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homemade remedy for epilepsy

6 natural herbs to treat epileptic seizures


By On 14/09/2020


Epilepsy or better known as epileptic disease is a chronic disorder, characterized by recurrent seizures that are not triggered. A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if they experience seizures for no reason. Seizures in epilepsy may be related to brain injury or familial predispositions, but often the cause is completely unknown. Many people with epilepsy have more than one type of seizure and may have other symptoms of neurological problems. Although the seizure symptoms can affect any part of the body, the electrical events that produce these symptoms occur in the brain. Seizures due to epilepsy can affect safety, relationships, work, driving, and more. Public perception and treatment of people with epilepsy is often a bigger problem than seizures themselves, writes the Epilepsy Foundation. To overcome this, some people with epilepsy turn to natural treatments and alternative therapies to help relieve their symptoms or complement their treatments. Here are some natural ways to treat epilepsy according to Healthline.




natural remedy for epilepsy

Herbal treatments have become more and more popular in recent years, with nature being extremely beneficial when it comes to cures for a multitude of ailments and conditions (herbal extracts are the basis for over 30% modern pills). The herbs most commonly used as an adjunct treatment for epilepsy are: ash / "fire plan", cross, lizards, vase, Pepin, peony, wolf's mouth.

After 25 years of extensive research,  Dawasante experts have discovered the best natural herbs to cure epilepsy. This natural remedy is active in all epileptic seizures. Thus, it is suitable for children as well as adults. Modern medicine offers drugs for epilepsy. Unfortunately, these drugs often have many disastrous side effects and are not always effective. They inhibit seizures but are not curative. Trust us! Our natural treatment is the secret to preventing epileptic seizures from herbs.

The herbal tea is made from plants whose active ingredients will help you prevent or space out your attacks. First, this natural remedy blocks the electrical flow in the brain by reducing the reactions of the neurons that cause the seizures. Second, It has a property on brain receptors which amplifies the action against epileptic seizures.
Finally, the herbal tea also helps to eliminate anxiety and stress in epilepsy. When we know that stress is, in many cases, a trigger for epileptic seizures, it reassures you right away.


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At present, there is no sufficient scientific evidence to prove that these herbal remedies are successful in treating epileptic seizures. Most of the evidence is anecdotal.

Some people believe that the sedative properties of linden bark help relax the nervous system.

Likewise, an investigation carried out by several students from a University of Mexico showed that linden helped to control hypertension, which would help in epilepsy episodes.

However, for safe consumption, it is only recommended taking it every 3 days.



Linden bark

Bigleaf Linden Bark | ClipPix ETC: Educational Photos for Students and  Teachers


  • 1 tablespoon of linden bark (15 g).
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml).



  • First, add the tablespoon of linden bark to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then cover the infusion, let it rest for 10 minutes and then strain it.


Consumption mode

  • Drink the infusion in sips, preferably before going to bed


Navel of venus (Cotyledon umbilicus veneris). 

navel of venus, plant, foam, green, nature, wild | Pikist

It is used in a familiar way to treat epilepsy by giving the patient three teaspoons a day of the juice that is extracted by squeezing the leaves.


Orange tree (Citrus aurantium). 

Can Orange Trees survive winter? -

Orange flower water is a classic flavouring for pastry preparations and creams. It is calming and antispasmodic (epilepsy).


Peony (Peonia officinalis). 

Peony - health benefits and therapeutic value

Medicinal peonies (Paeonia officinalis) are more than just beautiful spring flowers, they also boast many properties that help care for health and live better. The decoction of the root of this plant is indicated in all diseases of the nerves. 20 grams of the root are boiled in a liter of water for 15 minutes. It is indicated in epilepsy, chorea, tremors and convulsive coughs.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, L.). 

What is Valerian? - Simply Catnip

Valerian is an herb. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia but also grows in North America. Medicine is made from the root​. It is prescribed for epilepsy, eclampsia, hysteria, hot flashes, neurosis, chorea, and nervous disorders of the heart and digestive system.  A handful of valerian, previously soaked in a liter of boiling water, which is then poured into the water, has the same effect as when taken orally.



According to having epilepsy can make it feel like you are not in complete control of your life. You can do your best to take back control by following these three steps: Work in partnership with your doctor. Keep track of information, such as when you have the seizures and the side effects of your medications. Ask questions. There are many resources available to help you manage your epilepsy and live a happy, healthy, productive life.




Lifestyle changes and complementary or alternative treatments for epileptic seizures

This topic is too often neglected but can have a major, positive impact on seizure control. Though there is little evidence for the effectiveness of most complementary and alternative medications, healthy lifestyle changes can go a long way toward reducing the risk of having a seizure.

