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Uterine Synechia: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

By On 15/11/2022

Uterine synechiae or Asherman's syndrome correspond to intrauterine adhesions. This is the adhesion of the 2 sides of the uterus, normally the uterus is like a hollow cavity covered with a mucous membrane (a kind of carpet that lines it) and which prevents one side from sticking to the other: like an empty glove that can be stretched when the fingers are inserted. If the mucous membrane is damaged and disappears, the two sides of the cavity may stick to each other and thus reduce the size of the cavity, which may then compromise implantation and the progress of a pregnancy; these synechiae may be of variable size (surface) and therefore of variable consequences, but in very extensive forms they may even affect the volume of the menstrual period which is then absent. They can be partial or total, occupying respectively a part or the totality of the uterine cavity.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

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Causes of Uterine Synechia 

Initially, a synechia is formed in reaction to a trauma of the uterine mucous membrane having caused the destruction of its basal layer. It then consists of a simple mucosal flange, easily removed by the passage of the hysteroscope during a diagnostic hysteroscopy. In the absence of treatment, this loose flange becomes fibrous, resistant, more or less thick, then muscular. It is then no longer covered by endometrium.

The following circumstances may be at the origin of the formation of a synechia:

  • Curettage or aspiration for early miscarriage or voluntary termination of pregnancy, post abortum or post partum curettage.
  • Retention of a terminated pregnancy, placental retention after childbirth or after termination of pregnancy.
  • Operative hysteroscopy with fibroid resection, polyp resection, cure of uterine malformation, endometrialctomy, miscarriage during cervical dilatation.
  • Myomectomy, conization.
  • Significant endometrial atrophy due to hormonal deficiency related to menopause.
  • Uterine infection, endometritis, genital tuberculosis, IUD infection.
  • Post pelvic radiotherapy for cancer.

Certain factors favour the occurrence of uterine synechia following trauma to the endometrium:

  • Softened uterus: this is the case during advanced pregnancy; retention of a dead egg; postpartum (after childbirth).
  • The uterine evacuation technique with a respectively increased risk when using a suction cannula, a foam curette or a fenestrated curette.
  • The occurrence of an infection following uterine evacuation.
  • Presence of two traumatized areas in the endometrium located opposite each other, thus favouring healing in the form of a "fibrous bridge" by direct contact.

Symptoms of uterine synechiae 

Most synechiae are asymptomatic (have no symptoms). They are often discovered incidentally during diagnostic hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography. They are sometimes found during an infertility test and more rarely in the presence of suggestive clinical signs:

  • Secondary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) or oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation), occurring in the aftermath of uterine curettage or aspiration. These signs are often accompanied by cyclical pelvic pain, explained by the difficulty of evacuating the blood present in the uterus at the time of menstruation. The diagnosis of synechia is made in this context after ruling out a new pregnancy, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy by a pregnancy test and pelvic ultrasound.
  • Infertility: the presence of synechiae in the uterine cavity can prevent the meeting of spermatozoa and ovum or prevent the implantation of the embryo.
  • Recurrent early miscarriages: the presence of synechiae sometimes causes the expulsion of the embryo because the uterine cavity is reduced in size with a poor quality endometrium, thus preventing embryonic development.
  • Placental pathologies: placenta previae, placenta accreta.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world


Plants and natural remedies to treat and relieve uterine synechiae

  • Yarrow 

Achille e millefeuille

Yarrow is a decongestant herb for the uterus that helps reduce menstrual cramps. It promotes blood circulation and helps regulate blood flow. It has an antispasmodic action and helps relieve pain and inflammation. The yarrow can thus prove to be effective in the event of painful and abundant rules. It can be consumed as an herbal tea.

  • Green tea

The vert 1

A powerful antioxidant, green tea helps reduce oxidative stress by fighting free radicals that damage cells and spread inflammation. Due to its content of epigallocatechin gallate (EGGG), known for its antifibrotic properties, green tea helps reduce endometrial cell proliferation and endometriosis lesions. In addition, it acts on estrogen receptors, thus regulating their overproduction.

  • Turmeric  

Curcuma 2

A study shows that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can reduce endometrial proliferation. Indeed, curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can therefore be beneficial in reducing the pain associated with endometriosis. Curcumin can be taken in capsules.

  • Fenugreek infusion

Infusion de fenugrec

Fenugreek is an herb with interesting medicinal properties. It is highly recommended for women as it is believed to support hormonal balance as well as the menstrual cycle, although its effectiveness in treating abnormal vaginal discharge is unproven.


1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (10 g)

1 glass of water (200 ml)


Carefully crush 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, using a pestle and mortar if possible.

Bring the glass of water to a boil and pour it over the seeds.

Cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes.

Consume up to twice a day for 10 days.

  • Plain yogurt

Yaourt nature

Plain yogurt is one of the best natural remedies to help fight the fungi and bacteria that cause vaginal infections. This is due to its high concentration of lactobacilli, healthy bacteria that have the ability to regulate the vaginal flora to change the environment that pathogens need.

To keep infections and yeast at bay, the best way is to drink at least half a glass of yogurt a day. If you notice any reaction or if you suffer from intolerance, consult your doctor first.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world

  • Garlic


Garlic is considered the most powerful natural antibiotic.  Its active compounds contain antibacterial properties, although there is no evidence that its use can eliminate this problem.  However, you can try to include it in your menus:


.   1 clove garlic

.   1 glass of water (200 ml)


Crush the raw garlic clove and add a glass of hot water.

Let stand for 10 minutes and drink the infusion.

  • Milk and turmeric

Lait et curcuma

It is thought that a combination of milk and turmeric would be a simple antibacterial remedy (due to the antibacterial properties of turmeric) that would kill yeast and protect the vaginal area.  However, there is not enough evidence to support the safety of these claims; if you decide to take it, first check that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.


.   1 teaspoon turmeric powder (5g)

.   1 glass of milk


Heat the glass of milk, then add the teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Serve warm and repeat daily until the flow is relieved.

Taste once a day for a week.

  • Raspberry leaf: POST-ABORTION

Feuille de framboisier

After a spontaneous or induced abortion, the uterus remains in a vulnerable state that needs rest, nutrition and confinement.
Raspberry is a soft, fresh-leaved shrub known for its health benefits for women, including stimulating and tonic uteri. Its consumption prevents spasms and relaxes the uterus after the contractions suffered during an abortion, while repairing and cleaning the uterine walls.
As a hormonal regulator, it helps the uterus to regain its condition so that subsequent menstruations can take place normally. On the other hand, the leaves are rich in iron, which allows to recover this mineral lost during bleeding.
Boil water and extinguish the fire.
Add a tablespoon of dried leaves, let steep for 3 minutes and strain.
Consumption: three cups a day for two weeks. The dose can be repeated for three months.
Recommendation: Consume completely dry leaves to avoid poisoning. Filter well the infusion. Raspberry leaves are particularly prickly.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is known for its moisturizing benefits. In the same way that it activates its properties at the skin level, aloe vera acts gently in the vaginal ecosystem, keeping it hydrated.
It can be applied externally by spreading the pulp over areas of the vulva that itch, burn or are dry. It is also a natural lubricant that does not change our pH. Internally, it is used as an egg to cool, reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by vaginal infection.

.   Soak the stem in water for one minute to remove iodine and soil.
.   Cut the spines and peel the stem on both sides.
.   Remove the transparent pulp, roll it into an egg and carefully insert it into the vaginal canal.
Application: Use in the evening for three nights in a row, the heat of the body will absorb the pulp in the vaginal mucosa. For external use, there are no contraindications, it can be brushed in case of discomfort.
Recommendation: use fleshy stems and make sure there is no allergic reaction by testing the pulp on the skin beforehand. It can be used as a lubricant before using a menstrual cup.

  • Vaporisations 


Spraying is a home exercise that originates in Mayan practices. Its multiple functions range from the ritual of cleaning the uterus - since it releases toxins and endometrial debris - to the treatment of vaginal and urinary infections, as well as the healing of internal cracks or wounds. In addition, heat tones the uterus and balances the internal cold after delivery.
For its part, sage is considered one of the main allied plants of women. By its name (from the Latin salvus: save and salveo: heal), it has a ritual status of energetic and therapeutic cleanser. In vaporization, it helps to a harmonious toilet, gives a tonic effect and a good genital smell. It is also phytoestrogenic: it regulates hormonal disorders.

.   Boil water and turn off the heat. Add two handles of dried sage.
.   Let steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
.   Pour the infusion into the container to use (avoid plastic). Make sure the temperature is pleasant for the body.
Application: Sit at a height that allows steam to enter our vaginal canal, stay there for 15 to 20 minutes.
Cover us with a towel or blanket to avoid cooling.
Recommendation: Avoid exposure to drafts after steaming. Do not use vaginal baths during menstruation. Sage is only one option among the many medicinal plants that can be used for baths, the choice is free.

Advice to avoid uterine synechiae 

  • Use condoms that do not cause latex allergies  
  • Take anti-contraceptive pills if you don’t want to get pregnant. This allows you to avoid abortion because abortion is a major cause of uterine synechiae.
  • Avoid chemicals in menstrual products such as pads or scented towels.
  • Adopt good intimate hygiene
  • Consult a gynecologist at least once a year.

We have a very effective natural treatment to cure uterine synechiae permanently.

Order it and start the natural treatment for uterine synechiae early. Support is offered during the whole period of taking it. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. You can be sure that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free anywhere in the world

Troubles erection 1


By On 14/12/2020



The erection  means a physiological phenomenon where the male sexual organ expands and hardens by a blood flow in the vessels.

It is in nature that our ancestors most often found remedies for their ailments. Male sexuality like   soft erection is no exception. Believe in their vast experience and discover their natural recipes to boost libido and improve erection.

For this reason and in order to help you completely eradicate this problem of soft erection; Dawasanté experts after much research offer you a very effective solution based on medicinal plants to treat soft erection

 Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment

Natural treatment to cure male infertility ...


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


1: Natural recipes to boost libido in men


Adding ginseng to yogurt or milk may boost their health benefits - Yogurt  in Nutrition

 natural stimulant, ginseng  acts on the physical state. It immediately boosts the body and generates a good tone of it. Guaranteed doping effect. Dosage: 2 g / day for 3 weeks / 1 month.


A small cocktail

Red Eye Negroni - Imbibe Magazine

it seems that a little alcohol helps to overcome a low libido. As it disinhibits and slightly increases the testosterone level, it allows you to let go more easily, even to cause a peak of excitement. Dosage: drink a single small glass in case of slackness. Warning: beyond a certain threshold, alcohol has the opposite effect. It can cause inability to enjoy, erectile failures, sensory disorders (we are less sensitive), not to mention the non-memorable blackouts (we do not remember anything). Excellent for treating  the erection  soft 


2: Natural recipes against erectile dysfunction


A potion with nuts and nuts 

Almonds promote the elimination of bad cholesterol ...

Pound dry dates, pistachios, walnuts, almonds and flax seeds until you get a fine powder. Then mix with water. Dosage: consume daily, take regular cures. 


Eat bland 

Does eating "healthy" rhyme with flat and bland?  - Chatelaine

not too much salt in the dishes if you want to have some in your antics! Especially for the gentlemen.  High blood pressure causes sexual problems because high blood pressure will clog the arteries (atherosclerosis). The blood circulation is then reduced and correspondingly the erection  is more difficult. By limiting the consumption of salt, fats and sugars, you will avoid hypertension and therefore promote the proper functioning of your sexual organs! Dosage: as often as possible.

A cure of ginger

The benefits of ginger as a natural aphrodisiac

 Renowned for its vasodilator properties, ginger allows better blood flow to the penis or the vagina. So cure  the soft erection .

Put 50 g of ginger in a bottle of water and let it steep for at least 5 hours. Dosage  : 2 glasses / day for 2 weeks / 1 month. Enjoy the result.



Amarillo Hops: The Citrusy Variety That Was Accidentally Discovered

Known to calm anxieties, relax, and soothe,  hops  awaken libido. Indeed, once the stress is reduced, the desire can be expressed again! Dosage: yes, there is in beer, but grandmothers recommend instead to consume it in the form of herbal tea.


Dry dates and nuts 

Dried date (s) |  QOOQ

Another grandmother's remedy for erectile dysfunction is to mix and pound equal amounts of dry dates, pistachios, walnuts, almonds and flaxseeds until you get a fine powder. Mix this powder in a glass of water and drink it every day to get effective results against erectile dysfunction.


Foods rich in zinc

The 7 best foods high in zinc

The  zinc  is a good nutrient for erectile dysfunction! Indeed, it helps to  boost testosterone levels  and  achieve better  erections . Among the foods to eat, there are oysters, crab or even lobster. And if you are not fond of seafood, eat meat, it is also very rich in zinc! By consuming foods rich in zinc, your erections will be better as well as your sexual performance!


Garlic and Cayenne Pepper

Rituel pour éloigner les esprits obsesseurs avec l'ail et le piment -  WeMystic France

Admittedly, to taste, this mixture does not look appetizing, but for erectile dysfunction it is very effective! Some men who do not suffer from erectile dysfunction also use it for  better sexual potency . Another advantage of this mixture: its action is immediate; you will be ready very quickly!

But why is this combination effective? Cayenne pepper  promotes blood circulation  in the body and in the genital area. Garlic, on the other hand,  improves blood flow  and helps  dilate vessels . So, when these two foods are combined, they become a powerful and effective mixture for stronger erections.



Is maca an aphrodisiac and how to use it?  - The island of ...

Maca is a plant that helps to regain good sexual shape. Indeed, the latter is a  powerful aphrodisiac  which makes it possible to obtain stronger erections, but also to have more endurance during sexual intercourse. Maca is therefore an effective plant for men suffering from soft erections  and sexual failures!

But maca also helps you feel more relaxed and in a better mood. With this plant,  you will therefore feel good on all levels  !



Magnesium: Properties, Effects and Indications - Natura Force

If zinc is a good nutrient for stronger erections, so is magnesium! But how does magnesium act on erectile dysfunction? In fact, this nutrient helps limit symptoms of diabetes, anxiety, and depression. It also plays an important role in preventing heart disease and is beneficial for the blood vessels. Therefore, magnesium is preferred if you suffer from erectile problems.

To enjoy the benefits of this nutrient, the best way is to  spray yourself with magnesium  (its absorption is better through the pores of the skin).


Boric acid

How to use boric acid against pests?

Here is another effective grandmother's remedy to strengthen and fight against erectile dysfunction: boric acid (or boron). The latter helps to regulate steroid hormones and in particular sex hormones. It also increases libido and has  properties similar to those of Viagra . Boric acid therefore has  multiple benefits  !

With boron, your testosterone level will increase; an important point if you have erectile dysfunction, as a low level is one of the main causes of the appearance of weak erections. In addition to increasing your testosterone levels, boron  also promotes libido  and performance in bed. Boric acid has everything to please and thanks to it, your nights will be scorching!


Apple cider vinegar

Quels sont les bienfaits santé du vinaigre de cidre ? | Santé Magazine

It is a grandmother's remedy to bend that we do not think of immediately, and yet! Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction. In reality, apple cider vinegar does not work directly on erection problems, but  rather treats the disorders causing this dysfunction  : high cholesterol levels, diabetes, high blood pressure and infection of the prostate (prostatitis)).

According to some reports, apple cider vinegar also increases testosterone levels. Sometimes its effects are felt quite quickly; after drinking a dose, you may experience an increase in your sexual desire. But if you don't feel its effects right away, don't panic! Usually they really make themselves felt a few days later. 


Pomegranate and watermelon juice

Watermelon juice: 6 benefits proven by science & 2 recipes

If you like fruit juices, bet on pomegranate or watermelon juice if you have erectile problems. Indeed, the pomegranate participates in the improvement of blood flow and the increase in testosterone levels for a stronger erection.

Watermelon is  rich in citrulline , a lively acid that stimulates blood vessels and therefore helps treat erection problems.


The celery stalk

Celery branch: presentation, season, conservation

A powerful natural aphrodisiac, celery is a vegetable that improves blood circulation and boosts testosterone production. With  celery stalks , you will be able to have a good erection!



10 virtues of beet |  Kitchen ItemsAZ

Beetroot is another grandma's remedy for strength. It is  rich in nitrates  and is ideal for having more vigorous erections.



Is ginger really an aphrodisiac?

Natural aphrodisiac par excellence, ginger facilitates the flow of blood to the penis and is effective in the fight against  erection problems . Our grandmothers were already using it to remedy erectile dysfunction and if you too want to enjoy these benefits, grate 50 g of ginger and let it steep for at least 4 hours in a liter of water and in the refrigerator. Drink two glasses a day and from the fifteenth day, you will see the first effects on your libido!




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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Drugs and nutritional supplements that improve sperm count / quality

By On 27/10/2020

The treatments applied to couples who cannot have children date back to the earliest ages. Even in the most primitive societies, for the treatment of infertility, mixtures obtained from plants, surgeries, and even spells were applied, so that remedies were sought for couples who could not have d 'children.


Eat nuts

Even today, many couples who have infertility issues often resort to herbal supplements and try to conceive that way. Although it has been observed that men with infertility issues can have better quality sperm when taking certain nutritional supplements, the effect of this increased sperm count and quality on pregnancy does not has not yet been proven.

Discover our natural treatment against all male infertility

TERATOSPERMIE: natural plant-based treatment

The natural treatment that we offer to regain your fertility consists of herbal tea. The composition of the herbal tea will depend on the cause of your infertility ( oligospermia , azoospermia, asthenospermia,  teratospermia , necrospermia ). Our natural remedy  is the secret to curing all forms of male infertility. It is made with herbal remedies that have been shown to have effects in studies and hundreds of years of use to treat male infertility issues.

Discover our natural treatment against all male infertility

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



The results of epidemiological studies conducted in recent years show that one in four couples cannot conceive naturally. About half of these couples have a defect in the sperm count or quality of the men. Although a wide variety of herbal supplements and drugs have been produced to improve sperm count and quality in these men, it has not been clearly shown which of these can improve semen.


Researchers who recently participated in a large-scale study at the University of Aberdeen in the UK looked at data from 61 experimental studies that tested the effectiveness of a wide variety of drugs and supplements used to improve sperm quality and increase the rate of live births. Determining that live birth rates were only reported in four of these studies, the researchers pointed out that studies in this area were insufficient to form a definitive opinion. Despite these limited data, researchers, who have identified elements that increase the likelihood of having children normally by improving the number and quality of sperm in men, concluded that the

  • Coenzyme Q10

The 7 health benefits of CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10,  a dietary supplement that acts as an antioxidant in the body and is generally used to prevent various heart diseases, increases the number, motility and morphology of sperm. However, the researchers who conducted the study pointed out that the reliability of the available evidence was low.

  • L-carnitine

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The  L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps the body burn fat to produce energy and provides energy for sperm to move also. Many studies have shown that people using L-carnitine improved sperm count and motility, but no improvement in sperm morphology (shape).

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Fertility drugs are used to treat medical issues in infertility.

The  FSH is secreted by the pituitary gland and controls the production of eggs from women. Since the hormone FSH stimulates the testes and ensures the production of sperm, many nutritional supplements containing this hormone have been produced. Although preparations containing FSH have been determined to provide high pregnancy rates by improving sperm quality, it should be remembered that the level of evidence of the data obtained in studies reporting these results is low.

  • Tamoxifen

Breast cancer: tamoxifen unfairly neglected for ...

The drug called tamoxifen, which was first developed to block estrogen receptors that play a role in the spread of breast cancer and which is still widely used in the treatment of these patients, has positive effects on the number and the quality of the sperm. This drug, which increases the amount of FSH hormone produced by the pituitary gland and causes more sperm production in the testes, has not been shown to have a significant effect on naturally obtained pregnancy rates.

  • Pentoxifylline

Pentoxifylline ER 400mg Tablets

Pentoxifylline , which is generally used to improve blood flow in cardiovascular patients, increases sperm count and motility because it increases the flexibility of red blood cells. More research is needed in this region.

  • Kallikrein 

Pancreatic Kininogenase Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Kallikrein CAS  9001-01-8

The enzyme Kallikrein, which is also used to improve blood flow, has been reported to not lead to increased pregnancy rates, but to increase sperm count and motility.


Discover our natural treatment against all male infertility

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Miel pour la faiblesse sexuelle

NATURAL REMEDY: Honey to increase the potency of men

By On 14/10/2020

The benefits of honey for male potency

For a long time, honey has been used by healers to restore male strength and improve erectile function. The beneficial properties of bee products are known to everyone, but what are the benefits of honey for male potency?

The fact is that honey is rich in nutrients and useful substances, it contains unique biochemical components, and its medicinal properties are used to treat many diseases. Including those that cause erectile dysfunction.


premature ejaculation product

The natural treatment to cure  premature ejaculation permanently and without side effects  that we offer is composed of several herbal teas. Thanks to it, you train a powerful synergy, you can remain calm and in control throughout the intercourse, and you will be able to last naturally much longer in bed.
This root mix is ​​mainly aimed at those who want to have a strong and long lasting erection without using chemicals. This is the real "African Viagra". It is nature's secret to permanently curing premature ejaculation. It is much more potent than any of the drugs that most men use to improve their sexual performance. In addition to that, it offers you a great advantage: the roots are not dangerous and they are without side effects. The effect of these roots is final.


To discover our natural remedy to cure premature ejaculation click here !!!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

How does honey affect the potency of men?

Honey recipes for medicinal mixtures, if used regularly and correctly, will bring exactly the effect you expect. In addition, it will not depend at all on the reasons which led to impotence or decreased sexual activity.

The product contains around four hundred components, each of which has healing properties:

  • Fluorine and bromine specialize in normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system and metabolic processes;
  • Selenium and zinc have a direct effect on the health of the male genitourinary system;
  • B vitamins affect the degree of motility of sperm, improve erectile function, improve the qualitative composition of sperm, increase the duration of sexual contact, affect the general state of human health;
  • Potassium and magnesium contribute to the work of the vascular system, are involved in metabolism;
  • Vitamin D increases the production of the male sex hormone, participates in metabolic processes, is responsible for the correct maturation of sperm;
  • Vitamin C helps in the restoration and strengthening of protective functions, eliminates inflammatory processes; 
  • Vitamin A strengthens the immune system, increases potency, the reproductive health of a man depends on it;
  • Vitamin E exhibits antioxidant properties, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances, and increases libido.

Honey stimulates brain activity, improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and is an excellent antidepressant. With its participation, the restoration of damaged tissue is more effective, visual and hearing acuity increases, the mental and emotional state is improved, the person becomes more resilient and vigorous.

Which honey is the best

Choosing the right type of honey is important for men's health because not everyone will have the expected impact.

The properties of honey, its healing effect and effectiveness directly depend on its type. Dark varieties have been proven to be the most suitable for solving potency problems. Their taste is characterized by a pleasant slight bitterness.

In case of sexual disorders, doctors draw the attention of patients to:

  1. Buckwheat;
  2. Jasmin ;
  3. Ginseng ;
  4. Chestnut;
  5. Linden honey.


Honey, which is used to increase the potency, should be stored in a dark and rather cool place, but a refrigerator is not suitable for these purposes. In addition, the beekeeping product should be stored in a wooden or glass container with a tight fitting lid.

The greatest amount of nutrients is possessed by the fresh honey, recently harvested, which has not had time to start to be sweet.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat many diseases. Including, there are recipes based on honey that contribute to the early restoration of men's strength and health. Consider the most popular and easiest products to prepare

  • Honey and nut recipe for potency

Honey and nuts

Finely chop 100 grams of walnuts, add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 100 grams of chestnut honey. Mix the ingredients well. Take 1 tablespoon as a tea supplement 3 times a day. The manifestation of the effect of the recipe will occur after the first week in the form of increased vigor and activity, and after a month, sexual stamina will increase, libido will increase, orgasm will become brighter.

  • Another equally effective recipe:

Grind in a blender any proportion of the different types of nuts available. Mix the resulting powder with honey and take 1 scoop 2 times a day with clean water or hot tea.

  • Carrots and honey

By mixing freshly squeezed carrot juice with honey (take 3 tablespoons of honey for 1 glass of juice), we get another useful remedy for potency. It should be consumed every morning on an empty stomach 3 times a week.

  • Ginger and honey

Honey and ginger

Ginger root itself is considered a treasure house of male strength and sexual energy. It contains many minerals, useful elements and vitamins, rich in amino acids. In combination with the equally strong properties of aphrodisiac honey, a very effective remedy is obtained.

Even scientific studies have proven that due to the consumption of honey with powdered ginger root, the concentration of testosterone in the blood increases, which directly affects the male consistency. Thanks to this, the potency also improves.

A mixture of bee product and ginger powder should be taken three times a day, half a teaspoon. It works best when consumed 30 minutes before a meal. The effect of the healing mixture becomes noticeable 3 weeks after the start of the intake.

You can prepare another nutrient like this:

Important! Honey, whatever its grade and quality, loses its healing properties when strongly heated. In addition, it can become harmful to your health, as oxymethylfurfural, a substance suspected of contributing to the formation of cancerous tumors, is released. The temperature differences also affect the usefulness of honey.


Since honey can have a powerful effect on the human body, on the functioning of all organ systems, there are conditions under which the use of the product is strictly contraindicated:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to the components contained in the sweet treat;
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  3. Exacerbation of diseases of the pancreas.

Since honey is considered to be the strongest allergen, it is important to closely monitor the body's reaction when using it to increase male potency and improve libido.

In case of allergic reactions, you should immediately stop using honey and consult a doctor.

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The most common home remedies for STDs

By On 13/10/2020

Herbal remedies such as mastic, celandine, horsetail, and licorice can be used as a compress directly on the genital area for STDs such as gonorrhea, HPV, herpes, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia. Know which plant to use in case of infection and how to use it.

It is important to note that this should not be the only form of treatment for an STD, as in many cases it is necessary to take antibiotics and use genital ointments, according to medical guidelines. Check how the treatment and remedies indicated by the doctor can be carried out here. 


Home remedy for gonorrhea

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Aroeira sitz bath is indicated because it has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight this infection. 


  • 10 g mastic peels
  • 1.5 L of water

Preparation mode

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and boil, covered, for about 7-10 minutes. When making tea with ammonia, place it in a clean bowl and sit in this water, leaving the affected area in direct contact with the tea from the plant, for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day.


Plants and roots against gonorrhea

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We can count on  plants  to support us in the treatment of this disease. The plants contained in our treatment have been selected among the best to fight against bacteria. Indeed, in addition to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties, they also have “antibiotic” properties. It is a misnomer to use this term because they do not work like conventional antibiotics. They will create an unfavorable environment for the growth and survival of the bacteria. This will make it easier for the immune system of our body and for synthetic antibiotics to destroy the most resistant strains.

The advantage with this method is that it avoids prolonged use of antibiotics which can promote resistance in the bacteria. In addition, synthetic antibiotics can significantly affect our intestinal flora. Our natural remedy has several properties which can be helpful in eradicating the infection.


To discover the natural solution to treat gonorrhea, click here

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Home remedy for HPV


Applying a compress made with Celidonia and Tuia is a good natural strategy to fight HPV as they fight the virus, reducing the discomfort caused by the disease. 


  • 10 g of dried celandine
  • 10 g of dried tuia
  • 100 ml of alcohol
  • 1 dark glass with lid

Preparation mode

Add the herbs to the alcohol, shake well and store in a dry place, protected from light for 14 days. Stir daily and after 14 days filter to take advantage of the tincture. Dilute 2 drops of this tincture in 60 ml of lukewarm water and apply with a clean gauze directly to the affected area, leaving it to act for about 5 minutes. Rinse well afterwards.

Taking olive leaf tea also helps inhibit viral growth.

Home remedy for genital herpes

Washing the genital area with horsetail tea with musket rose helps regenerate the skin in cases of genital herpes because these plants have a healing action.


  • 4 tablespoons of horsetail
  • 1 tablespoon of neem
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 2 drops of muskete rose essential oil

Preparation mode

Add the water and mackerel to a saucepan and boil for a few minutes. Let warm, filter then add 2 drops of musketeer rose essence and wash the injured area with this tea.

Applying arnica compresses and diluting St. John's Wort tincture in warm water and applying it as a compress also helps heal wounds.


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To discover our natural remedy for the human papillomavirus, click here or on the following image

The  natural treatment  that we offer you is based on plants and herbs which have antiviral, immunostimulant, necrotic with burning properties and cytotoxic agents which prevent the growth and spread of warts.

Our  natural treatment  to destroy  condylomas  is made up of 2 elements: an ointment and a herbal tea. Anti warts ointment is a burning natural remedy, but very effective in removing warts. They contain plants that burn warts. It prevents the growth and spread of warts. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys the virus and fights infections. As for the herbal tea, it helps strengthen the action of the ointment. Our remedy which is 100% natural will allow you to avoid surgery, it is free of side effects and effectively treats warts in both women and men.


To discover our natural cure for the human papillomavirus, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Home remedy for trichomoniasis

Licorice stick

The sitz bath made with a mixture of herbs can help in the treatment of trichomoniasis as these herbs have antimicrobial action.


  • 1 tablespoon of bearberry
  • 1 tablespoon of licorice
  • 500 ml of water

Preparation mode

Boil the ingredients and let them cool. Filter and wash the penis, vagina and the entire affected area with this tea blend twice a day.


Home remedy for chlamydia

This mixture of herbs can be used in case of chlamydia because it has anti-inflammatory action and helps calm redness and skin irritation.


  • 2 tablespoons of marigold
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile
  • 1 spoon of witch hazel
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation mode

Boil all the ingredients, allow to heat and after having filtered, wet a compress in this tea and apply to the genitals, leaving it to act for about 5 minutes.

Natural treatment for chlamydia

Chlamydia tisane

If you are looking for a natural treatment to fight chlamydia, the experts at the Center de Phytothérapie have the solution for you.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure chlamydia mainly consists of plants and roots. Herbal tea is made up of plants whose active ingredients are capable of suppressing the symptoms that you feel, and of eradicating the virus itself. This is the solution to find a normal life.

Our natural remedy is 100% herbal and directly attacks the virus and has no side effects.


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

Utilisez ces remedes naturels efficaces contre la chlamydia e1532078776732


By On 13/10/2020

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria  Chlamydia trachomatis  .
It is a sexually transmitted disease that often affects the vagina and penis, but the anus and oral cavity are not excluded.
Chlamydia can also be passed  from mother to fetus  .
It is often asymptomatic or barely noticeable. The first symptoms appear one or two weeks after infection.
This is usually not serious, but in some cases it causes genital damage of considerable importance (inflammation, progression of infection and rise; sometimes even permanent infertility).
With trichomoniasis and  gonorrhea , it is one of the most common venereal diseases in the world. It mainly affects sexually active people who are around 20 years old.

The published material is intended to provide quick access to general advice, suggestions and remedies that physicians and textbooks usually provide for the treatment of chlamydia; these indications should in no way replace the advice of the attending physician or other health specialists in the sector who are treating the patient.

Natural treatment for chlamydia

Chlamydia tisane

If you are looking for a natural treatment to fight chlamydia, the experts at the Center de Phytothérapie have the solution for you.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure chlamydia is essentially made up of plants and roots. Herbal tea is made up of plants whose active ingredients are capable of suppressing the symptoms that you feel, and of eradicating the virus itself. This is the solution to find a normal life.

Our natural remedy is 100% herbal and directly attacks the virus and has no side effects.



To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



What to do

  • Prevent chlamydia infection (see prevention below).

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.

  • Regarding the reproductive system, chlamydia can manifest itself as:
    • Abnormal discharge of mucus - severe or blood (even after your period), from the vagina or penis
    • Intimate itching
    • Pain when urinating
    • Testicular discomfort.
    • Sometimes small reddish spots appear on the mucous membranes, which can turn into ulcers, lymphogranulomas, and fistulations.
  • Regarding the anus and rectum, chlamydia can manifest as:
    • Anorectal pain.
    • Anal spasms.
    • Urgent need to defecate.
    • Bleeding.

The diagnostic process is not very complex and is limited to:

  • Collection of a cervical, urethral, ​​vaginal or urinary sample / swab for laboratory analysis to confirm the identification of the pathogen in question.

What you should not do

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  • Engage in unprotected sex with casual partners.
  • Having unprotected oral sex with casual partners.
  • Practice cunnilingus and anilingus (because they cannot be protected) with occasional partners.
  • Ignore any symptoms that could signal a chlamydia infection.
  • Consume sexual intercourse (including cunnilingus and anilingus) in the presence of symptoms that might characterize a chlamydia infection.
  • Delay the medical check-up.
  • Do not perform a specific survey with swab analysis; the risk is to confuse the infection with other similar ones (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  • Not properly monitoring pharmacotherapy and not carrying out checks at the end of the course; the risk is that of incomplete recovery and relapse.

What to eat

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There is no diet that can cure or prevent chlamydia.
On the other hand, certain nutrients are needed to support the immune system; some also exert an antioxidant effect and help prevent free radical stress by improving general condition.

  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid: it is mainly contained in acidic fruits and raw vegetables. In particular: peppers, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, parsley, kiwi, lettuce, apple, chicory, cabbage, broccoli etc.
  • Vitamin D or calciferol : it is mainly contained in: fish, fish oil and egg yolk.
  • Zinc: it is mainly contained in: liver, meat, milk and its derivatives, certain bivalve molluscs (in particular oysters).
  • Selenium: it is mainly contained in: meat, fish products, egg yolks, milk and its derivatives, fortified foods (potatoes, etc.).
  • Magnesium: it is mainly contained in: oil seeds, cocoa, bran, vegetables and fruits.
  • Iron: it is mainly contained in: meat, fish products and egg yolks.
  • Polyphenolic antioxidants (simple phenols, flavonoids and tannins): they are mainly contained in: fresh fruits and vegetables, but also red wine, seeds, aromatic herbs, tea, roots, cocoa, medicinal herbs, etc. .
  • Amino acids lysine and glycine: they are mainly contained in: meat, fishery products, cheeses and legumes (especially soy).
  • Probiotics: they are mainly contained in fermented foods such as yogurt, tofu, tempeh, buttermilk etc.
  • Omega 3: they are mainly contained in: blue fish, certain oil seeds and related oils, algae.

What not to eat

There are no products less recommended than others for the prevention and treatment of chlamydia. However, it is recommended to avoid:

  • Single problem diets.
  • Vegan diet.
  • Carnivorous diet.
  • Diet without vegetables or green vegetables.
  • Diet based exclusively on cooked and / or preserved foods.

NB. These recommendations aim to ensure the supply of nutrients useful for maintaining the immune system.

Cures and natural remedies

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There are no helpful natural remedies for chlamydia.
The only safe and effective treatment is pharmacological.
However, antibiotics damage the intestinal flora; in this case, it can be very useful to take specific food supplements to keep it alive and active.

  • Probiotic supplements: bifidobacteria, lactobacteria and eubacteria are based. They are used orally on an empty stomach and for at least two weeks.
  • Prebiotic Supplements: These consist mainly of oligosaccharides, unavailable carbohydrates, and fiber. They must nourish the intestinal bacterial flora and promote the development of this symbiota.

It may be helpful to use herbal remedies based on immunostimulating herbal; the most common forms of consumption are extract, decoction and essential oils. Not being responsible for harmful drug interactions, they can also be taken simultaneously with antibiotics:

  • Androgafis .
  • Astragale.
  • Echinacea.
  • Eleutherococcus .
  • Le gui.
  • Uncaria .
  • Cordyceps .
  • Garlic.
  • Aloe gel.
  • Turmeric.

Pharmacological treatment

Antibiotic therapy; your doctor may decide to use one or more of the following medicines:

  • Macrolides :
    • Azithromycin: for example Azithromycin, Zitrobiotic, Rezan and Azitrocin. A single dose may be sufficient.
    • Erythromycin: for example Erythrocin, Erythro L and Lauromycin.
  • Penicillins:
    • Amoxicillin: for example Amoxicillin, Amoxil and Trimox, Zimox and Augmentin.
  • Tetracyclines:
    • Doxycycline: for example Doxycicl, Periostat, Miraclin and Bassado. The treatment lasts at least 7 to 10 days.
    • Tetracycline, for example Tetrac C, Pensulvit and Ambramycin.
  • Quinolones :
    • Ofloxacin, for example Exocin and Oflocin.
    • Levofloxacin eg levofloxacin, Tavanic, Aranda and Fovex.
  • Sulfonamides :
    • Sulphysoxazole.

NB. It is important that treatment is extended to all sexual partners to prevent the spread of the disorder. For more information read: Chlamydia Drugs


  • Annual screening, especially for women.
  • With new or non-casual sex partners, only engage in condom-protected sex.
  • With new or non-casual partners, avoid unprotected oral sex
  • With new or non-occasional partners, always avoid cunnilingus as well as anilingus (because they cannot be of the protected type).

Medical treatments

Apart from pharmacological treatments, there is no other medical treatment for chlamydia.


ALSO DISCOVER ...  9 Effective Home Remedies For Chlamydia In Men And Women


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Chlamydia throat


By On 12/10/2020

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause irreversible tissue damage, including damage to female reproductive organs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that chlamydia caused more than 1.2 million sexually transmitted infections in 2008, making it the most commonly reported bacterial infection in Americans. Certain herbal remedies can help support treatments in the treatment of chlamydia. However, you should always discuss herbs and their risks and benefits with your doctor before using them.

Natural treatment for chlamydia

Chlamydia tisane

If you are looking for a natural treatment to fight chlamydia, the experts at the Center de Phytothérapie have the solution for you.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure chlamydia is essentially made up of plants and roots. Herbal tea is made up of plants whose active ingredients are capable of suppressing the symptoms that you feel, and of eradicating the virus itself. This is the solution to find a normal life.

Our natural remedy is 100% herbal and directly attacks the virus and has no side effects.

READ ALSO ...   9 Effective Home Remedies For Chlamydia In Men And Women


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



Chlamydia, which is usually a sexually transmitted disease, is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that chlamydia infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in Americans. You have a higher risk of developing this condition if you have more than one partner. Common signs and symptoms associated with chlamydia are sensation of the rectum when urinating, pain or discharge from the rectum, and discharge from the penis or vagina.

Echinacea-based treatments

Echinacee 3

Herbal remedies can help adjunct therapies in the treatment of chlamidine, but several herbs have undergone rigorous scientific testing to determine their effectiveness for this condition. In her book "Recipe for Nutritive Enhancement," nutrition researcher and certified nutrition consultant Phyllis A. Balch noted that the following herbs may help cure chlamydia: astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pau d'arco and red clover. It should not be used in the presence of astragalus fever, and echinacea and goldenseal should not be used for a long time.

Echinacea Echinacea belongs to the daisy family and is also known as Echinacea or the purple coneflower flower, which is a flowering plant that spreads all over the world and is believed to be native to North America. North, and Native Americans have used it for many centuries, and this plant contains nine species, but only three are used in home remedies:

As following :

  • Purple echinacea.
  • Pale echinacea.
  • Echinacea is thin-leaved.

The roots and upper parts of the plant are used in making tea, tablets and dyes, and it contains many active compounds, namely:

  • Caffeic acid.
  • Alkamides.
  • Phenolic acids.
  • Rosmarinic acid.
  • Polyacétylène.

Recent studies have indicated the association of Echinacea and its compounds in the treatment of blood sugar levels, reduction of inflammation and increase of immunity, and Echinacea has not been proven definitely cures chlamydia, but it may work to relieve symptoms, so an antibiotic should be taken at the same time as using echinacea it should be mentioned that if the doctor has a question or is concerned by the use of the Echinacea plant and the duration of the use of the appropriate dose as there is no definitive study on the long term effects, it should be noted here that some cases may suffer from effects secondary during theuse of the Echinacea plant and the following effects:

  • Itchy skin.
  • Itching.
  • Chills Swelling.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Shortness of breath.

Precautions for using herbs to treat chlamydia

Alternative medicine treatments have played an important role and interest in this area has increased over the previous period. Despite the many benefits of using herbs for chlamydia, there are some caveats to consider when using home treatment, including the following:

The echinacea plant can cause unexpected reactions in some people, especially those with allergies to flowers or those with asthma or immune diseases, where they should consult a doctor and specialists or it is not advisable to use it.


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Chalmydia homme cover

9 effective home remedies for chlamydia in men and women

By On 12/10/2020

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection known as chlamydia or chlamydia. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can occur in both men and women. This disease is spread by certain bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.

Researchers say that chlamidine cannot be cured but can be reduced by the effect of antibiotics, but even antibiotics prove to be harmful in the long run.

Although chlamydia can affect both men and women, men affected by chlamydia will pass white fluid when they urinate, although women do not have such severe symptoms.

However, women with chlamydia have extremely painful periods, fever, abdominal pain, vaginal discharge with an odor, pain when urinating, and such a finding should see a doctor soon. As the bacteria start to multiply and the infection spreads to other parts of the body, treatment for chlamydia is extremely necessary.

In severe cases, patients diagnosed with chlamydia are admitted to the hospital for proper care and treatment. This disease is also very painful. Since this disease is sexually transmitted to prevent bacterial infection, neither partner should have sex until both are problem free.

For quick recovery, the patient should use these home remedies along with the medications recommended by the doctor. If you have found that you are working positively for chlamydia, these home remedies for chlamydia will give you convincing treatment and fast recovery.

Natural treatment for chlamydia

Chlamydia tisane

If you are looking for a natural treatment to fight chlamydia, the experts at the Center de Phytothérapie have the solution for you.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure chlamydia is essentially made up of plants and roots. Herbal tea is made up of plants whose active ingredients are capable of suppressing the symptoms that you feel, and of eradicating the virus itself. This is the solution to find a normal life.

Our natural remedy is 100% herbal and directly attacks the virus and has no side effects.


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Below are nine top home remedies recommended for patients to treat chlamydia.

Applicable herbal remedies for chlamydia


Garlic the 5 virtues of this health pod 1

Garlic is the best way to treat chlamydia because it contains antibiotic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It is an effective home remedy for treating chlamydia in both men and women. All you have to do is eat two raw garlic cloves each morning or with a salad. 

To treat chlamydia, garlic should always be used in its raw form, it always loses its nutrients when cooked. For this, you can naturally have garlic juice without using honey or sugar.


Unnamed 19

Usnea are not ordinary herbs, but they are definitely very effective in treating chlamydia. Usnee is popularly known as the Old Man's Beard. Usnee is a blend of green growth and green vegetables that make disinfectant operators that can be used as part of the effective treatment of chlamydia. This herb not only acts against the microorganisms responsible for the contamination, but also eliminates the risk of viral and parasitic diseases. This plant also helps fight HIV viruses.


Echinacee shutterstock 319469864

Echinacea is one of the most effective remedies for chlamydia. Echinacea will alleviate the symptoms of chlamydia and help get rid of any type of infection in your body. This herb is widely used to treat chlamydia in both men and women.

Echinacea rich in antioxidants helps eliminate infectious bacteria. The patient's body. This herb can be consumed twice a day as unsweetened tea. This will indeed give the positive result that it is believed that Echinacea can cure chlamydia in 7-10 days.



For centuries, this persistent herb has been used to treat chlamydia. Being antiviral and antibacterial, the superb properties of this herb help reduce infections in the body. These herbs have been used since ancient times to treat various sexually transmitted diseases and problems with the genitals.

Sage is one of the standard solutions to this problem which gives guaranteed results. For this process, the leaves must first be crushed into a fine powder, then boil them in water and leave to cool. Depending on the severity of the case, you can drink this tea two or three times a day.



Goldenseal is a medicinal plant often used for the treatment of bacterial and infectious contamination of the skin and body. The main element present in these plants is berberine, which is the best source of enzymes in the treatment of fungal infections. Researchers have shown that goldenseal is the main source of enzymes, it strengthens the immune system by increasing white blood cells which weaken the symptoms of chlamydia.

This herbal shower first prepares the powder of this capsule by mixing it with three pinches of salt in a glass of water, wait 5-6 minutes, then mix well. You can clean yourself with this shower twice or twice a day, it will reduce bacterial infections and itching. Try this for ten days and see beneficial results.

Olive tree extract 

Benefits of olive leaf extract 770x513

The main ingredient in olive tree extract is oleuropein, which strengthens the immune system and prevents the spread of bacterial infection by killing infectious bacteria. Olive tree extract can be used in various forms such as powder, leaf or extract. The powder can be applied locally to the affected area of ​​the skin and left on for a few minutes, then rinse off with water. You can do this 3-4 times a day for a week.



Yogurt is another home integrator that helps fight chlamydia due to its antibiotic properties and therefore also known as antibiotic food. The yogurt contained microorganisms that help reduce bacterial infections in the body by fighting infectious agents in the body.

It has the same properties as yogurt and it is easily available at the nearby supermarket, you should always eat unsweetened yogurt. Researchers have shown that low fat yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that have the power to fight bad bacteria. Yogurt or curd should be consumed twice a day for ten days.


Turmeric and snoring turmeric and snoring

Turmeric is considered an antibiotic because that is the only reason we applied the old turmeric paste on the cuts, and it is believed that turmeric will be an active healing agent. For this reason, turmeric is used in the cure of many infectious diseases due to its antibacterial properties. It is also considered a natural antiseptic which can treat any cuts on your body.

Chlamydia can be treated with the consumption of turmeric because its antibacterial property strengthens the immune system and in turn heals the body by fighting off infectious bacteria. The patient can increase the intake of turmeric by adding it to the diet and turmeric milk twice a day to get rid of this infection.

Saw Palmetto

Chamaerops humilis 092027

This herb is widely used to treat urinary tract infections due to its antibacterial properties. Chlamydia saw palmetto is used for both men and women because it accelerates the growth of antibacterial organisms and reduces infection. The pure nature of this herb will be effective in healing the genitals and treating chlamydia.

If the symptoms are very high and the patient is in pain, the person should go directly to the doctor or health care provider. You can try these doctor-recommended home remedies in combination with antibiotics to speed up the treatment of chlamydia.


To find out about our treatment for chlamydia, CLICK HERE


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

11651 65f3 1040x0 sc1x9 stek ze szparagami 1


By On 22/09/2020

What is andropause?

The Andropause refers to the appearance of signs and symptoms associated with a slow but steady decline of hormones such as testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in middle-aged men. A decrease in testosterone occurs naturally in men as they age, but during andæropause, which is technically more correctly referred to as "hypogonadism", levels of these hormones drop below normal. normal range for a given age.


The first signs of andropause

Symptoms of andropause in men occur in various spheres of life, both in mental and physical condition. The most characteristic changes that have occurred at this time include:

  •          Decreased immunity, excessive sweating and palpitations,
  •          A decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat, especially on the abdomen,
  •          Weak bones, back pain and even the onset of osteoporosis,
  •          Memory and concentration problems,
  •          Sleep problems, lack of appetite,
  •          Frequent irritability, emotional tremors, anxiety and unreasonable anxiety,
  •          Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction


Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. The natural remedy for DAWABIO is a mixture based African plant that acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


The causes of "male menopause"

The direct cause of andropause is the reduction in the secretion of male hormones, that is, androgens - primarily a decrease in testosterone levels. Genetic factors, as well as the socio-economic situation of a given man can affect the intensity of this phenomenon.

Lifestyle also plays an important role: playing sports or a complete lack of physical activity, a healthy diet or the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants. Chronic illnesses and the long-term use of certain drugs are also of considerable importance in the development and severity of andropause.


Foods to increase testosterone

Certain foods help increase testosterone which, when combined with a healthy lifestyle, can improve our overall well-being. Below is a list of these beneficial foods for increasing testosterone.


