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A varicocele is an unusual enlargement of the veins in the scrotum (loose skin holding the testicles, veins and arteries), also known as a varicocele testicle. Normally these veins supply blood to the reproductive glands. In the case of an abnormality such as a varicocele, a blockage of blood occurs, impairs male fertility and can also affect erection or testosterone levels in men.

Natural treatment for testicular varicocele 

The non-surgical treatment of varicocele that we offer is entirely made of plants.  The herbal tea is vasculoprotective and venotonic.

It is a natural remedy that successfully treats varicocele by strengthening the valves in the veins of the spermatic cords. The veins then become toned and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins to reach the most important veins such as the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava.

This natural remedy is the miracle solution to avoid surgery. It will allow you to recover all your fertilizing power. This natural remedy has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases solved. It is one of the best natural remedies to cure varicocele and avoid surgery.

The use of herbal teas to cure varicocele usually gives excellent results as it avoids the operation. The miracle solution to cure varicocele is in the plants. 

Order it and start the natural treatment to cure varicocele in advance. An accompaniment is proposed during all the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of the screen or contact us at +228 79 83 66 66.

We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, ouganda, kenya, tanzania, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be sure to receive your products immediately after your order.

The delivery is free of charge everywhere in the world.

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This is most obvious in the standing position and vice versa. In simple terms, a varicocele is a varicose vein in the scrotum, just like varicose veins in the legs. The causes of varicose vein dysfunction in the legs and testicles are similar. The importance of this disorder is increased by the fact that it is the most common reason for infertility problems in men. It reduces a man's sperm count and also affects its quality.

Varicocele 3

However, if a varicocele is detected in one of your testicles, it affects the sperm production of both testicles, sometimes the testicles contract due to the varicocele. Usually it attacks mainly on the left side, as 85% of cases of varicocele occur on the left scrotum and the remaining 15% tend to occur on both sides simultaneously. Incidents that occur only on the right side are rare. There are 3 main reasons for this predominantly left-sided event: The angle at which the left testicular vein enters the left renal vein.

No effective anti-reflux mechanism between the testicular vein and the renal vein. Increased pressure in the renal vein as it lies between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta. This phenomenon is also known as the "nutcracker effect". The prevalence of varicocele in men is alarming. Up to 15% to 20% of men are likely to have varicocele at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, it is most likely to be prevalent in early adulthood, between the ages of 15 and 30, and is most often left unnoticed, under-diagnosed and untreated.


Recipes and natural remedies to cure Varicocele 

Using these natural treatments for varicocele helps sufferers to get rid of the disease and father their own child. 

  • Butcher’s broom roots

Racine de genetSaponosides are the constituents of this root that confer this anti-inflammatory action, it also activates venous circulation, which will prevent blood stagnation and keep it in motion. It was popularly used for its diuretic action, so it would also help prevent swelling of the legs.

  • The leaves of Centella asiatica 

Les feuilles de centella asiaticaThey are indicated to prevent circulatory problems in long distance flights, its active principle are asiaticosides, these give it its venonotonic and curative action.

  • The vine leaves

Feuille de vigneFor vine leaves, we recommend that you look for extracts standardized in procyanidolic, as these are the ones that have proven effective as anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective.

  • Ginger

Le gingembre 1Ginger can help increase testosterone levels and improve male fertility.  People have been using ginger for medicinal and culinary purposes for centuries.  Modern research indicates that this root can improve fertility in men.

According to a 2012 study, taking a daily ginger supplement for 3 months increased testosterone levels by 17.7% in a group of 75 adult male participants with fertility problems.  The authors suggested that ginger could also improve sperm health by other means.  A 2013 study reported that ginger increased testosterone and antioxidant levels in a diabetic rat model in just 30 days.

  • Fortified vegetable milks

Laits ve ge taux enrichisFortified vegetable milk is a healthy source of vitamin D.Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, and the results of a 2011 study suggest that it could increase testosterone levels in men. It is important to note that the dose in this study was 3332 International Units (IU) of vitamin per day, which far exceeds the 400 IU recommended per day for healthy people.

Although sun exposure is one of the best ways to get vitamin D, not everyone can spend enough time outdoors in sunny weather.  In the average American diet, fortified foods provide the majority of vitamin D. Many vegetable milks, such as those made from almonds, soybeans, hemp and flax, contain 25% of a person’s vitamin D requirements per serving.  However, it is always best to check the nutrition content by checking the label.


  • La MACA

La maca pe ruvienneMaca has an extraordinary result in the testicles, it increases the sperm count and prevents testicular and sperm disturbances resulting from exposure to certain compounds or high altitudes.  It also increases the weight of the testicles. The best maca variety to use in this case is the black variety. 