Your neurologist should address these questions with you before developing a treatment plan:

● How is your sleep quality?

● Do you have chronic anxiety, depression, or excessive stress?

● Do you take other medications that may affect your epilepsy medication or directly increase the risk you will have a seizure?

● Does your use of alcohol, caffeine, or herbal remedies affect your seizure control?

The complementary and alternative therapies below can be added to your treatment plan. Because there is not a lot of medical research on their effectiveness for epilepsy, it’s important to discuss each treatment with your neurologist:   

● Acupuncture

● Aerobic exercise

● Biofeedback (training to voluntarily control seizures)

● Meditation

● Yoga

I don’t hesitate to recommend aerobic exercise and meditation for all my patients — both usually are win-win treatments! It’s rare that doctors would recommend only lifestyle changes or complementary/alternative treatments for epilepsy; however, these might work sometimes. 

I recently had a patient who, after experiencing a single seizure, was diagnosed with a genetic form of epilepsy. She was a student whose seizure occurred after several nights of staying up late studying and drinking alcohol excessively. It was clear that her risk of having a seizure was higher than normal. However, it was possible that in the setting of a healthier lifestyle this might not occur. After discussing options, she and her parents decided to delay taking medication and first try to make lifestyle changes, including getting more sleep and minimizing or avoiding alcohol. 

There is not much evidence that herbal remedies help with epilepsy. But medical marijuana, which is number four on this list, proves that plants have chemicals that can stop epileptic seizures (see below). At this time, we know of no other natural herb that helps with seizures. In fact, some herbs, such as the Chinese herb ma huang, can trigger or worsen seizures. Ma huang is a natural ephedra, which is similar to a stimulant hormone in our bodies. Stimulants tend to worsen seizures, so doctors are hesitant to recommend any herbal remedies at this time.




For many years, a special diet has been used to control certain types of epilepsy. One in particular – the ketogenic diet – gained public attention with the 1997 movie “First Do No Harm.” In this film, which is based on a true story, Meryl Streep plays the mother of a son whose epilepsy fails to respond to conventional treatments, including epilepsy surgery. She takes him to Johns Hopkins Medical Center, which pioneered the use of the ketogenic diet and demonstrated its effectiveness. Her son responded wonderfully to the diet and became seizure-free.

The ketogenic diet is strict. It severely limits carbohydrates and maximizes fats and proteins. This low-carbohydrate diet triggers ketosis, an alternate metabolic pathway in the body that somehow works against seizures. Variations in the amount of fats and proteins relative to the amount of carbohydrates is allowed. One such variation is the Modified Atkins Diet.

The ketogenic diet is challenging and is used mostly for children. A few studies have shown its effectiveness in adults, but, as one might expect, it’s difficult for most adults to maintain such a strict diet. Choosing this type of therapy requires support from experienced nurses, dietitians, and physicians who can help guide food and drink choices. 



To discover our natural remedy for epilepsy click here!
To contact our experts please call or write to us on phone/WhatsApp: +22990431725


The cure for epilepsy is a reality: how did specialists manage to stop the onset of epilepsy seizures?

By On 10/01/2020

The epilepsy  is a neurological disease that is characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It mainly affects children, adolescents and the elderly.

Although epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide, no cure has been found so far. While many patients may be satisfied with medications that reduce the number of seizures, in about 30-40% of people with epilepsy these treatments do not work.

Now, a new study by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco has concluded that a cell transplant may be the cure for epilepsy. But before I tell you about this study, let me introduce you to a very effective natural solution to beat epilepsy. It  is active in all epileptic seizures. Thus, it is suitable for children as well as adults. Modern medicine offers drugs for epilepsy . Unfortunately, these drugs often have many disastrous side effects and are not always effective. They inhibit seizures, but are not curative. Trust us ! Our natural treatment is  the secret to preventing epileptic seizures from herbs.



natural treatment for epilepsy

Herbal tea is made from plants whose active ingredients will help you to prevent or to space out your attacks. First, this natural remedy blocks the electrical flow in the brain by reducing the reactions of the neurons that cause the seizures. Second, It has a property on brain receptors which amplifies the action against epileptic seizures.
Finally, the herbal tea also helps eliminate anxiety and stress in epilepsy. When we know that stress is, in many cases, a trigger for epileptic seizures, that reassures you right away.

To discover our  natural remedy  for  curing epilepsy, click here 

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Now back to our main topic. Experts performed the experiment on mice suffering from medial temporal lobe epilepsy . This form of epilepsy is very severe and is usually resistant to treatment. It is assumed that the seizures in this type of epilepsy occur in the hippocampus . Sometimes during these seizures, sufferers are also confronted with the transmission of nerve signals produced by neurons. As a result of these over-stimulated neurons, people suffer from seizures which can cause muscle contraction and loss of consciousness. During such crises, victims can injure themselves. 