1. Asparagus

No spring menus without a green asparagus recipe!

Asparagus is a very nutritious and healthy food, in addition to being considered an aphrodisiac food. They contribute to the correct production of testosterone thanks to folic acid, vitamin E and potassium. In addition, they promote the release of histamine, which participates in the ability to reach orgasm in both men and women.


2. Garlic

8 virtues and benefits of garlic - FemininBio

Garlic acts like a natural viagra. According to a survey by the Albany College of Pharmacy (USA), subjects in this study who ate garlic improved their blood pressure and their production of nitric oxide (NO). It appears that the combination of garlic and vitamin C triples NO levels. Additionally, garlic contains allicin, a compound that lowers the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and improves the availability of testosterone in the body.


3. Nuts

30 health benefits and virtues of nuts - Sé

Nuts have a reputation for gaining weight because they are a high fat, high calorie food. However, they are very healthy and the fats they contain are of the healthy type. Nuts, likewise, are rich in vitamin E, which promotes increased testosterone. 

This dried fruit contains the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline, which increase nitric oxide levels and, therefore, blood pressure. Again, a key food for improving sexual performance.


4. Onion

Fresh bulbs of onion on a white background |  Radio1 Tahiti

Another food that helps increase testosterone is onion. According to some studies, if consumed frequently, it can increase its production by up to 300%. Onion also improves sexual performance due to the fact that it contains keratin, which increases the body's production of nitric oxide.


5. Olive oil

What are the benefits of olive oil?  - Health News

Olive oil is essential in the Mediterranean diet and, as some studies claim, it can also be used to increase testosterone. Research in which participants consumed liquid gold from Mediterranean cuisine every day for three weeks showed how participants improved their testosterone levels between 17% and 19%.


6 eggs

Egg - Definition and recipes of "Egg" - Supertoinette

Eggs are a complete source of amino acids and protein. Although they can get a bad rap because consuming too much can promote the rise in bad cholesterol, the truth is, it's a very healthy food. Additionally, eggs increase testosterone production through protein, omega fatty acids, and vitamin D.


7. Coconut oil

Copra oil or coconut oil: the difference

Although there is a demonization of saturated fat due to the media, consuming these fatty acids properly can be good for the heart. This is what many studies suggest, claiming that coconut oil, which is high in saturated fat, actually protects against cardiovascular disease. It also helps to balance cholesterol (more HDL, less LDL) and lipids in the blood. Saturated fat is also beneficial for an increase in testosterone.


8. Coffee

For a perfect coffee

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and increases the levels of cAMP, a nucleotide which functions as a second messenger in various biological processes and which plays a favorable role in increasing the production of testosterone. Although drinking coffee can increase levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone that lowers testosterone levels, thanks to cAMP, testosterone production increases.


9. Raisins

Raisins: all the benefits - Babies and Moms

Raisins are anti-inflammatory and contain a high amount of antioxidants, such as resveratrol, which has been linked to increased testosterone and decreased estrogen levels. In addition, 100 grams of raisins contain 3 mg of boron, which, as we have seen, is a mineral that promotes the increase in testosterone.


10. Lawyer

The 10 virtues of avocado for health

Avocado is a very nutritious food but very different from other fruits, since 77% of its caloric content comes from its fat. Avocado fats are healthy and correlate with increased testosterone production. 

Avocados also contain a high amount of vitamin E, which is one of the most important fat soluble vitamins for testosterone production.


11. Oysters


Oysters are considered the quintessential aphrodisiac food. They are high in zinc, which increases the production of testosterone and sperm. Zinc, moreover, offers multiple health benefits and is necessary for having a good immune system and is also known to inhibit aromatase. The latter enzyme helps to improve the production of testosterone.


12. Mushrooms

News from 10 p.m. - Haute-Saône: 400 kg of picked mushrooms ...

Mushrooms are not only ideal as ingredients for pizza, but they are very healthy foods. They are packed with polysaccharides and, as has been shown in a multitude of studies, they have been shown to exert anti-estrogenic effects, as they appear to naturally block the aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen, just like oysters. . 


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



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Menopause and andropause - similarities and differences.

By On 22/09/2020

Women go through menopause (menopause) and men go through andropause (testosterone deficiency syndrome). However, menopause problems are less common, although their symptoms are similar to menopause.

In the treatment of andropause , as with menopause, health care is helpful, but not in the sense of swallowing tablets, but through an active and healthy lifestyle.


1. Menopause in women


Menopause means the end of menstruation, and recent bleeding means the end of the reproductive period in a woman's life.


When menopause begins

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the period of perimenopause as covering 2 to 8 years before the last menstrual period and the year after it ends. The perimenopause period begins when endocrine, biological, and clinical changes occur associated with menopause. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 48 and 55, although it does occur a few years earlier or later.

Increasingly, women are treating menopause as a natural order of things, and stopping menstruation as relieving the need for contraception. This increases their confidence in their own body and in themselves, which has a positive effect on sexual activity.

It is estimated to generally begin between the ages of 45 and 49 and last around 10 years, with menopause, the "peak" of menopause, averaging 49 years. The time to onset of the first symptoms of menopause depends mainly on genetic conditions. Unhygienic lifestyle, eg stress, unhealthy diet, also determines the acceleration of menopause.


Symptoms of menopause

The disadvantages of menopause can be divided into two groups:

  • Psychological nature (bad mood, emotional swings, depressive states, poor concentration)
  • Physical nature (hot flashes, night sweating, increased bad cholesterol levels, osteoporosis).

Some of these symptoms appear very early in menopause. The first signs of menopause include hot flashes. Varies (felt as sudden waves of heat flowing from head to torso). They last from a few minutes to half an hour and can even occur several dozen times a day.

The onset of menopause is also accompanied by night sweats that disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability during the day. In addition, during this period, a woman has to struggle with memory impairment, depression, insomnia and deterioration in concentration.

In turn, the inconvenience that occurs during the climacteric peak period is due to hormonal imbalance. Menopausal cardiovascular and skeletal symptoms are then the most common. As soon as hormone levels are disrupted, women are more likely than men to suffer from coronary artery disease, heart attack or stroke. The rapid reduction of calcium in bone tissue during menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis. The bones then become less durable and are more prone to fracture.


Menopause - genital lesions

In women, lesions and physiological processes associated with aging can cause problems with sexual functioning and affect the decision to continue to have sex. Changes in the female genitals that can make it difficult to maintain intercourse, and sometimes even prevent it, mainly consist of:

  • Narrowing of the entrance to the vagina,
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule,
  • Shorten the vagina
  • Dyspareunia (painful intercourse),
  • Anorgasmia.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Menopause detection test

Menopause is a period in a woman's life when ovarian function expires. In the female body there is a decrease in the levels of progesterone and estrogen and an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormones (LH) and follicle stimulating hormones (FSH). The mechanism of action of the menopause test uses the fact of increased FSH levels in the urine.

The test result is read visually, observing the appearance of lines in the C control field and T test. A positive test result indicates a high level of FSH hormone and approaching menopause. The diagnostic sensitivity of the menopausal test is 99.9%.


Menopause - hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves the use of natural or synthetic female sex hormones during menopause - usually estrogen or a combination of estrogen and gestagens (progesterone) to balance their levels in the body. Taking them can trigger what is called an apparent cycle with vaginal bleeding. Hormones are administered orally in tablet form or parenterally. HRT is very effective in the treatment of climacteric syndrome conditions, in addition, it reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

The duration of HRT is related to the purpose of treatment - to counter persistent symptoms of menopause, it is used for several months, while for preventive purposes, mainly against osteoporosis or heart disease - treatment lasts several years.

Taking hormones has some side effects - it can cause headaches, increased blood pressure, blood clotting disorders, bleeding or fluid retention, leading to breast swelling or pain. The gynecologist decides on the possible use of HTS.


Natural ways for menopause

What to do in case of clear contraindications to HTS? Nature is responsible for menopause, nature also helps women by offering phytoestrogens, compounds of plant origin, similar in structure and activity to natural female estrogens. Soybean and red clover extracts are a rich source of phytoestrogens. In countries with high soy consumption, women have much less problem with menopause symptoms.

The source of phytohormones can also be: water lily, banana or wild tiger. The maki extract thanks to its energizing properties, will increase vitality, add energy and relieve emotional oscillations. In turn, flax seed extract helps reduce hot flashes and helps maintain healthy blood cholesterol (HDL) levels. Flax seed extract also positively affects the condition and appearance of the skin.


Phytohormones for beauty

Phytohormones have become an effective weapon in the fight against time. Stimulates many skin cells, including keranocytes. Already after 4 weeks of using these cosmetics, the structure and appearance of the skin changes. Epidermal cells regenerate faster, the cohesion of the stratum corneum is improved, which allows better hydration. The melanocytes regain a uniform production and distribution of melanin, resulting in beautiful skin color and no unsightly discoloration. More fibroblasts , that is, transformed lymphocytes, responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, appear in the dermis. The skin regains its elasticity.


2. Male menopause


After 50 years, androgen levels drop considerably in men. The very name of andropause is denied by endocrinologists. Men often maintain fertility and hormonal activity in the gonads or testes.


Drop of testosterone

Male menopause is a syndrome of testosterone deficiency in men. It is a clinical and biochemical syndrome associated with aging.

The Polish Menopause and Andropause Society defines andropause as: "the period of a man's life after the onset of androgen deficiencies progressing with age: testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, as well as the hormone growth and melatonin "(Lew-Starowicz, 1999). A decrease in testosterone leads to a deterioration in physical and mental processes and a decrease in sexual activity.


Symptoms of andropause

Testosterone deficiency syndrome in men is characterized by a decrease in serum testosterone and is manifested by: a decrease in libido and potency,

  • Constant fatigue
  • Deterioration of well-being
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Nervousness,
  • Hot flashes.

The symptoms are similar to menopause. Other symptoms of testosterone deficiency include:

  • Decreased sexual activity
  • Weight loss and muscle strength
  • Thinning of pubic hair,
  • Abdominal obesity
  • The osteoporosis ,
  • Breast discomfort
  • Reduce energy and motivation,
  • Low confidence
  • Depressed mood,
  • Decreased physical and mental fitness,
  • Worse memory and concentration.


How is andropause diagnosed?

Sometimes basic research is enough to make a preliminary diagnosis of a man's discomfort. It will certainly be a morphology, a blood sugar test, a thyroid test, a lipid level and a PSA. The general practitioner, if indicated, will refer the patient to other specialists.

A mandatory examination is also an examination of the prostate, which is performed by a urologist. For a man at this age, he must become what a gynecologist is for a woman. So a doctor who is visited regularly, at least once a year or once every six months. He should see a sex therapist for any sexual problems.

To diagnose andropause, a doctor can use something called a Morley Questionnaire. It contains not only issues related to physical health, but also to other areas of life in which andropause can manifest itself (eg, intimate and professional). Testosterone level testing is very important in diagnosing andropause.


Hormone therapy for andropause

One of the benefits of treating testosterone deficiency syndrome is definitely increased potency. There is an increase in libido after 3, 6 or 12 months of treatment. The metabolic effects improve after one year of treatment. A better quality of life is felt after only 2 to 4 weeks. Most of the side effects go away or get considerably less.

First you need to recognize testosterone deficiency, that is, maintenance, determine the level of this hormone. It is useful to calculate the index of testosterone metabolism, perform urological examination, make morphology, determine the PSA antigen, lipid levels and blood sugar. The function of the prostate should also be evaluated and a biopsy should be done in some cases.

Drug therapy - like HRT in postmenopausal women - carries a significant risk of side effects such as breast tenderness, increased erythrocytes, severity of acne and seborrhea, lipid changes and even increased likelihood of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.



The absolute contraindications to the treatment of testosterone deficiency syndrome are:

  • Prostate cancer, breast cancer
  • Lower urinary tract disorders,

The relative contraindications are:


Herbs for andropause

Aromatic plants, detox foods that help digestion ...

Often, men during this period become particularly irritable. It is worth reaching for capsule preparations containing adaptogens:

  • Sabal Palm,
  • Dandelion,
  • Chinese tragic,
  • Mountain rosary,
  • Maca root extract,
  • Ashwagandha,
  • Oats
  • Ground mass,
  • Turmeric.

Preparations containing ginseng and mace will help with erection problems.

Apigenin - a compound from the flavonoid group - will help in andropause. In parsley, thyme, grapefruit and red pepper, supports prostate and hormone management in men. Strengthens nerve connections in the brain, which affects memory.

The herbs and spices that increase the level of the male hormone are:

  • Fenugreek,
  • Thyme
  • Black cumin,
  • Paprika.

They will not only increase testosterone levels but also aid digestion, improving liver function and regulating the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Andropause diet

Menopause and andropause: should you change your diet?  |  The ...

According to researchers from the Mayo Clinic, eating a healthy diet can dramatically improve the vitality of men entering andropause. Recommended:

  • Vegetables,
  • Fruits,
  • Whole grains;
  • Lean animal and vegetable proteins;
  • Healthy (unsaturated) fats - studies have shown that men whose diets are high in unsaturated fatty acids have higher testosterone levels;
  • Dairy products.

Testosterone levels are lowered by a diet high in animal fat. So limit their food.

The erection is supported by vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in black currants, rose fruit juice, cabbage leaves and parsley. Plus, testosterone levels will help preserve pumpkin seeds, nuts, or almonds (just eat a handful a day).

A man's daily requirement for zinc is 15 mg. Zinc affects libido. In addition to zinc, protein and unsaturated fatty acids, the body of a mature man also needs a larger dose of ingredients such as vitamin E and group B, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10 , magnesium and selenium.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



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By On 22/09/2020



The male menopause is a fact that most men are inevitable and can be described as male menopause.

The main cause of this process is the difficulty or decrease in the production of male hormones.

In the process of andropause, most men experience emotional and physical changes. Andropause is not a sudden change, but a slow development process, and one thing to know is that this process can be different for everyone. Not only biologically, but also some physical factors can alter the speed of this process.

Research shows that it is possible to relieve and delay symptoms of andropause with healthy diet and sports. Lack of androgenic hormones can lead to changes in body structure. Especially around the abdomen and waist, about 10-15 kg can be lubricated. Obesity, thyroid, insulin hormone imbalance, alcohol, stress, chronic diseases can lead to low blood testosterone levels. A high quality of life, a healthy and balanced diet, sport, alcohol, smoking and a stress-free life will protect you from andropause and its effects. So what are the essential foods for nutrition during andropause? Let's take a look together.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product , you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



New Year's Eve: how to choose the right oysters - archyde

It increases libido and strengthens immunity. Contains intense zinc increases testosterone levels. The aphrodisiac effect is very high. The vitamin B12 it contains also improves the quality of sperm. The amino acid called tyrosine, in its content, helps the thyroid gland to function better. Thus, it prevents lubrication due to andropause.



Ginger: a miracle food!

Ginger, which has antioxidant properties and cleanses the blood, lowers cholesterol. Ginger, which also maintains strong memory, plays an important role in increasing sexual potency. It will be very beneficial for men before and during andropause to start the day with 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger honey.



Pure sliced ​​rye bread is a product delivered to your home

Studies indicate that this bread increases the absorption of zinc, a very important mineral for the production of testosterone. The phytic acid you get from eating three slices of rye bread provides you with more zinc than you will get from wheat.



The treatments of lettuce, the most common diseases and ...

You can meet 82% of your daily vitamin A requirement by eating just a few leaves of lettuce, which is a high source of vitamin A. Studies show that vitamin A deficiency makes the testicles work less.



Recall of Colomba potatoes sold at Lidl

The antioxidants in potatoes minimize the damage caused by mercury-like heavy metals in our body by suppressing norepinephrine receptors which increase libido. It is recommended to bake and consume in the oven as a serving recommendation.



Stop alcohol vector illustration © Francois Poirier ...

Alcohol should be avoided. Although it negatively affects the absorption of some vitamins and minerals, it destroys bone-forming cells and impairs the absorption of calcium. Plus, the appetizers he and he eat set the stage for obesity.


No smoking.

Steve Huyghe quit smoking three years ago: he did ...

As it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and many health problems, it reduces the conversion of vitamin D to its active form. It also increases the body's need for vitamin C.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



Herbs for andropause1


By On 22/09/2020


Menopause is a problem not only for women, but also for men. Andropause causes men to feel a decrease in potency, they have prostate problems. There are natural ways for everything. Check which herbs will ease the symptoms of andropause.

Male menopause,  or  andropause , is associated with progressive hormone failure and the testes is often associated with serious health problems. It manifests as erection and urination difficulties, alopecia, weight gain, atherosclerosis, memory problems and other lifestyles.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



5 Amazingly Unknown Testosterone Boosting Herbs

The widespread opinion that for women during menopause is hormone therapy, and for men Viagra, is completely wrong. It is often sufficient to reach for the herbal preparations that are generally available. Ginseng and Earth Tribulus, both in capsule form, will help with erection problems. In the case of ginseng, however, it should be remembered that the most effective form of its intake is to chew on a crushed root.

The diet is very important for testosterone levels. The lower, among other abundance of fats, especially animal fats. So it is necessary to correct the diet, while looking for herbal spices that raise the level of the male hormone, such as fenugreek, black cumin and paprika. These herbs will not only increase testosterone levels but also aid digestion, improving liver function and regulating the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice.
The erection is supported by vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in black currants, rose fruit juice, cabbage leaves and parsley. Plus, testosterone levels will help keep nuts or almonds (a handful per day).
Studies have clearly shown that men whose diets are high in monounsaturated fatty acids (and these are the products that contain them) have higher testosterone levels.



Often, men during this period become particularly sensitive. Then it is worth reaching for capsules containing the so-called adaptogens: Chinese mace, mountain rosary, maca root extract.



* Play sports. Walk for at least half an hour a day.

* Eat foods that contain excess antioxidants.

* Make fish, nuts, hazelnuts, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, pomegranates, grapes, strawberries, unprocessed grains and fresh grapefruit juice a must-have on your list diet.

* Sunbathing is important for getting vitamin D.

* Use sodium reduced salt or reduce salt.

* Increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium such as milk and yogurt. Eat half a kilogram of milk a day or 2 cups of yogurt a day.

* For herbal teas made with nettle, sage, lime blossom, rosemary and green tea.

* Eat 6 servings per day of high fiber vegetables and fruits.

* Prefer foods rich in omega 3 to lower cholesterol. These are tuna, salmon, almonds and flax seeds.

* To avoid eating too many calories, make sure foods are less fatty and sugary foods are not eaten.

* The sugar-free breakfast muesli with vitamin and mineral additives may be preferred.

* You should drink plenty of water.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here



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By On 22/09/2020


In men, as in women, the secretion of hormones, including melatonin, growth hormone, androgens and estrogen, gradually decreases with age. This process is called  andropause  (Greek andros - masculine,   Greek pause - pause) and usually begins after the age of 50, although there are many cases when the symptoms of male menopause appear in those in their 30s. 

The difference between andropause and menopause is fundamental. In women, changes occur faster (about two years) and are more noticeable, accompanied by a characteristic symptom that speaks of the onset of menopause - the cessation of menstruation. In men, andropause is progressive and, importantly, does not mean loss of fertility. Despite the drop in testosterone levels, the testes still produce semen.



One of the first and most visible symptoms of andropause is sexual dysfunction. In men, they manifest as decreased satisfaction with sex life, decreased libido, and erection problems. The figure may also change, as with decreasing hormone levels the tendency to accumulate body fat increases (especially around the abdomen), while bone and muscle tissue decreases. Hormonal deficit negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, making men more likely to develop osteoporosis , atherosclerosis, hypertension, a stroke or a myocardial infarction. In addition, sleep and mood disturbances, some anxiety and anxiety, faster fatigue and excessive sweating can occur.

Andropause is sometimes confused with hypogonadism, but they are two completely different diseases. Hypogonadism manifests as a hormonal deficiency caused by existing pituitary, testicular or genetic disorders.




Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



10 1 serenoa repens extract saw palmetto extract

It is an undisputed leader among the herbal ingredients used in men's problems. Sabal palm supports the treatment of urological conditions in benign prostatic hyperplasia , a condition that is found quite often in men after andropause and which largely limits sexual activity. Its fruit exhibits anti-androgenic activity, causes a visible improvement in the general health of patients in stages 1 and 2 of benign prostatic hyperplasiaAlthough taking preparations from this raw material does not lead to a visible reduction in the size of the prostate, due to the anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effects, there is relief from urological conditions and the



The dandelion, source of vigor and tenacity - Association ...

One study looked at the effects of our native herb on relieving symptoms of andropause. After 4 weeks of taking dandelion extract by older rats, their testosterone levels, physical activity, number and activity were measured. It turned out that hormone levels and spermatogenesis in rats increased significantly and physical abilities improved. Scientists gave the same dandelion extract to 30 older men, which improved their quality of life, as evidenced by their completed investigations. According to the researchers, this confirms that the plant is a safe and effective way to relieve the symptoms of andropause.



7 natural aphrodisiacs: all that nature can for ...

This is another natural aphrodisiac that has been used in different countries for centuries to boost libido and restore normal testosterone levels. The active substance of the plant, protodioscin, is a precursor of testosterone. As demonstrated in studies, it dilates blood vessels and causes the release of nitric oxide in the cavernous bodies of the penis, thanks to which it promotes a correct and full erection. However, most of the testing has been done on animals.



ASHWAGANDHA Sura Vitasan al Mejor Precio

The plant is also known as Indian Ginseng for over 3000 years has been used to remedy various sexual problems. Some studies suggest that Ashwagandha, especially in combination with  Tribulus terrestris , can promote male fertility. Researchers believe it helps relieve stress that affects semen quality. The herb can also restore energy levels and optimal libido, which are reduced in men with andropause who are sexually inactive.


  1. MACA

Black, yellow or red: the different types of maca - Natura Force

Scientific reports have consistently shown that this Peruvian herb produces a significant erectile response: animal models have reported a positive effect on ejaculation rates, and human studies confirm that it can improve sperm quality. In addition, maca contains many vitamins and minerals, including zinc, necessary for the maintenance of sexual function. It also helps to improve mental functions.



Oats, good for your health |  Gerblé

Discrete Grains are a powerful tool for improving testosterone production, increasing energy, stamina, and maintaining prostate health, as proven by lab studies. The compounds found in oats can stimulate the luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for activating testosterone production. Studies on the use of Avena sativa  have shown that the frequency of libido and orgasm increases.



Grapeseed extract and erectile dysfunction

Oligomeric proanthocyanidins or proanthocyanidate oligomers (OPCs) are extracted from grape seeds or coastal pine bark. Studies show that this component improves lymphatic drainage and has antiproliferative (inhibits reproduction) and proapoptotic effects on prostate cancer cells. Additionally, coastal pine extracts affect sexual activity.



Definition |  Curcuma - Curcuma aromatica - Curcuma domestica ...

Thanks to its high content of antioxidants, it can soothe irritated muscles and tissues. In one study, double-blind study demonstrated that turmeric helps relieve urinary problems in patients with an enlarged prostate. It has also been shown in several previous experiments with rodents to inhibit testosterone levels which are due to adverse effects on the testes of certain drugs, heavy metals and alcohol.



The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds and Seed Oil ...

It is an excellent source of nutrients positively linked to the health of men entering andropause, such as zinc, potassium and iron. Research suggests that these nutrients combined with the antioxidant effects of pumpkin seeds also ensure extremely strong support for the prostate. One of them discovered that the pumpkin seed extract promotes good urine flow in men with an enlarged prostate.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.





Andropause 1


By On 22/09/2020


Andropause - male climacteric, that is, menopause. This is the time when testosterone levels are lowered and hence unpleasant symptoms may appear. They may or may not. Andropause, contrary to popular belief, is not like menopause in women. Not all men experience the effects of menopause. 

Andropause is not the male equivalent of menopause, it is a completely different process, although it is also associated with the progression of hormonal changes.

Testosterone is the basic androgen, the male hormone. Its secretion is stimulated by hormones in the pituitary gland, in particular luteinizing hormone (LH).

The older a man, the pituitary gland gives the testes less frequent signals for testosterone production. 



The phenomenon of reduced hormone secretion is associated with age and appears gradually. A 40 to 60 year old man has a gradual decrease in testosterone levels.

It is estimated that a man in andropause loses about 1% testosterone during a year.



Andropause, unlike menopause, does not characteristically manifest itself. It all depends on individual conditions - the range of testosterone norms is so wide that it is impossible to clearly determine how many men have symptoms associated with a decrease in this hormone.

Some men have no symptoms or are almost unnoticeable, others will experience mood swings or problems with sex life.

The unpleasant symptoms of andropause are believed to affect one in seven men over the age of 50 and a third after 60.  

Andropause in some men can manifest itself as:

  • Sleep problems;
  • Tired ;
  • Power issues;
  • Decrease in muscle tissue;
  • A greater tendency to increase body fat;
  • Irritability;
  • Prone to depression.



According to scientists from the Mayo Clinic, eating a healthy diet can dramatically improve the  vitality of men entering andropause.  I'm mainly talking about vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean animal and vegetable protein, healthy (unsaturated) fats, and dairy products. Studies show that chronic malnutrition (which does not mean undernourishment, but significant nutritional deficiencies) is associated with gonadal atrophy and infertility in adult men.

In turn, a low-fat diet and high carbohydrate intake can affect testosterone levels - the right amount of protein reduces the effects of hormonal decline with age.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



High protein foods: 35 great sources of protein

Even if a characteristic belly appears over time, drastic low-calorie diets are not the optimal solution in this case. One study found that 5 days of fasting reduced testosterone levels by up to 50%, improving the effects of andropause. Plus, it can reduce muscle mass. A much better idea is rational nutrition - replacing fast food, alcohol, and sugary snacks with nutritious ingredients that are high in protein and healthy fats. Therefore, be sure to regularly eat lean meat, fish and dairy products with a balanced composition of amino acids.


  1. ZINC

Foods Highest in Zinc

This element is probably one of the most important ingredients affecting male sexuality. It is involved in virtually all sexual processes, from hormone metabolism to sperm formation and the regulation of sperm viability. Zinc deficiencies are characterized by reduced levels of testosterone and sperm. Too low a level can cause hypogonadism, potency disturbances, reduced sperm viability and even infertility. According to most scientific societies, the daily demand for zinc is 15 mg.



Vitamins: list, role and foods rich in vitamins |  Health ...

In addition to protein, unsaturated fatty acids and zinc, the body of a mature man also needs a larger dose of ingredients such as vitamins C, E and B, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q  10 , magnesium and selenium. They play an important role in the fight against free radicals accelerating the aging process, and in addition have a positive effect on the work of the heart, brain and nervous system as well as on the course of energy processes. In turn, calcium and vitamin K help maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis, the risk of which is twice as high in men with testosterone deficiency.



Apigenin archives - bonappetit cameroun

This compound from the group of flavonoids, found in parsley, thyme, grapefruit, and red pepper among others, supports prostate and hormonal management in men. Additionally, it strengthens nerve connections in the brain, which affects memory.



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During andropause, resistance to stress decreases  and its effects are much more severe. It wreaks havoc on testosterone stores, and instead of this hormone, it increases cortisol levels, which further reduces muscle mass and causes fat gain (especially around the abdomen). Therefore, according to the researchers, developing effective stress management techniques is an important part of the strategy to reduce andropause symptoms.



Coronavirus: the danger of too intense physical activity ...

Decreased levels of testosterone and growth hormone contribute to weakening muscle strength, which in turn causes older people to tire more quickly and find it difficult to exert a lot of effort in a short period of time. That doesn't mean, however, that you can stop moving! On the contrary - during short, but more intense exercises, blood testosterone increases significantly. For men, weight training is most beneficial, allowing you to maintain high levels of the hormone long after it ends.

In addition, movement ensures better oxygenation and nutrition of the whole body, building muscle strength, improving joint and thoracic mobility, more efficient management of glucose, better metabolism, better quality of sleep and regulation of secretion. adrenaline rush. If you are overweight, the exercises will get rid of it and thereby equalize the testosterone levels.



MORNING SEX: The health benefits that you didn't know about it ...

Sex is another type of activity that has a positive effect on testosterone levels and well-being. Unfortunately, men undergoing andropause usually have a lower libido, causing a sort of vicious cycle. It would then be a good idea to change the pace of sexual activity from evening to morning (due to a higher concentration of testosterone in the morning).


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

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Andropause 3


By On 22/09/2020


The name andropause comes from the Greek words "andros", which means "man", and "pausis", which means "pause". It is a period of transition in a man's life between maturity and old age and usually begins after the age of 50. It is a broad concept, covering a number of changes in a man's life. Physical changes also involve changes of a sexual and psychological nature.

The name andropause is often criticized, replaced by other names such as viropause, male menopause, andropenia, PADAM (partial androgen deficiency in aging men), male menopause, SLOH (late symptomatic hypogonadism).


Andropause period - changes occurring in the male body

The basic factors inducing the onset of andropause are the physical changes in the male body. Multi-organ aging begins slowly. Reduced levels of many important hormones have been reported:

  1. Testosterone,
  2. DHEA
  3. Growth hormone,
  4. Melatonin,
  5. Estrone,
  6. Estradiol.

The rate at which the body induces andropause-inducing changes depends on many factors, including genetic predisposition, lifestyle (physical activity, diet, no addiction), external factors (eg toxins from a polluted environment). It should be noted here that andropause does not mean that a man will not be able to reproduce again, but this ability can be reduced. Detection of basic somatic changes indicating andropause is possible on the basis of hormonal and biochemical tests of a blood sample.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Symptoms of andropause - how to recognize it?

A number of symptoms at the physical, sexual and psychological levels can indicate andropause changes occurring in the body. Based on the assessment of symptoms alone, several tests have been created to diagnose andropause.


What are the physical symptoms of andropause?

Three times more obese Canadians than in 1985, reveals ...

During this period, men tend to gain weight and lose muscle and bone mass. Slow metabolism and increased insulin resistance also contribute to fat storage, and pre-diabetes can occur. Another unpleasant symptom can be an increase in blood pressure. Men's skin during andropause becomes thinner and less often hairy. Gentlemen more often complain of disturbed sleep (lowering of the hormone melatonin), poor appetite, various types of pain, fatigue and general weakness of the body. As with postmenopausal women, hot flashes can also occur in men, excessive sweating and heart palpitations. TheAn enlarged prostate also begins and urination problems may occur.


Sexual symptoms of andropause

A decrease in the level of male hormones and an enlarged prostate can lead to erection problems and low libido. As a result, sexual desire as well as satisfaction in this area of ​​life is greatly reduced.


Psychological symptoms of andropause

A typical symptom is a bad mood and irritability, and symptoms of neurosis such as anxiety and anxiety may also appear. Very often there are problems with concentration and short-term memory.


Diagnosis and treatment of andropause

The diagnosis of andropause is not that obvious and it is influenced by several factors. The symptoms of male menopause are not at all clear cut and can suggest a number of other conditions. Additionally, testosterone levels can be normal in men going through andropause, making it difficult to recognize menopause. Gentlemen are also notorious for avoiding visits to the doctor, so they often face the problem on their own, without the help of a specialist, which significantly worsens their general well-being. 

The basic treatment for andropause is the administration of testosterone hormones or its derivatives. These types of preparations come as injections, oral preparations and transdermal preparations. Hormone therapy can only be recommended by a doctor who, by analyzing the symptoms and test results, will select the appropriate treatment. Treatment with testosterone is contraindicated in people with prostate disease. 

However, sex hormone therapy is a controversial topic. Many scholars discuss the legitimacy of administering hormones to men during menopause. Although this is justified in the case of hypogonadism, that is to say a pathological entity, the administration of hormones to healthy men undergoing a physiological process associated with the aging of the organism raises doubts.  


 Andropause Symptom Relief - What Help Works?

As in the case of women and menopause, just like men, one of the ways to alleviate the symptoms of andropause may be hormone therapy, which consists mainly of testosterone. It often gives good results, but must be performed under strict medical supervision because of the risk of side effects.

General practitioners can also use symptomatic treatment to improve the patient's quality of life. Depending on the extent of the problems, these may be mood stabilizing drugs, making it easier to fall asleep, cardiological drugs, relieving prostatic hyperplasia, or strong remedies.

It is also worth seeking natural herbal help. The hit in recent years is maca, which has a positive effect on fertility and libido as well as potency supplements containing DHEA and L-arginine (dilates blood vessels). To relieve hyperplasia of the prostate, it is appropriate to use preparations with pumpkin oil, sabal palm, nettle root and ingest anti-aging vitamins and minerals - especially zinc and selenium.




1. Honey

Honey: nutritional value, health benefits and preservation

Honey is a delicious food that has many healthy properties. One of its main characteristics is that it contains boron , a mineral linked to high levels of testosterone and nitric oxide. 

The latter component is a neurotransmitter that  has a vasodilator function , allowing better fluidity in the blood vessels by relaxing them and allowing more oxygen and blood to enter, which allows for better erection strength.


2. Grenada

The benefits of pomegranate

Another delicious food, although not widely consumed, is the pomegranate. This fruit has been used for centuries for its health benefits, as it  contains a high amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals . 

According to recent research, a glass of pomegranate juice a day can increase testosterone levels by 16-30%. This has consequences for the energy level, positive mood and increased libido. Now, due to its properties, it is always better to eat whole food than to make juice.


3. Cabbage 

White cabbage, and its low carbon recipe

Cabbage is a very popular vegetable and has several healthy properties. 

Studies show that cabbage helps prevent cancer and contains indole-3-carbinol, which  lowers levels of the female hormone estrogen , which makes testosterone more effective.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.



Kigelia cream 1

How to use kigelia to increase penis size

By On 09/09/2020

How to enlarge the penis naturally  ? This question arises in the minds of many men who have been affected by the so called "Small Penis Complex". Too small  a limb  is a complex of many men. Very often the problem is in the psyche. Low self-esteem can affect the quality of your sex life. This often leads to difficulties in establishing contact with women. Men who think their penis is too small may experience stress before sex.

Consult the ranking of our best plants to enlarge the penis naturally and discover The extract of the fruit of Kigelia africana   a unique combination of flavonoids and saponins. Traditionally used as a natural treatment by African men and women to increase penis size and stimulate breast shape.

Dawasanté natural remedy

The natural treatment that we offer to make your penis bigger has 3 elements that work simultaneously: a herbal tea, a soap, and an ointment. The herbal tea will make your penis grow in length and thickness very quickly and safely with excellent sexual performance. The active principles of the plants that make up the natural treatment will increase the capacity of the cavernous bodies for a greater blood flow to the penis.

In addition to enlarging your penis, it will allow you to permanently end premature ejaculation and sexual weakness. Your erection will then become intense and lasting. This natural treatment is extremely effective and has already proven its worth in many men. Our natural treatment is the miracle solution for those who want to naturally grow their penis.

Herniated disc - African herbal medicine Natural remedies to cure herniated disc

To discover this incredible natural alternative, click here!

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Plants to grow and lengthen the male sex 


Kigelia: the secret tree for enlarging certain parts of the body

Kigelia africana

The kigelia africana or sausage tree or sausage or false baobab, is a fast-growing semi-deciduous tree, reaching a height of 18 meters, with smooth and greyish bark and a compact and rounded crown. It is generally present in tropical environments, especially in several African countries such as Côte d'Ivoire. Kigelia africana is widely used in African pharmacopoeia.

Renowned for its therapeutic virtues, kigelia africana is one of the most popular plants for enlarging certain parts of the body such as small breasts, buttocks and the male sex.

How to use kigelia africana to give volume to your organs?

Use in humans:

The powder is taken directly as a dusting in food or dissolved in milk or pure water.

In men, the use of kigelia helps to get rid of problems related to sexuality such as premature ejaculation , azoospermia , erectile dysfunction, the micro penis .

To enlarge and lengthen the sex in men, the best use of kigelia is as follows:

Prepare a soup with red meat, sprinkle your dish with the kigelia, eat your dish and drink all the sauce. We cannot repeat this cure three times without having any more than extraordinary results.

Other mode of use:

Mix the powder with shea butter then use in massage morning and evening on the male organ.

Mixture of kigelia with shea butter (archive image)

Duration of use: repeat the operation until the desired result

Use in women:

In women, kigelia africana is positioned as the number 1 remedy against infertility . Very rich in estrogen, kigelia tones the breasts, firms them and promotes lactation in breastfeeding women.

To enlarge the breasts and buttocks, mix three (03) spoonfuls of kigelia powder with 100 grams of shea butter.

Mode of use: use in massage morning and evening on the targeted parts (breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs, ...)

Duration of use: repeat the operation until the desired result

NB: the results are noticeable from the 3rd day.

Where to find kigelia?

The powder is sold in certain markets, on the internet or if you are in the village, go to the forests to look for it.

Kigelia africana powder (archive image)


Other plants and exercises to enlarge the penis naturally

- Chinese citrus extract

Citrus aurantium 'Myrtifolia macrophylla' - Citrus: Sour orange, Bitter orange, Chinese

One of them is the Chinese citrus extract . It has a stimulating effect. It also affects the work of the circulatory system. This plant provides better blood supply to the penis, which makes it noticeably bigger. It's also worth mentioning that it reduces potency issues. It also reduces stress and harmful tension.


- Ginseng root extract

Ginseng |  The Plant Guide

Another natural product is the extract of ginseng root . It is a plant primarily used for potency. As in the previous case, this has a strong effect on the blood supply of the limb. The penis is filled to the maximum with blood, which directly affects the quality of potency. It is also a way to make it look longer and thicker. The use of an extract of this plant does not have serious side effects, which is a definite advantage. The ingredients found in ginseng facilitate the release of nitric oxide, which is a necessary compound to achieve an erection.

There are many herbs that positively affect the potency and therefore the  size of the penis .

This product group includes, among others:

  • ground mace,
  • Saffron,
  • black pepper,
  • maca root,
  • Saw Palmetto,
  • desert damiana,
  • Japanese ginkgo,
  • licorice,
  • lovage,
  • nettle leaf,
  • Fenugreek,
  • goat grass,
  • oats,
  • guarana seeds,

- Stretch to enlarge

penis enlargement exercise

The first exercise is the draft . It is important that the penis is at rest. Otherwise, it will be impossible to perform the exercise. You should put your fingers around the head of the penis and support its base with your middle finger. During training, you need to stretch the limb as much as possible. However, you cannot do it too hard as pain can occur. The stretch should take about half a minute. A moment of rest is enough to start the exercise again.


To discover this incredible natural alternative, click here!

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: 0022951374202



By On 02/09/2020

The properties of aloe and pineapple together are a powerful remedy not only to cleanse the body, but to deeply purify the intestines, blood, and elemental organs such as kidneys, etc. In addition, these foods regenerate tissues and easily evacuate viruses and bacteria that cause many ailments related to a weak or exhausted immune system.

The virus human papillomavirus is an infection that is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, its symptoms the appearance of warts in the genital area, whether you are a man or a woman. If you suddenly notice the appearance of warts in this area, it is important that you follow this natural treatment as a lot depends on the cleanliness of your body for the treatment to be successful and to prevent complications or this virus to spread.

One of the main causes of infections and infections is that the body is saturated with toxins. This can happen for several reasons: poor diet, accumulated and prolonged stress, consumption of junk food or products of poor nutritional quality such as refined sugars and flour, excess meat or sausages , etc., as well as abuse alcohol, drug use or medication as they weaken important organs such as kidneys and liver which are responsible for cleansing and cleansing the body.


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The natural treatment that we offer you is based on plants and herbs which have antiviral, immunostimulant, necrotic with burning properties and cytotoxic agents which prevent the growth and spread of warts.

Our natural treatment to destroy condylomas is made up of 2 elements: an ointment and a herbal tea. The anti warts ointment is a burning natural remedy, but very effective in removing warts. They contain plants that burn warts. It prevents the growth and spread of warts. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys the virus and fights infections. As for the herbal tea, it helps strengthen the action of the ointment. Our remedy which is 100% natural will allow you to avoid surgery, it is free of side effects and effectively treats warts in both women and men.

To discover our natural remedy for the human papillomavirus, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Treat the papilloma virus

To dislodge a virus from the body, it must strengthen the immune system and improve the quality of the blood, as well as the intestines. Clean blood and liquid intestines cannot accommodate or spread infection.

So get down to business. While the remedy can be very simple, you just need to apply yourself and have a lot of love for yourself, not desperation.

Aloe and pineapple: take advantage of their properties

Central North

To get the most out of these two foods, you need to buy a good quality pineapple and aloe. If you don't have aloe, you can replace it with nopal, which has very similar properties. Also consider that if you have   gastritis   or gastric reflux, pineapple can be replaced with grape.

Pineapple should be eaten alone, for one or two days. If the infection is strong, try to diet for two days. If you feel that the tongue is burning, prepare the pineapple juice with the aloe. Pineapple is eaten during these two days, it is necessary to start the diet by taking two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to start the mobilization of toxins from the body. And on an empty stomach, drink boldo tea or green tea , with the juice of a squeezed lemon.

If during this diet you experience a bit of an upset stomach or headache, a rash, or a bit of diarrhea, this is normal as it is a symptom that occurs when the body mobilizes toxins. This is normal, especially when the body has a high level of toxemia. If you experience flare-ups, just have a raw vegetable broth with rice at noon.

Tea tree oil

What is tea tree oil for?  20 surprising uses

Tea tree oil has super effective antibiotic properties in fighting infections. To enjoy it, you need to get the oil, preferably organic, which is of good quality. It is mixed with a little almond oil and a very light amount is applied to the warts, externally only, once a day. Then, after the pineapple diet, you take 3 drops of tea tree for 6 days, dissolved in green tea. If you can't get tea tree oil. Try colloidal silver which is also very effective against skin infections.

After the two-day diet ...

Start your day with green tea on an empty stomach with three drops of tea tree oil, and after waiting 20 minutes then continue the diet by introducing mostly steamed vegetables at the start, which help flush out toxins. Try to avoid evaca milk in all its forms (lactose free, light, etc.), the best milk at the moment is almond milk, which in addition to having calcium and many nutrients, almonds help to fight infections. Also avoid white flour and sugars, as well as red meat and alcohol and irritants.

Recommended foods are: brown rice, sprouts, smoothies with nuts and fruits, oats , amaranth, fish, vegetable soup, broths, avocado, baked tsotas , etc.

Drink two liters of water a day and add a tablespoon of chlorophyll to a glass of water after you have completed six days of taking tea tree oil.

To discover our natural remedy for the human papillomavirus, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

Hpv 1571682913449 v2 1254x836

5 natural remedies to treat human papillomavirus

By On 02/09/2020

study from the United States National Public Library. It is very important to diagnose this disease, carry out appropriate treatment and do everything possible so that it does not reappear in the body in the form of lesions, which we will mention below.

Learn about some natural remedies for treating human papillomavirus in the following article.



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The natural treatment that we offer you is based on plants and herbs which have antiviral, immunostimulant, necrotic with burning properties and cytotoxic agents which prevent the growth and spread of warts.

Our natural treatment to destroy condylomas is made up of 2 elements: an ointment and a herbal tea. Anti warts ointment is a burning natural remedy, but very effective in removing warts. They contain plants that burn warts. It prevents the growth and spread of warts. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys the virus and fights infections. As for the herbal tea, it helps strengthen the action of the ointment. Our remedy which is 100% natural will allow you to avoid surgery, it is free of side effects and effectively treats warts in both women and men.

To discover our natural remedy for condyloma, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

What to know about the human papillomavirus?

First of all, it is very important to be informed of this pathology, in order to avoid its transmission and its development.

HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. In many cases,  it does not have any visible symptoms, so many people are unaware that they are infected. Thus, the risk of transmission is enormous.

There are about 200 types of viruses in this group, some with a higher risk of malignancy (turning into cancer) than others. Of these, only about 40 cause visible genital lesions.

The human papillomavirus causes damage to the mucous membranes and skin, in the form of  warts  or  warts  , particularly in the female and male reproductive systems.

These lesions are temporary and, treated properly, go away after about a year,  but the virus does not go away.

That is why it is very important to perform periodic gynecological examinations (every 2 years, according to the most recent recommendations), in order to detect the disease, whether or not you have visible symptoms. The tests performed are:

  • Cervical smear: or cervical cytology. It is a test that takes cells from the area and checks if they have cancerous characteristics .
  • Colposcopy: examination of the vagina and cervix with an optical image intensifier that allows you to see the lesions.

In the case of men, a visual examination may be sufficient, as lesions appear on the penis and testicles. In both sexes, they can also develop in the anus.

Prevention and treatment of human papillomavirus

human papillomavirus


The risk of contracting the human papillomavirus is directly related to the age of initiation of sexual intercourse  , the number of partners throughout life and, of course, the protective measures used during intercourse.

Thus, the 20 to 24 age group is today the most affected by the transmission of this disease. As age increases, cases decrease. It is believed to be because relationships are becoming more stable and monogamous.

In any case, prevention is very important, so it is   recommended to use condoms during sexual intercourse and periodic examinations (men and women).

There is also a vaccine. According to the United States National Library of Medicine (MedlinePlus), its app is particularly suitable for children between 11 and 12 years old. The age range and recommendation vary from 9 to 26 years old.

When genital warts appear, gynecologists may choose to remove them  through:

  • Special acid topologies.
  • Cryotherapy (freezing of the area).
  • Electrosurgical incisions (with high voltage electricity).

Currently, there is no specific treatment to eradicate the human papillomavirus  . However, you can use different natural remedies to prevent the recurrence of warts and infections.

It is essential to remember that these remedies  do not cure the disease or eradicate the virus, they only help reduce your visible symptoms  (warts or warts, for example).

If injuries of this type appear, it is necessary to go to the doctor so that all the appropriate studies are carried out, and if there are no objective injuries, preventive examinations should be carried out, as previously mentioned.

Home remedies to reduce the appearance of injuries

For different reasons - including hormonal and emotional changes - HPV activates and produces injury. The goal of these homemade recipes is that our immune system is strengthened and that the virus does not have the possibility to come out of the lethargy in which it is found:

1. Garlic


Alho, o milagroso


The properties of garlic for our health are numerous: it is  a powerful antimicrobial, according to this study from the University of Idaho, thanks to the action of allicin, one of its main components. You can take refined garlic capsules (available at health food stores) or increase your garlic intake with your meals.

2. Tea tree oil

        Óleo de árvore do chá: óleo da vida e dos mil remedios

It is one of the most widely used remedies to treat genital warts, but it is very dangerous and therefore we do not recommend it. This study from Navarra hospital highlights the irritations and side effects it can cause.

3. Castor oil

Óleo de rícino: 5 Benefícios Do Rícino Para a Saúde do Cabelo


This well-known remedy is by no means recommended. It is not scientifically recognized for topical use, and there is no indication that its ingestion will benefit the disease.

4. Honey and propolis

            Repórter News - Notícia: Mel brasileiro se destaca no mundo

Products derived from bees are excellent antibacterials, according to this study from Washington State University. You can consume them in several ways:

  • Take a spoonful of honey or propolis every morning before breakfast or roll it on a cookie or toast.
  • Mixed with an infusion, although boiling water can lead to the loss of the properties of these products.

5. Citrus fruits

The benefits of squeezed orange juice - best citrus press

Another way to strengthen the defenses is the consumption of juices of citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits or lemons, according to information from this study from the University of Otago (New Zealand).

They have a high content of vitamin C which contributes to the defenses and is an important part of any healthy diet. Ideally, take in the morning on an empty stomach.

In conclusion,  the human papillomavirus is a widespread and silent health problem in many cases  that must be detected and treated as quickly as possible.

