with an optical instrument (a hysteroscope).

Operative hysteroscopy: is a healing procedure that involves the surgical removal of a pathological process in the uterus using hysteresis.


When does your doctor recommend operative hysteroscopy / hysteroscopy?

As a diagnostic procedure, hysteroscopy allows the doctor to detect a variety of abnormalities in the cervix and to refine the diagnosis if there is a suspicion of ultrasound findings. The hysteroscopy method is not only diagnostic, it also allows a biopsy of the polyp, or even its removal or resection. In this case, we speak of polypectomy by operative hysteroscopy. The biopsy is used to detect whether it is a malignant tumor or not.


Natural herbal remedy for uterine polyps

CYCLE ANOVULATOIRE : Traitement naturel

First, if your gynecologist comes to diagnose the presence of a uterine polyp, don't panic. Because uterine polyps are mostly benign non-cancerous tumors. However, you need serious medical care because uterine polyps are a cause of infertility.

So, if you are in a relationship and not able to get pregnant, It is important to treat your polyps because they reduce your fertility and cause miscarriages. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure uterine polyps quite easily and without sequelae. Then trust us! This treatment of uterine polyps is the miracle solution to permanently cure uterine polyps and avoid the operation thanks to plants. Secondly, with us there is no recurrences. To discover this remedy click here!

The natural treatment that we offer to cure your polyps naturally includes several 100% natural herbal teas. It is an effective, fast and long-lasting natural remedy that can permanently eradicate polyps. It is very effective with a 100% satisfaction rate. All the elements of our treatment are entirely based on natural plants.

They work by preventing the action of progesterone on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and keeping estrogen levels within normal limits. Because a high level of estrogen promotes the appearance and formation of polyps, the action of the herbal tea will quickly cause the polyps to shrink and reduce your pain. This natural remedy is the secret to naturally cure uterine polyps. Heavy menstrual bleeding therefore usually stops at the end of treatment.

The use of natural plants as our treatment of uterine polyps very often gives positive results for the reduction of the size of uterine polyps. The use of plants is very positive because they attack the evil at its root. Generally, the use of natural plants is the secret to permanently cure uterine polyps. The effect of the natural remedy for uterine polyps that we offer is lasting and will save you from having an operation.

To discover this remedy to treat uterine polyps, click here!

Contact our experts, tel / whatsapp: +33644661758 / +22990312738


How to prepare before an operative hysteroscopy / hysteroscopy?

Before that, the following blood tests should be done: complete blood count, APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time), INR (International Normalized Ratio), prothrombin, blood group, rhesus factor, anti-erythrocyte antibodies, bilirubin, ALT, ASAT, urea , creatinine, glucose, HCG, TPHA, RPR, HIV, hepatitis B and C.

On the day of handling, you must arrive in the morning, at an agreed time, on an empty stomach (without eating or drinking)


How do hysteroscopy and operative hysteroscopy work?

Hysterosonography is an ultrasound examination for studying the walls of the uterus, the uterine cavity, and the proximal part of the fallopian tubes.

Hysteroscopy: This procedure takes place in an operating room of a day hospital and does not necessarily require anesthesia. During hysteroscopy, a rigid, small diameter (2.4mm) hysteroscope is introduced into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, which is connected to a video system and a screen that displays the structure of the uterine cavity. To make the procedure sufficiently informative, the uterine cavity is enlarged by filling it with saline solution.

The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes and is not associated with further use of the drug or diet and capacity limitations.

Polypectomy (operative hysteroscopy): is performed with bipolar hysteresis, which is significantly larger in diameter than the rigid instrument. This procedure requires cervical dilatation and is therefore performed under intravenous anesthesia in the operating room. During the operation, the endomat system is used to control (under constant pressure) the saline fluid to fill the uterine cavity and to separate and / or precisely eliminate pathological processes (polyp) of the uterine cavity by using a part hysteresis connected to an electric coagulator.

The procedure lasts 15 to 30 minutes, but may take longer for larger formations or specific anatomical features.


What happens next?

After polypectomy, you will need to lie down after handling until the effects of the anesthesia are gone. After two hours, you will feel better and you can go home the same day. It is recommended to be accompanied by a guide at home.

The most common complaints during the postoperative period are slight traction in the lower abdomen or light bleeding during the first three days after surgery, which usually goes away within a week.

Usually no additional treatment is required during the postoperative period and pain relievers can be used if necessary.

Limited working capacity remains on the day of handling and the day after the procedure.


The risks associated with the procedure, although rare, must be taken into account when choosing a natural remedy:

-Pain during the procedure;

-Bleeding (wound formation of the cervix when passing the hysteroscope);

-Perforation of the uterus and neighboring organs;

-Uterine synechia;

-Abnormal drug reaction;

-Infection of the uterus, called endometritis, requiring the implementation of appropriate antibiotic treatment;

-Formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity, rarely the cause of infertility or difficulty in menstruating.

One of the major advantages of treating uterine polyps that we offer you is that the results of our treatment are lasting. Operations can get rid of polyps, but other polyps can reappear over time. Unlike drugs, our herbal teas (treatment of uterine polyps) have no side effects. So this is the secret to naturally healing your uterine polyps without side effects and without surgery.

To discover this remedy to treat uterine polyps, click here!

Contact our experts, tel / whatsapp: +22990312738