Hepatitis b and c: Herbal Tea and Plant
The herbal treatment that we offer you to cure hepatitis B and C, consists mainly of natural herbs in the form of tea. It destroys the viruses that cause hepatitis and provides the antioxidants that help maintain the overall health of the liver. Worldwide delivery! You can contact us by Whatsapp at 0022996374527
Here is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and C
The hepatitis virus is very vicious because it is a tough virus that spreads and duplicates especially in the liver causing disturbances. If you have hepatitis B or C. But conventional treatments are too expensive, ineffective, or are afraid of the side effects of all those chemical drugs: this is what you need. This is the best natural remedy for cure hepatitis B and C.
First of all, our natural hepatitis remedy is much more effective than the usual drugs in fighting hepatitis. Unlike those drugs which do not fight hepatitis at its origin. They can therefore only prevent the symptoms of the disease, without destroying the virus.
In addition to being ineffective, these antiviral drugs can have side effects such as anemia, insomnia, suicidal urges, irritability, poor lung function, pancreatic diabetes etc…. Unlike our natural treatment which is different. Also, it is 100% plant-based and directly attacks the virus. So, at the end of your treatment, the virus will disappear completely. Trust us! This natural remedy is, therefore, the secret to curing hepatitis B and C by plants.
The natural cure for hepatitis B, like hepatitis C, is made from natural herbal teas. This is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and C. The natural remedy for hepatitis contains several herbs that have made proof of their effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved.
Our natural remedy also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in the treatment and prevention of liver problems, so it is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and C. It also fights against viruses that cause liver disease. 'hepatitis. It also provides antioxidants that help maintain the overall health of the liver. In other words, it helps the body fight against viral infections and cleanses the liver. It is the miracle solution to cure hepatitis B or C.
The use of natural plants very often gives excellent positive results and helps cure both hepatitis B and C. It also gives the advantage of beating the disease in the long term instead of just preventing the symptoms.
Our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our treatment is therefore not dangerous. This natural remedy is a secret to cure your hepatitis without side effects.
Worldwide delivery
You can contact us by Whatsapp at +33644661758 or at +22990312738 direct calls and WhatsApp
Duration of treatment
The duration of natural treatment to cure hepatitis B or C varies from 1 to 2 months. Each treatment varies depending on the severity of the infection. Rest assured! This remedy is the miracle solution to cure hepatitis B like C. Our care is individualized. It will vary depending on your symptoms and your expectations. Don't worry. Here is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and C.
Read also: Hepatitis and sex
Our doctor's opinion
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by infection with a virus, but sometimes by alcoholism, or by intoxication by a drug or chemical. Symptoms vary a lot from person to person and depend on the cause of hepatitis. Some types of hepatitis cause part of the liver to be destroyed outright.
The majority of hepatitis disappear spontaneously, without leaving any sequelae. Sometimes the disease persists for several months. When it lasts more than 6 months, it is considered chronic. When the liver is seriously damaged, a transplant of this organ may be the only solution.
Hepatitis can be grouped into 2 main categories:
viral hepatitis, caused by infection with a virus. In developed countries, hepatitis A, B, and C viruses cause about 90% of acute hepatitis cases. Hepatitis D, E, and G viruses are also responsible for hepatitis.
non-viral hepatitis, mainly caused by the ingestion of products toxic to the liver (alcohol, toxic chemicals, etc.). Non-viral hepatitis can also be the result of diseases affecting the liver, such as fatty liver (fatty liver) and autoimmune hepatitis (chronic inflammatory hepatitis of obscure origin, which is characterized by the production of autoantibodies).
The role of the liver
Often compared to a chemical factory, the liver is one of the largest internal organs. In adults, it weighs 1 kg to 1.5 kg. It is just below the rib cage on the right side of the body. The liver processes and stores (in part) nutrients from the intestines. When needed, the body uses these substances. The liver also helps keep blood sugar levels stable.
Toxic substances (found in alcohol, in certain drugs, in certain medications, etc.) that are ingested also pass through the liver. The liver then breaks them down and then releases them into the intestine through the bile, or it returns them to the blood.
Contraction modes
-Hepatitis A. First, it is the least serious of viral hepatitis. Usually, the body fights it within a few weeks and remains immune for life. This means that antibodies against the virus are present, but the virus itself is no longer there. The hepatitis A virus is spread by swallowing contaminated food or water. But it can also be present in the stool of an infected person and contaminate the food, water, or hands of another person. Raw or undercooked foods are the most likely to transmit the infection. However, the virus is also spread through seafood harvested from areas where untreated sewage is discharged. The risk of transmission is therefore great in countries where hygienic conditions are poor. A vaccine protects against it.
-Hepatitis B. It is the most common type of hepatitis in the world, and also the most fatal. The hepatitis B virus is spread during sex (semen and other body fluids contain it) and through the blood. It is 50 to 100 times more infectious than the AIDS virus. Exchanging contaminated syringes can cause transmission. But the vast majority of those infected manage to completely fight off the infection. However, around 5% remain chronically infected and are said to be “carriers” of the virus. Carriers have no symptoms, but they are at risk of developing liver cirrhosis or liver cancer, which are life-threatening illnesses. A surrogate mother can pass the virus to her baby during childbirth. A vaccine has been offered since 1982.
-Hepatitis C is the most insidious form of viral hepatitis. It is a very resistant virus. Up to 80% of hepatitis C virus infections become chronic. The identification of the latter is relatively recent: it dates from 1989. However, the virus is most often transmitted by direct contact with contaminated human blood. Mostly by exchanging syringes used for injecting drugs, by transfusion of blood that has not been screened, and by the reuse of unsterile needles and syringes. More rarely, it is contracted during unprotected sex with infected people, especially if blood is exchanged (menstruation, injuries in the genital or anal passages). It is also the number one cause of liver transplantation. There is no vaccine to protect against it. women of childbearing age with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are more likely to miscarry, suffer from infertility, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia.
- Toxic hepatitis It is most often caused by alcohol abuse or the consumption of drugs. Depending on the substance ingested, toxic hepatitis can develop hours, days, or months after exposure. Usually, the symptoms subside when one stops being exposed to the harmful substance. However, one can suffer permanent damage to the liver and, for example, suffer from cirrhosis.
Possible complications
Hepatitis that is not diagnosed in time or that is poorly treated can lead to very serious complications.
-Chronic hepatitis
This is the most common complication. Hepatitis is chronic if it lasts at least 6 months. However, in 75% of cases, it is the consequence of hepatitis B or C. But when properly treated, chronic hepatitis usually resolves within one to three years.
-Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is excessive production of "scars" in the liver. The causes of Cirrhosis are repeated attacks (by toxins, viruses, etc.). However, these "fibrous barriers" end up hindering the free flow of blood in the organ. If the treatment does not work fully or if it is poorly followed, overall 20% to 25% of chronic hepatitis progress to cirrhosis .
- Liver cancer. It is the ultimate complication of cirrhosis. However, liver cancer sometimes results from cancer in another organ that spreads to the liver by metastasis.
-Fulminant hepatitis. Very rare, fulminant hepatitis is characterized by a major failure of the liver, which can no longer perform its functions. Massive destruction of liver tissue occurs and organ transplantation is required. It mostly occurs in people with hepatitis B or toxic hepatitis. But it is fatal in 25% of cases.
You can contact us by Whatsapp at 0022996374527 direct calls and WhatsApp
Availability: En stock, livraison en 24h
€300.0 inc. tax
- Condition : new
- Manufacturer : Dawasante
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Good evening, pls how can I get this herbal tea am in Nigeria.
Good evening, how can I get this herbal tea am in Nigeria
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