To prevent and improve the injuries caused, some of these natural remedies can help.


To discover our natural remedy for condyloma, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

Sperme pour la sante 1


By On 26/08/2020

The problem of lack of sperm count is one of the health problems that a group of men suffer from around the world, as this problem is directly related to male fertility and affects many aspects, the most important of which is the ability to have children, but it should be noted here a very important question, namely that the degree of fertility of a man does not only depend on the number of sperm, but also on their quality, motility and structure.

Men who suffer from low sperm count are diagnosed with this condition when their sperm count is less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or 39 million sperm per ejaculate as the normal number is between 15 million of sperm and over 200 Million per milliliter of semen, and given the importance of this problem and the need to receive proper treatment, in this article we will discuss the possible treatment options.


About 15% of couples who want to be parents face problems with male infertility . Male infertility can cause infertility or even unexplained. However, there are natural treatments to help parents satisfy their desire for a child. It is with this in mind that the Dawasanté experts have set up a natural treatment based on medicinal plants to definitively treat male infertility problems. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

Male infertility natural remedies


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: 0022951374202

Herbs to increase sperm count

Although sexual problems cannot be cured in some cases, research and medical studies indicate the possibility of improving some cases through the use of herbal remedies and nutritional supplements for some important elements of sexual health. a man that help improve sperm production and sperm count, and their morphology  and this includes all of:

  1. Fenugreek seeds


Some experts have linked the consumption of fenugreek seeds to an increase in the level of the hormone testosterone, thereby improving the production and quality of sperm.


  1. Maca roots

What are the dangers and adverse effects of Maca from Peru ...

Although maca root does not affect testosterone levels in men, one study showed that these roots have an effect on the concentration and movement of sperm, and it has also been shown to be effective in improving fertility and sexual performance in men by improving the ability to have an erection.

  1. Tribulus terrestris

File: P5270470 tribulus terrestris 1 Erywan dolina Hrazdan.jpg ...

People have been using Tribulus terrestris since ancient times to improve fertility in men, and recent studies have shown the ability of this herb to improve sexual desire and erectile functions in people with low sperm count despite having low sperm count. inability of the herb to increase the level of the hormone testosterone.


  1. Ginseng roots

Why choose a 6 year old ginseng?

Some see ginseng roots as a benefit in terms of improving sperm number and movement, and they generally attribute this to the presence of a substance in these roots that has the ability to stimulate the production of bound nitric oxide. to the functions of the sperm, but it is always best to consult a doctor before taking these roots. Because of the risk of causing high blood pressure for some.

  1. Ashwagandha root

Benefits of organic Ashwagandha root: our opinion

It has been used as a herbal medicine in India since ancient times, for its benefit in improving male fertility by increasing testosterone levels. Ashwagandha roots contain antioxidant properties, and some experts have stated that they are beneficial for improving the quality of sperm in particular.

  1. Nettle

Nettle, how to pick it, how to prepare it, how to ...

Nettle seeds increase male potency and stimulate sperm development. These seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is important for the production of sperm. In addition to using the seeds, the roots of nettles are also believed to have fertility-enhancing effects by regulating hormones.

  1. Parsley

Everything about parsley: choosing it, cooking it, storing it ...

The leaves, seeds, and roots of this plant provide a wide range of health benefits. Parsley is not only an aphrodisiac, but the root extracts also improve sperm production.


  1. Lobelia

Lobelia Winter Hardiness: Learn How To Overwinter Lobelia Plants

Extracts from these small plants have been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of ailments. Lobelia stimulates the metabolism and is frequently included in herbal teas to increase fertility.

  1. Geranium

Geranium: maintenance advice for a beautiful flowering

This geranium can help stimulate sperm production. It is also useful to regulate menstruation in women.

  1. Angelic

Angelica immune plant and for all daily ailments ...

The root of this plant contains many essential oils and other substances that improve fertility and potency.

  1. Thyme

June thyme: invigorate your daily life - plants and health

A plant that shows a complex effect on the whole integrity is salty. The focus in increasing libido is on spermatogenesis. Thyme contains a huge amount of zinc, which is considered to be one of the main ingredients used by integrity to connect genital cells.

  1. Carob

Carob (ingredient) - All about carob |  750g

One of the most important minerals for male reproductive health is zinc. Carob, which contains a lot of zinc, offers a protective effect against cancer thanks to its antioxidant properties, while ensuring a healthy production of sperm and a sufficient number of sperm. In addition, the enzymes of the carob facilitate the interaction of sperm and egg.

  1. Damiana 

Damiana |  The Plant Guide

This herb helps increase sexual desire in men, but can also be consumed by women. Thanks to its ingredients, it helps to improve semen, regulate sexual health, prevent premature ejaculation and eliminate erection problems. Undoubtedly, all of these problems affect the probability of pregnancy much more negatively.

  1. Grape schisandra

Beetroot Schisandra Bandung |  Straits Road Kitchen

This herb is also one of the most used herbs in Chinese medicine. As with the iron thorn, the  schisandra grape increases sperm production. It also contributes to the health of the testes and kidneys. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or as a tea.

  1. Dandelion

How to use dandelion?  - Plants and Health

This plant is also rich in minerals and a great ally of the liver, as it improves sperm, helps increase hormone production and, therefore, increases fertility.

Some other tips

While there are many strategies that can help increase your fertility, it depends on what really causes them to help you. Also, keep in mind that fertility and sex drive often go hand in hand with your overall health. Therefore, anything that improves your overall health is probably good for your fertility at the same time. Here are 8 more tips to increase your fertility and the quantity and quality of your sperm:

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:  Unhealthy lifestyles affect your overall health, including fertility.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is linked to infertility. If you are infertile and overweight, one of your main goals should be to lose weight.
  • Limit your alcohol intake:  don't drink too much alcohol, it can lower your testosterone levels and affect the quality of semen.
  • Take plenty of folate / folic acid:  A number of studies indicate that low intake of folate or folic acid can affect the quality of semen.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for health. Too little and too much sleep has been linked to poor sperm quality.
  • Take nuts as a snack:  Foods rich in antioxidants like walnuts appear to have beneficial effects on fertility.
  • Consider Supplements: Antioxidant supplementation can also help. There is some evidence that coenzyme Q10 improves the quality of semen.
  • Don't Eat Too Much Soy: Soy is high in isoflavones, compounds that have been linked to lower semen quality.



To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022951374202

Testicle pain 1592324007


By On 14/08/2020



When we hear vaginal, we immediately think of a woman but that is not the case with vaginal hydrocele. In men, the vaginal hydrocele is the accumulation of fluid in the tunica vaginalis surrounding the testis.


Vaginal hydroceles are the most common primary hydrocele. They usually appear in middle-aged or elderly men but are not uncommon in children. This condition is common in Africa, but there is a solution with African plants.



Never puncture the liquid from hydrocele because it is absolutely unnecessary and dangerous. This is because the removed fluid is reconstituted immediately, hence the root of the disease must be cured. Fortunately, this is possible with African plants.


Natural remedy to Reduce Vaginal hydrocele naturally

hypothyroïdie traitement naturel

The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the powder and ointment is very effective. It results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. Thus, the first effects will be felt very quickly. Consequently, you will notice that gradually your testicles will return to normal. Generally, the use of natural plants very often gives positive results and acts significantly against the hydrocele. So this natural remedy is the secret to permanently cure testicular hydrocele. Trust us! It is the perfect solution for those who want to naturally cure testicular hydrocele. But also for those who want to avoid the operation.

Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725





The major symptom experienced with vaginal hydrocele is the increase in the volume of either or both sides of the testicles due to the secretion of fluid. The volume reaches the enormous proportions and considerably hamper the patient in motion and during intercourse.




Below is the studied and approved causes of vaginal hydrocele

  • Blockage in the spermatic cord.
  • Inguinal hernia surgery.
  • Infection of the scrotum or a testicle.








Try an Epsom salt bath. 

Why Epsom Salt Baths Are Still So Popular for Joint and Muscle ...

If you notice a painless swelling in your testicle(s)/scrotum, take a very warm bath with at least a few cups of Epsom salt added. Relax in the tub for between 15 – 20 minutes with your legs slightly spread, so that the water engulfs your scrotum. The warmth of the water can stimulate the movement of body fluids (which may help unblock a blockage) and the salt can pull fluid out through your skin and reduce swelling. Epsom salt is also a rich source of magnesium, which helps to relax muscles/tendons and soothe any tenderness.

  • If there is pain associated with your hydrocele, then exposing your scrotum to warm water (or any source of heat) may create more inflammation and make your symptoms worse.
  • Don't make the bath too hot (to prevent scalding) and don't sit in the tub for too long (to prevent dehydration).


Boiled Veggies

Steamed Vegetables Recipe - NDTV Food

You can have boiled vegetables in your lunch and dinner. Or you can even have a fresh vegetable salad every day. It will make you feel light and reduce the heaviness and pain in the hydrocele. This is quite a simple yet effective remedy that you can follow to ease out the symptoms of hydrocele.


Healthy effects of black tea and ginger tea on hydrocele


Black tea soothes out the pain and subsides the swelling of hydrocele. Having a small cup of ginger tea every day alleviates the pain and inflammation of hydrocele. 



Aloe Vera and Amla Juice

Cure Dandruff with These Amazing Amla Home Remedies for Dandruff ...

Having a cup of aloe vera and amla juice (in equal proportions) every morning on empty stomach help in hydrocele. It relieves the inflammation, itching, and soreness that hydrocele causes.



Things to avoid when you have hydrocele:


  • Avoid having stimulants (caffeinated drinks) such as tea and coffee. Limiting the consumption of tea and coffee will keep you safe from the chances of dehydration. 
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol is a big no! These habits can worsen your condition of hydrocele. 
  • Indulging in heavy or strenuous physical activities can land you in more trouble. Activities that involve pressure on the lower body can increase the pain and swelling of hydrocele. 
  •  Tight clothing is not a good idea when you are dealing with the condition of hydrocele. It will only add up to your discomforts. So, choose loose-fitting and airy comfortable clothes. 
  • Do not go to bed immediately after your meal. It will cause more heaviness in the hydrocele. Thus, maintain a gap of at least 1-2 hours between your meal and sleeping time. 
  • Avoid having heavy meals after your lunch. Keep the dinner light and nutritious. 
  • Putting extra strain or pressure while passing stools or urinating increases the risk of soreness of hydrocele. Therefore, you should ensure that you do not face the troubles of constipation.



The key to a successful natural treatment is patience, faith, and consistency. Find out more about our natural remedy or  Contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725

Sperm 1


By On 13/08/2020

Cryptozoospermia is defined as a state intermediate between the complete absence of sperm (azoospermia) and the significantly reduced sperm count (oligospermia). Usually, cryptozoospermia is diagnosed when there are only a few or a dozen in ejaculation .


Male infertility natural remedies

The natural treatment we offer to cure cryptozoospermia consists of plants, bark and plant roots. It is a natural, effective, and long-lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome your cryptozoospermia. These plants are recognized as being the most effective in the world in curing disorders related to  sperm production . They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. These herbs will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and will also support a healthy immune system.

To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: +229 51374202


Well, food, for example, in several ways can be an important factor influencing sexual performance.

One of these influences is related to the number of sperm, as certain foods can increase the daily production of male reproductive cells. Therefore, we present a list with the 10 foods that will increase your sperm count. Find out:

1. Dark chocolate

Let's come back to it, dark chocolate!  |  The news

Dark chocolate contains the amino acid L-Arginine HCL, which is extra strength for semen. It should be remembered that this food is also scientifically proven as an aphrodisiac for women and can increase the intensity of orgasm.

ALSO READ ...  Natural Ways To Treat Cryptozoospermia

2. Spinach

Everything about spinach: choosing it, cooking it, storing it ...


It's not just Popeye gaining strength with spinach. The folic acid, present in this vegetable, is responsible for making your semen faster, stronger, and in greater numbers.


3. Banana

Bananas: health benefits, nutritional benefits, recipe ideas ...

Vitamins A, B1, and C, found in bananas, are highly recommended for increasing sperm potency, health, and productivity. In addition, the enzyme bromelain  is responsible for the dramatic increase in the number of sperm. Now it is possible to find out why minions exist in droves ...

4. Carrot

Carrots, a seasonal vegetable to enjoy salty or sweet

Like bananas, carrots also contain vitamin A, but in much larger amounts. Then you remember that you learned that rabbits breed a lot, and they also like to eat carrots, and suddenly everything makes sense.

5. Red foods

Tomatoes, a miracle food to prevent cancer?  |  Bio in the spotlight

As a 2014 study found, foods containing  lycopene , the element responsible for the red color, may contribute to a 70% increase in sperm count. Some examples of items that have this substance are tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, peppers, papaya, among others.

6. Oyster


In addition to good aphrodisiac items, oysters are also very important for sperm production. They contain a huge amount of zinc, an element which helps to increase the production and, therefore, the number of sperm.

7. Nuts and other nuts

10 types of nuts and their benefits |  Freshly squeezed

According to a 2012 study, around 75 grams of nuts per day is enough to dramatically increase the level of vitality and other sperm-related issues. This is due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids present in this type of food. Almonds and peanuts also contain these substances. Brazil nuts, original and very popular in Brazil, in addition to the benefits of semen, contain selenium, which can further increase the production of reproductive cells.

READ ALSO ...  NATURAL REMEDY: How to cure cryptozoospermia in a natural way?

8. Mushrooms

Paris mushrooms, thickly sliced

Mushrooms, in their most varied types, contain vitamin D. This substance is responsible for improving sex life in everything from sperm production to fighting  impotence . Among other things, it helps to improve blood circulation in the penis.

9. Fish

Fish nets: fraud fishing was good |  60 ...

Due to the presence of omega 3, this food can provide many health benefits including sperm quality and increased sperm count. This fact was confirmed by a study published in the journal  Human Reproduction  , which analyzed the quality of the sperm of men who did or did not consume this type of fatty acid.

10. Red meat

Red meat: the protein content

Also scientifically proven, red meat can significantly increase the number and mobility of sperm. This is due to the massive presence of the nutrient L-cartinin. The most noticeable difference occurs in men who have low levels of sperm production.


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: 0022990431727


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Tecniche di riproduzione assistita1

Natural Ways To Treat Cryptozoospermia

By On 13/08/2020

Cryptozoospermia, also known as “ virtual azoospermia ,” is a condition in which virtually no sperm are seen in a fresh semen sample - they are not discovered until after careful research. Because there are so few sperm in the ejaculate, they are incredibly hard to find and very easy to miss.

What is cryptozoospermia?

The  cryptospermie  or  Cryptozoospermia   is a condition where you can not observe the sperm in the semen that comes out (but that's the  azoospermia  classic and quite common) But when they do not count sperm after a long centrifugation and research microscopically, it is called  cryptozoospermia  , although there is no clear agreement on this in the literature.

The word "  crypto  " means hidden, and as the term suggests, patients with this problem sporadically have  sperm in their semen  , but because their numbers are so small, they are very hard to find and easy to lose. This is a common problem when  semen analysis  is performed in a general medical laboratory, where technicians have no special experience  in semen analysis  . Many operators will do the microscopic analysis rather superficially and report azoospermia, which is the absence of sperm in the semen.

This fact can be very misleading, leading the patient and the doctor into a maze. Many patients end up having unnecessary surgeries, such as testicular biopsies and even AVEs (anastomosis of the epididymal vessels), because the diagnosis was incorrect.


Causes de la cryptozoospermie

Some cases of cryptozoospermia are caused by a problem with the production of sperm in the testes. This can happen for hormonal reasons, such as a problem with the normal pituitary hormone stimulation of the testes to produce sperm. Or, there may be a problem with the testicle itself, caused by genetic abnormalities, injury, infection, or poor descent of the testicle into the scrotum at birth. Another common condition that interferes with sperm production is varicocele, which is a network of enlarged veins in the scrotum. Varicoceles cause the testicles to "overheat", reducing their ability to produce semen.

In some cases of cryptozoospermia, semen is produced normally in the testes, but there is a problem with the way the semen is delivered to the ejaculate. There may be a blockage in the ducts beyond the testicle that carry ejaculate or an ejaculation disorder that prevents semen from leaving the penis.

Natural ways to increase sperm count

The small number of sperm at the time of ejaculation can make it difficult for a man to have offspring. But certain herbs can help men naturally increase sperm count.

The condition of a small amount of semen during ejaculation is also called oligospermia or oligozoospermia. Oligospermia occurs when a man's sperm count is below 20 million / ml and this condition can be a major risk factor for infertility or impotence.

"In every 1ml of semen there should be 20 million sperm.

There are various factors that cause oligospermia, such as the use of certain medications, hormonal changes, alcohol consumption, high temperature in the genital area, and severe fever.


Male infertility natural remedies

The natural treatment that we offer to cure cryptozoospermia consists of plants, bark and plant roots. It is a natural, effective, and long-lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome your cryptozoospermia. These plants are recognized as being the most effective in the world in curing disorders related to sperm production . They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. These herbs will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and will also support a healthy immune system.

To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 002251374202


Here are some herbs that can increase sperm count in men with cryptozoospermia  :

1 onion

Red onion
Onion is one of the important natural remedies for treating cryptozoospermia. Shallots are a powerful aphrodisiac food that can better promote the function of reproductive organs. Patients with cryptozoospermia are advised to include onions in their daily diet to reduce the  risk of infertility .

2. Ail

8 virtues and benefits of garlic - FemininBio
Garlic is a natural remedy used for the treatment of cryptozoospermia. It is an aphrodisiac recommended for the repair and treatment of oligospermia. Eat 4 to 5 cloves of garlic per day.

3. Gombo

Okra is a natural remedy that is commonly used for the conditions of cryptozoospermia. Okra root extract is generally available in the market for medicinal purposes. This root extract powder mixed with a cup of milk can help increase fertility.

4. Asparagus roots

Green asparagus bare root
High concentrations of zinc and iron in asparagus roots are one of the best drugs for extreme oligospermia. Spermatogenic enriched with asparagus root extract helps cure impotence. Patients with cryptozoospermia are often advised to consume asparagus root extract twice a day for good results.

5. Cassis 

Blackcurrant (fruit): health benefits, nutritional benefits, ideas ...

The  blackcurrant is also a herbal remedy used for the treatment. After washing with hot water, it is recommended to boil black grapes with milk. Patients are advised to drink a cup of warm milk after consuming these raisins.

Natural methods to improve the quality of sperm

  • First of all, you need to take care of a healthy lifestyle, that is, plenty of rest, increased physical activity, avoid stress
  • Second, it is necessary to eliminate or at least reduce the harmful effects of environmental factors and dangerous addictions, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, coffee and taking other stimulants.
  • Third, a proper diet rich in vegetables, including legumes, fruits, nuts, pumpkin seeds, liver, and green tea. To increase sperm motility, doctors also recommend eating foods rich in zinc, selenium, carnitine, as well as vitamins C and E.

The excess of harmful fats, contained for example in crisps, purchased cakes or fast food, lowers the parameters of the sperm.

  • Fourth, fight obesity, lose weight and improve overall health
  • Fifth, the testicles should not be overheated, so hot baths, saunas, and Jacuzzis should be avoided. It is good to wear breathable underwear, and if we have a sedentary job - from time to time, get up and walk (preferably in the fresh air).


To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 002251374202



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NATURAL REMEDY: How to cure cryptozoospermia in a natural way?

By On 11/08/2020

Cryptozoospermia is a complicated form of oligozoospermia (low concentration of sperm per 1ml of semen - less than 2ml), in which the sperm count is extremely low. Unique samples, and not always complete and viable, can only be detected after concentration of sperm by centrifugation. The material is applied to a large number of glass slides, each of which is carefully examined for the presence of germ cells. If they can not be found, azoospermia  is diagnosed - the complete absence of sperm.

Causes of cryptozoospermia

The most serious and incurable forms of cryptozoospermia occur for the following reasons:

  • Damage to the seminiferous tubules of the testes due to trauma, purulent inflammatory tissue fusion (orchitis, epididymitis, infectious parotitis transferred to childhood with complications on the testes);
  • Congenital genetic disorders of hormonal levels, testicular malformations, vas deferens;
  • Malignant tumor of the testes and pituitary gland;
  • Exposure to radiation.


Male infertility natural remedies

The natural treatment we offer to cure cryptozoospermia consists of plants, bark and plant roots. It is a natural, effective, and long-lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome your cryptozoospermia. These plants are recognized as being the most effective in the world in curing disorders related to sperm production. They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. These herbs will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and will also support a healthy immune system.

To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727


Corrected cryptozoospermia develops under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Chronic or acute inflammation of the testes, their appendages, prostate. Due to infections, the structure and function of tissues are disturbed, the composition of seminal plasma changes , spermatozoa are damaged by oxidative processes.
  2. Varicocele (enlarged scrotal veins), hydrocele (fluid in the membranes of the testis).
  3. Intoxication: chemicals, alcoholism, drug addiction, certain drugs.
  4. Hormonal disturbances: taking steroids, obesity, acute and chronic stress.
  5. Violation of the patency of the seminal ducts;
  6. Scrotal trauma (testicular hematoma).

There are no symptoms characteristic of cryptozoospermia. There may be signs of diseases that caused a decrease in the number of sperm: pain in the groin, discharge from the urethra, enlarged scrotum, testicular edema.

Treatment of cryptozoospermia

Many men manage to get rid of cryptozoospermia by correcting their lifestyle:

  1. Stop drinking beer and other liquor. A small amount of dry red wine is acceptable.
  2. Do not go to baths or sauna.
  3. Introduce seafood, feta cheese, celery, parsley, honey, nuts, seeds in the diet, remove fast food, sweet soda, minimize the use of sausages.
  4. Regular physical activity and a stable sex life are helpful.

In some cases, the causes of cryptozoospermia can be influenced by certain folk remedies:

  • Sage infusion: pour 10 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Periwinkle infusion: 5 tablespoons of dried leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka, let stand 10 days, drain. Drink a teaspoon 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Tincture on submore bee: pour a teaspoon of a glass of vodka. After 3 weeks, filter, drink 20 drops for a month after meals.
  • Infusion on wormwood seeds: pour a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, drink during the day.
  • Royal jelly or bee bread: dissolve half a teaspoon under the tongue on an empty stomach.

3 products that will increase the number of sperm

  • Ail

Garlic, an aromatic with intense scents

It contains, among other things, allicin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, also has a beneficial effect on body pressure. This substance has a positive effect on the blood supply to the penis, which helps to increase the amount of semen produced. Garlic is also a source of  vitamin B6 and selenium , which are responsible for the production of healthy sperm.

  • Beef

Beef Tataki Recipe |  Zest

It is a good source of  zinc , which helps prevent free radicals from entering semen. It also, they simply say, stops the "conversion" of testosterone to estrogen, which can lead to low libido. The deficiency of this macroelement can be the cause, among other things, of a decrease in immunity, skin problems, depression or erectile dysfunction .

If you don't eat meat, you'll find zinc in whole grains, nuts, almonds, or herbs like chamomile or sage.

  • Eggs

The 5 health benefits of eggs: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Eggs have a great impact on the quantity and quality of sperm. They are a source of  vitamin E , the deficiency of which can cause degeneration of testicular tissues. It also neutralizes the effects of free radical damage. Eggs also contain zinc and selenium: "these elements regulate the production and maturation of healthy and strong sperm"

It should be remembered that these are just a few of the important parts of managing male fertility. A  healthy lifestyle  is also important. No drugs, lots of traffic.


Cryptozoospermia prevention measures:

  1. Eliminates overheating of the groin area (sauna, steam room, even a laptop).
  2. Do not abuse alcohol, exclude smoking.
  3. Avoid any kind of unprotected sex.
  4. Treat STDs in a timely manner.
  5. Adhere to the principles of healthy eating.


To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727




Cryptozoospermia: what is it, how to treat cryptozoospermia, pregnancy and cryptozoospermia

By On 11/08/2020

In medicine, there are several types of diseases that affect the quality of sperm. Cryptozoospermia is one of them. This is a pathological condition in which the number of living sperm is extremely low. If left untreated, there is a high likelihood of complete infertility that will not respond to treatment.

What is cryptozoospermia?

According to statistics, about 40% of men of childbearing age suffer from cryptozoospermia. With this disease, the number of sperm is less than 20 million per milliliter of fluid, which is considered the lower limit of the norm.

The main problem associated with cryptozoospermia is infertility. Naturally, the pregnancy of a partner is almost impossible without proper treatment from the man. Modern advances in medicine make it possible to cope with the pathology with the help of drugs or surgery.

At an early stage in the development of cryptozoospermia, fertility remains, so there is a chance for conception. However, without treatment, the number of sperm gradually decreases and fertility decreases.

There are many reasons for changing sperm count. Therefore, before starting treatment, a full examination is necessary, and therapeutic tactics are aimed directly at eliminating the negative factor.


Male infertility natural remedies

The natural treatment we offer to cure cryptozoospermia consists of plants, bark and plant roots. It is a natural, effective, and long-lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome your cryptozoospermia. These plants are recognized as being the most effective in the world in curing disorders related to sperm production. They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. These herbs will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and will also support a healthy immune system.

To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727


Causes of occurrence

The following causes of cryptozoospermia are distinguished:

  • Diseases of hereditary or genetic nature;
  • Abnormal structure or pathological development of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Acute or chronic infections;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • Mumps transferred in childhood, causing orchitis;
  • Varicocele ;
  • Violation of blood circulation in the scrotum;
  • Autoimmune pathologies;
  • Irradiation;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Genital trauma;
  • Consequence of unsuccessful operations;
  • Damage to the brain or spinal cord;
  • Poisoning by toxic substances, especially heavy metals;
  • Unstable psychological context;
  • Long-term treatment with drugs for coronary heart disease or hypertension.

In addition, all bad habits can lead to cryptozoospermia. In addition, some of the factors that trigger the disease are not yet fully understood.

External reasons include:

  • Diet mistakes leading to obesity;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Physical overload;
  • Use of synthetic underwear, too tight panties;
  • Abstinence;
  • Excessive sexual intercourse;
  • Overheating of the genitals.

Doctors strongly recommend that you see a doctor and start treatment after several unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. With the transition from cryptozoospermia to the second stage, the number of sperm becomes critical.

Symptoms and signs

The specificity of cryptozoospermia is the absence of negative symptoms or pain. Before unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, a man does not even know the presence of pathology. Sexual activity is normal, there is no difficulty in getting an erection.

My Little Soldiers - Male infertility blog

It is important to undergo regular diagnostic measurements. Without early detection and adequate treatment, the disease enters an advanced stage and leads to absolute infertility.

Since there are many factors that prevent a couple from becoming parents, a full exam is needed to diagnose cryptozoospermia. He understands :

  • Spermogram;
  • Clinical analyzes of urine and blood;
  • A blood test to detect sexually transmitted infections or autoimmune diseases;
  • Seedlings for the determination of microflora;
  • Examination of the state of the hormonal background;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Laboratory examination of the ejaculate;
  • In some cases, biopsy.

Spermogram is the main type of study for suspected cryptozoospermia. For this reason, it is important to undergo an examination in a proven clinic, equipped with the necessary equipment to minimize errors in the results.

Preparation for delivery of semen for analysis includes the following measures:

  • Complete sexual rest, including refusal to masturbate, for 3 days before the procedure;
  • Elimination of toxic substances, drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • Suspension of drug treatment, except for drugs necessary for the maintenance of life;
  • Refusal to visit the solarium, the beach, the sauna, the hot bath.

The spermogram is carried out 2 times with an interval of several days. Based on the primary and secondary results, a referral can be issued for consultation with:

  • Surgeon;
  • Phlebologist;
  • Urologist.

Therapeutic tactics, which allow you to completely cure the disease, are selected only on the basis of all the data obtained.

Treatment of cryptozoospermia: methods and means

Cryptozoospermia is treated conservatively or surgically. Methods are selected on the basis of the survey data and on the condition that the form of the disease is treatable.

Oligospermia: definition, causes, treatment |

Conservative tactics involve taking medication. It is indicated in situations where cryptozoospermia is caused by sexually transmitted infections or chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. The following types of drugs are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • External drugs;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Immunomodulators.

Also recommended:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Folk remedies aimed at the general strengthening of the body and the elimination of inflammatory processes.

The medicinal complex is prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment can make the situation worse. The use of traditional medicine is allowed with the approval of a urologist and only as an auxiliary measure that improves physical condition.

Surgery is indicated if cryptozoospermia is caused by:

  • Abnormal structure of the genitals;
  • Benign tumors;
  • Cystic formations;
  • Varicocele.

After the elimination of pathologies, it takes time to recover. Then you must wait for the approval of a specialist doctor when attempts at conception begin.

Is pregnancy possible with this disease?

If, in the presence of a diagnosis of "cryptozoospermia", treatment was started on time, then after a therapeutic course or surgery, the number of sperm gradually increases to normal, and pregnancy becomes possible.

Cryptozoospermia: testimony and treatment

Without treatment, natural conception is almost impossible: the rapid decrease in sperm count cannot overcome the acidic environment of the female vagina. As a result, they do not reach the fallopian tubes.

In situations where treatment for cryptozoospermia has failed, doctors recommend an alternative method of conception.

If there are at least some viable sperm in the testes, pregnancy is possible with IVF and ICSI programs. The sperm is obtained by puncture or biopsy and injected into the egg.

According to the opinions of patients and doctors, the probability of conception on the first attempt is 40%.

An additional advantage of in vitro fertilization in case of cryptozoospermia or other similar pathologies is the exclusion of the probability of the birth of an infant with genetic abnormalities. Some clinics, using the latest research data in their work, even offer to choose the sex of the unborn child.

However, this procedure greatly increases the possibility of multiple pregnancies. For some couples, this is a downside, but for most, having twins or triplets is a great joy.


The risk of cryptozoospermia can be minimized by starting prophylaxis in childhood. In the early years, control over the implementation of the necessary procedures rests with the parents.

Disease prevention measures:

  • Annual checks with a doctor;
  • Visit of a urologist since adolescence;
  • Respect for the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Healthy and healthy food choices;
  • Ignore tobacco and drugs;
  • Drink good quality alcoholic beverages in moderation;
  • Sexual intercourse using barrier contraceptives;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Compliance with a healthy frequency in intimate life;
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes after agreeing on the selected drugs with a doctor;
  • Minimize stress and nervous shocks.

These measures will not only help prevent the development of cryptozoospermia, but also ensure the general health of men, high vitality and psychological stability until old age.

To discover our remedy for cryptozoospermia, click HERE

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727


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Necrospermia: what is it, what are the causes and natural remedy

By On 05/08/2020

Male infertility can be a big taboo for men. The problem is that when a couple decides to have a child, the man has to face this type of situation and deal with it in a healthy way because it is important that everything goes well. There are situations where it is very difficult to deal with this type of situation, such as when necrospermia occurs  , a problem which can be very serious and make the dream of having a child very shaken. Today we will talk in more depth about this problem and how to deal with it.

What is necrospermia?

Necrospermia is nothing more than the term for the condition of dead sperm in a man. It is a very rare type of infertility, affecting about 0.5% of men worldwide. There are basically two types of necrospermia:

  • Incomplete necrospermia  :  occurs  when all of a man's reproductive cells have not died. A man is diagnosed with incomplete necrospermia when he has more than 5% and less than 45% of his sperm alive.
  • Complete necrospermia  : this is when all of a man's reproductive cells have died. This case is even rarer.

Necrospermia, like many of the causes of male infertility, has no symptoms, although it can sometimes be linked to infections of the testicles.

Causes of necrospermia

Because it is a very rare condition, studies of necrospermia to date still fail to reveal exactly why it occurs, even though it is already known to be linked to several symptoms. , such as :

  • Hormonal issues
  • Anterior testicular cancer
  • Infections testiculaires
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Long periods without ejaculation
  • Advanced age

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis of the disease is mainly made  by a  spermogram  , where the quality of the sperm, but also the number and motility of these cells is analyzed in the laboratory. Other tests can be done to make sure that the sperm is of healthy origin, i.e. if the problem is in production or part of the way until it is expelled from the body. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the results of these tests, as some things can alter the diagnosis.

Beware of false diagnoses

Often times when necrospermia is diagnosed it  can be a lab error . It's not that the tests aren't done correctly, but there are many factors that can cause a man's reproductive cells to be identified as dead. Some of them are:

  • The use of spermicides during recent sexual intercourse;
  • The semen collection was not performed correctly;
  • Sperm spent too much time in an inappropriate environment before being analyzed

Although these are not common things, it is possible for these cases to occur. So stay tuned when doing such a review so that there are no mistakes.

Male infertility natural remedy (oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, teratospermia, necrospermia)

Male infertility natural remedies

The natural treatment that we offer to regain your fertility consists of herbal tea. The composition of the herbal tea will depend on the cause of your infertility ( oligospermia , azoospermia, asthenospermia,  teratospermia , necrospermia ). Our natural remedy is the secret to curing all forms of male infertility. It is made with herbal remedies that have been shown to have effects in studies and hundreds of years of use to treat male infertility problems.

To discover the natural solution to treat necrospermia, click here

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: 0022996374527


Treatment of necrospermia

Treatment for necrospermia is usually related to exactly what is thought to be the cause. For example, if it is related to a hormonal problem, the doctor will recommend treatment accordingly. The fact that this is a very rare disease  forces doctors to resort to several alternatives before making a drastic decision such as giving up treatment because there is no cure. Since there are several possible causes, the chances of a cure can vary widely, ranging from very easy to zero.

Is it possible to get pregnant anyway?

When a man has incomplete necrospermia, the chances of getting pregnant are not high, but they still exist. On the other hand, when a man has only dead sperm, that is, when he has complete necrospermia, unfortunately, it is not possible for fertilization to occur. The only hope that exists, if
tests reveal that there are living reproductive cells at their origin, use  alternative methods of fertilization . In vitro fertilization is always the best option. This is the famous  artificial insemination  , where the man's sperm is placed directly into the woman's uterus to fertilize.

The  IVF  is also an option. Even today, it is not a very accessible method due to the high cost, both of the procedure itself and of the medical monitoring required for the process to run smoothly. In contrast, the  success rate of  in vitro fertilization is quite high, which is encouraging for most couples.

Although not very common, necrospermia is a serious problem and often difficult to treat because it is not easy to dream of having a child interrupted. The good news is that there are treatments that can help, even if it's not the easiest thing in the world. In situations like this, a couple should always seek support from each other as this is how they can overcome the problems and overcome these infertility issues of the couple. Necrospermia does not mean the complete impossibility of having a child and  if there is a chance, there is hope.  There are alternative methods of fertilization and treatments to be performed. Therefore, the couple's mutual aid and hope must prevail.

To discover the natural solution to treat necrospermia, click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527


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Ayurvedic massage to treat symptoms of andropause

By On 13/05/2020

Ayurvedic massage for men

In Ayurveda, the human being is a miniature of nature and lives in a constant dance of balance between his main constitutional characteristics (doshas). Let's see specifically how Ayurvedic medicine massage is also treatment for men, not just for women

SPA для мужчин |  СПА для мужчин Тайна Фараона

Massage is often considered a beauty treatment reserved for women.

However, the treatment is different as a true therapeutic act deriving from a traditional medicine such as Ayurvedic, which takes into account the constitutional characteristics of each ( doshas ) which is known after having carried out the   rigorous Ayurvedic test .

From a psychological point of view, man sometimes seems, at the level of the collective imagination, stuck in a role of punishment, a role of  "force" .

This produces stress and is often integrated in such a way as not to consider softness, cocooning, tenderness. When we think of a man getting a massage, we often go for a mischievous side that has nothing to do with the therapeutic aspect of massage.

A massage received in a peaceful environment, with the scented incense, has several advantages: it activates  blood and lymphatic circulation , is beneficial for the   spine , generates  tonic effects on the muscles , improves the exchange of  bodily fluids .

The targeted massage cycles have a positive effect on insomnia, migraine, fatigue  and  digestion . But let's see in detail the  benefits of Ayurvedic massage related to the male sphere .


 Dawabio's natural remedy to fight andropause

The treatment we offer you consists of medicinal herbs, plants and roots whose properties will relieve the symptoms of andropause and increase the production of male sex hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone.

To discover our natural remedy for andropause, click here!

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We deliver all over the world.

For more information you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Relaxation and erectile dysfunction

Indirectly, by acting on the general psychophysical state, the Ayurvedic massage is useful for all the  disorders of the erectile dysfunction  resulting from the psychic discomfort, the fear, the anxiety difficult to manage.

In cases where the mind is distracted from thoughts during the act and the man involuntarily returns to an anti-erotic dimension, massage can help  develop presence .

In fact, any treatment should be meditation for those who perform it and for those who receive it. By inducing complete relaxation, man begins to experience his breathing differently.

Cases of transient dysfunction improve dramatically upon contact with an Ayurvedic operator or Ayurvedic operator. If the malfunction has its internal origins in torque dynamics, it may not be bad to turn to the same operator, for both.

It would be a kind  of couple touch therapy. Without forgetting that, while enjoying the massage in the full sense, the man can, by receiving them, make his own maneuvers to propose in the intimate sphere; of course it will not be a complete massage with exact techniques, but a repetition of one or a few sequences which will please the couple. 


Massage and andropause  

In women, the cessation of female hormones during menopause is almost complete; in humans there is only a decrease in androgen production of about 50 to 70% compared to the "young male" and it does not occur in all men but only in a variable of 10 to 50% of men aged 40 to 50.

Among the symptoms associated with andropause,  there is a decrease in libido-sexual desire, with changes in mood or joy of life,  skin, grease disposition and hair .

In this sense, Ayurvedic massage, especially when it comes to techniques related to the head and scalp, is really powerful. Shiroabyangam  is the head massage  that stimulates important points related to the general well-being of the body.

Physiologically, then, with andropause there may be a slight and gradual decrease in sexuality and potency, due to the passage of years. This decrease may be greater in the presence of chronic diseases (cardiovascular, neurological, systemic) or disorders linked to an excess of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco. In this case, the touch of a therapist is important so that you do not lose contact with yourself. 


We deliver all over the world.

For more information you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

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Image andropause 2

Symptoms and 5 natural remedies for andropause

By On 13/05/2020


Symptoms of andropause

The decrease in testosterone  leads to many complications that encompass various areas of the male organic and chemical sphere, which can be read as symptoms of the onset of andropause. The sex life undergoes a gradual turn, because the  desire decreases , and this is often accompanied by a depressive form.

The levels of memory and attention undergo a  proportional decrease while on the other hand the duration and the quality of the sleep can undergo a heavy impact with the phenomena of insomnia equally important.

The decrease in testosterone occurs in the prostate, with alterations and degenerations of the part, such as  prostatitis or hypertrophy,  which can affect urinary function.

At the cardiovascular level, the hormonal change acts as in women, with an  increase in blood pressure  which often degenerates into hypertension and excess production of cholesterol. Fat mass increases, and often the vaunted "turtle" gives way to the belly.


 Dawabio's natural remedy to fight andropause

The treatment we offer you consists of medicinal herbs, plants and roots whose properties will relieve the symptoms of andropause and increase the production of male sex hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone.

To discover our natural remedy for andropause, click here!

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Help from nature

Andropause is a gradual transition , unlike menopause which, unfortunately, becomes a bit immediate, temporal and this dilution facilitates acceptance and adaptation. Either way, however, there are  natural remedies that can help rebalance the physiological conditions that low testosterone causes .

Serenoa Repens

Palmeira da serra serenoa repens - free photo on pixabay

It is a palm tree of American origin which produces red fruits from which the remedy is extracted. It is rich in  phytosterols  and flavonoids thanks to which it is able to resolve symptoms caused by prostatic hypertrophy, so it soothes disorders related to urinary tract processes, such as cystitis, or contractions and muscle spasms of the prostate. which can inhibit urination, as they come to compress the urethra.

The recommended daily dose is 320 mg.


Nettle root

Ortie Racine - What action?  - Health cards and medical advice

Now widespread everywhere, the root and rhizomes are rich in  phytosterols and lignans  which exert a beneficial action against prostatic hypertrophy, because they limit the growth of the tissue.

It seems that the decrease in prostatic aromatase can also be attributed to nettle root, i.e. the transformation of androgenic hormones into estrogen hormones, thus maintaining a balance between testosterone / estrogen ratio and preserving the erectile function and the degree of fertility. Nettle also exerts an anti-inflammatory action, to protect the well-being of the urinary tract.

The recommended daily dose is  300 mg .

The two remedies  can be used in combination , to ensure greater coverage against the physiological imbalances induced by the onset of andropause.


The powerful natural aphrodisiac catuaba - Mon Pénis et Moi

The catuaba is a small to vigorous tree that produces yellow and orange flowers, and small, oval, yellow, inedible fruits.
It grows in northern Brazil in the Amazon rainforest. The catuaba tree belongs to the Erythroxylaceae family, the main genus of which, Erythroxylum, contains several species that are sources of cocaine.

Catuaba, however, does not contain any of the active alkaloids in cocaine.

Catuaba has a long history of natural medicinal use as an aphrodisiac. The Tupi Indians of Brazil were the first to discover the aphrodisiac qualities of the plant and in recent centuries have invented many songs about its qualities and abilities.
Catuaba is an aphrodisiac. Stimulates sexual desire and increases libido in both men and women. Stimulates blood flow to the genitals, can strengthen and prolong an erection, increase sexual arousal and give stronger orgasms
In catuaba, a group of three alkaloids called catuabine A, B and C are believed to increase sexual function by stimulating the nervous systems.



Marapuama Bark Tea |  Living Proof LLC - Living Proof LLC

Parapuama (the name of the plant and the substance extracted from it) increases sexual desire and maintains testosterone levels. At the Institute of Sexology in Paris, the plant was given to 2,000 patients for ten days and there was a significant improvement in libido in 60% of these patients. Scientists began researching the root's active ingredients in the 1920s and found the new alkaloid, which they called marapuama. Studies continued until the 1980s and it was found that the root contains 0.05% marapuama. To this day, this species continues to be used as an aphrodisiac and for central nervous system disorders worldwide. Parapuama is considered the most effective natural therapeutic treatment for erectile dysfunction and lack of desire in women. Unicamp research on rabbits has proven its effects.



8 health benefits of ginseng

Ginseng is the most studied herb in the world to increase physical performance. It is known around the world for its abilities as an immune booster, mental stimulator, heart protector and for playing in stress relief. There are several variations of ginseng, and some are better than others. When you hear the word ginseng, people usually refer to panax ginseng, also known as Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng, or Asian ginseng. Much research has been done on ginseng and its effects have been impressive. This herb has been widely used for years as a tonic, stimulant and regenerator. Studies by Chinese scientists have revealed that ginseng has anti-aging characteristics due to its ability to remove toxic chemicals that cause aging in the body. Exercise practitioners and sportsmen and women can use this herb to increase energy and stamina.

See below:

• Maintains a circulation box due to the increase and absorption of oxygen; 

 • Maintains an excellent level of physical sensation and delays mental and physical fatigue.

Ginseng is China's most famous herb and has been used in this country for over 7,000 years. It is known as the panax herb, and this herb has become a symbol of health, strength and long life for many.


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

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QUESTIONNAIRE: How to know if you have andropause and discover its natural remedy

Racine de maca


By On 12/05/2020

Men in their 40s suddenly notice that they are not as prolific and violent as they used to be. They start to lose their hair and bones, suffer from insomnia or other sleep problems, difficulty with calculations and memory impairment. They are often in a bad mood, tired and badly operated. Many of these signs are also often associated with sweating and flushing, muscle loss, muscle aches and pains, fat accumulation, reduced exercise capacity, insufficient erection, and to heartburn.



The majority of men who are over 40 now have one or more of these symptoms. Symptoms can vary. And their self-esteem and assured influence over a man of thirty is poisonous. Just like female menopause, this condition is known as andropause menopause, also known as ADAM ( partial androgen deficiency in aging men  ).

This phenomenon is characterized by a slow but persistent deficiency of testosterone and other male hormones. It begins around 30 and hormonal deficiency reaches 10% per decade. Sexual desire, erection and semen production, the quality of hair, bones and muscles depend on testosterone. This is why growing up has a major impact on a man's body.

Such a “middle age crisis” has a significant impact on the level of quality of everyday life for men. Life is finally drawing its cost on the aging body. In addition, other forms of andropausein progress lead to invisible problems such as high heart risk and weakened bones. However, it is not impossible to avoid symptoms of combat or even andropause. First of all, improve your lifestyle: eat healthy , exercise regularly, try to reduce the effects of tobacco and alcohol, and avoid stressful situations.

Sad to say, but there are drugs that can cure midlife crisis in men. But you can use an andropause product which often deals with AMS (aging man syndrome) and its consequences like manufacturing problems. It may seem unnecessary, but even such small life improvements can drastically change your life.



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects, such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Peruvian Maca

The ancient plant treats impotence and low libido.
The more science advances, the more we discover that nature offers human beings everything they need to guarantee their food, health and well-being. Plants that were ignored a few years ago are now recognized for their surprising properties - which were already known to very ancient people. This is the case with Peruvian maca - currently famous for being a powerful tonic capable of improving the generalized performance of the body.

The plant is truly surprising: it grows between 4 and 5,000 meters above sea level, in the central Andes of Peru, with temperatures ranging between 20 degrees positive and 25 degrees negative, depending on the time of day and the period of the day. 'year. Its popular names - "Ginseng of the Andes" and "Viagra of the Incas" - give good indications of its qualities. Maca is compared to ginseng because it has the same stimulating properties as the body and the performance of various functions. Several studies indicate that it is also indicated for hormonal treatments: it seems that the plant has certain molecules that have the same structure as natural hormones, both for men and women.
Many of these studies are in postmenopausal women who need hormone replacement therapy, and so far the results have been satisfactory in reducing hot flashes or flare-ups, preventing and controlling osteoporosis and emotional state. general, with the advantage of not having the side effects common in traditional hormone replacement therapy.

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a cruciferous tree, qualified as one of the Andean roots and tubers with the highest protein content. It has the surprising ability to grow to extraordinary heights: from 3800 to 4800 meters above sea level in the most inhospitable place of the Andes, where temperatures are extreme: from the intense heat of the morning to the coldest nights, with freezing winds, persistent snow and intensity of light at this point. In such a hostile place, where there is little oxygen, there is sparse vegetation: only bitter potatoes and litter grow. There are no trees, only plants a few inches tall.


Uses of Peruvian Maca


  •  At andropause: Maca relieves common andropausal symptoms without the effects of other chemical hormone treatments on the market। Maca can be used as a herbal treatment with proven results in combating the symptoms of andropause as soon as they start to appear - hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, mood swings, low libido are very frequent; in addition to problems such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular changes. Usually, hormone replacement therapy is adopted to combat these problems, which unfortunately have some side effects, which do not occur with maca. Studies carried out with maca have confirmed the properties of Peruvian maca as an excellent phytohormonal treatment, without side effects, combat the common symptoms of andropause and regulate hormonal balance in men. Additionally, maca has also shown great results in reducing fatigue, dry skin, increasing muscle energy, and increasing libido - typically affected during the andropause phase. .


  •  Problems with sexual potency: studies conducted with humans and animals, conducted by different specialists have shown that the use of maca can promote increased sperm mobility, seminal volume and increased sexual desire in men . Consuming Peruvian maca can lead to improved blood flow in the body and also in the pelvic area of ​​both men and women. Due to this effect, maca has been recognized for years as a food capable of increasing sexual stamina and potency. Traditionally, maca has been described as an aphrodisiac for both men and women, no doubt due to its positive effects on increasing testosterone levels in the body.