To avoid over-arousal of neurons, the scientists performed a relatively simple procedure: they transplanted ganglion cells. Because the specialists were studying a type of epilepsy in which seizures occurred in the hippocampus, they implanted these cells in this region of the brain. In addition to the fact that the hippocampus is associated with these seizures, it is also known for its involvement in learning and memory. 

The procedure was performed successfully in mice. Half of the subjects did not experience these seizures at all, while the rest of the mice, although they continued to cope, the spontaneous seizures occurred less often than before the transplant. 

In addition to reducing the number of seizures, the mice were found to change their behavior, becoming less restless, less hyperactive, and solving aquatic maze tests faster. 

It is not yet clear why some mice have escaped seizures completely, while others have only made partial progress. However, specialists say the experiment was a real success. 

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A useful warning system to prevent epileptic seizures

By On 10/01/2020



Can you expect an epileptic seizure before it happens? For people with epilepsy this would be of great help. An alert system could be the solution.

by default

Julius Cezar, Napoleon, Michelangelo, Georg Friedrich Handel and Alfred Nobel all suffered from epileptic seizures. And today there are well-known people who are struggling with this disease. For example, Neil Young or Elton John.

Epilepsy is one of the oldest known diseases and has often even killed patients in the past. There was also the superstition that those with epilepsy are actually demon possessed. The reality is that these people are rarely even extremely intelligent.


What is the best traditional medicine solution to treat epilepsy?

natural treatment for epilepsy

After 25 years of in-depth research,  Dawabio experts  have discovered the best natural herbs to  cure epilepsy. This natural remedy is active in all epileptic seizures. Thus, it is suitable for children as well as adults. Modern medicine offers drugs for epilepsy. Unfortunately, these drugs often have many disastrous side effects and are not always effective. They inhibit seizures, but are not curative. Trust us ! Our natural treatment is  the secret to preventing epileptic seizures from herbs.

The herbal tea is made from plants whose active ingredients will help you to prevent or to space your attacks. First, this natural remedy blocks the electrical flow in the brain by reducing the reactions of the neurons that cause the seizures. Second, It has a property on brain receptors which amplifies the action against epileptic seizures.
Finally, the herbal tea also helps eliminate anxiety and stress in epilepsy. When we know that stress is, in many cases, a trigger for epileptic seizures, that reassures you right away.
To discover our  natural remedy  to  cure epilepsy, click here

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: 


A short-circuit


The most dangerous thing about epileptic seizures is that they happen unexpectedly without warning. Seizures are caused by excessive activity of nerve cells. It causes some kind of short circuit or some kind of storm in the brain. The activities of the brain are out of control.

Doctors treat patients with epilepsy with anti-epileptic drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease, despite this appropriate treatment, seizures may still occur. In such cases, patients pass out. Usually only for a short time. Patients cannot control these epileptic seizures, so they cannot avoid them and do not remember them later after they recover.

Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological diseases. According to WHO estimates, more than 50 million people suffer from epilepsy worldwide. But not all people who have had a seizure have epilepsy. About 5% of the planet's inhabitants have suffered such an attack at some point in their lives. Only 0.6 to a percentage of them are classified as "epileptics". In Germany, their number is between 500,000 and 800,000 people.

Symbolbild epilepsy

Warning system

Sudden seizures can profoundly affect the lives of patients. More important, therefore, is field research, looking for a way to prevent epileptic seizures.

"It's a portable system called MEPS that can prevent seizures. Patients can easily wear it whenever they want or feel necessary and relax a bit," says Trevisan. If the system is tested successfully, it could be of great help to anyone suffering from epileptic seizures.

Patients live in fear

People with epilepsy live with the fear of losing consciousness, of suddenly fading, in public. The MEPS system is designed to provide patients with increased safety and relaxation. “If, for example, you have a child who plays outside with your friends, as parents you will be notified about 40 minutes before the epileptic seizure. We are quite advanced in setting up this system of alert, ”Trevisan said. The warning is received using a smartphone, which the patient or a loved one, such as the parents of a child, should always have at hand.

More security

AAT Research holds patents for this technology. One of them received a prestigious award from the World Intellectual Property Organization. AAT researchers develop and produce high-tech devices in the medical field. “Our goal is to make life easier for people with epilepsy,” says Trevisan, adding, “The system can save a man's life if it is, maybe at the wrong time in the wrong place. . If warned, he can arrive safely or have time to take anti-epileptic medication. "

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