First, our natural remedy for chlamydia is much more effective than the usual drugs in fighting chlamydia. Conversely.
In addition to being ineffective, these antiviral drugs can have side effects such as: anemia, insomnia, suicidal cravings, irritability...
Our natural remedy, is 100% plant-based and it directly attacks the virus and is without side effects.
At the end of your treatment, the virus will completely disappear. Trust us! This natural remedy is therefore the secret to curing chlamydia by plants.
We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.
Shipping is free worldwide
For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 directly or by WhatsApp at the same number.
How do you get chlamydia?
The transmission is exclusively interhuman. Sexually transmitted disease, it is transmitted during genital, oral and anal sex. It is estimated that 4% of sexually active youth are infected. The bacteria is also transmitted to infants during childbirth. A woman can also transmit chlamydia to her baby during childbirth.
If you have had chlamydia and have already been treated, you can be re-infected if you have unprotected sex with someone who has it.
Who is at risk of contracting chlamydia?
Chlamydia is more common among young people, especially young women. You’ll be more likely to get it if you don’t systematically use condoms or if you have multiple partners.
What are the symptoms of chlamydia?
Chlamydia usually doesn’t cause any symptoms. So, you can’t realize that you have it. People with chlamydia who have no symptoms can still transmit the disease to others. If you have symptoms, they may not appear until several weeks after having sex with an infected partner.
Symptoms in women include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge may cause strong smell
- A burning sensation while urinating
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- If the infection spreads, you may experience low abdominal pain, sexual pain, nausea or fever.
Symptoms in men include:
- Discharge of your penis
- A burning sensation while urinating
- Burning or itching around the opening of your penis
- Pain and swelling of one or both testicles (though less common)
- If chlamydia infects the rectum (in men or women), it can cause pain, discharge and/or rectal bleeding.
Duration of treatment:
The duration of natural treatment for chlamydia varies from 1 to 2 months. Each treatment varies depending on the severity of the infection. Don’t worry! This remedy is the ideal solution to cure chlamydia. Our treatment is individualized. It will vary depending on your symptoms and expectations. Don’t worry. Here is the best natural remedy to cure chlamydia and you definitely release chlamydia.
We deliver all over the world.
For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 directly or by WhatsApp at the same number.
What other problems can cause chlamydia?
In women, untreated infection can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can cause permanent damage to your reproductive system. This can lead to long-term pelvic pain, sterility and ectopic pregnancy. Women who have had more than one chlamydia infection are at higher risk of serious reproductive health complications.
Men often have no health problems due to chlamydia. Sometimes it can infect the epididymis (the tube that carries sperm). This can cause pain, fever and rarely sterility.
Men and women can develop reactive arthritis due to chlamydia infection. Reactive arthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs as a "reaction" to an infection in the body.
Babies born to infected mothers may develop eye infections and pneumonia from chlamydia. Your baby may also be born too early.
Untreated chlamydia can also increase your chances of contracting or giving HIV/AIDS.
What are the treatments for chlamydia?
Antibiotics will cure the infection. You can receive a single dose of antibiotics or take medication daily for 7 days. Antibiotics cannot repair the permanent damage caused by the disease.
To avoid transmitting the disease to your partner, you should not have sex until the infection is resolved. If you received a single dose of antibiotics, you must wait 7 days after taking the medication to have sex again. If you need to take medication every day for 7 days, you should not have sex until you have finished taking all the doses of your medication.
It is common to get repeatedly infected, so you should have a new test about three months after treatment.
If you are looking for a natural treatment to fight against chlamydia, the experts of the Herbal Medicine Center have the solution for you.
The natural treatment that we propose to cure chlamydia, is essentially composed of plants and roots. Herbal tea consists of plants whose active ingredients are able to suppress the symptoms you feel, and eradicate the virus itself. It is the solution to return to a normal life.
We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after your order.
Shipping is free all over the world
For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 directly or by WhatsApp at the same number.