  •  As a tonic for the body: The use of Peruvian maca as an invigorating tonic for the body in general has been known since Antiquity. Current science recognizes that adaptogenic herbs - such as maca - do have the property of helping the body adapt to adverse environmental conditions, increasing muscle strength and endurance. Adaptogenic plants do not work specifically in physical or psychological weakness, but revitalize the organism in general to stimulate its own immune defenses against aggressive external agents and promote physical and mental stimulation.

Many herbalists have recognized that maca can provide good results in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, in addition to reducing mental fatigue and restoring energy and vigor in the elderly.


To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Andropause 2

QUESTIONNAIRE: How to know if you have andropause and find out its natural remedy

By On 11/05/2020

The most important cause of andropause is the decrease in testosterone However, as men age, not only less testosterone is produced in the body, but also the level of another hormone called  "sex hormone binding globulin (GLHS)",  which draws usable testosterone from the blood. GLHS binds some of the circulating testosterone in the blood. Testosterone, which is not related to the hormone SHBG, is bioavailable testosterone, which means it is suitable for the body.

The amount of biologically available testosterone in the blood of men with symptoms associated with andropause has decreased. For this reason, the tissues stimulated by testosterone in the body receive a smaller amount of testosterone. It can cause mental, physical and mental changes in the person


Symptoms of andropause

The amount of biologically available testosterone in the blood of men with symptoms associated with andropause has decreased. For this reason, the tissues stimulated by testosterone in the body receive a smaller amount of testosterone. It can cause mental, physical and mental changes in the person.

Also known as aging man syndrome, andropause causes changes in psychological and sexual functions. When symptoms are visible, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Psychological symptoms

  • Malaise and depressed mood
  • Not enjoying life
  • Feeling of exhaustion and depression
  • Don't get caught up in the smallest things that could upset you

Bodily symptoms

  • Excessive sweating, hot flashes
  • Dry skin and reduced hair
  • A constant feeling of weakness and fatigue
  • Attention difficulties
  • Common back pain, muscle and joint pain
  • Breast growth
  • Bone resorption and bone fractures
  • Lubrication in the navel area with increased subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fatty tissue
  • Anemia
  • Sleep problems
  • Weakening of mental activities

Sexual symptoms

  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Soft erection
  • Decrease in the amount of semen and change in consistency
  • Decrease in morning and personal stiffness



Natural herbal tea treatment against andropause dawabio 1 1

The excellent way to lessen the effects of andropause is to use hormone therapy, which is one way to treat it. DAWABIO's natural remedy is an African herbal mixture which acts on male hormones such as testosterone. This is a natural remedy that helps to increase the concentration of missing hormones in the body, especially testosterone. After a few weeks of using our natural product, you can see its effects such as increased libido, stronger bones and muscles, and improved well-being. To reduce the effects of andropause , just as important is ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical activity and avoiding stimulants in the form of cigarettes and alcohol. The compositions of this product are intended to regulate the rhythm of urination, help maintain the good condition of the  prostate , cells and protect against changes caused by aging.

To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.




In order to assess a man's risk for andropause, Dr. John Morley developed the Androgen Deficiency Questionnaire in Aging Men (ADAM) *:

(Circle one)

1. Do you have decreased libido (libido)? Yes No

2. Do you have a lack of energy? Yes No

3. Do you have a decrease in strength and / or endurance? Yes No

4. Have you lost size? Yes No

5. Have you noticed a decrease in the enjoyment of life? Yes No

6. Are you sad and / or cranky? Yes No

7. Are your erections weaker? Yes No

8. During sex, was it more difficult to maintain your erection until the end of sex? Yes No

9. Do you fall asleep after dinner? Yes No

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your job performance? Yes No

If you answered yes to # 1, # 7, or three more, you could have symptoms associated with andropause, according to Dr. Morley.

* ADAM Questionnaire courtesy of Dr. John Morley, Director of the Division of Geriatric Medicine at St. Louis University

Print a copy of this quiz and after answering the questions bring a copy with your doctor.



You might not need treatment unless the symptoms of andropause are seriously complicating your life. The most common form of treatment for andropause symptoms is to make healthier lifestyle choices. You cannot increase your natural testosterone production, but the following steps can help:

  • Be honest with your doctor: The biggest barrier to treating andropause is that men find it difficult to talk to their doctor about the process. Many men are reluctant to discuss sexual issues with their doctors. From side effects of drugs to erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems, you can work with your doctor to identify and treat any health issues that are causing or contributing to your signs and symptoms.
  • Choose a healthy lifestyle:  Eat healthy and make physical activity part of your daily routine. Healthy living will help you maintain your strength, energy, and lean muscle mass. Regular physical activity can further improve your mood and help you regulate your sleep.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for help: Men don't always feel sad when they're depressed. You may be unusually tired, anxious or restless, even angry. You may have difficulty meeting your responsibilities at work and at home. Other common symptoms seen in men include trouble sleeping and thoughts of suicide. If you think you are depressed, talk to your doctor. There are many effective treatments for this condition.



To discover the natural solution to relieve the symptoms of andropause, click here




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Treating testicular hydrocele with African plants

By On 25/02/2020

The hydrocele testis is a medical condition involving the excessive accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. There are two types: congenital and acquired hydrocele. The former occurs during fetal life, while the latter is most often the result of previous injuries and inflammation of the testes. The basic sign and often the only sign of hydrocele is severe, usually unilateral, enlargement of the scrotum. Find out how to recognize and treat testicular hydrocele naturally.



What is the effective natural treatment to cure hydrocele?

The natural solution against the testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. Without a doubt, it is the miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. How does it work?

The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the powder and the ointment is very effective. It results in the efficient absorption of all the fluid contained in the scrotum. Thus, the first effects will be felt very quickly. As a result, you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal.

To discover the  natural therapy to treat hydrocele, click  here



Other natural remedies to cure hydrocele without surgery

Image search result for "cucumber juice"

In order to treat testicular hydrocele and speed up the rehabilitation period after surgery, it is necessary to balance the water regime of the body. That is why it is better to replace drinking water with fresh vegetables and fruits or fruit juices. In addition, in the diet, it is necessary to use products that improve the excretion of water from the body.

  • The ideal product for removing excess fluid from the body is cucumber juice. To improve efficiency, you can add freshly squeezed carrot juice or beets. For the preparation of medicinal juices, it is necessary to grind the above vegetables in a blender and drink the liquid. Daily dose of at least 0.5 liter.
  • Celery perfectly removes fluid from the body. In addition, it is a vegetable crop, rich in vitamins and microelements that are important in the postoperative period during home treatment of hydrocele. The daily rate of consumption of juice, which can be separated over time into smaller portions is at least 0.5 cups. To make the medicine taste better, you can add cabbage, carrot or beet juice.
  • The fine diuretic effect of pumpkin juice is well known. The product itself is quite palatable and will not be perceived as a medicine. They can replace most liquid drinks during the rehabilitation period.
  • An excellent diuretic is chopped horseradish. To prepare the drug, you need to mix half cups of chopped roots with two chopped lemons. Take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day.

Consider infusions and decoctions that require the preparation and special use of specific products or plants. For example:

  • To get a decoction, you will need a tablespoon of dried coltsfoot herb (Tussilago farfara) and yellow melilot (Melilotus officinalis). We have them in our online store. The herbs are mixed and steamed in a glass of boiling water. Cool the infusion filter and drink 3 times a day (three or four tablespoons).
  • Mix in equal amounts sage (Salvia officinalis), blackcurrant leaves (Ribes nigrum), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and jaundice (Erysimum diffusum). A tablespoon of the mixture is steamed in half a liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. After cooling, filter. Take 4 times a day for 0.25 liters.
  • Medicinal rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is poured into dry white wine and left for 24 hours. After the stress of drinking 0.25 liters in the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening (before dinner).


Symptoms of hydrocele

Usually, the only sign of a hydrocele is painless swelling of one or both testicles. Adult males with hydrocele may experience discomfort due to the weight of a swollen scrotum. The pain often increases with the extent of the inflammation. Sometimes the swollen area may be smaller in the morning and larger during the day. In some cases, the bloating can be worse in the morning than in the evening.


The causes of hydrocele



1- Congenital hydrocele

A hydrocele can develop before birth. Normally, the testes descend from the developing baby's abdominal cavity to the scrotum. During development, each testicle has a natural sac containing fluid around it. Normally, this pouch closes and the body absorbs the fluid inside the baby's first year. However, this does not happen in babies with hydrocele.

If the gallbladder is not closed, intra-abdominal fluid enters through this opening and begins to collect around the testicle. The swelling that occurs with the accumulation of fluid indicates hydrocele. However, if the gap is large, the intra-abdominal organs form a hernia while trembling. Congenital hydrocele is seen in about 6% of newborn men.

There are two types of congenital hydrocele. The first of these is the associated hydroceleThis is when the abdominal membrane descending into the testicular sac is fully opened. The second is the unrelated hydroceleIn this type of hydrocele, the abdominal part of the membrane is closed abnormally and the peritoneal fluid is trapped inside the testicular pouch.



2-Adult hydrocele

Usually, people over 40 can develop hydrocele as a result of an injury or burn in the scrotum. The inflammation can be caused by an infection in the small, curved tube inside the testicle or behind each testicle (epididymitis). In addition, a unilateral hydrocele can be seen in about 70% of people with kidney transplants.


Medical treatment of hydrocele

If your newborn baby has a hydrocele, it will likely go away on its own in about a year. If the hydrocele does not go away on its own or becomes too large, it may be necessary to be operated on by a urologist.

In adults, hydroceles usually go away within six months. A hydrocele usually only needs surgery if it causes discomfort or if there is a related hydrocele that can lead to hernias.


The operation to remove a hydrocele is done under anesthesia. In most cases, you can go home a few hours after the surgery. A small incision is made in the abdomen or scrotum (depending on the location of the hydrocele) and the hydrocele is surgically removed. Your surgeon will most likely apply bandages to the incision site. 

Needle aspiration

Another option for treating hydrocele is to empty it with a long needle. The needle is inserted into the pocket to remove the liquid. In some cases, medication may be injected to prevent the bag from filling. Needle aspiration is usually done in men who are at high risk of complications during surgery. The most common side effects of needle aspiration are temporary pain and the risk of infection in your scrotum.


To discover the  natural therapy to treat hydrocele, click  here

Hydrocele testis

Hydrocele - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Natural Treatment

By On 08/01/2020



The testes are part of the male reproductive system responsible for producing sperm and testosteroneThis pair of testicles hang below the penis in a skin sac called the scrotum.

Hydrocele is the buildup of fluid around the testicles, which is usually painless and harmless. However, this accumulation of fluid can cause the scrotum (testicular sac) to swell and cause discomfort. Adult males with hydrocele generally feel uncomfortable due to the increased size of the scrotum, and the weight becomes heavier as well.

A man will be more at risk of suffering from hydrocele after he reaches the age of 40. Additionally, men who suffer from infections (including sexually transmitted infections) or have a history of scrotal damage are also at risk of developing this condition. While in infants, the risk of hydrocele will increase in the case of premature birth.



Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs



The natural remedy to permanently cure testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often give positive results and act significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.

Trust us ! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.

Hydrocele remedy

The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.

Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of the appearance of side effects. To discover this remedy click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp


Symptoms of hydrocele


In many cases, there are no specific symptoms that indicate a hydrocele. However, some experience pain, the scrotal skin turns red, and a feeling of pressure at the base of the penisUsually, pain is not felt until the size of the scrotum increases. The swelling can change within a day. In babies, the hydrocele swelling usually goes away on its own.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • You feel a sudden pain in the scrotum, even though there is no swelling.
  • You notice swelling in the scrotum.
  • You have a baby with a hydrocele that does not go away after a year.



Causes of hydrocele



Most of the causes of hydrocele are unknown. In babies, this condition can form before birth. Hydrocele can also be a sign of open space between the stomach and the scrotum.

In the uterus, the baby's testicles in the abdomen descend into the scrotum through the space between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum. Both testicles are wrapped in a bag filled with fluid. Normally, the gap between the stomach and the scrotum will close before the baby is born or immediately after birth. Then the liquid in the bag will be absorbed by the body itself. However, the liquid may still remain after closing the gap, it is a non-communicating hydroceleThis fluid will usually be absorbed slowly during the first year after the baby is born. It is also possible that the space does not close and fluid continues to flow from the abdominal cavity or that there is reflux into the abdominal cavity when the scrotum is full. This condition is called communicating hydrocele and may be accompanied by inguinal hernias.

In adults, hydrocele can appear as a result of infection of the scrotum. Filariasis or elephantiasis, a parasitic infection caused by the Wuchereria bancrofti worm, is the most common cause of hydrocele in adults worldwide.



Hydrocele diagnosis



To diagnose hydrocele, the doctor will first make a complaint and examine the physical condition of the scrotum by:

  • Checking the tenderness of the swollen scrotum.
  • Illuminating the scrotum with a flashlight until light penetrates inwards ( transillumination ). If there is a hydrocele, the flashlight will indicate the presence of fluid around the testicles.
  • Pressing on the stomach and scrotum to test for symptoms of inguinal hernia.
  • If the doctor suspects that the swelling of the scrotum is the result of an infection, a urine or blood test will be done to confirm this. During this time, if the doctor suspects a hernia or testicular tumor as the cause of scrotal swelling, an ultrasound will be done.



Hydrocele treatment


  • In babies, hydrocele usually goes away on its own until they are two years old. If the hydrocele still exists after this age or even shows pain, surgery is needed to remove it. The operation to remove a hydrocele is called a hydrocelectomy.
  • In adults, hydrocele also goes away on its own within six months. Medical treatment will only be done if the hydrocele is causing pain or is bothersome. In addition, the hydrocele removal operation is performed only if the size of the hydrocele is large enough to cause discomfort and pressure on other parts of the body.

Some risks that may be faced by patients with hydrocele who undergo hydrocelectomy surgery are:

  • Infection.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clots.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Lesion of the scrotal nerve.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

After undergoing a hydrocelectomy, the doctor will usually advise patients to use scrotal support and compress the scrotum with ice cubes to reduce swelling.




Complications of hydrocele


Male fertility will not be affected by the presence of hydrocele. However, the problem is that some serious diseases can be characterized by the appearance of hydrocele. One of them is an inguinal hernia, which gets trapped in the intestine in the abdominal wall and can lead to fatal complications. Additionally, hydrocele can also be an early sign of an infection or tumor.



Prevention of hydrocele



One of the causes of hydrocele is filariasis. To avoid filariasis, the best way is to avoid the bites of mosquitoes that carry the worm, for example by using mosquito nets.

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By On 26/12/2019


An enlarged prostate is a common condition in men. An enlarged prostate can cause unpleasant urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract, or kidney problems.

There are several effective treatments for prostate enlargement, including medications, minimally invasive therapies, and surgery. To choose the best option, you and your doctor will consider your symptoms, the size of your prostate, other health concerns, and your preferences. Visit the natural herbal treatment of Dawasanté experts to definitively cure the enlarged prostate. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


If you suffer from an enlarged prostate, here is the miracle solution that will allow you to naturally cure or prevent your enlarged prostate. The natural remedy to permanently and quickly cure the enlarged prostate that we offer is composed of two elements: an herbal tea and an ointment. Generally, with the exception of the diagnosis too late, our natural treatment makes it possible to cure the enlarged prostate quite easily and does not leave any sequelae. So trust us! This natural treatment is the secret to treating an enlarged prostate without operation, without side effects thanks to plants.

Herbal tea is made from plants that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial and calming properties. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. This natural remedy also contains several natural anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit the inflammatory process that triggers inflammation and pain in the prostate gland. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an overly large prostate without having to have an operation. The natural remedy also helps in curing difficulty in urinating and it restores sexual balance. It is therefore the secret to cure hypertrophy of the prostate with plants.

First, the pain in your lower back and in your penis will gradually disappear. You will no longer have difficulty urinating and your erection will gradually return to normal. The use of herbal products to treat an enlarged prostate gives excellent results. Our therapy to cure the enlarged prostate that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting. So; it will save you from having to go through an operation. Herbal tea to treat an enlarged prostate has no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is secure. So this is the secret to cure enlarged prostate without surgery and without side effects.

To discover our natural remedy to cure an enlarged prostate, click here


The severity of symptoms in people with an enlarged prostate varies, but symptoms tend to gradually worsen over time. Common signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate include:

Frequent or urgent need to urinate

Increased frequency of nighttime urination ( nocturia )

Difficulty starting to  urinate

Weak urine flow or flow that stops and starts

Dribble at the end of urination

Inability to completely empty the bladder

Less common signs and symptoms include:

 Urinary tract         infection

Inability to urinate

Blood in the urine

The size of your prostate doesn't necessarily determine the severity of your symptoms. Some men whose prostate is only slightly dilated may have severe symptoms, while others in those with a severely enlarged prostate may only have minor urinary symptoms.

In some men, symptoms eventually stabilize and may even improve over time.

    The causes

The prostate is located below the bladder. The tube that carries urine from the bladder out of your penis ( urethra ) goes through the center of the prostate. When the prostate gets bigger, it begins to block the flow of urine.

Most men have continued to grow prostate in their lifetime. In many men, this continued growth enlarges the prostate enough to cause urinary symptoms or significantly block urine flow.

The cause of prostate enlargement is not entirely clear. However, it could be due to changes in the balance of sex hormones as men get older.

    Risk factors

Risk factors for prostate enlargement include:

·          Aging. An enlarged prostate rarely causes signs and symptoms in men under the age of 40. About a third of men have moderate to severe symptoms by age 60 and about half by age 80.

·          Family history. Having a blood relative, like a father or sibling, with prostate issues means you're more likely to have issues.

·          Diabetes and heart disease. Studies show that diabetes, along with heart disease and the use of beta-blockers, may increase the risk of an enlarged prostate.

·          Way of life. Obesity increases the risk of an enlarged prostate, while exercise can lower your risk.


Complications of an enlarged prostate can include:

·          Sudden inability to urinate (urinary retention). You may need to insert a tube (catheter) into your bladder to drain urine. Some men with enlarged prostate need surgery to relieve urinary retention.

·          Urinary tract infections (UTI). The inability to completely empty the bladder can increase the risk of urinary tract infection. If UTIs occur frequently, you may need to have surgery to remove part of the prostate.

·          Bladder stones. These are usually caused by an inability to completely empty the bladder. Bladder stones can cause infection, irritation of the bladder, blood in the urine and obstruction of its flow.

·          Damage to the bladder. A bladder that has not completely emptied can stretch and weaken over time. As a result, the muscle wall of the bladder no longer contracts properly, making it more difficult for your bladder to empty completely.

-          Renal lesions. The pressure of urinary retention in the bladder can directly damage the kidneys or allow bladder infections to reach the kidneys.

Most men with an enlarged prostate do not develop these complications. However, acute urinary retention and kidney damage can pose serious health threats.

Having an enlarged prostate is not thought to increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Your doctor will start by asking you detailed questions about your symptoms and giving you a physical exam. This initial examination is likely to include:

·          Digital rectal examination. The doctor inserts a finger into your rectum to check your prostate for enlargement.

·          Test of urine. Testing a sample of your urine can help rule out infection or other conditions that can cause similar symptoms.

·          Blood test. The results may indicate kidney problems.

·          Blood test with prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a substance produced in your prostate. PSA levels increase when the prostate is enlarged. However, high levels of PSA can also be due to recent procedures, infection, surgery, or prostate cancer.

Transrectal ultrasound. An ultrasound probe is inserted into your rectum to measure and assess your prostate.

·          Prostate biopsy. Transrectal ultrasound guides the needles used to take tissue samples (biopsies) from the prostate. Examining the tissue can help your doctor diagnose or rule out prostate cancer.

·          Urodynamic and pressure-flow studies. A catheter is inserted into your bladder through your urethra. Water - or, less frequently, air - is slowly injected into your bladder. Your doctor can then measure the bladder pressure and determine how your bladder muscles are working. These studies are typically only used in men with suspected neurological problems and in men who have had a previous prostate procedure and still have symptoms.

·          Cystoscopy  A flexible, lighted instrument (cystoscope) is inserted into your urethra, allowing your doctor to see inside your urethra and bladder. You will be given a local anesthetic before this test.

    Medical treatment

A wide variety of treatments are available for an enlarged prostate, including medications, minimally invasive therapies, and surgery. The best choice of treatment depends on several factors, including:

The size of your prostate

· Your age

Your overall health

The amount of discomfort or discomfort you feel

If your symptoms are tolerable, you may decide to defer treatment and just watch your symptoms. For some men, symptoms may improve without treatment.

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Medical illustration of dr ross moskowitz

CAUSES OF PROSTATITIS : Natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019




The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that all men have. It is located under your bladder and in front of your rectum. The job of the prostate is to make a fluid that contains semen. This fluid protects the sperm as they travel to a woman's egg.

If your prostate becomes swollen, painful, and inflamed, you have a condition called prostatitis. 

The Prostatitis is  the infection, acute or chronic, prostate  (gland located below the bladder, found only in humans). In some cases of chronic prostatitis, no causal germ is found on examinations. This is called chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. Any urinary tract infection accompanied by fever in men  is prostatitis, except  pyelonephritis  (kidney infections).

The chronic prostatitis is the  result of urinary tract infections repeated. The prostate is an  anatomical crossroads between the urinary tract and the male genital tract. Any prostatitis can therefore be the consequence of  bacterial contamination of the urethra, but also of an  infection of the entire urinary tract  (bladder, ureters, kidneys).

The most common prostate diseases are cancer, adenoma (benign enlargement of the gland) and prostatitis. This is characterized by acute or chronic infection of the prostate. It can affect men of all ages, with a predominance around 30 or 40 years old, unlike cancer or adenoma that affects older men.


It's not cancer, and it's different from an enlarged prostate. Here is the natural herbal treatment to cure prostatitis and increase fertility.





PROSTATITIS CAUSES: Natural treatment

This natural treatment to permanently and quickly cure prostatitis that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an enlarged prostate without having to have an operation. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. The natural treatment also helps cure urination difficulties and it restores sexual balance. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis by plants without surgery and without side effects.


To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527




So in the rest of this article we will list the causes of this condition.


Prostatitis is a  group of diseases  affecting the prostate that present with similar symptoms such as pain or discomfort in the perineal region and genitourinary tract.

The condition is not always caused by an infection and there is not necessarily inflammation of the prostate. Prostatitis can be divided into four categories:

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis : This is an acute infection of the prostate.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis : This is due to poorly treated acute prostatitis or recurrent urinary tract infection.
  • Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome : Symptoms of prostatitis are present, but infection is not the cause. It can be taken with or without inflammation.
  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis : Infection and inflammation occur, but there are no symptoms.

In cases where prostatitis is caused by bacterial infection, the diagnosis is simple, and in its acute form, treatment is effective. However, in chronic non-bacterial forms, the origin is not entirely clear, so diagnosis and treatment are complicated.

Prostatitis can cause problems with sexual activity and infertility in men.


Causes and risk factors of prostatitis  :

Prostatitis Reviews – What It Is, Symptoms and Treatments

Different  factors may be involved: food, urine, sex, influence of stress, sports practice including cycling ... Chronic bacterial prostatitis is the most common cause of recurrent urinary tract infection in men and 5 to 10 % of all prostatitis.

Prostatitis is  sometimes the consequence of sexual contamination  (sexually transmitted disease). But very often, no triggering factor is found.

In the elderly, prostatitis is frequently  the consequence of a urinary infection , itself secondary to an enlarged prostate which promotes urinary stasis. We then speak of adenomitis.

To be more specific Prostatitis can affect men of all ages, but it is more common in young and middle-aged men. Other risk factors for the development of prostatitis are:

  • History of prostatitis
  • Have a recent urinary tract infection
  • Recent use of a urinary catheter or recent urologic procedure
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Having rectal sex
  • Structural or functional abnormality of the urinary tract
  • Dehydration (not enough fluid)
  • Trauma or injury to the local pelvis such as cycling or horseback riding


Acute prostatitis is caused by bacterial damage. Chronic prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial, inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Different factors may be involved: food, urine, sex, influence of stress, sports practice including cycling ... Chronic bacterial prostatitis is the most common cause of recurrent urinary tract infection in men and 5 to 10 % of all prostatitis. Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis is the most common prostatitis. Although other, rarer problems can affect the prostate, the most common are prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and cancer.

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate, often due to a bacterial infection. Most often, it is the E. Coli bacteria that is involved (more than 80% of cases).

Most of the time, acute prostatitis is due to a bacterial infection of urinary origin. The most frequently encountered germ is the bacterium Escherichia coli. The contamination can be sexual, but this is infrequent. Infection can also appear when urine is stagnant in the bladder due to the presence of an adenoma that blocks the complete emptying of the bladder. More rarely, an infection can occur following the insertion of a urinary catheter or a prostate biopsy (removal of a fragment of the prostate to analyze it). Chronic prostatitis (which lasts at least 3 months), which corresponds to a significant inflammation of the prostate, often results from acute prostatitis that is poorly treated or recurrent. Acute bacterial prostatitis is often caused by common bacterial strains. The infection can start when bacteria in the urine get into your prostate. Antibiotics are used to treat the infection. If they do not kill bacteria, prostatitis may recur or be difficult to treat (chronic bacterial prostatitis).

Nerve damage in the lower urinary tract, which can be caused by surgery or trauma to the area, could contribute to prostatitis not caused by bacterial infection. In many cases of prostatitis, the cause is not identified.


Prostatitis being a seminal infection; the latter are invasions of pathogenic microorganisms that occur somewhere in the male reproductive and urinary tract, so that they may be present in seminal fluid. They can affect the testes, causing orchitis, the epididymis causing epididymitis, or prostatitis if it occurs in the prostate.

In the path that sperm and seminal fluid must follow to go outward, contact with the infected area will take place, which can impair the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg. Inflammation from the infection can cause a blockage and prevent semen or ejaculate from coming out.

Likewise, It can also result from various sexually transmitted organisms such as  Neisseria gonorrhea,  Chlamydia trachomatis  or HIV (learn how to eat right with AIDS). The other organisms responsible for the infection are the same as those most often found in urinary tract infections, such as  Escherichia coliIn many cases (especially in the chronic form of prostatitis), no specific cause for prostatitis can be found.




To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527


Unnamed 5 1


By On 26/12/2019


 The  PSA  (Prostate-Specific Antigen)  is a molecule secreted exclusively by the prostate. It plays a role in the liquefaction of semen after ejaculation. It passes into the blood in small concentrations (of the order of one nanogram per ml).

In addition, in humans under 60 years of age, a  PSA level of less than 4 ng / mL is considered normal. Beyond this age, and each year, the  PSA level increases by 0.04 ng / mL. After  70 years, a  PSA level of less than 6.5 ng / mL is considered normal. Discover the natural treatment for prostatitis by clicking on the image below.


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



A pregnant patient who presents with a urinary tract infection should be treated urgently to avoid an infectious complication with the risk of premature labor or high blood pressure. Many antibiotics are prohibited during pregnancy, and radiological examinations are limited in pregnant women so as not to risk irradiation of the fetus. Choosing the best possible antibiotic depends on the stage of pregnancy, the infectious condition and the possible effects on the fetus.

In case of obstruction of the ureter, the treatment of the infection requires the placement of an internal ureteral catheter until delivery.


It is estimated that 3% of girls and 1% of boys have had a urinary tract infection before the age of 11. In children, a urinary tract infection is more often related to an abnormality of the urinary system and additional examinations (ultrasound, intaveinous urography) are often necessary.

In young children, it is sometimes difficult to make the diagnosis of urinary tract infection because the child obviously cannot describe his disorders and the symptoms in children are often atypical and not directly related to the urinary tract: nausea, vomiting, deterioration of the general condition… Sometimes, the occurrence of urinary leaks or bad smell of urine can attract attention.

The symptoms of UTI in children are therefore often unrecognized or attributed to another disease, and UTI should be mentioned when a small child seems nervous, does not eat normally, has a fever. unexplained urine leakage, or any disorder of urinary habits.

In small children, urine collection is usually done through a glued bag.

 What are the abnormalities causing urinary tract infection in children?

The abnormalities most often involved in urinary tract infections in children are:

 Vesicoureteric reflux:

Normally, urine flows from the kidneys into the bladder, and a valve mechanism prevents urine from flowing back from the bladder to the kidneys. Sometimes this mechanism is incompetent and the urine can go up from the bladder to the ureters and the kidneys, in particular when there is a complete duplication (2 ureters per kidney): this constitutes vesicoureteric reflux. Thus, an infection initially bladder can spread to the kidneys, and give an infection of this one (pyelonephritis). Reflux can also, but more rarely, occur in adulthood.

To check for vesicoureteric reflux, an x-ray is done, called a retrograde cystography. This examination consists of filling the bladder with the radiological products and taking x-rays to highlight possible reflux of the product towards the kidneys.

 Congenital obstruction :

A blockage of one or both ureters (megaureter…), or of the urethra can exist congenitally in children (urethral valve…), and can promote urinary infection.

 Effects of infections on kidney function:

In children, the risk of damaging the kidney is particularly great if there are infections with vesicoureteric reflux or obstruction of the urinary system. This can lead to scarring on the kidney, poor kidney growth, kidney malfunction with possibly high blood pressure, and rarely kidney failure. If infections are treated early enough and the necessary tests done early enough to treat any serious abnormalities, kidney function can be preserved.


Caused by the tuberculosis bacillus which, after the initial infection of the lungs, migrates to the kidney and/or the prostate. The issue of pus and bacilli in the excretory tract causes symptoms, mainly bladder irritation (frequent urges to urinate, burns when urinating, etc.).
The disease causes strictures of the ureter, a decrease in bladder capacity (small bladder), or even progressive destruction of the kidney.
It is a very rare infection nowadays, which must be considered in the event of persistent urinary disorders, of "cystitis" resistant to usual treatment, of the persistent presence of white blood cells in the urine without the presence of germs (leukocyturia without germs).
Above all affects young, immunocompromised adults in the absence of BCG vaccination, or in the event of a history of tuberculosis.
The diagnosis is made by demonstrating the bacillus in the urine, x-rays of the kidneys (appearance of the kidneys, ureters, bladder), cystoscopy and possible bladder biopsies.
The treatment combines several drugs for 6 to 10 months (isoniazid or INH, rifampicin, pyrazinamide), and sometimes requires surgical treatment (treatment of ureteral strictures, and in case of the small bladder). Undertreatment, the cure rate is 98% at 5 years.


Caused by a parasite, bilharzia (Schistosoma haematobium), the larvae of which enter humans via the skin when bathing in infested water (backwaters) in endemic regions (West Africa, etc.)

The disease is caused by the eggs being deposited in the tissues, the inflammatory reaction they elicit there, and the scarring of lesions which leads to fibrosis of the tissues.

The symptoms mainly combine urinary bleeding (hematuria) and urinary symptoms (frequent cravings, burning while urinating), and are all the more suggestive that they occur in a particular area: African patient from West Africa ( Mali, Senegal ...), but also patients who have been cooperating (agricultural work, military ...).

The serious forms are the result of reinfestations and mainly affect African patients affected from childhood.

The diagnosis is based on finding bilharzia eggs in the urine, and serology for bilharzia. Bladder or rectal biopsies are sometimes necessary

The medical treatment is very effective: praziquantel (Biltricideâ) with a single oral dose of 40 mg/kg. Surgical treatment only concerns the sequelae (ureteral obstruction, small bladder, etc.).


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Chronic prostatitis1


By On 26/12/2019


Infection of the prostate gland. Germs can come from outside through the urethra or come in through the blood. It can be due to endoscopic investigations, the introduction of instruments through the urethra to the bladder.

There is an acute form and a chronic form, with the presence of small abscesses, often due to an acute form that is poorly treated. Chronic prostatitis is not necessarily the sequel of acute prostatitis but of a recurrent urinary tract infection. Discover the natural treatment based on medicinal plants to cure prostatitis permanently without operation. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 

chronic prostatitis herbal treatment

Our natural remedy is made of plants effective in treating prostatitis and some other male sexual problems. We have selected the best plants Africa had to offer to treat prostatitis.

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The functional disorders from there one would be defined by the term "prostatism" which includes: pollakiuria, dysuria, urgent urination.

If natural solutions exist, let's be clear:  we are not kidding with prostate pathologies. Therefore, in cases of prostatic adenoma with acute urinary retention (RAU, in short, one can no longer urinate), or cancer of the gland, it is not allowed to stop allopathic treatment for natural therapeutic strategies. They can, however, be perfectly complementary.

Furthermore, we keep repeating it, self-treatment and self-medication are to be avoided. A true naturopath, or any health worker worthy of the name, is a professional who establishes sensitive protocols adapted to each case and each patient. However, the rules that we are going to advise you to follow our common sense and will give you an idea of ​​the remarkable range that complementary medicines offer.

Some tips to get rid of prostatitis

Tobacco is taboo

Philip Morris et Altria renoncent à créer un nouveau géant du ...

First of all, it should be noted that losing weight is a prerequisite. As in many cases, being overweight weighs (no pun intended) on the health balanceA diet too high in calories increases all types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Studies have shown that reducing calorie intake has a beneficial effect on prostate cancer.

Eliminating tobacco is also obvious. In smokers, prostate cancer - which is, as we have said,  a slowly growing cancer  - is more aggressive and more advanced than in non-smokers. Tobacco increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by 30%. In addition, smoking stimulates the growth of prostate cells. In question, the cadmium contained in the volutes.


Five foods for prostate health - Saga

For effective food reform, the indications are often the same. It is therefore advisable to favor a  balanced diet in proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, of organic quality, seasonal  (and therefore adapted to each of them), and according to the needs of each one. Fruits and vegetables, therefore, rich in vitamins,  minerals, and antioxidants, and fibers. If possible, we will prepare and consume these products as less cooked as possible to preserve the nutritional elements they contain and thus ensure optimal bio-assimilation. (except in certain cases, such as in people suffering from colitis, who will favor fruit or vegetable juices).

Avoid saturated animal fats and prefer unsaturated fats. We recommend consuming mackerel, sardines, herring, walnuts and first cold-pressed virgin and organic vegetable oils for the lipids essential to our cells. For zinc, opt for almonds and pumpkin or squash seeds, but also oysters and brewer's yeast. Zinc has the advantage of inhibiting the activity of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme which allows the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, responsible for the enlargement of the prostate. Limit dairy products. 


Herbs That Relieve Infectious Prostatitis                                                    

The many virtues of plants are often overlooked by patients who systematically go to a doctor at the first signs. In fact, it is possible to relieve yourself with plants when you have infectious prostatitis.

First make sure that there are lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially:

> The broccoli,  the cabbage flower or spinach.

>  Apples,  olives,  black cherries,  berries,  citrus fruits, and grapes go a long way in reducing the signs of prostatitis, as these fruits are rich in quercitrin: an anti-inflammatory plant compound.

As far as plants are concerned, the seeds of squash have proved their worth in restoring hormonal balance through their action on the muscles of the bladder.

Palmetto plants in preparation reduce pain, while poplar regulates prostate, and penis gold regulates the kidneys.

Professionals also recommend nettle which helps to treat urinary tract dysfunctions: difficulty urinating, poor urine flow. The roots and leaves of nettle combined with opuntia and small-flowered fireweed flowers facilitate urination.

Hay flowers also have positive effects on the prostate.


 To talk more about nettle:

Nettle roots

Nettle ROOT Extract – Woodland Essence

Stinging nettle or stinging nettle (Urtica dioica ) is often cited for its anti-inflammatory properties and for preventing the growth of prostate tissue. For this indication, it is the root that is used, especially at the beginning of the disorders, because it would make it possible to slow down the evolution of the adenoma and to reduce the frequency of urination. If the quality of scientific studies in this area is sometimes deemed insufficient, the European Commission, as well as the WHO (World Health Organization), nonetheless recognize as "clinically established" its use in "the treatment of urine emission problems associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hypertrophy, when the absence of prostate cancer is proven". Doctor Jean-Michel Morel, who teaches herbal medicine at the faculty of Besançon, recommends nettle roots in the form of EPS (in pharmacies) at the rate of a teaspoon of 5 ml in the evening before meals in a glass of water. We can also consider consuming the roots in decoction (one teaspoon of dry roots per cup of water to boil for 5 minutes then let infuse 10 minutes, three times a day).

Saw palmetto and African plum

Saw Palmetto Extract

Frequently associated with nettle, saw palmetto or Florida palm ( Serenoa repens  Small), formerly known as  Sabal serrulata, is the other plant associated with the prostate and urination disorders in herbal medicine. It is the fruits of this small palm tree from the  United States that are used and presented in the form of medicine. More than ten studies demonstrate its effects on the frequency of urination (and nocturnal awakenings). The bark of the African plum  ( Prunus Africana ) has similar effectiveness, but this large tree native to  Madagascar is said to be endangered, and for this reason, it is best to turn to Florida's palm.


Door to Nature: Fireweed Heals Burned Land - Door County Pulse

This beautiful pink flower, common in the Alps, shows promise for treating an enlarged prostate. Dr. Kurt Hostettmann, a leading phytomedicine researcher, tells how he discovered their properties: "At the age of 65, my own father had problems with urination and he refused the prostate surgery he was offered. I had read that Maria Treben, an Austrian herbalist, recommended this plant, as she had observed in entrenched valleys of Austria. that it was consumed in herbal tea, as a tea substitute, and that prostate surgery was much less important there than elsewhere. It wasn't based on any scientific study, but I suggested my father try it. What he did. Morning and evening he took his fireweed infusion, and after three to four weeks his nighttime urination decreased markedly. He never had prostate problems again until his death nearly twenty-five years later. "On the strength of this first experience, Dr. Hostettmann then entrusted this subject of his doctoral thesis to one of his young collaborators. .

Fireweed was effectively effective in fighting prostate adenoma, limiting the number of urinations, strengthening the urinary stream and flow, by the same mechanism as that of current synthetic drugs (inhibition of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for hypertrophy). The active ingredients of the plant are mainly present in the tannins, which are soluble in water. Hence its effectiveness in the form of herbal tea (for example 20 days per month). There are several varieties of fireweed, and the recommended ones are the fireweed ( Epilobium parviflorum Schreb) because they contain as many active ingredients, but less tannins, which could in the long run irritate the stomach. Some research suggests the usefulness of fireweed against prostate cancer cells, but this remains to be confirmed.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds pack a healthy punch | American Heart Association

Finally, pumpkin seeds are also frequently cited to reduce the symptoms of benign prostate adenoma and are well known to Germans for this property. They are easily found in any store, and if their virtues on the prostate are not fully established, their richness in nutrients makes them an interesting health food to consume daily.

Against prostate cancer: coffee and tomatoes

Cheaper By The Pound: How Rock-Bottom Coffee Prices Are Impacting ...Tomatoes 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

No plant to date can accompany or cure prostate cancer. On the other hand, in prevention, a large study carried out among 48,000 people by the National Cancer Institute was able to establish that consumption of 6 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of 60% of being affected by cancer of the prostate. Unfortunately, consuming so much coffee daily is not reasonable: in addition to a phenomenon of dependence, excess caffeine causes many side effects, such as nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, stomach irritation. , diarrhea ...

The good news, decaffeinated offers the same virtues. It is indeed the polyphenols in coffee, and not caffeine, which gives it these preventive properties. A similar study published by the same institute also showed that consuming cooked tomatoes two to three times a week reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by a third (compared to occasional consumption). Finally, a healthy lifestyle remains effective prevention: avoiding exposure to toxic products, including pesticides (farmworkers are more exposed to this cancer), being active and limiting the consumption of red meat, cold meats, and cheeses, fatty, while favoring large rations of fruits, vegetables and fish.

Some other plants that help with prostate problems

  • BUCHU: This plant comes from Africa and is considered a urinary antiseptic. It contains an oil that increases urine production
  • Chamomile: An infusion or tea is believed to have calming effects on cramps or painful symptoms in the genitourinary system. Combines well with valerian and marshmallow.
  • Garlic: Good for spasms and cramps. Combines well with Echinacea and Goldenseal to treat microbial activity.
  • Cramp Bark: Bark Has antispasmodic, sedative, nervine and astringent properties. Designed to have potent antispasmodic effects on the genitourinary system in both men and women.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of zinc and linoleic acid (vitamin F). It is believed to play an important role in decongesting the prostate and reducing residual urine.
  • Watermelon Seeds: Help prevent excessive urine buildup due to prostatitis and BPH. Works well with Uva Ursi and Buchu.


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Blog do you have testicular varicocele scaled


By On 26/12/2019




What is Varicocele?

The varicocele is a varicose dilation of veins (varices) spermatic cord (located in exchanges, over and around each testicle). This dilation is the consequence of a malfunction of valves located in the veins. The blood is no longer able to go back up along the veins to reach the larger veins (left renal vein and inferior vena cava). We provide you with a simple homemade recipe to treat varicose veins of the testicles or varicocele. 

Voici le meilleur remède naturel pour grossir pénis avec les plantes

Take advantage of this opportunity to discover our natural herbal treatment for varicocele 

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: 0022990431727





Varicocele is a unilateral or bilateral varicose dilation of the veins (varicose veins) of the spermatic cord located in the bursa, above and around each testicle.

Often, this dilation is the consequence of a malfunction of the valves located in the veins. Thus the blood no longer manages to go up correctly (towards the heart) along the veins to reach the larger veins. That is to say the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Thus, part of the blood escapes and stagnates in the veins, swelling them and this constitutes a dangerous obstacle for the migration of spermatozoa. It is one of the causes of male infertility, especially when the varicocele is bilateral.

The left side is more often affected than the right (on the left side, the spermatic veins join the left renal vein while on the right side they join the inferior vena cava). Both sides can be reached symmetrically or asymmetrically.


Simple Homemade Recipe For Varicocele


First of all, varicocele is not inevitable and the only way out is an operation. The use of natural plants makes it possible to permanently cure varicocele by avoiding surgical operation. The natural remedy for curing varicocele that we offer is completely herbal. It contains two elements namely: an herbal tea and an ointment. Trust us! Because it is the secret to cure varicocele without operation thanks to the plants.

This homemade recipe for varicocele is a herbal tea to cure testicular varicose veins is a vasculoprotective and venotonic. It is a natural remedy that cures varicocele successfully by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cords. So the veins become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins. This to join the most important veins like the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. The operation for varicocele is very expensive and is of little benefit. As for our remedy, it has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. So, this is one of the best natural herbal remedies to cure varicocele and prevent operation.

Using herbal teas to cure varicocele usually gives excellent results as it helps prevent the operation. So our natural remedy is the best herbal therapy for Varicocele. The solution to curing varicocele is in plants. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas to treat varicocele do not cause any side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural remedy is the miracle solution to cure varicocele without operations or side effects. So it is the best natural remedy to cure varicocele.



Take advantage of this opportunity to discover our natural herbal treatment for varicocele 


What are the causes of varicocele?


Varicocele is caused due to the malfunction of a valve located in the veins (which allows blood to flow to the testes). As the cause of this dysfunction is still unknown, it is impossible to explain the exact causes of varicocele.



What are the symptoms of varicocele?


Since a varicocele rarely produces symptoms, it is not uncommon for a man to realize that he has one, unless it is causing fertility problems or is not noticeable on a physical exam. routine. When symptoms do appear, they tend to be felt as a dull ache or a feeling of heaviness in the testicle, which gets worse during the day, especially in hot weather or after physical exertion. Dilated veins in the scrotum can often be felt or seen, and the testicle is smaller on the varicocele side.



Probable Causes of Varicocele Disease


  • Constipation over a long period.
  • Standing for many hours
  • The practice of violent exercises that solicit the muscles of the pubis, the perineum without appropriate support.
  • The problem of the formation of non-toned flaccid veins (congenital cause).


The embolization technique is performed under local anesthesia. A small catheter is introduced through the femoral artery to the dilated spermatic veins, through which substances are injected to block the vein. The disappearance of By embolization:

It is performed either through a conventional incision (inguinal or abdominal) or by laparoscopy (a camera is introduced through a reduced incision in the abdomen). It consists in ligating the spermatic veins in their upper part, so as to cause an involution (regressive modification) of the veins of the cord; Surgical varicocele at 3 months is obtained in 98% of cases. This minimally invasive technique is as effective as surgical treatment.



Frequency and person at risk



It is a rare condition in children under the age of 15 but becomes more and more common from the age of 19. She will later be responsible for the problems of male infertility which are unfortunately very common nowadays due to prostitution and poorly treated infections. According to WHO statistics, about 40% of men consulting for infertility or subfertility problems have varicoceles.



Beneficial effects of the varicose vein potion on the testicles


The Potion treats and heals varicose veins in the testicles or varicocele successfully by strengthening the valves or valves located in these veins of the spermatic cord. The astringent elements it contains invigorates the veins, activates the circulation in the small vessels, and prevents the blood from stagnating. Its depurative elements relieve the liver and facilitate the drainage of toxins. A varicocele detected in time and well treated allows man to regain all his fertilizing power. Almost 100% effective remedy.

This homemade recipe has been studied and has proven effective for many, why not you?


Take advantage of this opportunity to discover our natural herbal treatment for varicocele 

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727


Varicocele 1


By On 26/12/2019




What is a varicocele?



The varicocele is characterized by the expansion of a vein (varix) at the spermatic cord, fibrous cord located in the purses above each testicle, and connecting each of the scrota.

Varicocele usually affects only one side, mostly the left because of the anatomy of the venous network of the male genitals. On the left side, blood from the testis is drained to the renal vein, while on the right it is drained to the vena cava, where the pressure is lower than in the renal vein. Here is a natural herbal treatment from the experts at Dawasanté to treat varicocele without surgery. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment


Voici le meilleur remède naturel pour grossir pénis avec les plantes


First of all, varicocele is not inevitable and the only way out is an operation. The use of natural plants makes it possible to permanently cure varicocele by avoiding surgical operation. The natural remedy for curing varicocele that we offer is completely herbal. It contains two elements namely: an herbal tea and an ointment. Trust us! Because it is the secret to cure varicocele without operation thanks to the plants.

Herbal tea to cure testicular varicose veins is vasculoprotective and venotonic. It is a  natural remedy that cures varicocele successfully by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cords. So the veins become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins. This to join the most important veins like the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. The operation for varicocele is very expensive and is of little benefit. As for our remedy, it has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. So, this is one of the best natural herbal remedies to cure varicocele and prevent operation.

Using herbal teas to cure varicocele usually gives excellent results as it helps prevent the operation. So our natural remedy is the best herbal therapy for Varicocele. The solution to cure varicocele is in plants. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas to treat varicocele do not cause any side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural remedy is the miracle solution to cure varicocele without operations or side effects. So it is the best natural remedy to cure varicocele.

To discover our natural remedy for varicocele click here


Tips for fighting varicocele


To cure varicocele, here are the tips we give you:

Wear suitable underpants or sports clothing

Apply cold compresses of water to your testicles when they heat up for 10 minutes

· You should cut out spices, alcohol, coffee, tea, and all exciting drinks, as well as alcohol and tobacco. These foods dramatically increase the inflammation of varicose veins and thus increase discomfort.

Space your sexual relations as best as you can throughout the treatment in order to put the veins to rest

Avoid playing sports during the entire treatment period

· Hot baths will help reduce inflammation.