  • The Onions

Les oignonsOnions can offer many health benefits, from supporting the heart to thinning the waist.  They are also good sources of several nutrients and antioxidants.
Fortified vegetable milks
Fortified vegetable milk is a healthy source of vitamin D.Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, and the results of a 2011 study suggest that it could increase testosterone levels in men. It is important to note that the dose in this study was 3332 International Units (IU) of vitamin per day, which far exceeds the 400 IU recommended per day for healthy people.

Although sun exposure is one of the best ways to get vitamin D, not everyone can spend enough time outdoors in sunny weather.  In the average American diet, fortified foods provide the majority of vitamin D. Many vegetable milks, such as those made from almonds, soybeans, hemp and flax, contain 25% of a person’s vitamin D requirements per serving.  However, it is always best to check the nutrition content by checking the label.


We have a very effective natural treatment to permanently cure testicular varicocele.

Order it and start the natural treatment for testicular varicocele early.  An accompaniment is offered throughout the period of its taking. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa.  So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Shipping is free worldwide



Horny goat weedHorny Goat Weed is an effective herb used to improve sexual performance problems including involuntary ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It also arouses sexual desire in men to improve their reproductive system. 

Comfrey and lemon balm lotion 
A good home remedy for valences is to apply comfrey and lemon balm lotion.


- 6 pariparoba leaves 

- 4 comfrey leaves 

- 1 tablespoon of lemon balm 

- 500 ml alcohol 


Soak the ingredients in alcohol for 24 hours. After this time, with a clean cloth, apply this lotion to the varicose veins, 2 to 3 times a day. 


  • Hazel and lemon balm lotion 

Lotion consoude et me lisseA good home remedy for valices is to apply a lotion of comfrey and lemon balm.


-   6 sheets pariparoba 

-   4 sheet of comfrey 

-   1 tablespoon lemon balm 

-   500 ml alcohol 


Soak the ingredients in lalcool for 24 hours. After this time, with a clean cloth, apply this lotion varicose veins 2 to 3 times a day. 


  • Thistle compresses 

Compresses de chardonThistle compresses with thistle tea are also an excellent home remedy for varicose veins, relieving symptoms and providing a sense of well-being. 


- 1 teaspoon of thistle 

- 250 ml boiling water 


Add the fruit to the boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After heating, strain and apply with a handkerchief to the areas to be treated. 



Ramulus cinnamomiIn addition to having a delicious flavour and beautiful aroma, Ramulus Cinnamomi helps to warm and improve blood circulation in the vessels of the male reproductive system. It also has the ability to release the muscle layers produced due to varicocele and increase libido. It is also beneficial for other parts of the body such as the heart, lungs and bladder. 

Horny grass of goats 
Drink grape juice because this fruit contains resveratroll, a substance that facilitates blood circulation.


-   1 glass of water 

-   1 glass of black grapes


Beat the ingredients in a blender and then drink.


  • Grape juice 

Jus de raisinDrink grape juice because this fruit contains resveratroll, a substance that facilitates blood circulation.


-   1 glass of water 

-   1 glass of black grapes


Beat the ingredients in a blender and then drink.


  • Essential oil 

Huiles essentiellesThe use of essential oil to treat varicose veins is a natural way to activate circulation and reduce discomfort and discomfort that can cause bressures and inflamations.


-   8 ml sunflower oil 

-   2 drops of St. John’s wort essential oil 

-   2 drops lavender essential oil 

-   3 drops of lemon oil. 


Mix all the ingredients and pass through the area by massage. In the case of massages to treat varicose veins, you should not massage varicose veins with emphasis, but in a broad and gentle way in circular movements from feet to thighs. 


We have a very effective natural treatment to permanently cure testicular varicocele.

Order it and start the natural treatment for testicular varicocele early.  An accompaniment is offered throughout the period of its taking. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa.  So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Shipping is free worldwide



Dong quaiDong Quai contains ferulic acid which acts as a muscle relaxant and analgesic.  When used in combination with several ingredients, it helps as a natural treatment of varicocele because it treats infertility and hypertension.

  • Cabbage compress 

Compresse de chouIngredients:

-   5 leaves kale 


To make the compress, heat the cabbage leaves in the microwave for a few seconds and apply on the varicose veins allowing it to act until it cools. Then wash this area with graced water as it improves blood circulation. 



PlantagoPlantago is a plant rich in anti-inflammatory properties.  It not only promotes tissue repair, but also reduces sinus congestion.  It is effective in reducing complications of male reproduction.  Plantago, as a natural treatment for patients with varicocele, benefits them in more than one way by reducing pain, discomfort and visual ugliness.


  • Chestnut tea

The de marrons d indeThis tea has properties that increase the strength of the walls of the veins and prevent blood from flowing, preventing varicose veins.


-   2 bags of horse chestnut

-   500 ml boiling water    


Add the ingredients to a saucepan and let stand for about 10 minutes. Heat, strain and drink 3 cups after eating. 


