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obesity diabetes and liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver: causes and natural preventive treatment

By On 03/01/2020

Cirrhosis is a disease caused by long-term liver damage. In cirrhosis, liver damage leaves scars that prevent the liver from functioning normally, such as producing new proteins, fighting infections, removing unnecessary substances from the blood, digesting food, and storing energy from food. Now, this liver that is not functioning properly causes various problems in all parts of the body.


The experts at Dawasante have developed a special herbal tea for you to prevent the development of cirrhosis of the liver. This herbal treatment is 100% natural and also helps your liver to function properly. This treatment is for the treatment of hepatitis b and c. These two diseases being linked, treating hepatitis from the start is preventing cirrhosis of the liver. This treatment is preventative therefore to avoid when you already have a declared cirrhosis. To discover the treatment against hepatitis b and c click here!

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Cirrhosis, actually, develops in several situations:

1- Chronic alcoholism: excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption is responsible for 50 to 75% of cases of cirrhosis.

Alcoholic cirrhosis is the most serious liver disease linked to alcohol consumption. According to the American Liver Foundation, between 10 and 20% of heavy alcohol drinkers will be at risk of suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcoholic cirrhosis is actually the last stage of liver disease caused by alcohol consumption. Initially, the disease that people addicted to alcohol will suffer from is fatty liver (alcoholic fatty liver), then if this habit persists and does not take proper treatment, this condition turns into alcoholic hepatitis, then becomes alcoholic cirrhosis.

However, a person can also have cirrhosis of the liver without ever having alcoholic hepatitis. In cirrhosis, the liver cells are damaged and can no longer regenerate, so the liver can no longer function normally.

Stopping alcohol consumption will not restore the function of damaged liver cells, but only serves to prevent damage from being generalized. Additionally, by immediately stopping drinking alcohol, you can increase your life expectancy with this condition.

A person with alcoholic cirrhosis who does not stop drinking has less than 50% chance of living for at least five years.


2- Chronic viral hepatitis type B, C and D (liver disease due to viral infection). In 15 to 25% of cases, hepatitis C is implicated, against 5% for hepatitis B.

Cirrhosis and hepatitis C are serious liver diseases. Although the two conditions are different, this disease turns out to be linked. Hepatitis C is one of the causes of cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatitis C and cirrhosis are health problems that can damage and inflame the liver. Hepatitis C is caused by a virus, while cirrhosis occurs due to the appearance of scar tissue in the liver that causes permanent damage. These two diseases have been shown to have a relationship. Hepatitis C is one of the causes of cirrhosis of the liver. Quoted by Healthline, out of 75 to 85 people who suffer from chronic hepatitis C, about 5 to 20 of them suffer from cirrhosis which can occur 20-30 years after having suffered from hepatitis C.

When someone has this virus for the first time, the liver problem is usually not that bad, even the symptoms are still mild. In addition, hepatitis C often appears unnoticed.

However, after a long time, the virus that enters the body will multiply in all liver cells. As a result, this virus destroys and damages cells. This damage will eventually form scar tissue (fibrosis) and over time, the scar tissue will fuse to form cirrhosis.

With the presence of extensive scars (cirrhosis), blood flow cannot flow to the liver, so the function of the heart also changes. This process can take time and get worse if left untreated.

3- Metabolic syndrome (NAFLD) (responsible for fat accumulation in the liver, galactosemia or glycogenosis for example) often exhorted by obesity and diabetes.
Non-alcoholic liver disease or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of liver disorders similar to alcoholic liver disease, occurring in patients who do not consume alcohol. Possible complications of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Because it rarely causes significant symptoms, many people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are unaware of the disease. In fact, without early detection and proper treatment, this condition can worsen and cause serious liver damage. Here are some serious complications that can result from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease:

Fibrosis: It is an inflammatory condition that causes sores around the liver and nearby blood vessels.

Cirrhosis: It is a fairly serious complication, where the liver shrinks and becomes marked. This liver damage is permanent and can cause liver failure and liver cancer.

However, the development of fibrosis or cirrhosis can take years. Therefore, it is important to change the lifestyle to prevent the disease from getting worse.


4- Other diseases, such as hereditary diseases (genetic hemochromatosis or Wilson's disease) or autoimmune diseases (primary biliary cholangitis CBP or primary sclerosing cholangitis CSP), are involved in 5% of cases.

5- Toxic hepatitis caused by certain drugs or by prolonged exposure to environmental toxins.
As cited by the Mayo Clinic, Tuesday (09/09/2013), toxic hepatitis is a disease in which the liver becomes inflamed due to certain substances that contain toxins, such as alcohol, drugs, products chemical or nutritional supplements. This inflammation can cause permanent liver damage and lead to the formation of scar tissue in the liver (cirrhosis) and can lead to liver failure. In addition, this disease can also develop when you take drugs in higher than normal doses. Many drugs can interfere with and / or damage the liver. Among these drugs, we have statins (used to treat high cholesterol), which can increase liver enzyme levels and cause liver damage (usually minor) without causing symptoms. Hundreds of plants contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can damage the liver. Among these plants we can cite comfrey, borage and certain Chinese plants such as kuan dong hua (coltsfoot), zi cao (groomwell), pei lan (eupatory) and qian li guang (vieterula). Some plants used to make herbal teas contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Sometimes milk, honey and cereals are contaminated with these alkaloids which are consumed without knowing it. Liver damage can also occur with plants such as Atractylis gummifera, Camellia sinensis (used in the making of green and black teas), celandine (from the poppy family), chaparral, Canada germander, jin bu huan, kawa , ma huang (Ephedra), mistletoe, essence of pennyroyal (used in making teas) and syo-saiko-to (mixture of plants).

6- Heart failure with congestion of the liver
7-Diabetes and obesity
Diabetes and obesity can lead to cirrhosis of the liver through accumulation of fat in the liver.