Our doctor's opinion


First, varicocele is a varicose dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord (located in the bursa, above and around each testicle). She usually does not have any specific symptoms. But it can be manifested by a heaviness in the stock market. At an advanced stage, it causes an increase in the size of the testicle. It is therefore very troublesome. Most of the time, the treatment is surgical, but many people refuse to be operated on for fear or otherwise. However, there is a very effective solution: Medicinal plants. The purpose of these plants is to make it disappear. Also, it is important to trust us because your satisfaction is our priority. Above we offer you the best natural remedy to cure varicocele quickly without operation or surgery.


Symptoms of varicocele



The symptoms of varicocele vary greatly from one individual to another. In some cases, you may have a varicocele and not have any symptoms (asymptomatic varicocele). But in other cases, varicocele can manifest itself as heaviness and pain in the bursae. Especially at the end of the day, when you are standing, during physical exertion or in hot weather. These pains may worsen over time. In some cases, varicocele is only bothersome in periods.



The causes of varicocele


First, no one can tell you exactly what causes varicocele, but we do know that it results from a malfunction of the one-way valves that allow blood flow from the testes to the heart. The pressure in the vein increases and the venous valves of the spermatic cord are weakened. This increase in pressure results in dilations in the venous plexus.



Varicocele and fertility


Although the relationship is not yet well established between male infertility and varicoceles, recent studies have shown that many boys who suffer from infertility have varicoceles and once varicoceles are treated, infertility goes away. The figures, therefore, show a very close link between varicocele and fertility. In fact, one in three men affected by primary infertility has a varicocele, 80% in the case of secondary infertility, against only 15% in the general population. Nevertheless, a varicocele can even lead to infertility.

However, the links between varicocele and subfertility are not obvious. Testicular varicose veins are a very common problem for which we do not yet fully understand the consequences on fertility, nor the mechanisms involved. There is no link of certainty, only a reasonable doubt.

However, varicocele could directly affect spermatogenesis, which is the production of sperm. Varicose veins (dilated veins) can appear in the scrotum. These varicose veins will increase the temperature in the testicles. The heat weakens the sperm and can interfere with sperm production. The relationship between azoospermia and varicocele is relatively common: 5% of varicocele cases turn into azoospermia. Many men with testicular varicose veins also have azoospermia.


To discover our natural remedy for varicocele click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022990431727




PROSTATITIS SYMPTOMS: Natural plant-based treatment

By On 26/12/2019


Prostatitis is a painful inflammation of the prostate. It is a common condition that can affect men of all ages.

Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plants to cure prostatitis permanently. 



We have the right and ideal plants for healing prostatitis. They are used to slow the growth of the prostate, by reducing the "fuel" of prostate cells: benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cells work with the same factors and use the same "fuel". 

These plants are also effective when the volume of the prostate is visible, above 40 m. Obtaining their relaxation and promoting the opening of the funnel of the neck of the bladder and the prostatic urethra. They thus improve the emptying of the bladder. These plants are the first phytotherapeutic approach to reduce the frequency of urination and improve the spray.

To discover our remedy to cure prostatitis, click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: +229 51374202

Acute bacterial prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis is caused by bacteria. It is said to be acute because its symptoms appear suddenly and can be severe. It is the least common type of prostatitis, but the easiest to treat. 

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

Chronic (long-term) bacterial prostatitis is caused by bacteria and often persists for several months. Its symptoms are usually less severe than those caused by acute bacterial prostatitis and tend to go away and then come back. Chronic bacterial prostatitis can cause urinary symptoms like a burning sensation or pain during urination, but it does not cause fever or chills. It seems to occur more often in older men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

This type of prostatitis is the most common. This is a chronic condition that is not caused by bacteria and causes pain or discomfort that may go away and return to the pelvis.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

The prostatitis Asymptomatic inflammatory causes no symptoms and does not require treatment. Doctors often diagnose it when they do tests to check for other conditions, such as prostate cancer, or to determine the cause of infertility. To ask this

Prostatitis can cause the following signs and symptoms:

At first, prostate cancer does not cause any symptoms. Note that those shown below may be related to another prostate disease, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy.

  • Difficulty urinating: difficulty starting to urinate or holding urine, inability to urinate, need to urinate frequently (especially at night), poor urine output, a burning sensation or pain when passing urine 'urinate.
  • The blood in the urine or semen.
  • Pain or frequent stiffness in the lower back, hips or upper thighs.
  • Changes in urinary function: frequent urge, urge to urinate, need to push, urine retention, burning while urinating.
  • Genital changes: painful ejaculations, or difficulty getting an erection. Predisposed people 

Note that some "  at-risk  " men will never get prostate cancer. Several risk factors are being studied.

  • Age. In North America, prostate cancer mainly affects men over the age of 60. The average age at diagnosis is 70 years, and 80 years at the time of death. Younger, only 0.5% of prostate cancers appear before age 50, and 22% between 55 and 64 ...
  • Family history. The risks are higher when the father or a brother has already suffered from this disease, which suggests a genetic predisposition. This hypothesis is reinforced by the discovery that carriers of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have an increased risk of prostate cancer.
  • Ethnic origin. Men of African descent are more at risk than Caucasians, who are more at risk than Asians. It is estimated that Indians and Chinese are about 50 times less affected by prostate cancer than Westerners. However, when they migrate to countries where the disease is more common, their risk also increases. This suggests that factors not only related to genes but also to diet exert an influence.
  • Obesity:  A man who is significantly overweight has a higher risk of having prostate cancer detected at an advanced stage.
  • Inflammation or infection of the prostate increases the risk of prostate cancer when it lasts a long time.
  • Tall men have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • Men who have been exposed to pesticides have a slightly higher risk of prostate cancer, especially if they have a history of prostate cancer in their family.
  • Exposure to cadmium or rubber derivatives in the workplace also increases the risk of prostate cancer.

The prostatitis is sometimes the consequence of a sexual infection  (  sexually transmitted disease ). But very often, no triggering factor is found.

In the elderly, prostatitis is frequently the consequence of a urinary infection, itself secondary to an enlarged prostate which promotes urinary stasis. We then speak of adenomitis

  • presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen
  • burning sensation or pain during urination
  • difficult or painful ejaculation
  • urethral discharge
  • pain or discomfort in the genitals, groin, lower abdomen, or lower back
  • pain or feeling of pressure in the rectum
  • need to urinate often (frequent urination)
  • very urgent need to urinate (urgent urination)
  • reduced urine stream
  • difficulty urinating
  • fever, chills, and muscle pain
  • recurrent urinary tract infections
  • sexual problems and loss of libido


More precisely:

  • Fever over 38.5 chills severe fatigue  ; 
  • The patient complains of  burning while urinating, of having  difficulty urinating  (  dysuria ), of urinating too often  (pollakiuria); 
  • Sometimes there is a  purulent discharge  from the urinary meatus;
  • Presence of blood in urine or semen;  
  • The urine may be cloudy and smelly.

Acute prostatitis can present with  flu-like signs  :

  •  Diffuse muscle pain, joint pain …; 
  • Rarely, a  sensation of a foreign body in the anus is associated.

Still talking about this disease chronic prostatitis is characterized by chronic perineal pain, sometimes in the anal area. Voiding burns can evolve for several years.

Most often, prostate cancer does not have any symptoms; it is said to be "silent". It will be discovered by chance, following a blood test or during a routine prostate exam. In this case, the doctor will have performed a digital rectal examination, noted induration, and he will have sounded the alarm. This hardening is the most frequent clinical sign.

Similar symptoms when the urethra is compressed

Symptoms start to appear when the tumor grows and puts pressure on the urethra or when it is advanced. The symptoms are the same as for benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), because as we age the prostate increases in size and compresses the urethra. Prostatitis can also cause symptoms similar to prostate cancer. On the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the majority of patients with prostate cancer will have no clinical symptoms.

After the age of 40, it is important that people make sure not to confuse  BPH,  prostatitis and prostate cancer. The examination by a doctor therefore becomes more than important to be clear about it.

BPH or large prostate

The most common signs and symptoms

In the early stages of BPH, there are no signs and symptoms. These appear when the enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra and bladder. This can reduce the diameter of the urethra (compress it) or irritate the bladder, which can cause changes in urinary habits and difficulty passing urine. In some patients, symptoms may appear with minimal enlargement of the prostate.

BPH can cause the following symptoms:

  • A need to urinate often day and night (frequent urination)
  • An urgent need to urinate (urgent urination)
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urinating
  • A weak or slow urine stream
  • A stream of urine that stops
  • A feeling of not emptying your bladder
  • Difficulty controlling your bladder (urine leakage)
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Difficult or painful ejaculation
  • Presence of blood in urine or semen (rare)

Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate

The most common signs and symptoms

Prostatitis can cause a wide range of symptoms that vary from one man to another. They can be similar to those caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. On the other hand, it is distinguished by the presence of pain in the pelvic region and so acute, by high fever and chills.

Prostatitis can be caused by an acute urinary tract infection (bacterial prostatitis) or by chronic inflammation / chronic tenderness.

Prostatitis can cause the following symptoms:

  • A need to urinate often day and night (frequent urination)
  • An urgent need to urinate (urgent urination)
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urinating
  • A weak or slow urine stream
  • A stream of urine that stops
  • A feeling of not emptying your bladder
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Pain in the pelvis area (genitals, groin, lower abdomen or lower back)
  • Difficult or painful ejaculation
  • Fever and chills if the prostatitis is acute
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Presence of blood in urine or semen (rare)

BPH and prostatitis do not equate to prostate cancer. They are among the most common diseases related to the prostate.

Localized cancer

Signs and symptoms of localized cancer

The most common signs and symptoms

It is common for prostate cancer in its very early stages to not cause any symptoms due to its generally slow development. Symptoms can appear if the tumor grows and compresses your urethra - causing changes in your urinary habits or other problems - or if your cancer is advanced. The tumor does not usually cause pain in the prostate itself.

As mentioned above, it should be remembered that all of these symptoms are usually caused by benign enlargement of the prostate that occurs with age and not by prostate cancer. They can also be caused by other problems related to the urinary tract, including bacterial or infectious prostatitis, among others.

Cancer can cause the following symptoms (most often there are no symptoms ):

  • A need to urinate often day and night (frequent urination)
  • An urgent need to urinate (urgent urination)
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urinating
  • A weak or slow urine stream
  • A stream of urine that stops
  • A feeling of not emptying your bladder
  • Difficulty controlling your bladder (urine leakage)
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Difficult or painful ejaculation
  • Presence of blood in urine or semen (rare)

Signs and symptoms of advanced cancer

Signs and symptoms when it spreads outside the prostate

Cancer that started in the prostate then spreads to the pelvic nodes (these are not the same nodes as those in the groin, which are noticeable: the pelvic nodes are found deep in the belly, near the prostate; do not see them and we do not feel them). This is called lymph node metastasis. These lymph node metastases do not cause pain, but can occasionally cause edema (swelling) of the feet and ankles (see why below).

In the even more advanced stage of the disease, cancer cells have usually migrated to the bones, especially those of the pelvis and spine (these are bone metastases).

If the metastases are large enough, then the following symptoms may appear:

  • Pain in the lower back or hips
  • Numbness or paralysis of the lower extremities (in the spine, metastases can compress the spinal cord)
  • Edema (swelling) of the feet and ankles (lymph node metastases can cause poor lymphatic drainage in the lower limbs)
  • Weight loss and impairment of general condition (we do not feel well)
  • Constant fatigue and pallor (bone metastases can cause anemia)

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: +229 51374202



By On 26/12/2019


The prostatitis is an inflammation caused by a bacterial infection of the prostate.

This organ is an endocrine gland in the male genital system which has the function of producing the seminal fluid necessary for the development and mobility of sperm.

Conventional care for prostatitis requires the use of a cytobacteriological examination of the urine to identify the pathogen responsible for the disease.
As for herbal treatments, they help relieve the painful symptoms of prostatitis and speed up healing.  Here is the natural treatment from the experts at Dawasanté herbal medicine to cure prostatitis. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

In this context, an effective mutual or insurance allows benefiting from high reimbursements of the expenses of consultations of urologists, ultrasounds and biological analyzes as well as herbal remedies prescribed by the doctors.


Saw palmetto to relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia

The saw palmetto  (Serenoa repens)  is a shrub whose berries contain sterols, substances which have the property of relieving the symptoms of BPH. Several cross-analyzes of clinical trials of good methodological quality have confirmed the interest of saw palmetto extracts in the treatment of BPH.

Commission E and WHO recognize the use of saw palmetto in "the treatment of urinary difficulties associated with BPH".

The EMA grants the status of “well-established medical use in the symptomatic treatment of BPH” only to saw palmetto extracts obtained with hexane as an extraction solvent. In addition, it only grants the status of "traditional use to relieve symptoms of the lower urinary tract associated with BPH" to saw palmetto extracts obtained with ethanol as an extraction solvent.

In France, drugs based on saw palmetto extracts are available for this use, only one of which uses hexane to extract the active ingredients and none uses ethanol.

African plum to relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia

The  African plum  (Pygeum africanum)  is a tree whose bark is used to produce standardized extracts containing sterols and docosanol. A cross-analysis of eighteen clinical trials points to some efficacy of African plum extracts in the treatment of BPH, but less than that of saw palmetto extracts.

The EMA grants “traditional use to relieve symptoms of the lower urinary tract associated with BPH” status only to African plum extracts obtained with chloroform as an extraction solvent.

In France, drugs based on saw palmetto extracts are available for this use, none of which uses chloroform for the extraction of the active ingredients.

Pumpkin seeds to relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia

Pumpkin seed extracts  (Cucurbita pepo)  are recognized by Commission E to “facilitate the emission of urine in men suffering from BPH”. These seeds contain many substances (phytosterols, essential fatty acids, etc.) whose action on the prostate is poorly understood. There are few studies of pumpkin seeds used on their own (they are often combined with other herbs offered in the treatment of BPH). Their use in this indication is based on tradition.

The  root of stinging nettle  to relieve prostate benign

The roots of stinging nettle  (Urtica dioica)  contain lignans, with properties similar to those of female hormones and which could explain their effects on the prostate. However, clinical trials evaluating the effects of nettle root on prostate adenoma are of poor methodological quality. They point to the effectiveness of nettle root without providing scientific proof.

Unlike other official sources (WHO, Commission E and ESCOP), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) considers that these studies are inconclusive and that BPH being a disease that must be treated medically, the root nettle can not be considered a traditional treatment for this pathology.

Against prostate cancer: coffee and tomatoes

No plant to date can accompany or cure prostate cancer. On the other hand, in prevention, a large study carried out on 48,000 people by the National Cancer Institute was able to establish that consumption of 6 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of 60% of suffering from cancer of the prostate. Unfortunately, consuming so much coffee daily is not reasonable: in addition to a phenomenon of dependence, excess caffeine causes many side effects, such as nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, stomach irritation. , diarrhea ...

The good news, decaffeinated offers the same virtues. It is indeed the polyphenols in coffee, and not caffeine, which gives it these preventive properties. A similar study published by the same institute also showed that consuming cooked tomatoes two to three times a week reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by a third (compared to occasional consumption). Finally, healthy living remains effective prevention: avoiding exposure to toxic products, including pesticides (farmworkers are more exposed to this cancer), being active and limiting the consumption of red meat, cold meats and cheeses. fatty, while favoring large rations of fruits, vegetables and fish.

Treatment of prostatitis: treatment of inflammation and contributions of phytotherapy in case of prostatic hypertrophy

Prostatitis requires drug therapy with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. This cure lasts from 3 to 8 weeks depending on the germ causing the infection.

Besides antibiotic therapy, the patient may resort to herbal remedies to relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate such as:

  • bearberry: anti-inflammatory and soothing pain in urination, this plant is prescribed in cases of acute prostatitis and cystitis. Also called bear grape, it is an antiseptic and powerful antibacterial against pathogenic bacteria of the urinary tract.
  • giant sequoia: antidepressant and hormonal regulator, giant sequoia buds help to treat inflammation in cases of prostatic hypertrophy. They are also effective in stimulating appetite and reducing the fatigue that accompanies prostatitis.
  • pumpkin seeds: they are used in herbal tea against urinary disorders associated with an enlarged prostate. These seeds are also effective in relieving pain, facilitating mixing, etc.
  • serenoa repens: the berries of this saw palmetto are used to treat inflammation of the prostate and prevent a recurrence

Massages of the genitourinary area of ​​the prostate with essential oils (Scots pine, cypress, peppermint, etc.) are also recommended to relieve symptoms and prevent prostatitis.

Oral antibiotic intake and herbal medicine find their limits in severe prostatitis. Hospitalization for 2 to 4 days is then required in order to put the patient on intravenous antibiotic therapy.

Prostatitis: symptoms, types and risk factors of prostatic hypertrophy

Prostatitis causes enlargement of the gland and compression of the urethra and bladder. The first clinical signs of this prostatic hypertrophy are pain and discomfort when urinating, which results in the accumulation of urine residues at the origin of the aggravation and complication of the urological disease.

Inflammation of the prostate can be either:

  • acute prostatitis: usually of bacterial origin, it is characterized by high fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen and general fatigue. The patient also experiences frequent urges to urinate despite the small amounts of urination expelled
  • chronic prostatitis: of bacterial or non-bacterial origin, it is the consequence of a poorly healed urinary tract infection. This recurring pathology manifests itself by twitching in the lower abdomen, aggravated by retention of urine

The enlarged prostate is favored by:

  • the stress
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • urogenital malformation
  • prolonged sitting (office, car, plane)
  • the practice of certain sports such as horse riding or cycling

Prostatitis affects young men. It is often associated with psychological impacts and a deterioration in the quality of life due to painful symptoms, incontinence and difficulty in sexual relations.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


PROSTATITIS FOODS: Natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019


Prostate degeneration: a scourge for men

The cancer prostate is the most common cancer in men in Western countries. Each year, more than 40,000 cases are diagnosed in France. In addition, numerous studies carried out since the seventies lead to think that food is involved for 30 to 40% in the genesis of cancers in general. At the same time, and still in France, 70,000 men each year undergo an operation linked to benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Knowing that a number of dietary factors are involved in degenerative prostate disease, it is important for men to be vigilant about the contents of their plate. However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to cure prostatitis. 


PROSTATITIS FOODS: Natural treatment

This natural treatment to permanently and quickly cure prostatitis that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an enlarged prostate without having to have an operation. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. The natural treatment also helps cure urination difficulties and it restores sexual balance. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis by plants without surgery and without side effects.


To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527


The current literature abounds in articles on the relationship between certain foods and the occurrence of prostate cancer. Even more in the field of nutrition than in others, separating the chaff from the wheat is not easy. Knowing this, and although we can not confirm anything in the face of data which are still mostly at the research stage, it seemed useful to us to carefully list the foods most often incriminated today in degenerative disease. prostate.

Gentlemen, take care of your prostate

From 10 to 20% of prostate cancers could be prevented with a balanced diet. Extenso reviews with you the content of your plate ...

Foods to choose

Vegetables, more vegetables!

Prostate cancer symptoms: Eating more broccoli can help cut the risk of  disease |

It's an indisputable fact: vegetables play a major role in cancer prevention. To enjoy their benefits, fill half your plate with vegetables. Vary the colors to take advantage of the different compounds they offer.

Also, although they are not all particularly colorful, vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family, such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts also have anti-cancer properties. Consuming it at least 5 times a week could decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Vitamin E and selenium

Selenium and Vitamin E to Alleviate Signs of Tying Up – The Horse

Selenium, which is found in rice, wheat, and Brazil nuts, would provide a protective effect. However, its effect would be seen especially in men who have low amounts of selenium in their blood.

Vitamin E, found in almonds, flax seeds, hazelnuts, safflower, corn and soybean oil would also be beneficial in prevention. Its role would be particularly effective in smokers and in those who have low amounts of vitamin E in the blood.

 Broccoli, and more broadly vegetables from the cruciferous family, help prevent the onset of certain cancers including prostate cancer.

Kroger - Broccoli - Crowns, 1 lb

The broccoli isothiocyanates including sulforaphane, and ibérine that appear to act on the expression of genes (6). According to some authors, when a person develops cancer, certain genes are activated and others repressed in particular, and other crucifers such as Brussels sprouts contain; However, broccoli seems to stimulate genes that prevent cancer and slow down genes that facilitate its growth, by chemical modification of ligands.

- It is recommended to drink green tea daily. Its benefits are manifold. It contains catechins, an antioxidant substance that is said to help limit the development of tumors. 

Other foods contain less lycopene:  pink grapefruit,  watermelon,  papaya,  guava,  dried apricots, for example.

- The pomegranate. "It is less known but pomegranate juice is a real ally for the health of his prostate. You can drink a glass every day," says Professor Zerbib. The antioxidants present in the pomegranate fruit are said to be responsible for these benefits. 

- Curcumin.  Several studies have shown that curcumin has anti-tumor effects. "Consumption once or twice a week is sufficient," advises Professor Zerbib.

Regarding alcohol, it is better to be careful of white alcohols such as white wine, champagne and beer which promote urinary disorders and infections but have no direct effect on tumor growth.

The best prevention is early detection of prostate cancer for men who have risk factors, including family history. 


Lycopene is a substance from the carotenoid family. It is a powerful antioxidant. The tomatoes are rich in lycopene. This lycopene is better assimilated in cooked tomatoes (tomato sauces, coulis, purées) than in raw tomatoes, except tomato juice which also offers good availability of lycopene.

But don't we say that cooking deteriorates certain food components, such as vitamins for example?

Certainly yes. Nevertheless, cooking seems rather beneficial to the antioxidant score, at least concerning the tomato.

Thus, its vitamin C content effectively decreases by cooking, but its concentration of phenols increases, so that the water-soluble anti-radical capacity increases.

Without being specific to prostate cancer, let us also point out a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on 2/17/99, which shows that men consuming more than 10 times a week of tomato products have a 33 % lower risk of developing cancer compared to those who consume less than twice a week.

It is interesting to consume lycopene almost daily, in the form of vegetables and fruits.



Polyphenols are what give food color.

The polyphenols in tea would protect against prostate cancer, and in particular green tea, the daily consumption of which could reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer by around two thirds.

Certain authors nevertheless emphasize the fact of consuming preferably teas resulting from a culture free from phytosanitary products such as pesticides or heavy metals. It also seems logical to extrapolate this remark to all of our nutrients.

A recent study conducted by NutriNet-Santé cites coffee as a major source of beneficial polyphenols among the French.

The red wine is rich in Resveratrol is a polyphenol. The rougher the wine, the more resveratrol it contains. This substance is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and would have an estrogenic effect (inhibiting testosterone, a male hormone which has a proliferative action on the prostate). 4 glasses of red wine per week would slow the progression of the disease by 41%

Consuming 250 ml of pomegranate juice every day would reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer by 60%.

The fruits and vegetables are rich in polyphenols cancer-protective, but not specific for prostate cancer. It is from this observation, among other things, that the National Health Nutrition Plan recommended 5 fruits and vegetables per day.

A diet rich in soy would reduce PSA levels by 14%.

Soy contains polyphenols (genistein, family of isoflavones) which have an antioxidant and estrogenic role. Tofu, soy drinks and yogurts are rich in it. Although it is not a phenol, it is interesting to know that soybeans contain saponins, which are anti-inflammatory but above all anti-proliferation of tumor cells. Remember, however, as said above that the consumption of soy can have drawbacks (drop-in sperm, among others).

Omega 3

Omega 3s have an anti-inflammatory role. They also control testosterone. They are present in fatty fish, which by the way, also contain more vitamin D, which is also beneficial for the prostate, the more fatty they are.

The flaxseed oil, rich in omega 3 is currently under study. Flaxseed oil also contains lignans which give rise to phytoestrogens.

A study presented in June 2007 in Chicago on the occasion of the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology showed a decrease in the proliferation of prostate cancer cells by 30 to 40% in men undergoing prostate removal in due to cancer and having previously consumed flax seeds.

The rapeseed oil has been the subject of controversy especially following an epidemiological study conducted at Harvard on a group of 50,000 physicians health professionals. According to this study, participants who consumed the most omega 3 had a higher risk of prostate cancer than those who consumed little!

While other studies say the opposite. For example, a large American prospective study conducted by the NIH (equivalent to Inserm) was published in August 2006. It involved 30,000 volunteers. She didn't find that men who consumed the most ALA (alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3) had more cancer.

Also contain omega 3:  rapeseed, walnut, wheat germ oils.

Monounsaturated fatty acids

These good fats would be favorable to prostate tissue. It is about olive oil , peanuts, hazelnuts but also  almonds  and  avocados  as well as goose fat, duck.

Vitamin D

Men with above-average plasma vitamin D levels have a 45% lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer, according to a study by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. As a reminder, 90% of vitamin D is synthesized in our skin following sun exposure, the remaining 10% being found in our  food of animal origin  (eggs, non-skimmed dairy products,  fatty fish, etc.).

On the other hand, we will see later that one should not abuse too fatty products.


Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. 200 micrograms of selenium reduce the incidence of prostate cancer by 63%. But 400 micrograms of selenium have a reverse action by pro-oxidant effect!

The  Brazil nut  contains a lot of selenium. The garlic  and  broccoli  are also well provided. The  red onions  also contain enough. Onion is a very interesting food against the occurrence of prostate cancer and other cancers, in particular by its content of phenols and flavonoids.


Lutein is a carotenoid with antioxidant properties and capable of promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death, 100 times more common for tumor cells than for healthy cells).

The lawyer  is particularly well endowed with it. It is in any case a food to recommend. An acetone extract of avocado inhibits the in vitro growth of both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.

Consuming 50 grams of avocado per day would reduce prostate cancer mortality by 40%.

Other hypothetical protectors

Pumpkin seed oil  is also sometimes cited still for its antioxidant action. It can be used mixed with other edible oils to season dishes.

Dietary factors that attack the prostate

The alcohol

The alcohol  should be consumed in moderation. Alcohol seems to be involved in many cancers (16).


Industrialized products containing  hydrogenated lipids should be  consumed in moderation.

Products containing  saturated and trans fatty acids should  also be consumed in moderation.

Among the foods containing trans fatty acids, we can mention  margarines ,  cookies ,  pastries ,  fried foods .

The  red meats  and  cold cuts  are often stigmatized by their intake of saturated fatty acids. However, red meats are not necessarily very high in fat. However, according to a study conducted in 2000, it still takes a daily fat consumption corresponding to more than 33% of the calories of the day to multiply by 3 the risk of prostate cancer.

While it is true that omega 3s are considered favorable to the prostate, it is accepted that  omega 6s  ( corn oil , walnuts, grape seed, sunflower, etc.) generally attack this prostate tissue.

It should be noted that obesity  must be fought here as in the fight against other cancers: the risk of death from prostate cancer is doubled with a body mass index exceeding 30. The prostate is larger on average by 32% in the obese. In the same vein, and to fight cancer in general, you must avoid a sedentary lifestyle. A low calorie diet and moderate physical activity (30 minutes of walking per day) would reduce mortality by 10 to 30%. Be careful, however, not to overdo it: more than 2 hours a day has a pro oxidizing effect

Food supplements

According to some authors, the excess intake of antioxidants  eliminates too many free radicals.

Free radicals are certainly responsible for the occurrence of cancer, but their presence is also useful in the elimination of cancer cells which are rich in them and which can be self-destroyed by this auto-intoxication. According to these authors, it is therefore necessary to avoid industrial antioxidant supplements, to stick to a good diet sufficiently supplying natural antioxidants. So be careful with "food supplements".

Preparation methods

The acrylamide  promotes the onset of prostate cancer. This substance is found in  crisps  and   breakfast cereals . This is linked to the cooking method.

The  polyamines  found in  cold cuts  in the form of  nitrosamines  during salting and smoking seem to promote prostate cancer.

In particular, it is known that polyamines increase PSA and bone pain from prostate metastases.

Overcooking, leading to the presence of  polycyclic aromatic substances  can be carcinogenic. Example with the blackening of overcooked meats.

Beware of excess!

It is likely that selenium and vitamin E taken in too much can have harmful effects on your health. It is therefore preferable to include foods that contain them in your diet rather than consuming them in the form of supplements. In fact, supplements have not been shown to help prevent prostate cancer.

Foods to eat in moderation

Fatty substances

A diet high in fat, especially animal fat, would increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, excess fat in the diet could lead to excess weight. Since excessive calorie consumption and obesity are two factors linked to a greater risk of prostate cancer, it is best to ensure that you meet your energy needs, without exceeding them.

Tips to limit harmful fats:

· Prefer cooking with steam, in the oven or on the grill rather than deep frying;

· Reduce your consumption of pastries and baked goods (croissants, commercial muffins, donuts, etc.).

· Decrease your consumption of animal fat, by varying your sources of protein: include fish and legumes more often in your menu;

· Favor non-hydrogenated oils and margarine over animal fats;

· Choose leaner cuts of meat;

· Switch to low fat milk and alternatives.


Red meat and cold cuts

Red meats, mainly those that are grilled, could promote the appearance of certain cancers, including that of the prostate. Processed meats (ham, bacon, cold meats and cold cuts) could also play a harmful role.

At lunchtime, choose canned fish, chickpea or tofu spreads and leftover roasts rather than the traditional slices of ham, salami or "baloney".

Calcium and dairy products

Although calcium is an absolutely essential nutrient for the development and maintenance of bone health, it seems that excessive consumption may be linked to a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. To enjoy the benefits of calcium without risking the disadvantages as well, it is recommended that you do not take calcium supplements that provide more than 1000 mg.

High consumption of whole, partially skimmed, or fat-free dairy products has been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This link is not clear and more studies still need to be done. 

Canada's Food Guide classifies dairy products as a protein food. They therefore have their place in your diet, without having to give them a disproportionate importance. 

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: 0022996374527


Prostatitis sexual infections vector illustration prostate 107732945


By On 26/12/2019

Relationship Between Prostatitis and Chlamydia

Some people with chlamydia have difficulty getting or keeping an erection, which is commonly called erectile dysfunction. This difficulty arises when chlamydia infects the prostate and resulting in prostatitisHere is a natural treatment of herbal medicine to permanently cure prostatitis. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


What is Prostatitis?

Prostatitis chronic bacterial is a rare disorder that causes recurrent infection in the prostate and causes swelling, inflammation and infections frequent urinary tract. The prostate is a small gland located directly below the bladder in men.

Even with prolonged antibiotic treatment, bacteria can still survive in the prostate, and symptoms often return.


If you suffer from prostate problems (inability to urinate, urination disorders, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lower back pain and penile pain, etc.), this is the miracle solution that will help you cure or prevent your prostatitis. The natural remedy to cure prostatitis permanently and quickly that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. Generally, with the exception of the diagnosis too late, our natural treatment makes it possible to treat prostatitis quite easily and does not leave any sequelae. So trust us! This natural treatment is the secret to cure prostatitis without operation, without side effects thanks to plants.

Herbal tea is made from plants that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial and calming properties. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. This natural remedy also contains several natural anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit the inflammatory process that triggers inflammation and pain in the prostate gland. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an excessively large prostate without having to have an operation. The natural remedy also helps in curing difficulty in urinating and it restores sexual balance. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis with plants.

First, the pain in your lower back and in your penis will gradually disappear. You will no longer have difficulty urinating and your erection will gradually return to normal. The use of herbal products to cure prostatitis gives excellent results. Our therapy to cure prostatitis that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting. So; it will save you from having to go through an operation. Herbal tea to treat prostatitis has no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is secure. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis without operation and without side effects.

To discover our natural remedy to cure prostatitis, click here

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause long-term health problems. Many people with chlamydia have no symptoms and are unaware that they are infected.

If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to:

Chronic prostatitis in men causing pain and erectile dysfunction

An increased risk of contracting HIV

Permanent infertility in women and a painful condition called pelvic inflammatory disease

Does chlamydia cause prostatitis?

Chlamydia can infect the prostate, causing a complication called prostatitis, which can lead to ED.

If chlamydia gets into the genital tract, it can spread to nearby organs. In men, the Chlamydia bacteria can infect the urethra, the tube that carries semen out of the body. Over time, bacteria can travel through the urethra to the prostate.

If the prostate becomes infected and inflamed, blood flow to the penis may be restricted, which can make it difficult to get or maintain an erection.

 Symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia often does not cause any symptoms. In some people, symptoms appear several weeks after the initial infection, and then one person may have passed on chlamydia to another person.

When chlamydia causes symptoms, they can include:

A burning sensation when urinating

Discharge from the penis or vagina

Pain or swelling in the testicles, which is less common

Symptoms of prostatitis

Prostatitis can cause the following signs and symptoms:

Presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen

Burning sensation or pain during urination

Difficult or painful ejaculation

Urethral discharge

Pain or discomfort in the genitals, groin, lower abdomen or lower back

Pain or feeling of pressure in the rectum

Need to urinate often (frequent urination)

Very urgent need to urinate (urgent urination)

Reduced urine stream

Difficulty urinating

Fever, chills and muscle pain

Recurrent urinary tract infections

Sexual problems and loss of libido

How is prostatitis diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis, your doctor will take your medical history and do a physical exam to look for swollen lymph nodes near the groin or for fluid discharge from the urethra.

Your doctor will also do a rectal exam to examine the prostate. During this test, your doctor will insert a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to look for signs of infection, such as a soft prostate or an enlarged prostate.

Your doctor may also perform the following tests:

• test urethral fluid for bacteria

• tests to rule out a sexually transmitted infection

• urine test

Medical treatment

Antibiotics are the main treatment for this condition. They are usually taken for four to six weeks. However, as the infection may come back, you may need to take antibiotics for 12 weeks or more. Your doctor will arrange for a follow-up after treatment to make sure the infection is completely gone.

It can take six months to a year for symptoms to go away completely. In the meantime, some home remedies may be able to ease your symptoms. Home remedies include:

• hot baths

• drink 64 to 128 ounces of water per day

• use fabric softeners to avoid constipation

• avoid alcohol, caffeine, citrus juices and hot and spicy dishes

• medicines to treat pain

Additional treatment may be necessary in the following rare cases:

• If you cannot pass urine, a health care provider will insert a tube called a catheter to empty your bladder.

• If you have an abscess, your doctor will drain it.

• If you develop sepsis, you will receive intensive antibiotic therapy and will have to stay in hospital.

• If you have stones or mineral deposits in your prostate, your doctor may need to remove your prostate. It's very rare.

Tips to follow if you have prostate cancer

When you are suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis, certain lifestyle changes can be of great help. Here are the tips to follow:

–Drink plenty of water. Ideally, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Fluid intake helps the metabolic process to function well.

-Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco. They can irritate your bladder and especially make your symptoms worse.

-Eat healthily, especially avoid foods that are too sweet and fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

-Avoid sitting in a sitting position for too long. But in the event that this is unavoidable, favor a comfortable seat

-Regular moments of relaxation and sufficient sleep are also essential.

-Avoid any other activity that generates pressure on the perineum that accentuates symptoms, for example, cycling.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Azoospermia and normal 2

AZOOSPERMIA CAUSES: natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019

What is Azoospermia?

The azoospermia is a sperm abnormality characterized by the total absence of sperm in the ejaculate. It obviously leads to infertility in men, because in the absence of sperm there can be no fertilization. However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to improve the quality and quantity of your sperm. Click here or on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

AZOOSPERMIE: natural treatment based on medicinal plants

Azoospermia affects less than 1% of men in the general population or 5 to 15% of infertile men (1).

The causes

Depending on the cause, there are two types of azoospermia:

Secretory azoospermia (or NOA, for non-obstructive azoospermia)

Spermatogenesis is impaired or absent and the testes do not produce sperm. The cause of this spermatogenesis defect can be:

  • hormonal, with hypogonadism (absence or abnormality in the secretion of sex hormones) which may be congenital (Kallmann-Morsier syndrome for example) or acquired, due in particular to pituitary tumors which alter the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or after a treatment (eg chemotherapy);
  • genetics: Klinefelter syndrome (presence of an extra X chromosome), which affects 1 in 1,200 men (2), structural abnormality of chromosomes, (microdeletion, i.e. loss of a fragment, of the Y chromosome in particular), translocation (one segment of the chromosome detaches and attaches to another). These chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of 5.8% of male infertility problems (3);
  • bilateral cryptorchidism: the two testes have not descended into the bursa, which impairs the process of spermatogenesis;
  • infection: prostatitis, orchitis.

Obstructive or excretory azoospermia (OA, obstructive azoospermia)

The testes do indeed produce sperm but they cannot be exteriorized due to a blockage of the ducts (epididymis, vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts). The cause may be of origin:

  • congenital: the seminal tract has been altered from embryogenesis, resulting in an absence of the vas deferens. In men with cystic fibrosis, a mutation in the CFTR gene can cause the absence of vas deferens;
  • infectious: the passages have been blocked following an infection (epididymitis, prostato-vesiculitis, prostatic utricle).

1-Pre-testicular causes

In this case, the origin of azoospermia is due to alterations at the endocrine level, that is, it is manifested by irregularities in the levels of the hormones responsible for regulating sperm production or spermatogenesis. . These are therefore cases of secretory azoospermia.

Among the main endocrine disorders that can cause azoospermia, we can find:

  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: this is a deficiency of the hormones released by the pituitary gland and responsible for stimulating the production of sperm in the testes. The main hormones are  FSH  (follicular stimulation) and  LH  (luteinizing). This problem can be due to genetic alterations such as Kallmann syndrome, tumors, trauma, pharmacological treatments, consumption of anabolic agents, etc.
  • Hyperprolactinemia: it is the excessive increase in the hormone prolactin release. It blocks the hormone GnRH (a hormone that releases gonadotropins), whose function is to regulate the release of FSH and LH. This can be due to the consumption of antihypertensive drugs, stress, tumors, antidepressants, etc.
  • Androgen insensitivity syndrome: this is mainly due to genetic mutations that cause resistance to androgens so that full virilization of the patient does not take place. Depending on the degree of severity, testosterone levels can be low, which prevents or hinders spermatogenesis, among other related consequences.

Patients who suffer from azoospermia due to this syndrome will have slightly decreased testicular volume, they will not produce sperm in the testes, and their FSH levels will generally below, except in cases of androgen resistance. In this case, the LH is elevated but the FSH and testosterone concentrations are usually normal or slightly elevated.

Testicular causes

The absence of sperm is due to problems in the testis which hamper spermatogenesis and therefore lead to errors or even blockage of sperm production.

The most common testicular pathologies are:

  • Varicocele:  dilation of the spermatic veins.
  • Cryptorchidism:  no descent of the testis from the inguinal canal to the scrotal pocket.
  • Orchitis:  Inflammation of the testicle, usually due to infection, as is often the case with mumps.
  • Genetic alterations
  • Testicular torsion
  • Trauma
  • Continuous increase in testicular temperature

The type of azoospermia from which these patients suffer is also secretory, but the clinical picture is different from the previous one: they have a lower testicular volume (due to non-production of sperm) but the FSH levels are high.

FSH, which is responsible for stimulating the testes to produce sperm, increases. This is why the testes do not respond to their stimulus, the body sends more FSH for the testes to function.

Post-testicular causes

When the cause of azoospermia is post-testicular, it is obstructive azoospermia. In this case, the testes are able to produce sperm properly, but there is a  problem in the seminal ducts  (vas deferens, epididymis or urethra) responsible for transporting sperm in an ejaculation.

Among these problems, we can highlight:

  • Absence of vas deferens: this is a congenital pathology which, if it affects bilaterally, prevents sperm from coming out during ejaculate. This happens, for example, in some cases of cystic fibrosis.
  • Obstruction of the vas deferens, the epididymis, or the urethra: it may be involuntary (trauma, surgery or disease) or voluntary. This is called a  vasectomy.

Patients have a normal testicular size and FSH hormone levels are also average. Obstructive azoospermia is the least serious compared to fertility. It allows the man to obtain a pregnancy, either naturally, by a medical intervention which makes it possible to unblock the channels, or by obtaining sperm directly from the testicle and the subsequent application of a medically assisted procreation technique.

Your frequently asked questions

Is varicocele a cause of infertility in men?

By Victoria Moliner (embryologist).

Yes, varicocele can be a cause of male infertility. This pathology can manifest itself in different degrees of affection, so its harmful effect on male fertility (which mainly causes seminal and hormonal changes) can also be from mild to severe.

Is hormonal azoospermia always secretory?

By Andrea Rodrigo (embryologist).

Yes, when the lack of sperm is caused by hormonal problems, it is secretory azoospermia because of the lack of regulation by hormones prevents or complicates spermatogenesis.

Can cycling be the cause of my testicular factor azoospermia?

By Andrea Rodrigo (embryologist).

Continued use of the bicycle does not necessarily cause azoospermia, provided that the correct position is taken on the bicycle and, in some cases, certain testicular protection systems are used.
Routine improper use of the bicycle can increase the temperature of the scrotal region and thus prevent the proper production of sperm, which can reduce the quality of sperm.

As an added note, it is important to note that excessive exercise can affect sperm production in addition to other bodily functions.

Is azoospermia reversible?

By Andrea Rodrigo (embryologist).

It is possible that azoospermia is transient or punctual and, therefore, we can speak of reversible azoospermia. This means that, although it is unusual, a man may have a certain period of azoospermia, for example, due to stress or some other situation, and after this period recover the production of sperm and, with it, the presence of these in the ejaculate.
Read more

Why is there an absence of sperm in the spermogram?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

When a man gets zero sperm as a result of his semen analysis, he may have azoospermia. First of all, this diagnosis should always be confirmed by a second spermogram, in case an error may have occurred while handling the first sample.

If azoospermia is confirmed, there are several causes of this seminal alteration, from blockage of the seminal ducts to problems with sperm production. More human testing should be done to find a more complete diagnosis.

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TERATOSPERMY FOOD: Bark, Roots, Herbal teas, Plants

By On 26/12/2019

T ERATOSPERMY FOOD: Bark, Roots, Herbal teas, Plants 

The teratozoospermia  (or teratozoospermia) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.

However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment to permanently cure teratospermia.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this treatment

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number

If we readily recognize that food has an influence on the fertility and the state of health of the future baby, strangely, we always have in mind the hygiene of the mother's life. Often ignoring the role of men. Yet recent studies have shown that certain micronutrients improve sperm quality. In couples wishing to have a child, which foods should be favored for him? The answers of Doctor Laurence Benedetti, specialists in micronutrition.

“Today, even among young people, there are more abnormalities in the spermogram. Stress, the cell phone in your pocket, pesticides and pollutants undoubtedly play a role, ”notes Dr. Laurence Benedetti. Food can help counter the negative effects of the environment. A diet to start when you want a child to give the future dad time to replenish his stock of antioxidants and good nutrients.

The nutrients men need

90 foods that boost our fertility -

- Antioxidants (vitamin C, A, E, polyphenols).  Insofar as they play a role of shield against external aggressions (stress, tobacco, pollution), they also protect the integrity of the spermatozoa.
On the plate: Green vegetables, fruits, spices (turmeric, ginger, curry…), green tea, dark chocolate.

-  Omega 3 .  As they act on the flexibility of the cell membrane, they facilitate exchanges between the oocyte and the spermatozoon.
On the plate: Small fatty fish (sardines, herrings, mackerel), rapeseed oil, walnut oil

- Magnesium.  Known for its anti-stress effects, it is recommended in the pre-conceptual period. Stress harms libido and is also believed to be implicated in fertility problems.
On the plate: Cereals and legumes (lentils, white beans, split peas), which provide magnesium and other minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, etc.)

- Vitamin B9.  Studies have shown that there is a correlation between infertility and low intake of vitamin B9.
On the plate: Green leafy vegetables (lamb's lettuce, salad, broccoli), brewer's yeast or liver.

- Zinc.  As a bulwark against oxidative stress, studies have shown that it is present in high concentration in seminal fluid.
On the plate: Oysters, wheat germ.

- Selenium. it plays a role in the maturation of sperm, according to some studies.
On the plate: Seafood

- Carnitine and coenzyme Q10.  This amino acid derivative and this antioxidant, which ensure the production of energy within the cell, are very useful for the spermatozoon, which consumes a lot of energy.
On the plate: Proteins (meat, fish).

On the side of plants

Tribulus and mucuna are known to improve the spermogram. They can be combined in the form of standardized plant extracts (ask a pharmacist specializing in herbal medicine) or in the form of capsules.

On the side of food supplements

Androbiane , Pileje laboratories. It contains L-Carnitine, N-acetyl-L-carnitine, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, zinc, vitamins, selenium. One sachet per day in the preconception period, two sachets per day in the event of a slightly weak spermogram.

Conceptio Homme , Granions laboratories. Based on coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and B6, L-Carnitine, DHA, zinc and selenium, it is recommended as a 6-month program.

And also in everyday life

In addition to diet, you must of course adapt the rules of a healthy lifestyle: play sports (without excess), stop smoking, limit your alcohol consumption, sleep well, eat a balanced diet, start to distance from paints stuffed with solvents and pesticides. Finally, less known,  sperm must be kept at a temperature 2 ° C lower than the rest of the body. This means it's best to forget about saunas and hot tubs, tight clothes and do away with the habit of resting the laptop on your lap.

TERATOSPERMY FOOD: Bark, Roots, Herbal teas, Plants

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ALL ABOUT SPERMATOZOIDS: Bark, Roots, Herbal Teas, Plants

By On 26/12/2019

ALL ABOUT SPERMATOZOIDS: Bark, Roots, Herbal Teas, Plants

spermatozoon is a mobile male reproductive cell (or gamete) involved in sexual reproduction. During fertilization, the sperm unites with an egg or an oocyte (female gamete) to form an egg cell, which will then develop into an embryo to give a new individual. This is how the Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment to treat your problems with sperm abnormalities (oligospermia, necrospermia, asthenospermia, teratospermia, azoospermia, etc.).

Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment 

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The possible link between male infertility and chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa has been explored in several studies, since the advent of the technique of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).


Chromosomal abnormalities in humans may be responsible for infertility. In fact, the prevalence of abnormalities detected in the blood karyotype is ten times higher in infertile men than in the general population, ie around 5.3%, versus 0.6%. Numerical and structural abnormalities of the sex chromosomes are found with a high frequency, especially in men with severe azoospermia or oligo-astheno-teratospermia (OAT). The treatment of choice to remedy male infertility with OAT is Medically Assisted Reproduction (PMA) by  Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection  (ICSI). However, it has been reported in recent years that the rate
of aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes) of the sex chromosomes and de novo structural chromosomal abnormalities of paternal origin is higher in the offspring of these men. The risk of transmission of a chromosomal abnormality to offspring as the natural process of sperm selection is bypassed by the ICSI procedure should therefore be carefully considered and evaluated.


Karyotypic analysis of spermatozoa makes it possible to determine in what proportion the gametes themselves are carriers of chromosomal abnormalities, in particular in infertile men.

In 1978, Rudak et al. described a technique for the karyotypic analysis of spermatozoa, based on the in vitro penetration of the latter into hamster oocytes. This technically heavy and delicate technique was only successfully practiced by a dozen laboratories around the world.

The technique of FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) and its developments now make it possible to perform the chromosomal study of spermatozoa and analyze a large number of cells, using chromosome-specific probes that hybridize to particular regions of the DNA and can then be detected visually using a fluorescence microscope. For the FISH study, sperm from an ejaculate is spread on slides and undergo a chemical treatment resulting in the decondensation of their heads, while maintaining the structure that distinguishes them from other cells that may be in the ejaculate. Spermatozoa are also distinguished by the fact that they present signals corresponding to haploid and non-diploid cells. intact with clear hybridization signals are counted


Morphology and motility are currently the parameters used to identify the sperm that will be microinjected as part of an ICSI procedure. Spermatozoa with an abnormal morphology are also more likely to present aneuploidy, but this risk has not been clearly quantified.