  • Witch hazel tea

The d hamame lisThis tea helps to strengthen the veins and reduce inflamation, preventing the veins of the legs from dilating too much, causing an increase in varicose veins. 


-   5 dried witch hazel leaves 

-   500 ml water


Add the ingredients to a saucepan and let stand for about 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2 cups a day.



We have a very effective natural treatment to permanently cure testicular varicocele.

Order it and start the natural treatment for testicular varicocele early.  An accompaniment is offered throughout the period of its taking. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa.  So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Shipping is free worldwide



Tips for reading against Varicocele

  • Wear proper underwear or sportswear
  • Flatten cold water compresses on your testicles when they heat for 10 minutes 
  • You should remove spices, coffee, alcohol and all exciting drinks as well as tobacco.
  • Space as best as you can your sexual relationships pandent throughout the duration of treatment to put the veins at rest
  • Avoid platifying violent sports activities throughout the treatment period 
  • Not hot baths because heat dilates veins.


The causes of varicocele

We do not know exactly the pathophysiology of the varicocele, except a malfunction of the unidirectional valves that allow the flow of blood from the testicles to the heart. In case of varicocele, for unknown reasons, one of the valves does not function properly. Venous blood flows back, accumulates and causes dilation of the veins in the spermatic cord.

There are known or unknown causes. the following factors are considered:

  • Genetic or heredity
  • Radiation 
  • Exposure of testicles to a charleur or wave source
  • Wearing the Serene Pants
  • electromagnetic waves, for people who work on GSM towers, are associated with nuCreational realizations, high voltage things
  • Do motor sports often, because the position of the testicles attached to the motorcycle tank
  • Excessive stress 
  • Testicular area too hot 
  • Alcoholism because alcohol dillate veins 
  • Testicular area still sweating



Signs and symptoms of varicocele

Varicoceles are benign and unimportant pathologies, in the majority of cases.

Usually, a varicocele is not painful. Sometimes it doesn’t even notice itself, which makes it difficult to diagnose. However, for some people, it can cause occasional or even pervasive discomfort.

Varicoceles can cause the following symptoms:

  • Pain of the scrotum,
  • Increase (or atrophy in the adolescent) of the volume of the affected testicle,
  • Tension or weight of the purse, at the end of the day and/or when it is hot,
  • Slight pain at effort,
  • Discomfort during sex,
  • Male sterility problem,
  • Aesthetic discomfort: distorting the purse.

Cases of varicocele in children and adolescents are rare. From 19 years, cases are becoming more frequent.

Varicoceles evolve in various ways depending on the person affected. At an advanced stage, untreated varicocele can become debilitating and painful on a daily basis.


We have a very effective natural treatment to permanently cure testicular varicocele.

Order it and start the natural treatment for testicular varicocele early.  An accompaniment is offered throughout the period of its taking. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa.  So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Shipping is free worldwide


Evolution and possible complications

Varicocele has no effect on erectile function and sexuality, and in some men it causes no discomfort or complication.

When it is large, it can cause a feeling of gravity, or even pain that may worsen over time. It can also affect the development and functioning of the testis with testicular atrophy and, presumably, fertility problems. The figures suggest an impact of varicocele on fertility: 35% of men with primary infertility have varicocele, 80% in the case of secondary infertility, compared to only 15% in the general population (2). The link between varicocele and infertility is however not confirmed and the possible mechanisms involved are not elucidated. Several hypotheses are however advanced: varicose veins could cause, by blood stagnation, a warming of the testicle harmful to spermatogenesis. Bad venous return could also lead to stagnation of toxic substances, such as tobacco, in the bloodstream, with an impact on spermatogenesis. 


Varicocele: What consequences on fertility?

A man with varicocele may not have any fertility problems, but for some, this venous pathology could have an impact on fertility. The figures also point in this direction: 40% of hypofertile men have varicocele, against only 22% in the general population. However, the links between varicocele and hypofertility are not obvious. Varicocele is a very common problem whose consequences on fertility and the mechanisms involved are not well known. There is no link of certainty, only a reasonable doubt,” Haab says. Varicocele could affect sperm genesis (the making of sperm) by various mechanisms, all of which are still unknown. Several hypotheses are advanced, starting with that of thermoregulation: the varicocele would cause a warming of the testicle that could alter the spermatogenesis. Another hypothesis: hormone secretions, antibodies. However, no mechanism has been clearly demonstrated physiologically,” the specialist says.


We have a very effective natural treatment to permanently cure testicular varicocele.

Order it and start the natural treatment for testicular varicocele early.  An accompaniment is offered throughout the period of its taking. To reach us, click on the WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Kinshasa.  So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.

Shipping is free worldwide


Last edited: 03/10/2023

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    1 Cresia Sutherland On 04/09/2024

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