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ginger and fibroid

Fibroids 1


By On 27/03/2020



First, for those who don't yet know, uterine fibroids are most often non-cancerous (benign) uterine tumors. In fact, they are extremely common, and each year up to 80% of women over the age of 35 develop myoma. These are American statistics because everything is constantly counted. Fibroids can cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, pelvic and rectal pressure, and pain, bladder weakness, and lower back pain. Fortunately, natural remedies can greatly help uterine fibroids and are definitely a much better and safer solution than surgery. Especially when the myoma is placed in the wall of the uterus and its edges become unreadable. With surgery lasting a few minutes, uterine perforation can occur, and so you end up on the operating table and cut already as you go.



Here are the 5 best fibroid remedies you can consider: 


  1. Herbal remedy to treat fibroids

Effective natural remedies against myomas fibroids ovarian cysts 1 1600x400

Curing uterine fibroids with a natural remedy made entirely from plants is possible. The natural treatment that we offer to permanently cure uterine fibroids consists of herbal teas. This remedy has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. It is therefore especially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery.

All the elements of our natural treatment are completely herbal.
Herbal tea to eliminate fibroids is made up of plants that have proven their effectiveness. They are probably used in the composition of certain drugs. However, we offer you a definite advantage: the absence of side effects and contraindications. They work by preventing the action of progesterone on the endometrium (lining of the uterus). But our herbal teas keep estrogen levels within normal limits.
Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly leads to the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all waste from your uterus.

To discover our natural remedy to treat fibroids click here !!!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: 0022996374527


  1. Apple cider vinegar and black molasses

Molasses - Wikipedia5 good reasons to use apple cider vinegar every day

But what is molasses? Molasses is a thick sweet syrup with a slight licorice aftertaste, it is sometimes called "black gold" and recently it is getting stronger and stronger. However, molasses is not new. In short, it is a waste of sugar production. But it's probably the healthiest waste in the world. What of what? Sugar? Yes, dietary sugar is syphilis, but it's an end product that has come a long way before it loses all of its beneficial health properties. Molasses is cane syrup (it can be something else, but let's take care of it), which contains all its qualities, that is, ingredients condensed with vitamins, minerals and elements. And there are many. As a by-product, molasses has been considered unhealthy in Kiev for many years. However, its content indicates something completely different. Molasses is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, iron,molybdenum, copper, selenium, manganese, chromium and potassium. That's why apple cider vinegar with molasses should definitely be your # 1 medicine for reducing fibroids. Uterine fibroids occur and grow in an acidic environment. So if you have fibroids, your body's pH is likely to be low or acidic. Apple cider vinegar and black molasses raise the pH and cause a slight alkalinity in the body. In an alkaline environment, myomas begin to contract immediately. There are many other benefits of such a vinegar as well, including helping in the metabolism of brown fat, which is why with overweight cellulite will also work well. In addition, black molasses is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, boron, B6 and selenium, which are essential nutrients for healthy women. That's why apple cider vinegar with molasses should definitely be your # 1 medicine for reducing fibroids. 

 So buy organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Make sure that what you buy still contains the mother, as no other ACV will work. However, it is best to make organic apple cider vinegar yourself. Black molasses must also be organic and must be "unfermented black molasses". No other molasses will work.

  1. Thistle-  Mary  and root of  Maca

The effects of Peruvian Maca on libido - NanaTuropatheMilk thistle: benefits and virtues for the liver and detox ...

Very often, it is the hormone estrogen that contributes to the formation of fibroids by stimulating unwanted cell growth. But milk thistle and maca root both work on the metabolism and remove excess estrogen, which helps shrink uterine fibroids. You will probably be surprised that Maca is also recommended with high testosterone and polycystic ovaries, but also with menopause or low libido also in men. Don't be surprised, because maca is not a hormone treatment, it is a food that stimulates hormones, which leads the body to the only right path for hormonal balance.