Ryu et al. studied the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm of normal morphology in infertile patients who are candidates for ICSI and all carriers of a normal blood karyotype compared to fertile patients. The morphology criterion used was that of Kruger. FISH analysis of chromosomes 18, X and Y were performed. In the group of infertile patients, and aneuploidy rate was found varying from 1.8% to 5.5% compared to 0% to 2.6% in the control patients. This result shows that the morphology of the spermatozoa is not an absolute criterion for the selection of a genetically normal spermatozoon.

Note that the different reported figures of sperm aneuploidy in men without fertility problems vary between 0 and 5% depending on the studies, differences which may be due to the use of probes with variable hybridization efficiency or to the visual interpretation of signals.


In a recent review, the sperm karyotypes of men without spermogram abnormalities were analyzed, with the aim of looking for possible correlations with age and lifestyle. The results of some fifty studies combining data from sperm analysis by FISH from 500 men (more than 5 million spermatozoa) were compiled. The results are an average reported rate of abnormality of 0.15% for each chromosome and 0.26% for sex chromosomes. The majority of chromosomes had an even distribution of abnormalities, with the exception of chromosomes 21, 22 and sex in which the frequencies of abnormalities were significantly higher. Trisomies 21 and 22 are also the most frequently found in the products of spontaneous miscarriages, showing the link between chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa and abnormalities found in the embryo. This work also demonstrated a slight increase in the frequency of disomies with paternal age, mainly for the sex chromosomes, but no effect of smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption.


It is reported that 23% of men with azoospermia and 5-10% of men with OAT have an abnormal blood karyotype, resulting in a high likelihood of producing aneuploid gametes. It is known, for example, that the proportion of gametes with a chromosomal imbalance can be as high as 50% in men carrying a reciprocal translocation. However, a normal blood karyotype does not exclude the production of aneuploid gametes. An abnormal intra-testicular environment can affect spermatogenesis, in particular by disrupting the mechanisms controlling chromosome segregation during cell division.

A defect in spermatogenesis can have many origins such as systemic disease, malnutrition, endocrine disorders, obstructive pathologies and genetic defects. Indeed, a large number of severe OATs and azoospermia have genetic etiologies, including microdeletions at the level of the Y chromosome, abnormalities of meiosis, and mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene. However, “idiopathic” OAT remains the diagnosis most often retained in male infertility, despite extensive investigations to try to determine its origin. The main interest in identifying an etiology with OAT lies in the evaluation of the prognosis and the risk of producing embryos with chromosomal abnormalities.

A large study is now the source of much controversy over the relationship between spermogram abnormalities and potential risks of chromosomal abnormalities in ICSI. Fertilization and pregnancy rates obtained in relation to parameters of sperm number, mobility and morphology of infertile men were retrospectively analyzed in 966 cycles of ART with ICSI. The results showed comparable ICSI successes independent of the magnitude of OAT parameters. They concluded that in the extreme, only a living sperm in ejaculate can be sufficient for ICSI to be successful. While this study was therefore very reassuring, it does not

In order to study the etiology of “unlabelled” OATs, Calogero et al. used the FISH technique to explore the rate of aneuploidy in sperm chromosomes 8, 12, 18, X and Y in one group of patients with teratospermia, another with OAT and a control group. They observed similarly increased rates of aneuploidy in the first two groups, which suggested that teratospermia may be the critical endpoint associated with aneuploidy. The authors, therefore, recommended that a FISH analysis be performed in cases of teratospermia, before any attempt at ICSI. These same authors performed another study to try to relate the rate of sperm aneuploidy in eighteen men with OAT and the results of ICSI in affected couples. For these cases of OAT, and overall fertilization rate of 95% and a pregnancy of 39% was obtained. Very curiously, this pregnancy rate was significantly higher than reported by multiple centers practicing the ICSI technique (the generally accepted average rate is around 25%), which the authors of the article do not discuss. The rate of oocyte fertilization by ICSI was independent of the rate of aneuploidy. On the other hand, the patients who had not had a pregnancy (91%) had significantly higher aneuploidy rates than those of the controls.

Bernardini et al. also analyzed by FISH the rate of aneuploidy of the spermatozoa for chromosomes 1, 17, X, and Y, on a series of twenty-two cases of infertile men compared to fertile controls. A significantly higher rate of aneuploidy was found in men with OAT (18%) compared to controls (2.28%).

In the case of azoospermia patients, it is now sometimes possible to perform ICSI after a testicular biopsy in which sperm is found. The reported numbers of chromosomal abnormalities are impressive: indeed, one study estimated the proportion of chromosomal abnormalities at 19.6% in a group of patients with non-obstructive azoospermia and 8.2% in those with obstructive azoospermia. Here again, the link between gonadal insufficiency and the presence of chromosomal aneuploidies is well demonstrated.

It can be concluded from these data that a high rate of aneuploidy in spermatozoa is associated with a low rate of pregnancy and therefore less success through assisted reproduction by ICSI. However, the rate of fertilization of the oocytes does not seem to depend on the rate of aneuploidy, which means that the transferred embryos are more often carriers of aneuploidies and that on the other hand, their implantation would be disadvantaged. In this context, genetic counseling following a FISH analysis of the sperm would be highly desirable, before a couple begins a long and difficult procedure of assisted reproduction by ICSI.


A particularly important point of these studies is that they make it possible to explain certain male infertilities so far called “idiopathic”. In fact, disturbances of meiosis or premeiotic mitosis during spermatogenesis could predispose to the non-chromosomal disjunctions that are observed. The next step would consist in identifying which are the genetic factors at the origin of these disorders of meiosis and mitosis and to characterize them to have one more diagnostic means available in idiopathic male infertility. If gene abnormalities predisposing to non-disjunctions were detected, this diagnostic tool would be available and the possible transmission in the offspring of this pathology would be evaluable. And then supported by numerous studies. We now know that at least thirty genes are involved in the control of meiotic and mitotic divisions. For example, the role of HspA2, a “chaperone” protein with a specific testicular expression that is thought to be involved in the synaptonemal complex has recently been demonstrated. The role of genes of the MAD (Mitotic Arrest Deficiency) family involved in premeiotic mitotic control is also discussed.

There is a case, recently reported in the literature, where FISH analysis of spermatozoa made it possible to pose a contraindication to ART. In the study in question patients with different types of absolute teratospermia (100%) were studied. One of them had a sperm morphological abnormality consisting of macrocephaly and multiple flagella. In this patient, 90% of the sperm analyzed by FISH presented aneuploidy. This result was considered to be a contraindication to ICSI.


In these various studies, between 3000 and 10,000 sperm per patient are analyzed. This represents a significant investment of time, considering that for FISH analysis on amniocytes, there are routinely between 50 and 100 cells. It is estimated that to detect significant levels of aneuploidy in sperm, an analysis of around 1000 cells may be sufficient. The method of collection is no different from that for a spermogram, and only a small fraction of ejaculate is used to smear onto slides for chemical treatment of the sample prior to FISH.


While the use of FISH on spermatozoa in male infertility appears undoubtedly valuable and contributory in the context of a pre-ART workup, or after repeated ART failures, the formal indications for this analysis have not yet been clearly established. established. One of the first uses of this approach could be to give couples undergoing a pre-ICSI procedure for OAT or azoospermia a more detailed indication of the chances of success and risks of miscarriages due to chromosomal abnormalities potentially present in the sperm. This information should then be communicated to patients within the framework of genetic counseling, taking into account the psychological repercussions of a possible poor prognosis of success.

Some authors also consider that this technique can be used in the event of miscarriages with repetitions of undetermined etiology beyond the framework of male infertility. Indeed, if 60% of the miscarriages of the first trimester are due to chromosomal abnormalities and a majority are of maternal origin, the FISH technique on the spermatozoa has shown a paternal origin in 8 to 12% of cases, corresponding to a greater incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in their gametes.


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Sperm reference values


By On 26/12/2019


You have been trying to have a baby for several months, but it is late. After tests, your doctor told you that your loved one has oligoasthenoteratospermia (OATS). What are OATS and what are the consequences? 

However, the experts at Dawasanté provide you with a natural treatment to permanently cure oligo- asthenoteratospermia.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this natural treatment 

Male infertility natural remedies

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


What is Oligoasthenoteratospermia or OATS?

OATS designates a set of abnormalities found during the spermogram during a male infertility assessment. The OATS groups together a low concentration of sperm (oligo) with therefore too few spermatozoa to naturally fertilize an oocyte, too low mobility of these spermatozoa (astheno) which does not allow them to join the oocyte and too large a proportion abnormal sperm (terato). However, OATS can present varying degrees. It can be severe, with very low mobility and concentration indices while the malformation index is very high. It can be moderate with indices closer to normal. Intermediate forms exist with indices of the same degree or which may be of different degrees: severe for one or two types of indices (eg: mobility and concentration) and moderate for the third.

What happens after diagnosis of the OATS?

Once the OATS is discovered, the doctor will look to determine if there are any causes for these abnormalities. Indeed, OATS can be reduced, at least in part, depending on its origin. He will look first for signs of infections, old or recent. Some infections, such as chlamydia,  can cause a decrease in male fertility. Their treatment can help regain better fertility. Likewise, the treatment of a  varicocele (varicose veins in one or both testicles) or stopping smoking may improve the results of a spermogram. Further research will be carried out to find out if there is a malformation in the testes or seminal tract. In all cases, a second spermogram will be done because it is possible that significant variations appear and allow to hope for other opportunities for natural fertilization.

What to do to have a child in the event of OATS?

If the diagnosis of OATS is confirmed, the possibility of natural fertilization is reduced. However, it does exist, especially if it is a moderate form. However, certain factors, such as the woman's age or the length of time contraception has been stopped must be taken into account and assisted reproduction (ART) may be considered. Depending on the case, it will be an in utero insemination (IUI) where the sperm is introduced directly into the uterus, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) where the sperm is brought into contact with one or more oocytes in the laboratory or an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) where sperm is introduced directly into an oocyte in the laboratory. These different techniques will be offered depending on the degree of OATS. The success of IVF or ICSI is of the order of 25 to 30% which leaves hope to those who are concerned by this difficulty.

Asthenospermia is an abnormality of the sperm that is characterized by insufficient mobility while their number remains normal. Also called asthenozoospermia, this sperm fatigue is one of the possible causes of male fertility problems. What are the main causes? How is asthenospermia diagnosed? What treatment is there to promote procreation?

What is asthenospermia due to?

The main causes that can explain unsatisfactory sperm mobility are:

  • a morphological anomaly of the male gametes,
  • an infection,
  • presence of anti-sperm antibodies
  • medication,
  • a  varicocele,
  • a dietary deficiency,
  • a renal failure,
  • liver failure
  • chemotherapy,
  • exposure to radiation,
  • excessive alcohol consumption,
  • a deficiency in calcium,  vitamin D, or trace element ...

How is asthenospermia diagnosed?

A semen analysis, or spermogram, is used to assess the mobility of the sperm. It should be remembered that only mobile gametes can fertilize the egg. Many medical analysis laboratories rely on the classification decreed by the World Health Organization to classify spermatozoa:

  • Level A (or I): progressive rapid sperm advance quickly and in a straight line,
  • Level B (or II): the slow progressive spermatozoa advance slowly or in a curved line,
  • Level C (or III): non-progressive spermatozoa move but do not progress,
  • Level D (or IV): the sperm are immobile.

To be qualified as normal, the spermogram must show a minimum of 40% of motile spermatozoa and 32% of spermatozoa showing progressive mobility.

What solutions to have a child?

The management of asthenospermia varies mainly according to its origin. Thus, an infection will have to be treated according to its nature with appropriate antibiotic drugs while certain testicular abnormalities may, in some cases, be the subject of surgery. While there is no curative treatment for asthenospermia, certain drugs help improve the quality of sperm: vitamins, hormones, alternative medicine (herbal medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy, etc.). When the treatments do not give satisfactory results, in vitro fertilization with donor sperm or an intracytoplasmic injection of sperm may be considered in the context of Medically Assisted Reproduction ( MAP).) when the couple wants a child.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


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By On 26/12/2019

The teratospermia (or teratospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.  However, the experts at Dawasanté provide you with a natural treatment to permanently cure teratospermia and allow you to conceive quickly.

Click here or on the image below to find out what treatment

Male infertility natural remedies

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Teratospermia is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm with morphologic defects. These abnormalities can affect different parts of the sperm:

  • the head, which contains the nucleus carrying the 23 paternal chromosomes;
  • the acrosome, a small membrane at the front of the head that, at the time of fertilization, will release enzymes that will allow the sperm to cross the pellucid area of ​​the oocyte;
  • the flagellum, this "tail" which allows it to be mobile and therefore to move up from the vagina to the uterus and then the tubes, for a possible encounter with the oocyte;
  • the intermediate part between the flagellum and the head.

Often, the anomalies are polymorphic: they can be multiple, in size or shape, affect both the head and the flagellum, vary from one sperm to another. It may be globozoospermia (absence of acrosome), double flagellum or double head, coiled flagellum, etc.

All these abnormalities have an impact on the fertilizing power of the sperm, and therefore on the fertility of the man. The impact will be more or less important depending on the percentage of normal sperm remaining. Teratospermia can decrease the chances of conception and even lead to male infertility if it is severe.

Often, teratospermia is associated with other spermatic abnormalities: oligospermia (insufficient number of spermatozoa-, asthenospermia (defect in sperm mobility. We then speak of oligo-asthenic-teratozoospermia (OATS).

Like all sperm abnormalities, the causes can be hormonal, infectious, toxic, drug-related. The morphology of spermatozoa is in fact the first parameter to be altered by an external factor (exposure to toxicants, infection, etc.). More and more specialists also consider that atmospheric and food pollution (via pesticides in particular) has a direct impact on the morphology of spermatozoa.

But sometimes, no cause is found.

The main symptom of teratospermia is difficulty conceiving. The fact that the shape of the sperm is abnormal does not affect the occurrence of malformations in the unborn child, but only the chances of pregnancy.

Teratospermia is diagnosed using a spermogram, one of the first examinations systematically performed in men during an infertility assessment. It allows a qualitative and quantitative study of sperm thanks to the analysis of different biological parameters:

  • the volume of the ejaculate;
  • pH;
  • sperm concentration;
  • the mobility of sperm;
  • sperm morphology;
  • the vitality of sperm.

The part about sperm morphology is the longest and most difficult part of the spermogram. In a test called a spermocytogram, 200 sperm are fixed and stained on smear slides. Then the biologist will study the different parts of the sperm under a microscope in order to assess the percentage of morphologically normal sperm.

The type of morphological abnormalities is also taken into account to estimate the impact of teratospermia on fertility. Several classifications exist:

  • the David classification modified by Auger and Eustache, still used by certain French laboratories;
  • the Kruger classification, the WHO international classification, is the most widely used in the world. Carried out using an automatic machine, this more “severe” classification classifies as atypical spermatozoa any spermatozoon which deviates, even very little, from the form considered as normal.

If the proportion of correctly formed sperm is less than 4% according to the WHO classification, or 15% according to the modified David classification, teratospermia is suspected. But as for any spermatic abnormality, a second or even a third spermogram will be carried out 3 months apart (the duration of a spermatogenesis cycle being 74 days) in order to make a firm diagnosis, especially as various factors can influence on sperm morphology (long abstinence time, regular cannabis intake, feverish episode, etc.).

A migration-survival test (TMS) usually completes the diagnosis. It makes it possible to have an evaluation of the number of spermatozoa able to end up in the uterus and able to fertilize the oocyte.

A sperm culture is often coupled with the spermogram in order to detect an infection which could alter spermatogenesis and lead to morphological defects of the sperm.

Teratospermia occurs when less than 4% of the sperm present in the male ejaculate is said to be “typical” or normal. The remaining 96% are carriers of abnormalities or have an alteration in their morphology. A normal sperm consists of an oval head, an intermediate body one and a half times longer than the head, and a long, thin tail (the flagellum) which promotes its mobility. The abnormalities detected can affect the head of the spermatozoon as well as its intermediate part or even its flagellum. There are also combined forms of anomalies.

Teratospermia is usually the cause of male infertility. Indeed, alterations in the morphology of spermatozoa can affect their mobility and prevent them from reaching the egg. There are different degrees of severity of teratospermia which can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe. The higher the degree of severity, the more difficult natural procreation will be.

Little is known about the causes of this anomaly. The origin can be infectious, medicinal, genetic, anatomical (varicocele or varicose veins of the testes), environmental or related to the hygiene of life. Finally, there are reversible forms of teratospermia. This is why the patient is generally asked to perform a second examination, 3 months apart from the first, in order to detect the persistence of the anomaly.


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By On 26/12/2019


The semen is the result of the laboratory examination of the semen.  Regardless of the poor quality and quantity of your sperm, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to improve the quality and quantity of your sperm. This will allow you to conceive quickly and be more fertile. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment

Products to treat male infertility problems

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



The spermogram is an analysis that will study the quantity and quality of sperm.
The spermogram is carried out after having collected the sperm in the laboratory and by masturbation.

The spermogram includes:

1  - An analysis of the volume of the ejaculate
 - A determination of the pH
3  - The study of the mobility of the spermatozoa at the emission of the sperm and after 1 hour and 3 hours
4  - The calculation of the number of spermatozoa
5  - Their vitality
6  - Viscosity
7  - The percentage of abnormal forms observed under the microscope…

In addition, we also evaluate:

8  - The level of isolated flagella and / or lysed spermatozoa
9  - The level of white line cells
10  - The level of other cells (cells of the urogenital tract)
11  - The level of cell fragments
12  - The presence of red blood cells or blood residue


1 - Quantity
2 to 6 ml

2 - Color
Normally viscous and opalescent white

3 - viscosity
On ejaculation, the sperm coagulates and liquefies in less than 30 minutes at 37 ° C

4 - Number  
 From 40 million to 200 million per ml.
 Greater than 15 million per ml and must be greater than 39 million
for the entire ejaculate

5 - Mobility
This is the most important parameter
The mobility standard accepted after 30 minutes of the emission must not be below 80% of motile spermatozoa

 After 1 hour  -
We must find  more  than 50% of motile spermatozoa
that is to say in progressive displacement

 After 3 hours  -
We must find  at least  30% of motile spermatozoa

The mobility of sperm is classified into four categories or grades (see below).

6 - Vitality
At ejaculation, the percentage of living spermatozoa must be
equal to or greater than 60% of all spermatozoa

7 - Leukocytes
The number of leukocytes must be less than 1 million / ml

8 - Abnormal forms
- According to the classification of Cohen Bacri
Abnormal forms should not exceed 15 to 20% of the total sperm 

- According to the classification of “David”
Abnormal forms must not exceed 30%, of the total sperm

- According to the classification of “Kruger”
Abnormal forms must not exceed 4%, of the total spermatozoa 

9 - The pH
It must be between 7.2 to 8

Good to know 
The pH is a direct indicator of secretions from the annex glands (acid prostatic secretions and secretions from the seminal vesicles).

10 - Germ cells
Their percentage must not exceed 10%

Germ cells are the basic cells that evolve into the sperm after a complex transformation; a higher level may suggest a disorder in sperm production.


Male infertility can be caused:

1  - By poor quality sperm production
2  - By insufficient sperm production
3  - By an anomaly in the transport of these spermatozoa

Spermatozoon and its various abnormalities


The total volume of the ejaculate less than 2 ml

The causes of hypospermia are varied:
-  Technical problem in collecting sperm
-  Abstinence
-  Secretion deficit
-  Retrograde ejaculation…

Good to know
The volume of semen gradually decreases with age without altering the other parameters.

The volume of the ejaculate much greater than normal

Hyperspermia and sometimes in connection with an inflammatory or infectious syndrome of the annex glands and more particularly the seminal vesicles.

It can also be due to excessive sexual abstinence.

It corresponds to an insufficient quantity of spermatozoa in the semen

Very important to know  
1   - If the number of spermatozoa is less than 10 million / ml, there is infertility 
 - If the number of sperm is less than 5 million per ml, we speak of severe oligospermia.

The concentration of spermatozoa greater than 200 million per ml

Absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate

Two types of azoospermia are encountered:

1 - Secretory azoospermia -
Corresponds either to a primary, congenital or acquired testicular disease, or to an acquired congenital hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency.

2 - Excretory azoospermia -
Corresponds to the presence of an obstacle in the excretory tract (epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts).
These lesions can be acquired or congenital.

mobility defect
We speak of asthenospermia if at least 40% of the spermatozoa encountered are not mobile.

Sperm mobility is classified into four categories or classes -

1 - Class A  - 
Fast and progressive spermatozoa (speed> 25 µm / s)

2 - Class B -
Slow or weakly progressive spermatozoa (speed 5 - 25 µm / s)

3 - Class C -
Mobile spermatozoa but without any progressivity (mobility in place)

4 - Class D -
Immobile spermatozoa

It is characterized by a very high percentage of dead spermatozoa
Necrospermia is often due to microbial infections.

There are two types of necrospermia:

1 - Partial necrospermia -
Corresponds to 42% of the spermatozoa found are dead

2 - Total necrospermia -
Corresponds to all the sperm found in the ejaculate are dead


It corresponds to an excessive quantity of abnormal spermatozoa
and can reach up to 30%
(see above, abnormal forms).

The main abnormal forms encountered are -

1 - Head abnormalities (less than 35%)  -
Microcephaly, macrocephalic, elongated head, irregular head ...

 -  Anomalies of the intermediate part (less than 20%) -
The result from the presence of cytoplasmic remains

3 -Flagellum abnormalities (less than 20%) - Angulated, coiled flagellum ...

4 - Double forms (less than 10%) -

5 - The globozocephalic form -
Characterized by the absence of the acrosome.
The presence of this form is a sign that there is no possibility of fertilization.

A total absence of ejaculate

10 - OAT
It is the association of three pathologies and which are: Oligospermia, Astheno-spermia and Teratozoospermia.

Agglutinates (or adjoining) correspond to a gathering of several spermatozoa living together.

The agglutinates are explained by the presence of living sperm and carriers of anti-sperm antibodies.
The presence of agglutinated spermatozoa should cause the presence of anti-sperm antibodies to be tested.

They are to be distinguished from agglutinates because they correspond to the joining of several spermatozoa which have died together.

Abnormalities in the movements, speed and trajectory of spermatozoa

Leukocytosis at more than 1 million / ml
This leukospermia suggests an infection

All spermatozoa are immobile

Absence of spermatozoa observed in a drop of sperm under the microscope

A thorough search in the whole of the sperm allows one to find some spermatozoa (less than 100,000 spermatozoa in the whole of the ejaculate).

There are two main cryptozoospermia -

1 - Severe cryptozoospermia
The number of spermatozoa found is less than 10,000
2 - Moderate cryptozoospermia,
The number of spermatozoa is greater than 10,000

Important -
Cryptozoospermia is a new entity which has only gained interest since the appearance of the  ICSI technique (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)  because with this technique, just a few spermatozoa ejaculated or taken from epididymis or testis, and regardless of sperm concentration and mobility, to achieve fertilization and pregnancy.
The appearance of the new technique of IMSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Morphologic Sperm Injection)  which makes it possible to make a very thorough selection of the best spermatozoa in the ejaculate and to significantly increase the chances of obtaining fertilization and pregnancy from cryptozoospermic sperm.

It is the presence of blood in the sperm 


Seminal biochemistry -
It makes it possible to pose different types of pathology either having an origin of an obstacle being on the seminal tract, or of origin by malformation of the ways of excretion of the spermatozoa and more particularly at the level of the epididymis, duct vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate.
The main substances of dosed are carnitine, alpha-glucosidase, citrate, acid phosphatases, zinc, fructose, etc.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


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By On 26/12/2019

The  teratospermia  (or teratozoospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.  However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural plant-based treatment to treat your teratospermia and allow you to conceive quickly.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

Male infertility natural remedies

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Obtaining a natural pregnancy with teratozoospermia can be complicated, and in the most severe cases it is virtually impossible for fertilization to take place and the embryo to develop afterward.

Men who are infertile with teratozoospermia will need to use assisted reproduction techniques to become parents.

The appropriate treatment for PMA will depend on many factors, not just the degree of sperm abnormalities. The rest of the seminal parameters, as well as the age and state of health of the woman, are also limiting when it comes to achieving pregnancy.

Below you will find an index with all the points that we will cover in this article.

1-Natural pregnancy

Amorphous sperm can make pregnancy difficult for any of the following reasons:

  • They have more difficulty moving due to their abnormal shape, which prevents them from reaching the egg in the fallopian tube .
  • Abnormalities in the head can prevent sperm from entering the egg so it can be fertilized.
  • When the cause of teratozoospermia is genetic, the resulting embryo may have DNA alterations that prevent its correct development.

Infertility due to teratospermia

Chances of Getting Pregnant with Teratozoospermia

All these reasons make natural pregnancy not possible or its arrival is delayed.

When the degree of teratozoospermia is low, the normal sperm that exists in the semen could lead to a viable pregnancy. Depending on the parameters of sperm concentration and mobility, the probability of natural pregnancy with teratozoospermia will be higher or lower.

On the other hand, when teratozoospermia is moderate, severe or associated with another disorder ( oligozoospermia or asthenozoospermia ), the couple will most likely need ART treatment to have a child.

2-Medically assisted procreation treatments

Once the diagnosis of teratospermia has been obtained, depending on its severity and other values ​​of the spermogram, the specialist will recommend the treatment that offers the best guarantees of success in the couple.

It should be noted that the reproductive status of women also plays an important role in this decision. When the male factor is the problem, there are several assisted reproduction techniques that can be performed depending on the characteristics of each patient.

2-1 Artificial insemination (AI)

The artificial insemination is the introduction of sperm directly into the uterus of a woman to get pregnant. Beforehand, it will be necessary to perform the capacitation  of the sperm sample and to perform ovarian stimulation in the woman.

This assisted reproduction treatment can give good results in cases of mild teratozoospermia  (3-4% of sperm are normal), provided that the number and mobility of sperm are affected.

To perform artificial insemination, a man must obtain a total of 2-3 million progressively motile sperm in the REM spermogram.

In addition, the woman must be under 35 - 36 years old, have leaky fallopian tubes and have no other serious infertility problem. If you want more information about this treatment, we recommend that you consult the following article:  What is artificial insemination?

2-2 In vitro fertilization (IVF)

IVF  is one of the most important treatments for assisted human reproduction. It consists of taking several mature eggs from the woman after ovarian stimulation and follicular puncture, then putting them in direct contact with male sperm and carrying out fertilization.

This method offers good results in cases of moderate teratozoospermia  (1-2% of normal sperm) or mild teratozoospermia when the woman is over 35 years old. It would also be the treatment to try if, after several artificial inseminations, no pregnancy is obtained.

There is a variant of IVF in which fertilization is forced by the direct introduction of the sperm into the egg. This is called an intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ).

ICSI is mainly used in cases of severe teratozoospermia (total normal sperm is less than 1%) or if the above techniques have not worked.

However, most IVF treatments today use ICSI as a technique for creating the embryos, as it offers a higher success rate than conventional IVF.

We recommend that you read the following article for more detailed information on this technique:  What is ICSI and how much does it cost?

PMA, like any medical treatment, requires that you trust the professionalism of the doctors and clinic you have chosen. Obviously, not all are the same. The  Fertility Report selects the most advantageous clinics for you based on our rigorous quality criteria. In addition, the system performs a comparison of prices and conditions offered by different clinics to facilitate your decision making.

2-3 IMSI

The IMSI  is a variant of the ICSI technique that was discussed in the previous section. It is based on a more rigorous selection of the spermatozoa to be micro-injected according to their morphology.

To do this, we use an electron microscope with a superlens that offers a magnification of over 6,000 times.

This technique offers many advantages in the case of teratozoospermia because it allows us to visualize in detail the  morphology of the spermatozoa and to choose the best ones.

Another benefit of IMSI is that it reduces the likelihood of miscarriage with its use.

The IMSI technique

Chances of Getting Pregnant with Teratozoospermia

If you want to know more about it, you can read the following article:  What is IMSI?

3-Your frequently asked questions

3-1 Which assisted reproduction treatment is most appropriate for a pregnancy when the man has teratozoospermia?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

The fertility treatment indicated for a couple with teratospermia will depend on various factors, such as the degree of teratozoospermia, the age of the woman, the time of infertility, etc.

The most appropriate, in general, would be to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Read more

3-2 Can abnormal sperm cause miscarriages?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

Having teratozoospermia does not imply that there is a greater risk of miscarriage when the pregnancy has already been achieved. However, if the cause of teratozoospermia is genetic and the sperm carry DNA mutations, a miscarriage or the birth of a sick child could occur.

3-3 Can teratozoospermia lead to pregnancy with Down syndrome?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

Teratozoospermia is not directly related to trisomy 21, which is the chromosomal alteration that causes Down syndrome. However, sperm with abnormal morphology may have genetic abnormalities that cause fertilization failures, a greater likelihood of miscarriages, or other pathologies.

3-4 What is the appropriate treatment for a couple with teratozoospermia and PCOS?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

Treatment will depend on the degree of teratozoospermia and the age of the woman. If the teratozoospermia is mild and the woman is under 35, it is possible to try artificial insemination. If the above requirements do not work or are not met, in vitro fertilization would be necessary.

It is estimated that 30 to 40% of fertility disorders are due to abnormalities in the fertility of the male partner. In men, infertility is related to the quality and number of sperm in semen.

Male fertility abnormalities

There are four types of sperm abnormalities, which can be associated in the same person.

What is azoospermia?

We speak of azoospermia when the semen does not contain sperm. This fertility disorder may be due to:

  • absence or abnormality in the production of sperm  (for example, in a man who has undergone cancer treatment with radiotherapy to the pelvis or chemotherapy, and whose cells that make sperm have been damaged by this treatment) ;
  • blockage of the pathways used by sperm from the testes to the organs where sperm is stored (the seminal vesicles). Sometimes the transport channels are blocked and the sperm cannot travel to the seminal vesicles. These obstacles may be congenital or due to an ill-treated sexually transmitted infection.

What is oligospermia

We speak of oligospermia when the sperm contains too low a number of sperm. The causes of oligospermia are similar to those of azoospermia.

What is teratospermia?

The teratospermia is the presence of sperm "abnormal" in large numbers in semen. It is due to a manufacturing defect in the testicles. Malformed sperm have difficulty moving or fail to enter the oocyte.

What are the risk factors for male fertility disorders?

Some risk factors for infertility have been identified in humans:

  • age  (over 40);
  • smoking or alcoholism  ;
  • factors that expose the testes to too high a temperature  (too frequent hot tubs and baths, saunas and steam rooms, too much time spent driving, etc.): the production of sperm requires a temperature of the testes lower than that of the body (i.e. is for this reason that they are outside). Sometimes, the venous circulation is bad at the level of the testicles (it is the “varicocele”) and their temperature increases with a higher risk of infertility.
  • toxic products  used in certain professions;
  • a medical history  (especially cancer treatment or mumps).


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Treatment for teratozoospermia 1


By On 26/12/2019

The teratospermia  (or teratozoospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.  However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural plant-based treatment to improve the quality and quantity of your sperm.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this treatment.

Male infertility natural remedies

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Teratozoospermia can occur from birth, which is thought to be due to a genetic cause or be acquired over time through hormonal changes or trauma. Depending on the cause, it will be possible to apply personalized treatment to reverse this situation.

In congenital cases of teratozoospermia, it is very difficult to obtain a cure. The same is true when these changes are the result of cancer treatment. In severe cases of teratozoospermia, assisted reproduction will be necessary to become parents.

However, when the degree of teratospermia is lower, there are pharmacological or natural treatments that can help restore sperm quality.

Natural treatment 

Since the exact cause of teratozoospermia is not known, it is difficult to apply a solution to problems with sperm morphology.

However, a  healthy lifestyle can greatly influence the quality of sperm. For this reason, there may be variations in sperm values ​​within a few months of each other.

Proper treatment should ensure that the process of sperm maturation during spermatogenesis proceeds properly. Therefore, we are going to discuss some recommendations for maintaining good habits that promote this correct formation of sperm.

1-1 Power supply

A healthy and balanced diet improves general health. In addition, the vitamins and antioxidants contained in certain foods also provide benefits to the quality of sperm.

These are some of the important components that a man should include in his diet to improve his fertility status:

  • Selenium
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
this mineral is found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, tuna, beef, chicken, eggs and cheese. It should be taken in small amounts, otherwise it can be toxic.
in spinach, tangerines, strawberries and tomatoes. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and also helps in the absorption of iron.
it is a mineral found in foods such as oysters, clams or red meat. Zinc is essential for the functioning of enzymes, which are responsible for producing energy in the body.
in fatty fish and crustaceans. It is very important to include them in the diet because the human body is not able to synthesize them on its own. In addition, it brings multiple benefits to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the immune system, etc.
Healthy and balanced diet to cure teratozoospermia

Image: Diet for teratozoospermia treatment

1-2 olive oil

Olive oil is essential in the Mediterranean diet and also has reproductive properties thanks to its oleic acid content.

Oleic acid acts as a lowering agent for bad cholesterol or LDL levels which can build up in the testes, making it difficult to produce sperm properly.

Olive oil also helps raise good cholesterol or HDL levels and prevent the risk of heart and brain complications.

In short, olive oil is an ally in the fight against male infertility and especially teratozoospermia.

PMA, like any medical treatment, requires that you trust the professionalism of the doctors and clinic you have chosen. Obviously, not all are the same. The  Fertility Report selects the most advantageous clinics for you based on our rigorous quality criteria. In addition, the system performs a comparison of prices and conditions offered by different clinics to facilitate your decision making.

1-3 Avoid heat

High temperatures in the testes affect sperm production and can cause sperm abnormalities.

Therefore, men with infertility issues should consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not use the laptop on your legs.
  • Avoid saunas in general.
  • Wear boxers and wide pants.
  • Try not to cycle long distances.

Once the temperature decreases and the heat exposure decreases, the testes return to their normal function and the quality of sperm improves in a short time.

1-4 Eliminate toxins

Some compounds that we are exposed to on a daily basis can be very harmful to reproductive health without our being aware of it.

Tobacco, drugs, marijuana smoke, pesticides, chemicals, and excessive amounts of alcohol can cause sperm deformity.

It is therefore important to eliminate these bad habits from your environment.

2-Vitamin supplements

In some cases of teratozoospermia, it is common for the urologist to advise the administration of certain nutritional supplements that supplement the diet in order to obtain a better result.

The most common treatment is a vitamin and antioxidant supplementation.

Antioxidants are responsible for reducing the oxidative stress to which sperm are exposed, which causes cell damage and the fragmentation of their DNA.

Some recommended dietary supplements include vitamin E  or essential amino acids like  L-carnitine. Vitamin E treatment is also recommended for chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as it is a very powerful antioxidant.

On the other hand, Andean maca supplements are also very beneficial due to the multitude of properties of this Peruvian plant.

It should be noted that these compounds are not miraculous and that in no case will it be possible to regain total fertility if the seminal parameters are severely affected.

However, when there is mild teratozoospermia, they can help and give a little boost for men with vitamin deficiencies in the diet.

Peruvian Maca powder to treat teratozoospermia 

Image: Peruvian maca powder

3-Your frequently asked questions

3-1 Is there a cure for severe teratozoospermia?

If a man has less than 5% of sperm with normal morphology, it is very difficult to find a normal value with natural or pharmacological treatment. Improvement can be seen over time, especially if the man maintains a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, if the teratozoospermia appears associated with another pathology such as, for example, varicocele, it is possible that the spermogram improves its parameters during a surgical intervention to eliminate the varicocele.

3-2 Can acupuncture be of benefit in the treatment of teratozoospermia?

There are studies that say yes. In general, acupuncture has been successful in increasing pregnancy rates in idiopathic infertility, that is, when the origin is unknown. An improvement in seminal quality has also been observed in men with oligospermia, asthenospermia  and teratospermia who practice acupuncture.

3-3 Does eating forest fruits improve seminal quality?

Yes, many forest fruits have antioxidant pigments and a great capacity for absorbing oxygen free radicals, so this food group is perfect if you want to improve or protect sperm quality.

Some research has uncovered the medicinal properties of pigmented polyphenols, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins and other phytochemicals present in the skin and seeds of these fruits.

Moreover, blueberries, blackberries, currants and strawberries are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from cellular damage.


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


121 1210210 teratospermia teratozoospermia might perhaps be the

TYPES OF TERATOSPERMIA: mild, moderate, and severe

By On 26/12/2019

The teratospermia  (or teratozoospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving. This is how the Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment to treat all your fertility problems related to the quality and quantity of your sperm.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this natural treatment

Male infertility natural remedies

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Teratozoospermia or teratospermia is a seminal alteration that involves a high percentage of abnormally shaped sperm.

It is a cause of male infertility, the severity of which will depend on the greater or lesser number of amorphous sperm cells in the semen.

According to the different criteria used to assess the degree of teratozoospermia, we can distinguish 3 types:  mild, moderate, or severe.

1-Classification of teratozoospermia

When a man performs a spermogram to assess the quality of his sperm, in the results report, he will obtain the values ​​of all seminal parameters, including sperm morphology.

A man is considered to have teratozoospermia when the percentage of sperm with normal morphology in his seminogram is less than 4%, according to criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010.

On the other hand, some labs also use Kruger's strict criteria to diagnose teratozoospermia. According to Kruger, a man suffers from teratozoospermia when less than 15%  of his sperm has a normal form.

Percentage of normal sperm

Percentage of normal spermatozoa

Since the WHO benchmark is so low, there is no point in talking about types of teratozoospermia based on the number of normal sperm. Therefore, for the classification of spermatozoa in this sense, it is better to use Kruger's criterion, which is stricter than the previous one.

1-1 Mild teratozoospermia

A man suffers from mild teratozoospermia when the number of normal sperm in his spermogram ranges from 14% to 10%.

The rest of the sperm will have an abnormality in their head, neck or tail. Despite this, men with mild teratospermia do not have a bad prognosis for having children.

If assisted reproduction techniques are necessary to achieve pregnancy, artificial insemination  (AI) and in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) may be performed, depending on the concentration and mobility of the sperm.

The shape of the sperm is important for the fertilization of the egg. However, men with mild teratozoospermia can achieve a natural pregnancy.

In addition, there are various dietary supplements that contain vitamins and antioxidants that help in the maturation of sperm and can improve their morphology.

If you are interested in this topic, you can read the following article:  Treatment of teratozoospermia.

1-2 Moderate teratozoospermia

Moderate or severe teratozoospermia is diagnosed when sperm results show that only  9-5%  of sperm have a normal shape.

With this diagnosis, it is quite complicated to have children naturally. To achieve a pregnancy with moderate teratozoospermia, an in vitro fertilization technique such as ICSI  will most likely be necessary.

The ICSI  (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is based on the selection of spermatozoa under a microscope and their direct injection into each egg and fertilization.

PMA, like any medical treatment, requires that you trust the professionalism of the doctors and clinic you have chosen. Obviously, not all are the same. The  Fertility Report selects the most advantageous clinics for you based on our rigorous quality criteria. In addition, the system performs a comparison of prices and conditions offered by different clinics to facilitate your decision making.

1-3 Severe teratozoospermia

When the spermogram morphology test shows a normal sperm value of less than 5%, the man has severe or severe teratozoospermia.

Sperm with good morphology is therefore very few in number and, therefore, the possibility of achieving natural pregnancy is very low.

Spermatozoa with alterations in their morphology have problems progressing gradually, they have more difficulty reaching the egg, penetrating its thick pellucid layer and also fusing its male nucleus with the female one. The consequence of all this is that they can lead to fertilization failures.

Teratozoospermia and fertilization failure

Teratozoospermia and fertilization failure

The most suitable assisted reproduction technique for extreme teratozoospermia is ICSI or its improved variant: IMSI.

The IMSI  is the same as intracytoplasmic sperm injection, but with the use of a microscope magnification of 6300, so it is possible to get very close to the sperm morphology and make a better selection.

2-Your frequently asked questions

2-1 Can we cure severe teratozoospermia?

If a man has less than 5% of sperm with normal morphology, it is very difficult to regain a normal value with natural or pharmacological treatment. Improvement can be seen over time, especially if the man maintains a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, if the teratozoospermia appears associated with another pathology such as, for example, varicocele, it is possible that the spermogram improves its parameters during a surgical intervention to eliminate the varicocele.

2-2 What is isolated teratozoospermia?

Discrete teratozoospermia means that the affected parameter, in this case, the morphology of the sperm, does not have a value much lower than the reference value. Therefore, it would be a mild teratozoospermia.


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By On 26/12/2019

The teratospermia  (or teratozoospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.  Dawasanté experts advise you to opt for a natural treatment without operation, against teratospermia.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this natural treatment.


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Teratozoospermia refers to the poor morphology of the sperm in a man's ejaculated semen.

These men have lower seminal quality and sometimes suffer from infertility and difficulty achieving pregnancy.

The causes of teratozoospermia are mostly unknown. However, we are going to address the possible alterations caused by these abnormal sperms in semen.

1-Defects in spermatogenesis

Most experts agree that the morphological changes in sperm occur during the last phase of their formation.

The spermatogenesis is the process by which sperm are formed in the testicles, which lasts about 3 months.

More precisely,  spermiogenesis is the last phase of spermatogenesis, during which the spermatozoa, which already have their genetic content formed, undergo a process of maturation and acquire their characteristic morphology.

Once the sperm have their oval head and tail formed, they are released into the seminiferous tubules to follow their path.

Therefore, it is not surprising that any abnormality or alteration in spermiogenesis results in abnormalities in the head, neck or tail.

2-Reversible teratospermia

Teratozoospermia can be reversible or irreversible depending on the specific cause.

With reversible teratospermia, men can regain their seminal quality after a few months if they have received the appropriate treatment.

To check this, it is necessary to do another spermogram and compare it with the previous one.

We will now discuss the possible causes of reversible teratozoospermia:

2-1 Way of life

Although it may seem surprising, the lifestyle of men greatly affects the quality of their semen.

During times of stress and anxiety, sperm morphology may deteriorate, as many other parameters such as concentration and mobility.

The abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs are also factors linked to alterations in sperm.

Prolonged exposure to testicular heat affects spermatogenesis. Therefore, the bad habit of placing the computer on your legs, wearing tight clothes, or driving for a long time can cause teratozoospermia.

Testicular heat causes teratozoospermia

Image: Testicular heat teratozoospermia

Finally, diet and sport also contribute to male fertility.

Men who are planning to become pregnant with their partner are recommended to maintain a  good lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and not consume substances that are harmful to the body.

2-2 Seminal infections

Semen infections refer to the invasion of microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses, into the male reproductive system.

Its presence is found in urine and semen, causing alterations in the sperm, as well as inflammation and obstruction of the seminal ducts.

The most common bacterial infections in the testes are chlamydia and gonorrhea. These infections can be fought with antibiotics and male fertility can be restored. If you would like more information on this, you can access the following article:  Types of infections in seminal fluid.

The episodes of fever caused by flu or another disease may also occasionally affect sperm quality.

2-3 Pharmaceuticals

Sex hormones like testosterone,  LH,  FSH  and inhibin have a very important role in the regulation of spermatogenesis.

Therefore, any drug that changes the appropriate levels of these hormones or affects their secretion by the brain has negative consequences for sperm production.

As we have already said, the alteration of the phase of spermiogenesis prevents the correct maturation of sperm and causes teratozoospermia.

Reversible causes of teratozoospermia

Image: reversible causes of teratozoospermia

3-Irreversible teratospermia

If a man with teratozoospermia fails to improve his second spermogram after receiving treatment, one may begin to suspect that the teratozoospermia is irreversible.

In these cases, the couple will have to resort to assisted reproduction if they want to become a parent because it will naturally be very difficult to obtain a pregnancy.

In addition, there are other pathologies or situations that cause irreversible or prolonged teratozoospermia. The most relevant cases are examined below:

3-1 Cancer treatment

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy alters both sperm stem cells and sperm production, causing severe teratozoospermia and other more serious changes.

For these reasons, all men with cancer are advised to save a semen sample if they wish to have children in the future after they have overcome the disease.

3-2 Genetic diseases

It is one of the most difficult causes of diagnosis. Normally, when it has not been possible to determine the pathology that causes teratozoospermia, it is attributed to a genetic factor.

Defects in the genes or chromosomes of the sperm are a serious problem because they cannot be corrected.

3-3 Associated pathologies

Teratozoospermia can also result from other diseases that mainly affect the testes, for example:

  • Trauma or blows to the testicles, especially in childhood
  • Testicular varicocele
  • Meningitis
  • Diabetic sugar

In addition to all this, the age of males can also affect the morphology of the sperm. In particular, it has been observed that men over 45 have a higher rate of abnormal sperm in their semen.

Irreversible causes of teratozoospermia

What Are the Causes of Teratozoospermia?

4-Your frequently asked questions

4-1 Can live sperm have poor morphology?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

Yes, teratozoospermia can be present in both living and dead sperm.

Dead sperm do not always have a bad morphology. Sometimes they are confused with immobile sperm and it is necessary to make a tincture to find out whether they are viable or not.

4-2 Can leukospermia cause teratospermia and male infertility?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

Leukospermia, also known as leukocytospermia, is the appearance of leukocytes in semen, with a concentration level greater than 1 million per milliliter. The cause of this seminal pathology is an infection of the male reproductive tract which must be treated with antibiotics as it can affect spermatogenesis and cause oligospermia or teratozoospermia.

You can find the information in our article:  Leukocytes in semen.

4-3 Are the causes of teratozoospermia and asthenozoospermia the same?

By Zaira Salvador (embryologist).

In most cases, asthenospermia and teratospermia have the same causes. The two seminal parameters are usually changed in the seminogram, known as astenoteratozoospermia. However, this is not always the case.

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By On 26/12/2019

Teratozoospermia or teratospermia is an alteration that occurs in men when more than 95% of their sperm have an abnormal morphology.

Therefore, teratospermia is considered a cause of male infertility due to a  sperm factor, and its origin is varied and sometimes unrecognized. This is why the Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment to improve the quality and quantity of your sperm; which will allow you to quickly conceive.

Click HERE or on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

Male infertility natural remedies

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For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number

There are several treatments to be able to conceive a child with sperm affected by teratospermia depending on whether the man's sperm has other spermatic disorders, such as, for example, sperm concentration or mobility.

1-Teratozoospermia: what is it?

Poor morphology of the spermatozoa, indeed the latter can present defects in the head, middle part or neck, or the tail.

The WHO estimates that a man with  4% sperm with a normal form  (at least) does not have fertility problems. In lower quantity, we are talking about male infertility by teratospermia. This baseline changed in 2010, previously it was 14%, so it is possible that on other sites you will find that teratospermia is considered to be more than 85% abnormal.

According to the strict Kruger criterion, values ​​equal to or greater than 15% of sperm with normal morphology are considered normal. This criterion is always stricter than that of the WHO, but the WHO is the one that is taken as a global reference.

The count of sperm of good or bad morphology is carried out through a medical examination called a  spermogram, where the structure of the sperm is analyzed under a microscope.

There are several laboratories which in addition to the Kruger criteria, add those of the WHO.

If the medical report does not specify the details of the analysis to the laboratory, the parameters dictated by the WHO in 2010 are the reference values ​​used.

Diagnosis of teratozoospermia

How Is Abnormal Sperm Morphology or Teratozoospermia Measured?


Teratozoospermia involves male infertility because the sperm that reach the oocyte are unable to fertilize it due to their poor morphology.

The causes that cause the existence of amorphous sperm in human semen are manifold and difficult to diagnose. Here they are:

  • Genetic disorders
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Seminal infections and orchitis
  • Varicocele and other testicular disorders
  • Febrile period
  • Diabetes or meningitis
  • Tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse
  • Poor lifestyle: poor diet, exposure to toxic substances, clothes that are too tight

Some of these factors can cause reversible teratozoospermia, which goes away with fever, infection, or periods of stress. In the same way, it is possible to recover a good spermatic morphology by improving one's lifestyle, diet, quitting smoking, etc.


Sperm morphology defects are classified according to their position on the head, at the neck or at the tail. However, to diagnose teratospermia, all defects are taken into account.

Sperm is considered normal when it has a head with an oval shape and an acrosome inside. The neck or middle piece is slightly larger than the tail, and the tail is elongated and straight.

After analyzing the morphology of the sperm during the spermogram, it is possible to determine the degree of teratozoospermia depending on the seminal quality. For this, the laboratories use the Kruger criteria. Here is their classification:

Mild teratozoospermia
10% to 14% of spermatozoa have normal morphology.
 Moderate teratozoospemia
the percentage of normal sperm varies between 5% and 9%.
 Severe teratozoospemia
less than 5% of sperm have normal morphology.

As we have commented before, it is the WHO criteria that are used to diagnose teratospermia, and therefore, this classification is obsolete. However, it is still possible to find it on some spermograms.

Types of teratozoospermia

Teratozoospermia - Know its Causes, Types and Teratozoospermia Treatment

3-1 Teratozoospermia index

This seminal parameter is used to know the number of defects that each sperm has. It is possible that sperm has only one malformation, or several distributed over several parts.

In order to calculate the rate of teratospermia (TZI), we use the following formula:  TZI = (c + p + q) / x , where each variable means:

  • c  = head malformations
  • p  = malformations of the middle part of neck
  • q  = tail malformations
  • x  = total number of abnormal sperm

The interpretation of these results is carried out as follows:

TZI close to 1
sperm with abnormalities in one area
TZI close to 2
spermatozoa with abnormalities in two areas
TZI nearly 3
sperm with defects on the head, neck and tail

It is important to note that the same seminal sample can present sperm of three types: one malformation, two, or three. The rate of teratospermia will indicate which type is most present.

What Is Teratozoospermia? - Causes & Treatment

4-Teratospermia and pregnancy

A man with teratospermia could have a natural pregnancy without problems if the rest of the seminal parameters such as concentration or mobility are not affected.

However, in cases where the pregnancy is delayed, it is possible to follow the doctor's recommendations to recover the correct sperm morphology.

On the other hand, if teratospermia has a genetic cause or is congenital, it is more difficult to find an effective treatment to cure it.

4-1 Natural treatments

First of all, men who suffer from teratospermia need to change their lifestyle and put aside bad habits like tobacco or alcohol.

A healthy and balanced diet always helps to recover some of the fertility. In concrete terms, foods rich in antioxidants and essential acids such as  L-carnitine  help improve sperm quality.

Oily fish is another product rich in omega 3 acids which bring great benefits to human reproductive health.

These nutritional contributions can also be taken by food supplements such as  Andean maca or vitamin E supplements, a powerful antioxidant.

4-2 Assisted reproduction (ART)

In the case of fertility treatment to be able to achieve pregnancy and mild teratozoospermia, it is possible to perform artificial insemination  (AI), if the concentration and mobility of the sperm allow it.

This is the first option to consider if the woman has no problems with fertility and the only cause of the lack of a pregnancy is teratozoospermia.

Faced with cases of moderate or severe teratospermia, it is necessary to do  IVF - ICSI. It is an in vitro fertilization technique that uses the intracytoplasmic injection of sperm for the fertilization of oocytes.

If this topic interests you, you will find information here:  IVF.

If you need to undergo IVF treatment to become a mother, we recommend that you use the Fertility Report. In 3 simple steps, which will allow you to know the clinics abroad that meet our rigorous quality criteria. In addition, you will receive a report with useful tips before you make clinic visits.

Finally, there is a new technique which is a variation of the previous one. It is known as  IMSI  and consists of amplifying the image before the micro-injection to be able to observe the sperm morphology in more detail.

The microscope used by IMSI to select the sperm has an objective that amplifies the image to such an extent that morphological abnormalities are detected.

5-Your frequently asked questions

5-1 What is the cause of teratozoospermia?

Teratozoospermia is an alteration that affects male semen and involves most of the sperm having an abnormal shape.

Due to their poor morphology, sperm cannot fertilize the oocyte and cause sterility.

The causes of teratozoospermia are as follows:

  • Genetic alterations
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Semen infections and orchitis
  • Testicular trauma
  • Varicocele
  • Fever
  • Diabetes and meningitis
  • Tobacco, alcohol, drugs

Bad eating habits, clothes that are too close to the body ...
Certain causes can be resolved (fever, quitting smoking, healthy habits ...), which implies that in some cases, the pathology is reversible.

5-2 Does teratozoospermia cause miscarriages?

In principle, the poor morphology of the sperm does not cause any miscarriage once the fertilization of the oocyte has taken place and the embryo has implanted. If, on the other hand, the sperm also have genetic disorders, this may be a cause of miscarriage.

5-3 How to improve the amorphous sperm of semen?

If the pathology of teratospermia is not specific, the man should follow some indications to modify his lifestyle, which could negatively influence his reproductive state. Some men who stop smoking or alcohol consumption and change their diet may see an improvement in their sperm quality after 3 months.

5-4 Can leukospermia cause teratospermia and male infertility

Leukospermia, also known as leukocytospermia, is the appearance of leukocytes in semen, with a concentration level greater than 1 million per milliliter. The cause of this seminal pathology is an infection of the male reproductive tract which must be treated with antibiotics as it can affect spermatogenesis and cause oligospermia or teratozoospermia.

You can find the information in our article:  Leukocytes in semen.


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By On 26/12/2019


 When it comes to soft erection  There are many causes that can lead to the inability of the penis to erect normally such as serious illnesses and psychological factors. All men with a weak erection problem show different causes and it is important to identify them correctly in order to apply the right treatment.

Therefore and in order to help you and completely eradicate these genes, the Health experts of Dawabio after much research offers you a very effective solution based on medicinal plants to treat a soft erection.  Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


It is very important for men with impotence and other health problems to consult a doctor first to know the real state of your health and what will be the most appropriate treatments.

Usually, a flabby penis occurs in older men as they tend to have serious conditions like diabetes, kidney failure, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and multiple sclerosis.

These diseases affect the nerves and also the circulation of blood to the penis. That is why, when you visit a doctor to discuss an impotence problem, he will ask you to examine your general health, as any of the slightly higher diseases can cause this sexual problem.

In the rest of our article we will outline some natural soft erection treatment.

1: Red vine, ginseng

If the erection gradually becomes poorer, without there necessarily being a drop in libido, and if the spontaneous erections in the morning or at night disappear, this often indicates a vascular cause. In this case, we can bet on circulatory plants such as sweet clover,  red vine,  witch hazel, horse chestnut ... We use them alone or in synergy (Quatuor Circulation, Super Diet; Nat & Form, etc.). 6 capsules per day or 5 ml of glycerine macerate (Phytostandard, Phytoprevent) morning and evening, for at least a month to treat sexual weakness or soft erection.

2: The "vegetable Viagra"

Tribulus Terrestris (also called "  vegetable viagra ") and mucuna are two plants that act on the erection by promoting the production of testosterone. "This association is useful in the event of significant erectile problems associated with a decrease in libido", specifies the specialist.

Dosage:  To be taken in the form of a glycerine macerate, 5 ml morning and evening as a minimum 3-month cure to see results.

3: Patchouli or pine essential oils

Essential oils with vasodilating virtues (pistachio lentisk, patchouli, palmarosa ...) can promote erection. Other oils with testosteronergic action can also help restart the machine if the problem is accompanied by a  drop in libido: Scots pine, cumbawa, black spruce, Siam wood ... Aromatherapy can help. elsewhere be associated with herbal medicine to cure sexual weakness or soft erection.

4: A dietary supplement based on amino acids and vitamin B3

The combination of amino acids (l-arginine and l-carnitine) and vitamin B3 increases the production of nitrogen monoxide, thus promoting the vasodilation necessary for an erection. "The advantage is that you can take this dietary supplement continuously, to cure sexual weakness or soft erection. There is no need to plan the intake before sex, which helps keep sexual spontaneity This is interesting for those who experience a small decrease in libido which is accompanied by a decrease in erectile capacity but do not want or cannot take drugs such as Viagra, Cialis ... for medical reasons ", summarizes Annabelle Pongratz Muller-Vitu. It is in the form of sachets of powder to be diluted in water (Ezerex), in a cure of a one-month minimum.

5: An ylang-ylang massage

The psychic aspect of the erection is not to be neglected. "Tenderness, touch,  caresses ... and the atmosphere of relationships are very important to restore dialogue and trust within the couple," recalls the sex therapist. To create favorable conditions, we can for example try to be massaged by (and massaged) his partner with a vegetable oil in which we dilute a few drops of essential oil, to be chosen for its fragrance, according to the smell that we feel. "talks" the most. Some ready-made massage oils (Light of Love massage oil, Essential Elements; Sensory Awakening massage oil, Puressentiel) contain essential oils known for their intoxicating and aphrodisiac fragrances: sandalwood, ylang-ylang, ... On the other hand, the essential oil will have no real therapeutic action by the cutaneous route.

6: A good workout

Sport is the number one ally of erection: it promotes good vascular health, improves self-esteem and endurance, lowers stress, helps fight against abdominal obesity which is very bad for the body. 'erection ", notes the specialist. No need to do much: 30 minutes 3 times a week already allow good maintenance at the cardiovascular level, which can only have a positive impact on the erection. help quickly find solutions to sexual weakness or your soft erection.

In general, a healthy lifestyle promotes a good erection and certain "enemies" should be avoided: alcohol,  tobacco, cannabis.

 Also to finish here are some foods that help treat erectile dysfunction  :

·          Dark chocolate: Yes, you read that right! Dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac and has many health benefits. It helps lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and contains high levels of phenethylamine, a relaxing chemical that can also increase sexual pleasure. If all that wasn't enough, dark chocolate cocoa is rich in flavonoids; vasodilators that facilitate blood flow to the penis, and thus improve sexual weakness or soft erection.

·          Bananas: Often embarrassing when eaten in public due to their resemblance to an erect penis! The fruit is very rich in potassium which is very beneficial for the heart and maintains good blood circulation, which is obviously essential for a strong erection. Potassium will also help maintain normal sodium levels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Bananas are also an excellent source of vitamin B and thus maintain your energy level and testosterone production, leading to higher libido.

·          Chillies: Keep the heat with the chili in your sex life! Have you ever felt a rush of blood in your face and redness of the skin while eating chili peppers? This is because they work effectively to dilate blood vessels, and luckily not just on your face. When it comes to sex, they also do wonders by pumping more blood into the penis, and they work very quickly. However, it doesn't over-consume it, as it can irritate your stomach and intestines.

·          Salmon: This is a fantastic food for weight loss because the fish generally do not contain carbohydrates and are perfect when combined with vegetables. Salmon is also good for the penis and thus may improve sexual weakness or flabby erection. Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish help improve the functioning of your nervous system and promote healthy heart and blood circulation. towards the penis because of the enormous cardiovascular benefits they provide.

·          Watermelon: This fruit has been shown to be a natural food similar to Viagra. The drug Viagra works by helping to relax and widen the blood vessels in the penis, allowing an easier erection when you are sexually aroused. Many experts claim that watermelon  (or watermelon) works in a similar way due to the presence of "citrulline". Citrulline stimulates the production of arginine, an amino acid that helps relax and dilate blood vessels, thus improving blood circulation just like Viagra does.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Medical illustration of dr ross moskowitz 1


By On 26/12/2019


Prostate cancer occurs in the later stages of inflammation of the prostate, a common result after untreated prostatitis. Men who ignore prostatitis are actually risking their lives. If you want to live long and be healthy, if you need an erection and a normal libido, you must treat the inflammation of the prostate. And it should be done as soon as possible. Here is the natural treatment from the experts at Dawasanté to cure prostatitis permanently. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


It should be understood that prostatitis is a fatal disease that can escalate and lead to a cancerous tumor. The untreated and misdiagnosed disease develops rapidly and can lead to cancer in just 1 to 2 years and often leads to the death of the sufferer

The bad news is that in 96.7% of cases, men who suffer from prostatitis suffer from sexual weakness sooner or later. 

Now let's look specifically at the most effective natural treatments for treating prostatitis and for prostate health in general.

Natural remedies, easy to find and use, effective not only because they reduce inflammation, but also because they are able to "  deflate the prostate  ", thus countering the problem of benign prostatic hypertrophy. , significantly improving urine flow and thus facilitating urination.

Some of these remedies are therefore also useful for the strong antibacterial and immunostimulating properties, which are very useful in cases of prostatitis of bacterial origin.

These remedies can be taken alone or all together.

If you are already taking medication for prostatitis (or other illnesses), before taking any of these herbs, or any supplement, I strongly advise you to consult your doctor.

To remedy this we offer you some solution related to certain plants and your food

1 - aloe juice

Aloe, from a phytotherapeutic point of view, is without a doubt one of the most complete and effective natural remedies, so much so that it can be used to treat and prevent an endless number of diseases. Prostatitis is no exception.

Due to its rich assets  (vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, amino acids, anthraquinones, polysaccharides, etc.), Aloe has antimoral, immunostimulatory, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

Oral consumption of aloe juice helps reduce inflammation of the prostate and bladder, shrinks the size of the prostate, and effectively neutralizes bacterial infections.

There are several varieties of Aloe, the one with the most active ingredients is definitely  Aloe Arborescent  (not Aloe Vera!).

This plant uses leaves which, after removing the thorns, must be mixed with honey and a little grappa (or other distillate). The result is a greenish and frothy juice, slightly bitter and rich in healthy properties.

2 – Epilobium

Epilobium is the quintessential prostate herb, as it has been used for over a century in traditional medicine to specifically treat all diseases that affect this gland, such as prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia. Indeed, soon after its consumption, the effects already begin to be felt, with greater ease to urinate and completely empty the bladder. Indeed, Epilobium exerts a rapid and effective anti-inflammatory action against the bladder and the prostate, while reducing the size of the prostate.

3 - Bee pollen

Bee pollen is a treasure trove of nutritious and healthy substances.

In fact, it contains 35% protein, 21 amino acids of 23, 35% carbohydrate, 5% fat (mostly unsaturated aids), all vitamins (except vitamins B4 and F), minerals and flavonoids. In fact, several studies confirm that consuming bee pollen is effective in fighting prostatitis and enlarged prostate, as it reduces pain and inflammation and inhibits the proliferation of prostate tissue.

4 - Root and nettle leaves

Nettle (Utica dioica) is another natural remedy commonly used in the treatment of prostatitis.

A  study was recently published in 100 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, where the effects of nettle on reducing the size of the prostate are confirmed. The leaves of root and nettle are used to treat prostate problems. With the leaves, you prepare an herbal tea (simply let the leaves infuse for 10 minutes in hot water then filter). The root is used as a decoction instead. Nettle root is sometimes used in conjunction with saw palmetto. To further determine its effectiveness

5 - Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have a long tradition in traditional medicine, in the treatment of intestinal worms as well as in the treatment of prostate disorders.

This is thanks to the very high zinc content.

In fact, zinc affects androgen metabolism by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, 5alpha-reductase. It is an androgenic hormone that is fundamental for the development and normal growth of the prostate. Nevertheless, it is also recognized that it is the cause of hyperplastic nodules of the gland, which can eventually lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

In addition, zinc reduces the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that activates a testosterone booster in the prostate. The higher the testosterone, the higher the production of DHT. By reducing the synthesis of prolactin, zinc also ensures lower DHT.

The seeds of pumpkin contain beta-sitosterol, a compound similar to cholesterol and present in some plants. Preliminary studies have shown that beta-sitosterol can improve urine flow and reduce the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination.

Some studies recommend taking 10 g of pumpkin seed extract per day for symptoms of BPH.

6. Pygeum (African plum extract)

Pygeum has also been shown to contain a wide range of fatty acids, alcohols and sterols, such as beta-sitosterol, which have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital tract.

A few studies indicate that consuming 100 to 200 mg of Pygeum extract daily or splitting it into two doses of 50 mg twice daily may help reduce symptoms of BPH.

7. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is one of the most studied and widely used herbal supplements to treat BPH.

Several studies have linked saw palmetto to reduced symptoms of BPH. This is probably due to the fact that it inhibits the production of testosterone and reduces the size of the inner wall of the prostate.

However, other studies have not been able to establish whether the use of a saw palmetto supplement has an impact on BPH symptoms compared to a  placebo.

8. Zi-Shen Pill (ZSP)

The Zi-Shen (ZSP) pill contains a blend of three herbs, including   Chinese cinnamon.

The formula comes from ancient Chinese medicine dating back to the 13th century. Trusted Source researchers showed that rats given the Zi-Shen formula exhibited reduced levels of BPH.

More research is needed in humans to determine its effectiveness.

9. Cernilton

Some people use herbal supplements made from rye pollen to treat symptoms of BPH. These bothersome symptoms may include the inability to empty the bladder completely and the need to urinate frequently at night.

Under the Cernilton brand, rye pollen is included in the formulation of several registered pharmaceutical supplements intended to alleviate the symptoms of BPH.

Despite its popularity, it has never been shown  Cernilton had an impact on symptoms of BPH as part of scientific studies on a large scale. However, some indicate that it can help reduce the overall size of the prostate.

More research is needed to determine if it works or not.

10. Orbignya speciosa (babassu)

Babassu or  Orbignya speciosa is a species of palm native to Brazil. Several indigenous Brazilian tribes and communities use the dried or ground kernels from the tree to treat urogenital symptoms and conditions.

Babassu nut oil has also been shown to be a source for inhibiting testosterone production, while other parts of the nut contain compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

11. lycopene

Lycopene is a natural pigment found in many fruits and vegetables. One study has shown that it may help slow the progression of BPH.

Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene available to most people. But a few other fruits and vegetables contain lower levels of this antioxidant.

Usually, the more pink or red the fruit or vegetable, the higher its lycopene content.

Other sources of lycopene include:

  • Papaya
  • pink grapefruit
  • watermelon
  • goyave
  • carrots
  • Red peppers
  • apricots
  • Red cabbage

12. Zinc

l  has been shown that chronic zinc deficiency potentially increasing the likelihood of developing BPH. Taking zinc supplements or increasing dietary zinc intake can help reduce urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.

Zinc is found in poultry, seafood, and several types of seeds and nuts, such as sesame and pumpkin.

13. green tea

Green tea contains many antioxidants called catechins,  which strengthens the immune system and possibly slow the progression of cancer the prostate.

It is important to keep in mind that green tea contains caffeine. Caffeine can stimulate the bladder and cause a sudden urge to urinate which can worsen the symptoms of BPH.

Medical illustration of dr ross moskowitz 1


By On 26/12/2019

Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

What is chronic bacterial prostatitis?

Prostatitis chronic bacterial is a rare disorder that causes recurrent infection in the prostate and causes swelling, inflammation and infections frequent urinary tract. The prostate is a small gland located directly below the bladder in men.

Even with prolonged antibiotic treatment, bacteria can still survive in the prostate and symptoms often return. To remedy this pathology, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to cure prostatitis permanently. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Natural Treatment 

If you suffer from prostate problems (inability to urinate, urination disorders, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lower back pain and penile pain, etc.), this is the miracle solution that will help you cure or prevent your prostatitis. The natural remedy to cure prostatitis permanently and quickly that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. Generally, with the exception of the diagnosis too late, our natural treatment makes it possible to treat prostatitis quite easily and does not leave any sequelae. So trust us! This natural treatment is the secret to cure prostatitis without operation, without side effects thanks to plants.

Herbal tea is made from plants that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial and calming properties. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. This natural remedy also contains several natural anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit the inflammatory process that triggers inflammation and pain in the prostate gland. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an excessively large prostate without having to have an operation. The natural remedy also helps in curing difficulty in urinating and it restores sexual balance. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis with plants.

First, the pain in your lower back and in your penis will gradually disappear. You will no longer have difficulty urinating and your erection will gradually return to normal. The use of herbal products to cure prostatitis gives excellent results. Our therapy to cure prostatitis that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting. So; it will save you from having to go through an operation. Herbal tea to treat prostatitis has no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is secure. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis without operation and without side effects.

To discover our natural remedy to cure chronic bacterial prostatitis, click here

What are the symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis?

Bacterial infections in the prostate can be very painful. Symptoms start slowly and last for three months or more. See your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Pain on ejaculation
  • Pain with stool
  • Pain in the lower back, between the genitals and anus, above the pubic bone and in the testicles
  • Foul-smelling urine

Serious complications can occur if an infection is not properly treated. Complications include:

  • An inability to urinate
  • Sepsis, which occurs when bacteria spread through the blood
  • An abscess of the prostate, which is a collection of pus that causes inflammation

 What are the causes of chronic bacterial prostatitis?

Prostatitis chronic bacterial is caused by a bacterial infection. Even when the main symptoms of infection have been treated, bacteria can continue to grow in the prostate.

Causes of infection include:

  • Any bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection
  • Sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Escherichia coli after infection of the testes, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) or urinary tract infection

Certain factors put men at risk for developing this disease, such as:

  • An enlarged prostate
  • Infection in or around the testicles
  • Narrowing of the urethra, or narrow urethra

    How is chronic bacterial prostatitis diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis, your doctor will take your medical history and do a physical exam to look for swollen lymph nodes near the groin or for fluid discharge from the urethra.

Your doctor will also do a rectal exam to examine the prostate. During this test, your doctor will insert a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to look for signs of infection, such as a soft prostate or an enlarged prostate.

Your doctor may also perform the following tests:

  • Test urethral fluid for bacteria
  • Tests to rule out a sexually transmitted infection
  • Urine test

Medical Treatment 

Antibiotics are the main treatment for this condition. They are usually taken for four to six weeks. However, as the infection may come back, you may need to take antibiotics for 12 weeks or more. Your doctor will arrange for a follow-up after treatment to make sure the infection is completely gone.

It can take six months to a year for symptoms to go away completely. In the meantime, some home remedies may be able to ease your symptoms. Home remedies include:

  • Hot baths
  • Drink 64 to 128 ounces of water per day
  • Use fabric softeners to avoid constipation
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, citrus juices, and hot and spicy dishes
  • Medicines to treat pain

Additional treatment may be necessary in the following rare cases:

  • If you cannot pass urine, a health care provider will insert a tube called a catheter to empty your bladder.
  • - If you have an abscess, your doctor will drain it.
  • If you develop sepsis you will receive intensive antibiotic therapy and will need to stay in hospital.
  • If you have stones or mineral deposits in your prostate, your doctor may need to remove your prostate. It's very rare.

    Tips to follow if you have prostate cancer

When you are suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis, certain lifestyle changes can be of great help. Here are the tips to follow:

–Drink plenty of water. Ideally, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Fluid intake helps the metabolic process to function well.

-Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco. They can irritate your bladder and especially make your symptoms worse.

-Eat healthily, especially avoid foods that are too sweet and fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

-Avoid sitting in a sitting position for too long. But in the event that this is unavoidable, favor a comfortable seat

-Regular moments of relaxation and sufficient sleep are also essential.

-Avoid any other activity that generates pressure on the perineum that accentuates symptoms, for example, cycling.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Man stressed about ed


By On 26/12/2019



Called dysfunction erectile  - or problems with erection or disorders of erection  - the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity.

Indeed,  erectile disorders have benefited from several campaigns aimed at the general public, especially since the advent of oral treatments which represented effective solutions more practical than those available until then. We thus tended to believe that sexual breakdowns were no longer so taboo in homes and the media ... Well, the results of our survey show the opposite: a majority of respondents (59%) believe that the media do not cover enough this theme.

Does this feeling translate into a lack of information? The causes of these intimate problems are relatively well known to the respondents: a  psychological origin,  age,  physiological causes,  medication, a  lack of interest in sex ... Conversely, information on treatments suffers from a real lack. knowledge: nearly a third do not know that these problems can be cured! This is the reason why Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plants to definitively treat erectile disorders. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Among those who actively seek information, the  Internet is the main source of information (52%), far ahead of the specialized press   (21%), and television  (18%). The mainstream press, radio and thematic channels remain far behind.

Erectile dysfunction: a real impact on the life of a couple

On a daily basis, the men concerned admit that these disorders affect their couple/family life  (84% of respondents) and the image they have of themselves  (78%). Beyond the sexual problem, several feelings are mingled: attack of their virility, feeling of bad aging, guilt, shame, depression ... So many negative feelings that can promote breakdowns, which will then feed this fear of failure: the terrible vicious circle specific to erectile dysfunction.

And this feeling is not for all that the prerogative of men since 73% of women believe that these intimate problems have a significant impact on their married life.

Erectile dysfunction: to be treated, it is still necessary to talk about it ...

In the event of erectile dysfunction, respondents would naturally turn to their general practitioner  (49%), even ahead of their partner/friend (18.5%) and the sex therapist/sex therapist  (17.3%). According to their statements, the choice to go to another doctor, an andrologist, or friends remains quite rare.

But among those who are affected by this problem (80.2%, including 26.5% from time to time, 22% quite regularly, 16.6% regularly, and 15.2% all the time), the reality is quite different: only 44% admit to having spoken about it with their doctor, but 16.5% spoke about it with another doctor, a  sexologist or an andrologist. And 39% never talked about it!

Without talking about it, 45.5% of men do not benefit from medication and 11% have turned to alternative solutions. Only 43.5% received a drug (mainly  Cialis  ® 55% and  Viagra  ® 21%). Why not have taken a proven treatment? The two most common reasons are not daring to talk about it  (22%) and fear of side effects  (16%).

Just over half of the women who responded to our survey (55%) are in a relationship with a partner who has had or has erectile dysfunction. According to them, most of their partners do not take any treatment (68%); 13.5% a treatment prescribed by the doctor and 7.5% an alternative treatment. The difference between partners shows that men often hide the fact that they are taking treatment.

The ideal treatment must be effective and well-tolerated

Among the patients treated, 30.6% experienced side effects  (including 77% often to very often, 23% rarely or very rarely): headache, redness in the face, blocked nose, digestive problems, problems with the vision, dizziness ...

But overall, are they satisfied with their treatment? There is a very slight predominance of dissatisfaction  (53%), a feeling mainly linked to a  lack of efficacy  (38.4%) and the cost of the drug  (21%). Then come the fact of having to take it for each report (14.5%) and the lack of spontaneity that this generates (13.8%)… Different sources of discontent among women (55% are satisfied with the treatment, 45 % no) who first cite the lack of spontaneity in intercourse and the lack of effectiveness on erection.

What would be the ideal treatment for you? The main characteristics sought by all respondents (men, women, all ages combined) are good efficacy (30%), good tolerance (18%), rapid action (15%) and ease of use ( 14%). The price and its reimbursement are not a priority, the costly aspect comes after the efficiency.

The different treatments available 

Today, new solutions exist, whether oral or local treatment.

·  Oral treatment is generally offered as a first-line treatment. We find sildenafil,  vardenafil,  tadalafil. Acting on the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, these three molecules increase the blood flow at the origin of the erection. To be effective, they must be combined with sexual stimulation such as foreplay, caresses ... Please note, these treatments may be subject to contraindications or interactions with other treatments, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. 

·  Hormonal treatment may be a solution if a biological workup shows a  drop in testosterone associated with clinical signs such as fatigue and a  significant increase in abdominal fat. Testosterone can help regain sexual desire and also increases muscle strength. This treatment is only temporary and should be monitored by testing for testosterone in the blood.

· A  local treatment may be prescribed. It comes in the form of injections into the cavernous body of the penis. The method of administration is often scary, but the bite is not painful and the doctor accompanies his patient step by step and for as long as necessary. They are only issued on medical prescription and are reimbursed when erectile dysfunction is linked to serious and well-defined physical damage (following prostate cancer and prostatectomy, paraplegia or quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis by example…) This treatment allows a fast and good quality erection even without sexual stimulation. 

·          The fitting of a penile prosthesis may be considered as a last resort. It is intended for men for whom other treatments are ineffective or contraindicated for medical reasons. This choice must be made in a concerted manner between the patient, his / her partner, and a specialized medical team. 

Having desire breakdowns impacts men's morale and can have consequences on married life. It is possible to cure erectile dysfunction in some cases with simple remedies from grandmother.


Erectile dysfunction: coffee has an influence on the risk of erectile dysfunction        

 According to a recent study conducted by the  Health Science Center at the University of Texas, Houston, drinking two or three cups of coffee a day can reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction.

This study, published in the journal  PLOS ONE, found that men who consumed 85 to 170 mg of caffeine per day had a 42% lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) than average. For those who consumed 171 to 303 mg, the risk reduction was 39%.

The researchers asked 3,700 male subjects to complete a questionnaire about the amount of caffeine they had consumed in the past 24 hours. While caffeine intake decreased the likelihood of erectile dysfunction in obese, overweight, or hypertensive people, the same was not true in diabetics.

"Caffeine does not compensate for the negative effects of diabetes on erectile dysfunction," says David Lopez, lead author of the study. "This is not very surprising,  as diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors for this dysfunction. "

An estimated thirty million Americans suffer from erectile dysfunction - the inability to stay hard long enough. In general, the likelihood of dysfunction increases with age. Some  40% of the forties are affected, and 70% of septuagenarians, as the Huffington Post recently recalled.

Researchers believe that one of the effects of caffeine is to relax the helicine arteries in the penis, which improves blood flow and causes an erection.

Among the sources of caffeine studied, we can cite - in addition to tea and coffee - energy drinks and sodas, which are particularly harmful to health, as David Lopez points out.

“Remember that aside from caffeine, energy drinks and sodas contain other ingredients that we don't know much about,” he adds. "We are very familiar with sugar, which is clearly associated with diabetes and obesity. Other drinks are free from it, but some of their ingredients can cause cancer."

Given that this is an association study, David Lopez indicates that he cannot, for the moment, do                

Say no to erectile dysfunction with ginger

Ginger has vasodilating virtues facilitating the flow of blood. It is an aphrodisiac food par excellence, our grandmothers already knew it and provide us with recipes against erectile dysfunction. Here is an example of infusion: grate 50 g of fresh ginger and let stand for at least 4 hours in a liter of water in the refrigerator. You must consume two glasses a day and wait 15 days to see the first results and improve libido.

Dry dates and nuts against erectile dysfunction

Another grandmother's remedy for erectile dysfunction is to mix and pound equal amounts of dry dates, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, and flaxseeds until you get a fine powder. Mix this powder in a glass of water and drink daily to achieve effective results against the troubles erection.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Unnamed 4


By On 26/12/2019

What is asthenospermia?

The asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia is a sperm abnormality characterized by insufficient mobility of spermatozoa. It can alter a man's fertility and reduce the couple's chances of pregnancy because if they are not sufficiently mobile, the sperm cannot migrate from the vagina to the tube to fertilize the oocyte. However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural plant-based treatment to permanently cure asthenospermia.

Click here or on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Asthenospermia can be isolated or associated with other sperm abnormalities. In the case of OATS, or oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia, it is associated with oligospermia (sperm concentration below normal values) and teratozoospermia (too high a proportion of abnormally shaped sperm). The impact on human fertility will be even greater.



Here we are going to offer you a mixture of African plants, roots and barks that will help you heal your asthenospermia. Our blend of plants and roots has already enabled many men around the world to recover from their asthenospermia and experience the joy of being a father. What allows us to have excellent results is that we produce all these plants and roots ourselves and that we select only the best plants so that they retain all their therapeutic and medicinal virtues. They are the best roots and plants against asthenospermia.

Here are five plants and roots that will help you cure asthenospermia:


The effects of herbal remedies for treating asthenospermia problems have been proven by studies and hundreds of years of use. Here we are going to offer you a mixture of African plants, roots and bark that will help you heal your infertility. Our blend of plants and roots has already enabled many men around the world to heal from infertility and experience the joy of being a father. What allows us to have excellent results is that we produce all these plants and roots ourselves and that we select only the best plants so that they retain all their therapeutic and medicinal virtues.

2.The fruit of the Tribulus  (Tribulus Terrestris)

Tribulus terrestris "puncture vine" fruit (Organic) - TrancePlants ...

Tribulus is expected to be very effective in improving sperm count, motility, and morphology when combined with changes in diet and exercise.

The main part of Tribulus that contributes to fertility in men is a constituent called protodioscin. This constituent improves the levels of DHEA in the male body. In men with erectile dysfunction, their DHEA levels have been found to below. Some studies have shown that protodioscin, extracted from Tribulus, increases the natural levels of DHEA necessary for a proper erection. Protodioscin is also the main constituent responsible for the aphrodisiac qualities of Tribulus. The increase in sexual desire while using this herb has been reported by both men and women.

A study by dawabio experts showed a 61% increase in conception in couples with anti-sperm antibodies (the immune system attacking sperm) taking Tribulus. The average duration of conception for a couple after treatment was 5 months. Tribulus is one of the best herbs for improving male fertility. Tribulus supports the production of LH and testosterone in men.

It also helps increase sperm count, motility, and health. It reduces the effects of anti-sperm antibodies.

3.        Ginseng

Ginseng |  The Plant Guide

Ginseng is often referred to as the king of all herbs and is proven to be the panacea for improving overall well-being. Ginseng is also an aphrodisiac and is used to treat sexual dysfunction and to improve sexual behavior in traditional Chinese medical practices. Data from animal studies have shown a positive correlation between ginseng's performance, libido and copulation, and these effects have been confirmed in case-control studies in humans. In addition, ginseng improves the quality of sperm and their number. We highly recommend it.

4.        Maca

What are the dangers and adverse effects of Maca from Peru ...

Maca has the ability to improve female fertility, which is why it is getting a lot of attention. It balances female hormones to improve fertility. However, this herb also has the ability to boost male fertility. This plant effectively improves the quality of sperm (the poor quality of sperm is a cause of male infertility). According to a study, men who consume maca regularly have more mobile sperm, more semen and more semen per ejaculation.

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha Extract 100x 250mg caps 17,95 -

Ashwagandha is traditionally used to improve sexual health. It supports the endocrine system and promotes its better functioning. It also strengthens the hormonal balance in the body. It stimulates libido and improves sperm count in men. It improves stamina and also improves sexual performance.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure asthenospermia consists essentially of natural herbal teas. The herbal tea is composed of plants and roots whose active ingredients can restore the male hormonal balance, by increasing the level of testosterone, the number and the mobility of your sperm. It is the miracle solution to cure asthenospermia.

To discover our natural remedy to cure asthenospermia,  click here

Causes of asthenospermia

As with all semen abnormalities, the causes of asthenospermia can be numerous:

  •          a morphological anomaly of the male gametes,
  •          an infection,
  •          presence of anti-sperm antibodies
  •          medication,
  •          a varicocele,
  •          a dietary deficiency,
  •          a renal failure,
  •          liver failure
  •          chemotherapy,
  •          exposure to radiation,
  •          excessive alcohol consumption,
  •          a deficiency in calcium, vitamin D or trace element ...


Asthenospermia does not show any symptoms other than difficulty conceiving.


A semen analysis, or spermogram, is used to assess the mobility of the sperm. It should be remembered that only mobile gametes can fertilize the egg. Many medical analysis laboratories rely on the classification issued by the World Health Organization to classify spermatozoa:

  •          Level A (or I): progressive rapid sperm advance quickly and in a straight line,
  •          Level B (or II): the slow progressive spermatozoa advance slowly or in a curved line,
  •          Level C (or III): non-progressive spermatozoa move but do not progress,
  •          Level D (or IV): the sperm are immobile.

To be qualified as normal, the spermogram must show a minimum of 40% of motile sperm and 32% of sperm showing progressive mobility.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.




By On 26/12/2019

Prostate Cancer and Impotence: Natural Treatment 

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, both in men and in the general population.

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that plays a hormonal role and in the production of sperm. The appearance of cancer prostate is the transformation of prostate cells. Initially healthy, they multiply in an anarchic manner until they form a malignant tumor. In 95% of cases, cancers are in the histologic form of adenocarcinoma which develops from the cells making up the lining tissue of the prostate. If cancer starts out in the prostate, the tumor can then grow and invade other parts of the body. The course of this patient is often slow. As with all cancers, there are several stages of development. The evolution of cancer can be local or distant depending on the time of diagnosis. Prostate cancer can range from stage 1 to 4 depending on how widespread it is. To avoid having to suffer from this ailment which could have an impact on your whole life, we suggest that you approach Dawabio experts who are specialized in traditional treatments; as soon as you feel even a little pain or have doubts about your state of health. Here is the natural herbal treatment to permanently cure prostate cancer. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

This cancer is sometimes never discovered during the patient's lifetime. It is therefore only at a more advanced stage of development that the first symptoms appear. In the majority of cases, these are mainly urinary symptoms that affect urination (the action of urinating): 

<> urge to urinate, excessive frequency of urination, painful urination, hematuria, acute retention of urine, dysuria. Difficulty urinating: difficulty starting to urinate or holding urine, inability to urinate, need to urinate frequently (especially at night), poor urine output, a burning sensation or pain when passing urine 'urinate. Blood in urine or semen. Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs. Changes in urinary function: frequent urge, urge to urinate, urge to push, retention of urine, burning while urinating. Genital changes: painful ejaculations, or difficulty getting an erection. Predisposed people. benign prostatic hyperplasia. This enlarges, causing abnormalities in the functioning of the bladder and the sexual system. Thus, we can observe both urinary disorders (frequent urges to urinate, decrease in the force of the jet ...) and, often,  more or less severe erection difficulties.

Prostate cancer does not cause sexual difficulties at the time. Rather, it is the treatment (intervention, certain medications, etc.) that can have repercussions on sexuality.


It is possible to treat the prostate by a gentler method than surgery: ultrasound. This method called "ablatherm" or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound consists of high-intensity ultrasound focused on the tumor. However, it remains less frequent and around fifty clinics or hospitals offer it in France.


Promising treatments

Certain molecules hold hope in the treatment of advanced forms, such as olaparib. The immunotherapy is also tested to boost the patient's immune system during chemotherapy.

Doctors also have other weapons at their disposal, such as hormone therapy which blocks the development of cancer by reducing the level of male hormones, or radiation therapy.

Several options are available to the doctor for treating prostate cancer, depending on its stage and speed of progression: resection surgery, external or internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy) or even simple monitoring. All these treatments should be discussed with the patient according to their risks and benefits. Thus, the risk of erectile dysfunction, more or less important depending on the treatment chosen, often comes into play in the decision.

Consequences of the operation

     The operation often leaves after-effects. During the prostatectomy, the nerves of the erection can be damaged. This results in impotence in 60-90% of patients. But sometimes the erection can be recovered. It depends on the age and the damage to the erectile nerves. When this is not the case, there are treatments to cure impotence.

     Another negative consequence of the operation: its impact on the urinary tract. The sphincters which allow the evacuation of urine are very close to the prostate. And when the prostate is removed, they are often damaged. Of urinary leakage appear mostly to the effort.

What are the risks of becoming impotent after prostate cancer surgery?

"It all depends on the treatments but there is a risk of impotence with the surgery. Now when the diagnosis is early enough, the surgery is a minimum. There are minimally invasive surgeries that allow preserving the shameful nerves. It is absolutely necessary to do so. talk with the doctor. There is less risk with irradiation or hormonal treatments but it all depends on the clinical case. If there is a  loss of erection after the operation, there are still ways to 'intervene. If the shameful nerves have been preserved, one can act on the libido. Medicines can also help erection. Intra-cavernous injections and possibly penile prostheses can also be considered. But we must talk about it and we must especially not treat ourselves because we fear this kind of problem.

"Prostate cancer is very treatable if caught on time. However, impotence can be a complication of prostate cancer treatments and have an impact on the daily life of the cancer patient.

Several factors can increase the risk of impotence after the operation of prostate cancer, age, but also the frequency of sexual intercourse and erections: if they were low before the operation, this will increase the risk of impotence.

However, in some cases, impotence can be long-lasting. Treatments are then offered to bypass it such as injections and tablets.
The sooner the prostate cancer is treated, the lower the risk of impotence after the procedure.

Typically, impotence decreases and resolves within 18 months after the operation.


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Prostate cancer s1 photo of prostate diagram


By On 26/12/2019


The prostate cancer is common cancer affecting the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Cancer develops from the tissues of the prostate when cells there mutate and multiply out of control. These can then spread (metastasize) by migrating from the prostate to other parts of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes in the pelvis.

Men with fertility problems are statistically more likely to develop prostate cancer than others, according to a Swedish study, which strengthens the hypothesis that these two health problems could have common causes. However, Dawasanté experts have a natural herbal treatment available to treat prostate cancer and improve fertility. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Herbal remedy for prostate cancer

Here we offer you a mixture of seeds, roots, and bark from Africa that can prevent and cure cancer (breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, tyroid cancer, cervical cancer. uterus, kidney cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

Rich in antioxidants and trace elements, our plants for curing cancer delay the development of cancer cells thanks to a pigment it contains, phycocyanin. The root extract very selectively kills cells. Healthy cells are not killed, while cancer cells are. Our natural treatment kills cancer in an all-natural way without nausea, weight loss, or hair loss, while protecting the immune system.

No one can tell you that these herbs definitely cure any type of cancer, that would be lying. But thanks to these plants, you can improve the quality of life of patients by cancer, a fact verified. Best of all, they can even relieve some symptoms of cancer! How does it work?

These African plants are powerful antimicrobials and antifungals. They make it possible to stop metastatic processes by reducing the size of the tumors. This will significantly slow the advance of cancer.

However, even if these roots are very effective, we recommend that you accompany them with conventional treatments. We are definitely not asking you to give up your cancer treatment. Indeed, one should never completely leave aside a medical treatment to start a therapy resulting from the natural African herbal medicine. You will put your health and your life in danger. Our natural anti-cancer treatment should be combined with conventional therapy.

Sexuality and fertility

Prostate cancers and their treatments influence sexuality and fertility. Dedicated support for sexuality is in place, as well as measures to prevent infertility if you are considering a fatherhood project.

There is no harm or risk of having sex during treatment. In the case of brachytherapy treatment with permanent implants (iodine 125 grains), your doctor will give you the recommendations for protecting sexual intercourse. In addition, in the event of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy, during treatments and six months after the end of treatments, it is necessary to use a suitable means of contraception (for you or your partner) in order to avoid any risk of fertilization from an altered sperm.


After diagnosis, stress, worry, and fatigue often lead to decreased desire. But sexuality is not limited to sexual relations, it encompasses affection, tenderness, speech ... and over time, desire often returns little by little.

Physical difficulties, in particular erectile dysfunction or urinary continence, may appear. They are variable and depend on the erectile and urinary problems that you may have had before the treatments, as well as the treatments received. Erectile dysfunction can appear immediately after treatment or more gradually, in the months or even years that follow. Do not hesitate to talk to your medical team and ask all your questions. Doctors and health professionals are used to this type of request and will direct you to the solutions adapted to your situation and your needs.

If it is difficult to get an erection sufficient to have sex, you may be offered different treatments. Some are to be taken by mouth (5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors); others are injected into the cavernous bodies at the base of the penis (we speak of intracavernous injections), still others are presented as a gel to be inserted into the urinary meatus. A vacuum pump can also be a way to get erections.


 Cancer treatments most often lead to loss of fertility. If you are considering fatherhood, talk to your doctor before starting treatment in order to implement fertility preservation measures.

Freezing (cryopreserving) sperm is the most effective way to preserve male fertility before cancer treatment. The most common way to collect the semen sample is through masturbation. Men who cannot ejaculate can have vibratory or electrical stimulation to help them do so. The semen will stay frozen or stored until you need it. Freezing, even for many years, does not damage the sperm.

According to the Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide, hormone therapy generally has the lowest risk of fertility loss. If fertility problems exist, they will usually only be apparent during treatment. Then the ability to produce sperm should return to normal. For those undergoing radiation therapy, the risk of fertility loss is highly dependent on the dose of radiation received. If fertility can return to normal, it may take up to five years. What is promising, however, is that more precise dosage planning has started to reduce this risk of infertility, the PCF noted.


Infertility or the inability to conceive is a potential side effect of prostatectomy or radiation therapy.

The surgery involves removing the prostate as well as the seminal vesicles that produce semen. Men who have had a radical prostatectomy can still reach orgasm but without ejaculation.

Radiation therapy can affect the transport of semen. Men who want to father a child should consider freezing their sperm.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.





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PROSTATE CANCER DIET: Natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019

What is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. It is located just below the bladder and, like a ring, it surrounds the urethra, the channel through which urine and semen exit the body. The role of the prostate is to produce prostatic fluid, one of the components of semen along with seminal fluid and sperm, to temporarily store semen before ejaculation, and then to contract at the time of ejaculation, thus participating in the process. expulsion of semen.

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men: it is estimated that 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with it, most often in their sixties. Although no specific cause has been discovered, there is a genetic predisposition.

Most prostate cancers grow very slowly. Moreover, the vast majority of men in whom this cancer is detected will die of another cause. Often, the tumor remains in the prostate and has limited health effects, sometimes causing urinary or erectile dysfunction. However, some cancers can grow and spread more quickly.


We offer you here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which can prevent and cure cancer (breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer. uterus, kidney cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use of cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

Rich in antioxidants and trace elements, our plants for curing cancer delay the development of cancer cells thanks to a pigment they contain, phycocyanin. The root extract very selectively kills cells. Healthy cells are not killed, while cancer cells are. Our natural treatment kills cancer in the all-natural way without nausea, weight loss, or hair loss while protecting the immune system.

No one can tell you that these herbs definitely cure any type of cancer, that would be lying. But thanks to these herbs, you can improve the quality of life of cancer patients, a proven fact. Best of all, they can even relieve some symptoms of cancer.

Click on the image below to discover our treatment against prostate cancer

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Food and Nutrition

Good nutrition can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, slow disease progression, and prevent aggressive disease. In this section, we discuss healthy diet recommendations for good prostate health and healthy diet guidelines during treatment for prostate cancer. However, these tips should never be used as a substitute for treatment.

Healthy diet

We know that improved nutrition reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity and generally improves the overall quality of life. It is estimated that one-third of cancer deaths are attributable to the diet of adults, including the effects of diet on obesity. In addition, a healthy diet helps increase energy levels, aids recovery and strengthens the immune system. According to the World Health Organization, a person with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more is considered obese.

Experts now believe that our diet choices account for the vast majority of prostate cancer cases. It is important to assess food choices when it comes to prostate cancer risk. Scientists have discovered a list of anti-cancer superfoods and supplements to optimize your diet while discovering foods and supplements that may actually contribute to cancer risk and aggression.

Guidelines for healthy eating 

Your diet should be:

  • Mainly herbal
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Rich in fiber
  • · Low fat
  • Limited in the number of simple sugars

    Diet tips for prostate health

    Eat fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of substances that fight cancer and reduce inflammation, such as vitamins, polyphenols, antioxidants, minerals and natural fibers. Most men and women do not eat the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. If you are working to change the way you eat, try to make manageable changes. Try to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

·          Cruciferous vegetables  (such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage) have phytochemical properties that reduce oxidative stress or oxygen free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of prostate cancer and its aggressiveness.