  1. Matcha green tea

Matcha tea and its benefits - tea guide - les thés de la Pagode

Green tea contains very powerful antioxidants, especially katachine antioxidants which inhibit and even contract muscle cells. Green tea is also a great anti-inflammatory agent, and research has shown that it helps reduce symptoms of fibrosis. Matcha green tea is definitely the best and contains 137 times more catachine than regular green tea. For best results, drink 3-4 cups a day.

  1. Some herbs

Turmeric with Garlic & Ginger 120 Capsules Circulatory Antioxidant ...

Certain herbs are also excellent for shrinking fibroids and reducing their deadly symptoms. Garlic, gotu kola, cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon and dandelion are powerful anti-inflammatory agents and contain powerful antioxidants. Remember that black pepper turmeric is the number 1 drink in the   4 drink treat . Ginger and cayenne pepper, in particular, help prevent excessive bleeding and painful menstrual cramps. Therefore, if you mainly suffer from these two reasons, include these spices in your daily diet. 


As usual, eat well, stay hydrated, and run. The main thing is a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Stay away from all the refined drinks, juices and processed drinks. Such junk does something very bad for hormones, something chronic, and thinks it won't do anything to help you with your fibroids or their symptoms.


To discover our natural remedy to treat fibroids click here !!!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: 0022996374527


We deliver our products all over the world within 24 hours by DHL. Payment will be made after receipt of your order.


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Natural methods for uterine fibroids

By On 25/02/2020

Prolonged periods, accompanied by pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and difficulty urinating are signs that may indicate the presence of uterine fibroids. A uterine fibroid is a benign tumor, but one that can ruin the quality of life of women of childbearing age. Depending on the position, the number of fibroids and their size, surgery, embolization, or hormone therapy may be recommended.

Here are 3 homemade recipes to make uterine fibroids disappear

The uterine fibroids are extremely important and also very personal subject for me. Important, because it is estimated that almost one in two women experience it, and personally, because I have experienced a Western approach to this problem. Women need precise knowledge today, especially what causes fibroids. They should also be aware of other treatment methods than a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), including alternative or natural methods. During one of my trips to Africa, I discovered a very effective natural remedy against fibroids.

It is the best natural remedy in the world to make your fibroids disappear naturally and get pregnant fast. It is composed of several herbal teas made from the best plants in the world to remove all your fibroids, make the pain disappear, and expel all waste contained in your uterus. How does it work?
Herbal tea works by preventing the action of progesterone on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and keeping estrogen levels within normal limits. This will result in the permanent disappearance of fibroids and your pain. Thus, the heavy menstrual bleeding will stop completely at the end of the treatment.

Effective natural remedies against myomas fibroids ovarian cysts 1 1600x400

To discover our natural remedy for:

Make fibroids disappear, click here
To get pregnant quickly, click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527

We deliver our products all over the world within 24 hours by DHL. Payment will be made after receipt of your order.


Causes of uterine fibroids

About 40% of fertile women will be diagnosed with this condition at this time. The causes of these fibroids are not fully understood. “There is a genetic predisposition. They can be inherited from the mother or the grandmother, but there are also patients who have not had uterine fibroids in the family, but do. fatigue, food chemicals also play a role in the growth of these fibroids. Phytoestrogens, soy, substances in plastic that reach the body in various ways produce hormonal imbalances and fuel the growth of fibroids. they are eaten in excess, meat, and soy increase estrogen levels. In addition, if our diet contains too little fiber, so we eat too few vegetables, and fruits, estrogen excreted in the digestive tract is reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

This explains the very large number of women with uterine fibroids. Specialists diagnose fibroids more frequently in women with high blood pressure and those with thyroid problems.


Symptoms of uterine fibroids

Although many fibroids have no symptoms, depending on their location or size, some women experience period cramps, pelvic pain, heavy bleeding which can lead to anemia and physical exhaustion. It is, therefore, necessary to carry out check-ups, observing under the supervision of a doctor whether the myoma does not develop and what is the level of hormones.