·          Carrots  are rich in nutrients and contain beta-carotene and antioxidants falcarinol that reduces cancer risk

·          Tomatoes are a rich source of a phytochemical called lycopene, which attacks free radicals and helps the body reduce the risk of prostate cancer and its attacks.

·          The fungi  help the fight against cancer by strengthening the immune system with a set of compounds called beta-glucans and proteins called lectins, which have demonstrated their ability to attack cancer cells

Pomegranate, especially pomegranate juice, has been shown to slow down PSA doubling time and may help prevent recurrence of prostate cancer after primary treatment.

·          Grapes and grape juice are rich sources of resveratrol, a type of natural phytochemical that belongs to a larger group of phytochemicals called polyphenols, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

·          Grapefruit  contains several phytochemicals, including naringin limonin, beta-carotene and lycopene

·          Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits  help protect against free radicals DNA damaging because they contain hundreds of bioactive compounds, including flavonoids and monoterpenes

Avocados contain the highest amount of luteinutein carotenoid of all fruits

·          The peppers and jalapenos  contain a chemical, capsaicin, which neutralizes some carcinogens

·          Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and contain quercetin, a flavonoid that has both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

·          Berries  (raspberries and blueberries) are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, manganese and fiber, and blueberries are among the fruits with the highest antioxidant power due to the many phytochemicals they contain.

v   Limit the consumption of animal proteins

Diets high in red meat, dairy products and animal fat have often been linked to the development of prostate cancer. Red meat (such as beef, pork, and lamb) is particularly linked to aggressive prostate cancer.

v   Look for vegetable proteins

Plant-based proteins such as beans, flax, and walnuts contain quercetin and lignans which inhibit the growth of many types of cancer, including prostate cancer.

v   Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols and flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants. Tea is the best source of catechins studied for their anticancer properties. Green tea has been shown to slow down and / or prevent the development of prostate cancer.

v   Whole grains

Whole grains include brown rice, oatmeal, corn, whole wheat bread, barley, bulgar, kasha, millet, farro, quinoa and more. Whole grains are great sources of fiber and magnesium and provide protein. Choose foods made from whole grains rather than processed foods.

v   Limit sugary drinks

Reduce Surgery Soft drinks and clean water can speed up metabolism and rid the body of carcinogens.

v   Choose organic foods when possible

Foods from organic farming are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides, including BPA, a known carcinogen of prostate cancer. Foods from organic farming contain more nutrients than they tend to taste better.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


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By On 26/12/2019


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, both in men and in the general population. First signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment ... Lighting from Pierre-Olivier Bosset, urological surgeon.

Definition: location and role of the prostate

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that plays a hormonal role and in the production of sperm. The appearance of prostate cancer corresponds to the transformation of prostate cells. Initially healthy, they multiply in an anarchic manner until they form a malignant tumor. In 95% of cases, the cancers are in the histological form of adenocarcinoma which develops from the cells making up the lining tissue of the prostate. If cancer starts out in the prostate, the tumor can then grow and invade other parts of the body.


The course of this disease is often slow. As with all cancers, there are several stages of development. The evolution of cancer can be local or distant depending on the time of diagnosis. Prostate cancer can range from stage 1 to 4 depending on how far it has spreadIt is with a view to saving more human lives that Dawasanté experts provide you with a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa to prevent and cure prostate cancer. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment


Prostate cancer in numbers

Cancer of the prostate is the most common cancer. In 2015, 50,430 new cases were diagnosed (InVs figures). With 8,512 deaths in 2015, it ranks third among cancer deaths in humans. More than 5 out of 10 prostate cancers are linked to a hereditary predisposition. The average age of prostate cancer is around 60-70 years,  but some men are affected at an earlier age. A decrease in mortality from prostate cancer has been observed since 2000. The improvement in treatment largely explains the reasons for this decrease. 


Often, early-stage prostate cancer does not have any symptoms or signs. It is usually detected by a PSA scan or by a DRE, a process called detection. If prostate cancer is suspected based on a PSA or DRE scan, more checks and tests are needed to diagnose prostate cancer. When prostate cancer effectively causes symptoms or signs, it is usually diagnosed at a   later stage. These signs and symptoms include:  

Frequent urination

Poor or interrupted urination flow, or need to exert force to empty the bladder.

Urge to urinate frequently at night.

Blood in the urine

Blood in seminal fluid.

· New appearance of erectile dysfunction.

Pain or burning sensation when urinating, which is much less common.

Discomfort or pain when sitting caused by an enlarged prostate.

  • voiding pain, 
  • hematuria,
  • dysuria.

Sometimes men with prostate cancer don't have any of these changes. Other non-cancerous prostate conditions, such as BPH or an enlarged prostate, can produce similar symptoms. Or the cause of these symptoms may be some other medical condition other than cancer. Urinary symptoms can also result from a bladder infection or other conditions.

If cancer has spread outside of the prostate, a man may feel:

Pain in the back, hips, thighs, shoulders, or other bones.

Swelling or accumulation of fluid in the legs or feet.

· Weight loss for no apparent reason.

· Tired

· Change bowel habits.

If you are concerned about any changes you have experienced, tell your doctor Your doctor will ask you since when and how often you have had the symptom (s), among other questions. This helps to find the cause of the problem, which is called the diagnosis.

This cancer is sometimes never discovered during the patient's lifetime. It is therefore only at  a more advanced stage of development  that the first symptoms appear

PSA screening and assay: recommendations on age and frequency

As age is a major risk factor,  men over 60  are subject to increased medical surveillance. The rectal examination is the most effective method for detecting the possible presence of a mass in the prostate.

Regularly or in case of doubt, the doctor also recommends a  blood test of the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), the main reflection of the functioning of the prostate gland. " In the interview, it is also necessary to look for other risk factors for prostate cancer: family background (history of prostate cancer) and ethnic origins (DOM-TOM, Africans) ", explains Dr. Pierre-Olivier Bosset, surgeon urologist. The PSA assay, a prostate-specific antigen, is a protein produced exclusively by the prostate which makes it possible to suggest the diagnosis and to monitor the progression of prostate cancer. This is a very sensitive assay in cancer screening.


The stages of cancer range from the first mutations of cells until the disease reaches its final stage. This is known as natural history.


The duration of this process in adults depends on the type of cancer and ranges from a few months to several decades. In the case of children, this whole process goes much faster and may even last only a few months. In fact, the cells that make up tumors in children are more immature cells that divide and multiply more quickly than those that make up adult cancers so that tumors develop and grow in children. in a short period of time.


The first thing that happens is the cellular changes that give the cells the characteristics of malignancy, that is, uncontrolled multiplication and the ability to invade. This is the longest phase of the disease and is called the induction phase. In no case is it diagnosable or produces symptoms. This phase can last up to 30 years.


The second step is called the "in situ" phase. It is characterized by the existence of the microscopic cancerous lesion located in the tissue where it originates. In adults, it usually lasts between 5 and 10 years depending on the type of cancer. 

In it, there are no symptoms or discomfort in the patient. In some cases, such as breast, cervical or colon cancer, the disease can be diagnosed at this stage using techniques that allow for early detection.


Subsequently, the lesion begins to spread outside its place of origin and invades adjacent tissues or organs. We are facing the local invasion phase. In adulthood, it lasts between 1 and 5 years. The appearance of symptoms of the disease depends on the type of cancer, how it is growing, and where it is.


Finally, the disease spreads outside its place of origin as distant tumor lesions called metastases. This is the stage of the remote invasion. The symptomatology presented by the patient is generally complex. It depends on the type of tumor, location and extent of metastasis.             


This phase is characterized by the existence of advanced,   irreversible and irreversible   (incurable) cancer. It is also referred to as terminal cancer.

It does not respond to commonly used treatments. It is accompanied by multiple symptoms that cause great discomfort in the patient, affecting his quality of life and that of his family.

It is a time of intense pain, but also of transcendental importance. If the patient and his family have prepared, this time makes it easier to reunite with oneself and with loved ones.

The area of ​​medicine that deals with the care of patients at this stage of illness is that of palliative care or palliative medicine.


The course of each cancer is subject to multiple factors that will interact with each other. These factors vary depending on the tumor and the patient.   

Remember that "  there are no diseases, but sick people    ."



By On 26/12/2019



The prostate cancer is cancer frequently touching the prostate, a  gland of the reproductive system of man. Cancer develops from the tissues of the prostate when cells there mutate and multiply out of control. These can then spread (  metastasize ) by migrating from the prostate to other parts of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes in the pelvis.

     Malignant prostate cancer occurs independently of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatic adenoma. In the vast majority of cases, it is an adenocarcinoma, especially of the acinar type. However, Dawasanté experts have a natural African plant-based treatment to permanently cure prostate cancer and the effects of radiotherapy. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Malignant prostate cancer can cause pain, difficulty urinating, and erectile dysfunction, among other things. Symptoms originating from an adenocarcinoma of the prostate often signal an advanced stage of the disease. Other prostate diseases cause the same symptoms: pelvic pain in prostatitis and difficulty urinating in BPH.

The most common treatments are surgery (radical prostatectomy),  radiotherapy  ( external radiotherapy and brachytherapy, in particular) and hormone therapy. The chemotherapy is used only in advanced forms. Here we will talk about radiotherapy. However, if you feel the need to be analyzed and treated, the Dawabio center is at your disposal to provide you with a treatment worthy of the name, natural of course.

Causes, risk factors

Its causes are still poorly understood, and could often be multiple:

  • genetic predisposition and the responsibility of certain genes seem possible but weakly correlated with the onset of the disease.
    In particular, a mutation on  chromosome 8  could explain the greater frequency of this cancer in black Americans;
  • A link with bioavailable testosterone seems frequent. Charles Brenton Huggins  (inventor of hormone therapy for cancer) first (from the 1940s  and based on studies of metastatic prostate cancer) concluded that this cancer was induced by excess testosterone (or facilitated by this hormone). But more recently (the 2010s) the available data suggests that a more common cause is testosterone deficiency. Low testosterone before surgery for this cancer was linked in 2010 to an increased risk of tumor aggressiveness
  • higher adult height correlates with a higher risk of prostate cancer;
  • Nutritional factors have been mentioned. Certain foods seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer;
    According to several studies, the consumption of cow's milk increases this risk after 50 years, but other studies consider that this link is not significant or would be weak. The increased risk appears to be related to the increased level of IGF-1  in the blood, which itself correlates with milk consumption. Some studies suggest that casein may also have an effect on prostate cancer. Excessive dietary intake of phytanic acid from dairy products, especially butter has also been linked (2012) to a high risk of prostate cancer; for these reasons, in the name of the precautionary principle, the consumption of dairy products is no longer recommended for men. Overconsumption of calcium appears to be an established risk factor. Several scientific studies retain milk as a risk factor for hormone-dependent cancers such as those of the prostate, ovaries and breast.
    Other foods seem to play a protective role; the  lycopene  for example, dried fruits,  legumes ;
  • similarly, physical exercise  may have a slightly protective effect;
  • an endocrine disrupting effect   of certain products ( pesticides in  particular) could be involved;
  • exposure to pesticides is a possible factor because agricultural populations are over-represented for this cancer, which remains etiologically poorly understood, and which therefore still requires research, in particular on gene-environment relationships and interactions  . The  cadmium  very present in phosphate fertilizers could also be involved;
  • The  smoking ;
  • a  viral infection  could sometimes be involved (unless it is favored by the process of cancerization or a decrease in immunity which also favored cancer);
    the XMRV retrovirus   ( Xenotropic MLV - Related Virus, variant of  MLV  ( murine leukemia virus responsible for leukemia in mice) and capable of infecting humans, was detected in 2006 in certain tumors of the prostate. It belongs to the gammaretrovirus genus already associated with leukemia and certain cancers in rodents, felines, and primates.
    According to a US study published in 2010 and involving 334 human prostate tissue samples, proteins appearing to come from this virus were found in 23% of cancerous tissue (against 4% of "healthy" samples). And they were more present in the more aggressive tumors. It remains to be identified whether the virus is the cause or one of the causes of these cancers or if it infects the prostate of patients because they have previously weakened immunity. If it is involved, we may have   additional biomarkers for this cancer or even new avenues of prevention;
  • The  night work  is also mentioned (as for other cancers called "hormone").
  • according to a study published in 2004, more frequent ejaculations are associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

What are its symptoms and how is it detected?

This cancer is most often asymptomatic, that is to say, it is discovered when it does not cause any manifestation of its own. It is most often found:

  • during blood tests including the study of  PSA  (specific antigen of the prostate, whose predictive value and use, without proven benefit in terms of  public health , have recently been called into question). PSA is a protein normally secreted by prostate cells, but a cancer cell secretes 10 times more than a normal cell. This property has raised many hopes in terms of screening. The blood level of PSA can however be increased by many other factors (prostate volume,  infections and / or inflammations, mechanical constraints (rectal examination, other) ...) or decreased by certain treatments for benign hypertrophy ( finasteride). The significance thresholds are therefore difficult to establish. It is accepted, however, that a PSA level of between 4 and 10 ng/ml is doubtful, but that it is clearly significant beyond. Some authors have proposed to relate the rate to the effective weight of the prostate or to assess the free PSA / total PSA ratio, or even the growth kinetics of the rate over 2 years.
    A still uncertain marker for screening, the PSA level is, on the other hand, an essential indicator for the monitoring and treatment of declared cancers;
  • during a  digital rectal examination; performed routinely, or due to symptoms related to another disease (in particular benign prostatic hypertrophy);
  • fortuitously, on parts of prostatic resection during the surgical treatment of prostatic adenoma.

When symptomatic, prostate cancer is most often at an advanced stage. It can lead to:

  • acute urinary retention  ;
  • hematuria  ;
  • sexual impotence  (erectile dysfunction);
  • a  deterioration of the general condition  ;
  • of pain and/or the malfunction or failure of other organs related to the presence of  metastases .

Radiotherapy is one of the treatments conventionally offered in prostate cancer

External or internal radiotherapy?

A second option in the treatment of localized prostate cancer is radiation therapy.

Two types of radiotherapy are used to treat this pathology, external radiotherapy and internal radiotherapy also called brachytherapy or brachytherapy.

The external radiation corresponds to conventional radiation: radiation from an external source are directed so focused on the patient's tumor. The dose of radiation needed to destroy the tumor is delivered over several sessions, often five per week for one to two months.

Internal radiation therapy is based on the implantation of radioactive needles into the prostate. The needles are put in place during surgery, under general anesthesia. This method has the advantage of sparing the organs neighboring the prostate since the radioactive radiation is delivered directly into the prostate gland.

The various complications of radiotherapy are described in the chapter devoted to radiotherapy and accessible in the  treatment section  itself in the health section of the site.

External radiotherapy and brachytherapy are among the potentially curative therapeutic modalities offered in the treatment of non-metastatic prostate cancer. Few data have been published on their management and their prevention is essential. An assessment as precise as possible of the risk / benefit ratio is necessary before any treatment decision and clear and objective information for the patient must be made, including the risk of late morbidity and the possible impact of late side effects on quality of life.

The immediate digestive side effects during irradiation are very frequent and almost constant even if they are mostly very moderate and with limited impact. They consist of transit disorders sometimes linked to enterocolitis and accompanied by abdominal pain and above all by a rectal syndrome with a fractionation of the stools which become mucus and some false needs. Patients with hemorrhoids develop anal discomfort earlier and more readily, sometimes with bleeding and should be treated early.

Most of these side effects disappear a few weeks after the end of the irradiation.

Late complications are much rarer, around 7 to 10% for grade 1-2 complications and have become exceptional for serious complications (3.5% grade 3 and 0.5% grade 4). These late complications, when they occur, are essentially anorectal, with the risk of enteritis only occurring when large volumes of hail have been included in a large volume of pelvic irradiation. The evaluation of these complications is done according to the score, LENT SOMA (Late Effects on Normal Tissue Scale) of the RTOG-EORTC:

Grade 1:  no change.

Grade 2:  mild diarrhea; some colic pain; less than 5 bowel movements per day; mucus stool.

Grade 3:  moderate diarrhea; more than 5 bowel movements per day; mucous or haemorrhagic proctitis.

Grade 4:  obstruction or rectal bleeding requiring surgery.

Grade 5:  necrosis, perforation, fistula.


Urinary complications from radiotherapy are rare even if during irradiation, irritative phenomena are very frequent. However, it is the rule not to irradiate a very large adenomatous prostate in patients with high IPSS, otherwise, a retention syndrome may occur during treatment. The removal of the previous obstacle will call for the usual medical or surgical treatments. The start of irradiation should be postponed after a transurethral resection to avoid increasing the risk of urinary incontinence or subsequent stenosis and will not begin until after complete healing of the resection pocket, generally in the third month. 


We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Epididymal cyst illustration canonical

Epididymis cyst: causes, symptoms, natural remedies and advice 

By On 26/12/2019

The epididymis (from the Greek epididumis) is an organ of the male reproductive system located in the wall of the testicle.

The epididymis cyst or also called testicular cyst or spermatocele.  Develops at the expense of the swollen part of the upper part or head of the epididymis. There may be one or more cysts within the same epididymis. Epididymal cysts can occur at any age. The epididymis is located in the wall of the testicle and is essential for the maturation and transport of sperm. Relatively frequent, these cysts are sometimes very painful and require an intervention.

Kyste de l epididyme

However, the experts of Dawasanté provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plant to cure definitively the cysts of the epididymis without surgery. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

The testicular cyst in men is a benign neoplasm.

The appendix itself is a long, narrow canal that serves to develop, accumulate and promote sperm. It also produces the fluid necessary for the maturation and motor activity of male sex cells. Under normal conditions, should be emptied regularly exit channels of male sperm in good body health, but under certain violations of the dander filled with sperm, and it appears cystic formation with capsular connective tissue sheath.

Further increase in the cyst causes excessive pressure on the vas deferens of the epididymis, which leads to disruption of the normal flow of seminal fluid. This can cause a breakdown in reproductive function in men.

Epididymal cysts usually originate in adolescence, progressing and developing over time. The peak of development occurs at the age of 30 to 40 years and by the age of 50 years, a full clinical picture of the disease has been observed, which can affect about 30% of the total male population. It is often caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI) but can also have other causes


We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.



Causes of the epididymis cyst

There are several reasons and options for the development of epididymis cysts:

Epididymis cyst may form before birth, as a result of some defects in the period of intra-uterine growth of the embryo (for example, non-infection of the parameconephrotic canal). Cysts of this type contain a sperm-free fluid in their cavity;

The formation of epididymis cysts in 40% of cases can be preceded by scrotal traumatic lesions, infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital region, which lead to the coalescence of one or two deferential ducts. As a result, the output of seminal fluid overlaps, and the accumulation of male sex cells in the channel light. The walls of the canal, respectively, are stretched and a cyst is formed, containing in its cavity seminal fluid accumulated with neutral or alkaline activity.

In addition to sperm, lipid cells, leukocytes and epithelial particles can be found in the contents of the cyst, from which the walls of the cystic cavity are aligned.

  • Ethnic and socio-economic causes:

Several studies have shown the impact of these factors in the occurrence of MIT, without showing the causal link.  Predominance in black males, and low socioeconomic status was observed.

  • Genetic Causes:

 Several genes are implicated in the occurrence of MIT: +Senseless mutation of the gene Phosphodiesterase 11A(PDE11A) which encodes a protein that plays a role in regulating the intracellular concentration of cAMP and cGMP. [34] + other mutations of other genes have been identified including the mutation of the gene SLC34A2 and GALNT3, both encode a protein involved in phosphate transport and metabolism

  • Family history of first degree.

Other contributing factors are discussed such as certain environmental factors such as maternal estrogen intake during pregnancy, exposure to certain chemical industry substances, or to certain substances in the environment (insecticides, herbicides).

  • Atypical acute scholarship:

 The problem arises in a young man with an acute sore bursa, but without the clinical signs characteristic of a twisted spermatic cord or an orchi-epididymitis. This is the problem of differential diagnosis with a germinal tumor with acute revelation (about 10% of testicular tumors).

  • Important risk factors include:

Factors that increase the risk of testicular cyst vary due to various causes of testicular abnormalities.  History of testicular cancer or contralateral intratubular germinal neoplasia.
The presence of gonadal dysgenesia syndrome associating more or less:
a history of cryptorchidia (homo- or contralateral). Present in almost 10% of cases, it multiplies the cancer risk by 5 to 10 times depending on the age and date of treatment. Surgical testicular lowering, if it does not reduce the risk of cancer, has the advantage of facilitating testicular palpation;
.      testicular atrophy;
.      a hypospade;
.      Fertility problems.
.      Klinefelter syndrome.
.      Infertility.

Testis not lowered or retracted
An undrawn testicle does not leave the abdomen and does not enter the scrotum during fetal development or early childhood.  A retractable testicle descends into the scrotum but withdraws into the abdomen.  Either may increase the risk of:
- Inguinal hernia
- Testicular torsion
- Testicular cancer
- Anomalies present at birth
- Abnormalities of the testicles, penis or kidneys present at birth (congenital) could increase the risk of scrotal mass and testicular cancer later in life.


Symptoms of epididymis cysts 

Epididymal cysts usually have no symptoms before forming in the epididymis. Once formed, you may notice a ball the size of a pea (or larger) behind, above or below one of your testicles where sperm is produced. For spermatoceles, the cyst is usually on the top of the testicles.

Other symptoms of an epididymal cyst may include:

  • Dull pain in the scrotum (the pocket containing the testicles)
  • A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • Redness in the region of the scrotum
  • Increased pressure at the bottom of the penis
  • Sensitive or swollen epididymis
  • Soft, swollen or hardened testicles
  • Pain in the groin or lower back and abdomen

Epididymal cysts generally do not present acute and intense pain symptoms and are generally completely painless. If any of the above symptoms occur, a complete and immediate examination by a urologist is warranted.



We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.





  • Amanita

AmanitaYou can get rid of the pathology without surgery with the help of Amanita.  To dye, you must take fresh mushrooms, clean well so that there is no dirt and forest debris, and put it in a pot to the brim.  Pour alcohol on the edges – at least 70%. In extreme cases, you can use regular vodka.  After the container is closed and put in a dark place for a period of at least fourteen days.  Insist until the liquid acquires a characteristic red-brown hue and a particular smell.  As soon as the desired effect is achieved, the dye must be filtered and the resulting liquid poured into bottles.

 To cure spermatocele in men, it is necessary to follow a certain pattern of consumption of dye, which first increases and then decreases.  That is to say, on the first day of administration – 1 drop, the second – 2 and so on up to 15 drops in one dose, then, on the contrary, from 15 drops a day to one at the end.  Thus, the duration of treatment should be 30 days.


  • Quercetin

La querce tineQuercetin can also help fight inflammation associated with the epididymis cyst. 

  •  Arnica Mountain

Montagne arnicaAnother equally effective alternative therapy method is to add the mountain arnica flowers to a glass of boiling water. Let stand for 2 hours. You should drink 1 tablespoon daily three times a day, but only after eating.

  • Turmeric and Curcumin

Le curcuma et la curcumineTurmeric and curcumin can help reduce inflammation and can be useful for men with epididymis. Curcumin can be a great help in reducing chronic inflammation, which is good for epididymitis.


  • Jasmine

JasminYou can also treat a cyst with jasmine. To do this, prepare the ointment.  About fifty grams of the plant’s flowers are taken; placed in a bowl and poured with a glass of oil on top (it is best to use olive oil).  The mixture must be well infused, so you must wait at least ten days before using the ointment.  After this time, the mass must be filtered, after which you can use the tool; it is rubbed daily at the site of localization of the cyst, mainly in the morning. This treatment method works well when combined with other popular remedies; for example, decoctions, dyes, etc.


We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.


  • The buchu leaf

La feuille de buchuThe buchu leaf is also good for treatment as it is a disinfectant and diuretic of the urinary tract. It is used to treat prostate inflammation and urinary tract infections.


  • Chestnut

Cha taigneIn addition, for the treatment of the pathology, the chestnut juice of the plant flowers is perfect.  It is necessary to collect fresh flowers; to squeeze all the juice and to consume 20 drops a day, previously diluted with water.

  • Traditional plantain seed recipes 

Graines de plantainThe healing properties of plantain are thought to help restore male strength. They will also help get rid of the symptoms and cyst of the testicles.


  • Flax

Le linYou can also cure the pathology using flax grass.  It is necessary to take flax, to press the juice, to add butter (the ratio of the proportions must be of 2: 5) and to light a small fire.  The mixture should languish until all the excess liquid has completely evaporated.  Use the ointment after it has completely cooled and infused.  It is applied as a cream on the testic


  • Corn silk

La soie de mai sCorn silk is also an excellent herbal remedy for the treatment of epididymis cyst, as it is a powerful antibacterial that also helps to relieve pain.


We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.


  • The Goldenseal of Canada

L hydraste du canadaThe Canadian goldenseal is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug used by many in conjunction with other herbs to combat prostatitis. It also fights urinary tract infections.


  • Ginger

Gingembre scaledGinger fights prostate cancer cells and can therefore be added to any diet.


  • The root of hydrangea

La racine d hortensiaHydrangea root is also used as an herbal remedy to promote treatment and relieve symptoms of bladder, prostate and other urinary tract infections, including benign prostate hypertrophy and urethritis.


  • The rutin

La rutineRutin is a flavonoid that reduces inflammation


  • Extract of juniper berries

L extrait de baies de gene vrierJuniper berry extract excels in urinary tract evacuation, which is very important in case of prostatic hypertrophy. It also helps treat urinary tract infections and prostate infections by activating and cleaning the entire system.


We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.


  • Dandelion root

La racine de pissenlitDandelion root has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation.


  • Parsley

Le persilParsley is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.



Some tips to relieve and avoid Epididymis cyst

What to do to relieve the epididymis cyst 

  • Get some rest in bed.
  • Lie down so that your scrotum is raised.
  • Apply cold compresses to your scrotum if tolerated.
  • Wear an athletic support.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid intercourse until the infection is gone.

Foods to avoid in case of epididymitis
When it comes to eating well to promote healing and relieve the pain of epididymitis and strengthen the health of the testicles, there are certain foods you should avoid. 

In general, these are mainly high-fat foods, processed foods, sweet foods and spicy foods. The reason is that these foods feed inflammation. 

Foods of the epididymitis to be avoided or restricted include: sugary foods, sweets and artificial sweeteners; caffeine; alcohol; processed foods; white flour products; fast foods; hydrogenated foods, trans fats, Fried foods, fatty foods; margarine; sodas; spicy foods; onions, pepper, mustard, fennel


Foods to eat in case of epididymitis
When it comes to following a diet adapted to the health of the testicles, you should consume foods that fight and reduce inflammation and avoid eating pro-inflammatory foods. 

These foods are:

Anti-inflammatory foods for the testicles: Epinards; Blueberries; Strawberries and other flavonoid-rich foods

Foods rich in vitamin C for testicular health: Kiwi; Orange; Watermelon; Lemon; Grapefruit; Bitter melon; Tomatoes

Fiber-rich foods for the testicles: Banana; Sweet potatoes; Celery

Whole grains, nuts, beans and seeds: Walnuts; Flax seeds; Pumpkin seeds

Foods rich in omega-3 fats: Salmon; Mackerel; Herring; Sardine; Rapeseed oil; Fish oil



We have a very effective natural treatment to cure epididymal cysts permanently.

Order it and start the natural Epididymal Cyst treatment early. Support is offered during the whole period of its intake. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world.


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By On 26/12/2019


A cyst is a lesion that develops within a tissue or organ. Testicular cysts are benign pathologies that can develop sometimes on the right testicle, sometimes on the left. They particularly affect children and young adults. There are two types of testicular cysts:

Cysts of the epididymis,

Dermoid cysts of the testis.

Cysts of the epididymis are benign tumors of unknown origin. They appear in the form of regular and painless swellings (single or multiple), located at the head of the epididymis.

To permanently cure this disease, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plants.  Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

The cyst of the epididymis grows at the expense of the swollen part of the upper part or head of the epididymis. There may be one or more cysts within the same epididymis.

The intervention is proposed because of the discomfort or local pain that this cyst can cause. It aims to remove the lesion by the surgical opening of the bursa.

The absence of treatment has no consequence in itself, apart from the fact of a possible increase in the size of the cyst, discomfort, or local pain, which it can cause.

Symptoms and Pains

Concerning the cysts of the epididymis, the manifestations are mainly an increase in the volume of the bursa giving the sensation of having "a ball of fat" at this level, most often accompanied by local discomfort. As for dermoid cysts, the most evocative symptom is the increase in the volume of the bursa. Cysts "rarely cause pain, except in cases of large volume," said Dr. Antoine Faix, surgeon urologist and head of Andrology and Sexual Medicine of the French Urology Association Committee.

The spermatocele kystesdu often contain pools of dead sperm. Doctors don't know what is the cause. Often, epididymal cysts or spermatocele cysts develop for no particular reason.

There are no specific causes for the appearance of a cyst.

Most of the time,  cysts in the epididymis don't hurt, so you may not have symptoms. You may only feel a lump when you examine your testicles. Your doctor might find it during an exam. As the cyst gets bigger, you may feel a heaviness in your testicle. You might also notice a lump or swelling behind or above your testicle.

Diagnosis: Who to conduct and what tests to do

If you experience the slightest discomfort and in any doubt, consult your doctor or herbalist quickly, as the symptoms suggesting the presence of testicular cysts are very similar to those suggesting the presence of malignant testicular tumors.

To make a diagnosis on the cysts of the epididymis, it is necessary to do an ultrasound, and possibly a histological examination (sample and tissue analysis) which will reveal the cystic nature of the tumor, and rule out the hypothesis of a cancerous tumor.

The diagnosis of cysts of the epididymis also involves a scrotal ultrasound. This may reveal rounded nodular and cystic formations of varying sizes in the testicular parenchyma (tissue). However, the definitive diagnosis is only established after the histological examination (tissue analysis) which makes it possible to rule out the cancerous hypothesis.

Treatments: What to do if a testicular cyst gets bigger?

Most of the time, this is not the case. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers to make you more comfortable. 

Aspiration is a procedure that can help relieve some of the pain and pressure from the spermatoceles. Your doctor will insert a needle into the cyst to remove some of the fluid.

If the cyst fills up and comes back, your doctor may perform a procedure called sclerotherapy. It will drain some of the fluid from the spermatocele. Then he will use a substance that causes the sac to fill with scar tissue. This tissue could reduce the risk of the spermatocele returning. But it can damage the epididymis. Your doctor can suggest this option only if you are not interested in having children.

In rare cases (if the spermatocele is interfering with your daily life) your doctor may remove it with surgery. It will numb the area, make a small incision (cut) in your scrotum or groin, and remove the growth.

Treatment of epididymal cysts relies on clinical and ultrasound monitoring when the benign cystic nature is evident.

Treatment of an epididymal cyst

The intervention takes place under general or locoregional anesthesia. A short incision is made at the level of the bursa. After checking the underlying testis, the cyst is completely removed by opening the envelope of the epididymis and dissecting as close as possible to the wall of the cyst. Sometimes the surgeon may need to remove part or all of the epididymis.

The intervention is carried out within the framework of an outpatient surgery hospitalization. It may, in some cases, require 1 or 2 days of hospitalization. 

Pain at the incision is usually minimal and temporary.

For a few weeks, the bursa remains enlarged and small swelling around the testicle can sometimes persist.

Removal of the epididymal cyst is suggested in the event of an increase in the volume of the bursa and/or any local discomfort or pain associated with its presence. "A short incision is made at the level of the bursa. After checking the underlying testis, the cyst is completely removed by opening the envelope of the epididymis and dissecting as close as possible to the wall of the cyst. The surgeon can sometimes be having to remove part or all of the epididymis ", develops the site of the French Association of Urology. Surgery is also considered in the case of certain dermoid cysts, in the presence of small lesions.

Complicated cases of  epididymal cyst

In the majority of cases, the operation takes place without complications. However, any surgical procedure carries a number of risks and complications, which are described below:

Hematoma: bleeding after the operation can lead to the constitution of a hematoma of the bursa, possibly extended to the external genitalia, a reoperation to drain the hematoma may be necessary.

Delayed healing: it may require prolonged local care.

Infection: the existence of discharge through the incision, general signs of infection such as fever, or local signs such as inflammation of the bursa can lead to the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment and the treatment of a possible abscess by your surgeon.

Testicular atrophy: it occurs exceptionally after surgery of the epididymis

Recurrence: his risk is extremely low.

Impact on fertility: partial or total removal of the epididymis will permanently prevent the passage of spermatozoa on this side. This risk is rarer in the event of simple removal of the cyst.

Persistence of local discomfort or pain: Removal of the cyst does not guarantee the total disappearance of discomfort or pain.

We deliver all over the world. 

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.




By On 26/12/2019


The adenocarcinoma verge or penile cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the penis.

Adenocarcinoma of the penis or cancer of the penis is usually found on the glans or foreskin of the penis, but can also occur on the shaft of the penis. Almost all penile cancers start in the skin of the penis.

The cancer of the penis or the penis is rare cancer in France.

But before going any further in our writing, and in case you are concerned by this condition and want to avoid surgery at all costs, the health experts at DAWABIO after much research offer you a very effective solution based on herbal remedies for adenocarcinoma of the penis or cancer of the penis. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Different types of cancer

Penile cancer can develop at the expense of the skin or the internal tissues of the penis: it is called squamous cell carcinoma.

More rarely, it can be low cell carcinoma, melanoma.

 Causes  of adenocarcinoma of the penis

Certain factors predispose to the development  of penile cancer  or  adenocarcinoma of the penis  :

The lack of hygiene, aggravated by the existence of phimosis (affection of the penis) preventing any removal of coring, increases the risk of penile cancer. "Indeed, microbial development can lead to inflammation involved in the development of cancer, explains Dr. Ludovic Ferretti, member of the committee of andrology and sexual medicine of the French Association of Urology. Thus, we recommend a classic cleaning to water and soap after scalping (without forcing), then drying. And after urinating, wipe the glans well so as not to let acid urine infiltrate under the foreskin, which would promote inflammation.

·         Phimosis  (phimosis corresponds to a narrowing of the tip of the foreskin which prevents pull the foreskin);

· Dermatological disease of the glans or the foreskin which can become secondarily cancerous, like a mole for example;

The causes and risk factors of developing penile cancer include  the  infection with the human papillomavirus (  HPV  )

The use of regular hygiene care, with systematic removal of the cores, remains the best prevention.

The dupenis cancer or carcinoma of the penis is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the penis.

The penis is a rod-shaped male reproductive organ that transmits semen and urine from the body. It contains two types of erectile tissue (spongy tissue with blood vessels that fill with blood to make an erection):

Corpora cavernosa: The two columns of erectile tissue that make up most of the penis.

Corpus spongiosum: The single column of erectile tissue that forms a small part of the penis. The spongy body surrounds the urethra (the tube through which urine and sperm pass from the body).

Erectile tissue is wrapped in connective tissue and covered with skin. The glans (head of the penis) is covered with loose skin called the foreskin.

Infection with human papillomavirus can increase the risk of developing penile cancer.

Anything that increases your chances of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor doesn't mean you'll get cancer; not having risk factors doesn't mean you won't get cancer. Talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk. The risk factors for penile cancer or  adenocarcinoma of the penis  are as follows:

Circumcision can help prevent infection with the human papillomavirus (  HPV  ). A circumcision is an operation in which the doctor removes part or all of the foreskin from the penis. Many boys are circumcised soon after birth. Men who were not circumcised at birth may have a higher risk of developing penile cancer.

The other risk factors for penile cancer are:

Be 60 years of age or older.

Have phimosis (a condition in which the foreskin of the penis cannot be pulled over the glans).

Have poor personal hygiene.

Having many sexual partners.

Use of tobacco products.


Changes in the skin of the penis are the most common symptom of penile cancer. They can appear on the foreskin of uncircumcised men, or on the tip of the penis (the glans) or the shaft.

Warning signs of the disease may include:

  • Changes in skin thickness or color on the penis
  • A bump on it
  • A  rash or small “crusty” bumps on it; it may look like an unhealed scab.
  • Growths on the penis that appear bluish-brown
  • A smelly discharge under the foreskin
  • A sore on the penis, which may bleed
  • Swelling at the tip of the penis
  • Lumps under the skin in the groin area

Most men with these symptoms do not have penile cancer. Rather, it is an infection or an allergic reaction. Nonetheless, it's important to check for any unusual symptoms on or near your penis immediately. Early treatment is preferable.

Men at risk

There is convincing evidence that there are certain factors that increase the risk of penile cancer. Among them :

Chronic inflammation of the penis due to poor genital hygiene;

Human papillomavirus ( HPV ) infection ;

A narrowing of the foreskin, also called phimosis: this condition prevents the foreskin from retracting to reveal the glans, which makes genital hygiene more difficult and may mask a skin lesion;

· Smoking;

Precancerous lesions such as Queyrat erythroplakia or Bowen's disease.

Signs of penile cancer include sores, discharge, and bleeding.

These signs and others can be caused by penile cancer or adenocarcinoma of the penis or by other conditions. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following:

Redness, irritation or sore on the penis.

A lump on the penis.

Penile cancer and circumcision

In contrast, a circumcision performed in childhood provides some protection against cancer of the penis. HPV vaccination can also decrease the risk of developing the disease.


Usually, follow-up visits are first semiannual and then decrease in frequency over time. The duration of follow-up is in all cases a minimum of 5 years because 90% of recurrences are in the first 5 years, 75% of which are in the first 2 years.

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


Oligospermie quand les spermatozodes sont aux abonns absents


By On 26/12/2019


Treatment for oligospermia will depend on the cause that is causing the decrease in sperm in the ejaculate. However, most of the time, the etiology of oligospermia is unknown and, therefore, it is difficult to apply the specific treatment.

There are natural treatments to improve male fertility.  Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plants to improve the quality and quantity of sperm. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 


We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

Natural Treatment

Some men experience timely oligospermia due to a period of stress, a feverish process, or situations outside of their usual daily life. In these cases, it is possible to recover the adequate number of sperm after this unusual period has passed and by following certain recommendations such as the following:

  • Resume healthy habits
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Practice sport constantly
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco or other drug abuse
  • Don't take anabolic hormones
  • Avoid exposure to environmental toxins or at work

On the other hand, there are natural herbs that have been traditionally used as a home remedy to improve seminal quality, although homeopathy is not scientifically proven to increase the amount of semen.

Some of these natural remedies are infusions of damiana or terrestrial Tribulus, Korean ginseng in capsules, or Peruvian maca root powder.

The  Andean maca is a spinal typical of Peru and is taken in combination with other herbs in teas or capsules. It contains high levels of potassium which promotes cellular exchanges and improves the transmission of nerve impulses.

Maca is beneficial because it lowers the level of oxidative stress and also contains folic acid (vitamin B6) which works against aging sperm.


Medical Treatment

Other treatment options for curing oligospermia are drugs based on vitamin complexes or hormonal doses. Likewise, its reliability is not proven although sometimes they help to recover sperm production.

Vitamin complexes there are pills made with vitamin E, C, and/or B6 that contain a large number of antioxidants, which protect the DNA of the sperm from fragmentation. One of these marketed drugs is Androferti.
Hormonal supplements for patients with testosterone deficiency problems or shifts of other hormones involved in male fertility. They help stabilize hormone levels and allow the testes to synthesize sperm in a normal way, which can be the solution for some types of oligospermia.
 Clomiphene citrate
This drug is more used in women with ovulatory problems. However, it is also effective in men with hypogonadism to stimulate testicular function.

Surgical Treatment 

In order to perform surgery on male and reverse oligozoospermia, it is necessary to know the specific reason that causes it, such as obstruction.

Oligospermia that can be treated with an operation is due to a testicular or post-testicular cause  such  as:

the  varicocele The  cryptorchidism  at age 2 years the  hydrocele cyst testicular causing obstruction in a seminal Cut Canal

These are the most favorable cases to be able to increase the number of sperm in the ejaculate and have children naturally.

Assisted reproduction, like any medical treatment, requires trusting the professionalism of the doctors and the clinic of your choice because obviously, not everyone is the same.

This "  tool  " will send you a fully personalized report, with detailed information about the treatment you need,  clinics in your area that meet our quality criteria and your budgets. In addition, it includes tips that will be very useful during the first visits to the clinics.

What tips are there for increasing sperm count?

It is true that doctors can give some recommendations to try to increase the quantity and quality of semen, but this is not miraculous, as there may be anatomical or endocrine problems in which men cannot produce sperm. sperm. Here are some healthy guidelines that all men with oligozoospermia should follow:

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Regular exercise improves blood circulation, increases blood flow to the testes, and promotes sperm synthesis. Eating a healthy and balanced diet, with natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, will improve sperm survival and mobility and prevent oxidation. Perform relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress as this reduces the vitality of semen and makes it difficult to erect. Avoid saunas, hot baths, tight clothing, computer on the legs, etc., as these habits increase scrotal temperature and prevent sperm formation.

What is the best treatment for severe oligospermia?

In all types of oligospermia, both mild and severe, treatment depends on the cause of the decreased sperm concentration. If it is not possible to find out and the oligospermia is severe, it is most likely necessary to resort to IVF to achieve pregnancy.

Does acupuncture help cure oligospermia?

Some research claims that acupuncture may be beneficial for treating infertility in men with low sperm counts, especially in cases of idiopathic oligospermia where the cause is not known.

Is there a natural treatment for oligospermia?

There are natural remedies such as damiana and terrestrial tribulus for herbal teas, Korean ginseng in capsules, or Peruvian maca root powder. Some experts also claim that acupuncture can help restore sperm function. However, the most recommended as a natural treatment is to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and quit harmful habits such as tobacco and alcohol.

Is it true that olive oil can improve semen?

Olive oil is monounsaturated fat (HDL) rich in oleic acid which, in abundant quantities, promotes the destruction and elimination of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream, which helps reduce the risk. cardiovascular and / or brain disease.

At the reproductive level, the regular consumption of olive oil (if it is a better virgin) and the elimination of LDL cholesterol promote the arrival of oxygen in the testes and, consequently, spermatogenesis can be performed under optimal conditions.

You can find more information about it here:  Olive oil to treat male infertility.


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Azoospermia 1


By On 26/12/2019

What is azoospermia?

The azoospermia is a lack of sperm in the semen. If, after a year of unprotected sex, no pregnancy has occurred, it means that the man, woman, or both may have a fertility problem. In 40% of infertile couples, the man has a fertility problem. However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to improve the quality of your sperm and allow you to conceive quickly.

Click here or on the image below to discover this natural treatment.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

AZOOSPERMIE: natural treatment


 How common is azoospermia?

About 1% of all men and 10% to 15% of infertile men have azoospermia.



Here we are going to offer you a mixture of African plants, roots and bark that will help you heal your azoospermia. Our blend of plants and roots has already enabled many men around the world to heal from infertility and experience the joy of being a father. What allows us to have excellent results is that we produce all these plants and roots ourselves and that we select only the best plants so that they retain all their therapeutic and medicinal virtues. They are the best roots and plants against azoospermia.

Here are five plants and roots that will help you cure azoospermia:

1.       Saw palmetto

Image search result for "chou palmiste"

Saw palmetto helps boost libido by stopping the breakdown of testosterone in the body. In men, sperm production is guided by testosterone. Too little testosterone results in a low sperm count. Likewise, too little testosterone reduces a woman's egg production. Saw palmetto can therefore increase male and female fertility by altering the balance of free testosterone in the body.

2.       Ashwagandha

Image search result for "L'ashwagandha"

Ashwagandha is traditionally used to improve sexual health. It supports the endocrine system and promotes its better functioning. It also strengthens the hormonal balance in the body. It stimulates libido and improves sperm count in men. It improves stamina and also improves sexual performance.

3.      Saw Palmetto

Image search result for "saw palmetto"

Saw Palmetto nourishes the entire endocrine system, which can help improve overall reproductive function in humans. Men with high stress, poor immune function, poor lifestyle and eating habits are found to respond well to this plant. This plant is classified as an adaptogen and is antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, softening, urinary antiseptic and immuno-amphoteric. Saw Palmetto is also a reproductive amphoteric. What does this mean though? It just means that it normalizes reproductive function.

Saw Palmetto nourishes the body deeply when taken regularly for many months. Constant use of this herb is beneficial in improving the quality and quantity of sperm.

4.       Ginseng

Image search result for "GINSENG"

Ginseng is often referred to as the king of all herbs and is proven to be the panacea for improving overall well-being. Ginseng is also an aphrodisiac and is used to treat sexual dysfunction and to improve sexual behavior in traditional Chinese medical practices. Data from animal studies have shown a positive correlation between ginseng's performance, libido and copulation, and these effects have been confirmed in case-control studies in humans. In addition, ginseng improves the quality of sperm and their number. We highly recommend it.

5.       Maca

Image search result for "maca"

Maca has the ability to improve female fertility, which is why it is getting a lot of attention. It balances female hormones to improve fertility. However, this herb also has the ability to boost male fertility. This plant effectively improves the quality of sperm (poor sperm quality is a cause of male infertility). According to a study, men who consume maca regularly have more mobile sperm, more sperm and more semen per ejaculation.

The natural treatment that we offer to cure azoospermia consists mainly of natural herbal teas. The herbal tea is composed of plants and roots whose active ingredients are able to restore the male hormonal balance, by increasing the level of testosterone, the number and the mobility of your sperm. It is the miracle solution to cure azoospermia.

To find out about our natural remedy to cure azoospermia, click here

Cause of azoospermia

Depending on the cause, there are two types of azoospermia:

 Secretory azoospermia (or NOA, for non-obstructive azoospermia)

Spermatogenesis is impaired or absent and the testes do not produce sperm. The cause of this spermatogenesis defect can be:

  • Hormonal, with hypogonadism (absence or abnormality in the secretion of sex hormones) which may be congenital (Kallmann-Morsier syndrome for example) or acquired, due in particular to pituitary tumors which impair the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or after a treatment (eg chemotherapy);
  • Genetics: Klinefelter syndrome (presence of an additional X chromosome), which affects 1 in 1,200 men, structural abnormality of the chromosomes (microdeletion, i.e. loss of a fragment, of the Y chromosome in particular), translocation (one segment of the chromosome detaches and attaches to another). These chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of 5.8% of male infertility problems;
  • Bilateral cryptorchidism: the two testes have not descended into the bursae, which impairs the process of spermatogenesis;
  • An infection: prostatitis, orchitis.

 Obstructive or excretory azoospermia (OA, obstructive azoospermia)

The testes do indeed produce spermatozoa but they cannot be exteriorized due to a blockage of the ducts (epididymis, vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts). The cause may be of origin:

  • congenital: the seminal tract has been altered from embryogenesis, resulting in an absence of the vas deferens. In men with cystic fibrosis, a mutation in the CFTR gene can cause the absence of vas deferens;
  • infectious: the passages have been blocked following an infection (epididymitis, prostato-vesiculitis, prostatic utricle).


The main symptom of azoospermia is infertility.


The diagnosis of azoospermia is made during an infertility consultation, which in men systematically includes a spermogram. This examination consists of analyzing the content of the ejaculate (semen), evaluating various parameters and comparing the results with the standards established by the WHO.

In the event of azoospermia, no sperm is found after centrifugation of the entire ejaculate. To make the diagnosis, however, it is necessary to carry out one or even two other spermograms, each 3 months apart, because spermatogenesis (cycle of sperm production) lasts about 72 days. In the absence of sperm production over 2 to 3 consecutive cycles, the diagnosis of azoospermia will be made.

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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.