Myomas can be accompanied by compression in the pelvis and frequent urination. This is due to their location and their compression of the bladder and rectum in particular. Although these symptoms can be bothersome, they do not pose a threat to the body. Myomas can also change in size throughout the menstrual cycle - during ovulation or just before menstruation, they can reach their peak. It is worth observing all the apparent symptoms, watching your well-being, taking notes every day, and being under the constant control of an open doctor. The vast majority of fibroids can be left intact, treated and controlled conservatively, especially since it is common that during menopause,


Choice of treatment

The most common procedure after diagnosis is surgery to remove the uterus (hysterectomy), less often (myomectomy). Unfortunately, the functions of the uterus are not limited only to the expected pregnancy, this organ plays an important role in regulating the level of hormones and its elimination should be recommended only in situations of absolute necessity. Even when indicated for surgery, factors that affect the patient's later well-being are not taken into account. The operation is an important decision because the surgery that is too quick to remove the uterus can drastically change the way a woman views her body. Often, doctors ask to quickly remove a small myoma, because when


How to prevent the growth of myoma?


Remembering that hysterectomy is a radical and final step, we can seek conservative methods without giving up periodic ultrasound examinations.

Your doctor may prescribe a bioidentical progesterone cream that balances excess estrogen in your body.

Progesterone levels are also increased by herbal teas (Castagnus and Maca).

Recommended supplements: evening primrose oil and oils containing omega 3 acids.

Another natural method used is foot and face reflex therapy.

The medical technique, used with caution in an individualized treatment process, can be of great help in restoring women's health. To say that hysterectomy is always a bad or worse solution would, therefore, be just as extreme and wrong as to regard all-natural treatments as quackery.



Natural methods of treating fibroids


Diet change:  If you decide to try natural methods, sticking to strict dietary rules for at least the first few months will be necessary, with no reduced cost. Only then will you be able to check the effectiveness of healthy eating on yourself. Not only the uterus, but the whole body and all of its functions will benefit.
You should throw out sugar, white flour, and dairy products commonly available in the kitchen supermarkets. This also applies to all products containing these ingredients. The new diet should be high in fiber, so especially lots of vegetables and fruits.

Diffuse blood stasis: This concept comes from Chinese medicine and is related to the condition of the liver. Most gynecological disorders are associated with blood stasis (painful menstruation, uterus, uterine tumors, ovarian cysts).

Blood stasis will help disperse such products as:

  • turmeric, basil, ginger, rosemary, cayenne, nutmeg, white pepper, mint, raspberry leaf,
  • chives, garlic, green onion, leek, chestnuts, kohlrabi, eggplant, beans, sweet rice,
  • butter, vinegar, peach seeds, linseed oil, evening primrose oil, spirulina

Castor oil wraps: Put the heated castor oil in the bottle, in a pot of hot water, then rub the abdomen lightly. Cover yourself with a towel and put a hot hot water bottle. Turn on some relaxing music and relax. Wait for about two hours. When finished, wash the oiled skin of the lower abdomen thoroughly. Oil packs should be done three times a week for at least three months.

Work with the energy blocks of the second center  - necessary work. It is worth using the different types of therapies and therapists available (yoga exercises, visualization techniques, meditation, singing, dancing). A nutritious diet will not cure the problem associated with myomas. There is a need to change different beliefs, views, coded somewhere in the depth of patterns and patterns. Work in this field most often leads to huge changes in life. Seemingly difficult at first, they are necessary to regain full physical and mental health.

The vast majority of women who have started treatment for fibroids by changing their diet to a healthier diet and working their emotions feel an improvement after a few months. Pelvic pain and heavy bleeding go away, negative emotions such as anger, anger, and frustration go away. Joy, enthusiasm, and the willingness to make new changes in life are very important for healing. Images that were previously in the realm of dreams and distant plans come to life. Women regain a healthy and pleasant appearance, and therefore self-confidence. They often mature to let go of relationships that no longer serve and take care of themselves. Worth the effort, the payoff is great.



To discover our natural remedy for treating fibroids click here !!!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: 0022996374527


We deliver our products all over the world within 24 hours by DHL. Payment will be made after receipt of your order.