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pineapple and condylomata



By On 02/09/2020

The properties of aloe and pineapple together are a powerful remedy not only to cleanse the body, but to deeply purify the intestines, blood, and elemental organs such as kidneys, etc. In addition, these foods regenerate tissues and easily evacuate viruses and bacteria that cause many ailments related to a weak or exhausted immune system.

The virus human papillomavirus is an infection that is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, its symptoms the appearance of warts in the genital area, whether you are a man or a woman. If you suddenly notice the appearance of warts in this area, it is important that you follow this natural treatment as a lot depends on the cleanliness of your body for the treatment to be successful and to prevent complications or this virus to spread.

One of the main causes of infections and infections is that the body is saturated with toxins. This can happen for several reasons: poor diet, accumulated and prolonged stress, consumption of junk food or products of poor nutritional quality such as refined sugars and flour, excess meat or sausages , etc., as well as abuse alcohol, drug use or medication as they weaken important organs such as kidneys and liver which are responsible for cleansing and cleansing the body.


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The natural treatment that we offer you is based on plants and herbs which have antiviral, immunostimulant, necrotic with burning properties and cytotoxic agents which prevent the growth and spread of warts.

Our natural treatment to destroy condylomas is made up of 2 elements: an ointment and a herbal tea. The anti warts ointment is a burning natural remedy, but very effective in removing warts. They contain plants that burn warts. It prevents the growth and spread of warts. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys the virus and fights infections. As for the herbal tea, it helps strengthen the action of the ointment. Our remedy which is 100% natural will allow you to avoid surgery, it is free of side effects and effectively treats warts in both women and men.

To discover our natural remedy for the human papillomavirus, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.


Treat the papilloma virus

To dislodge a virus from the body, it must strengthen the immune system and improve the quality of the blood, as well as the intestines. Clean blood and liquid intestines cannot accommodate or spread infection.

So get down to business. While the remedy can be very simple, you just need to apply yourself and have a lot of love for yourself, not desperation.

Aloe and pineapple: take advantage of their properties

Central North

To get the most out of these two foods, you need to buy a good quality pineapple and aloe. If you don't have aloe, you can replace it with nopal, which has very similar properties. Also consider that if you have   gastritis   or gastric reflux, pineapple can be replaced with grape.

Pineapple should be eaten alone, for one or two days. If the infection is strong, try to diet for two days. If you feel that the tongue is burning, prepare the pineapple juice with the aloe. Pineapple is eaten during these two days, it is necessary to start the diet by taking two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to start the mobilization of toxins from the body. And on an empty stomach, drink boldo tea or green tea , with the juice of a squeezed lemon.

If during this diet you experience a bit of an upset stomach or headache, a rash, or a bit of diarrhea, this is normal as it is a symptom that occurs when the body mobilizes toxins. This is normal, especially when the body has a high level of toxemia. If you experience flare-ups, just have a raw vegetable broth with rice at noon.

Tea tree oil

What is tea tree oil for?  20 surprising uses

Tea tree oil has super effective antibiotic properties in fighting infections. To enjoy it, you need to get the oil, preferably organic, which is of good quality. It is mixed with a little almond oil and a very light amount is applied to the warts, externally only, once a day. Then, after the pineapple diet, you take 3 drops of tea tree for 6 days, dissolved in green tea. If you can't get tea tree oil. Try colloidal silver which is also very effective against skin infections.

After the two-day diet ...

Start your day with green tea on an empty stomach with three drops of tea tree oil, and after waiting 20 minutes then continue the diet by introducing mostly steamed vegetables at the start, which help flush out toxins. Try to avoid evaca milk in all its forms (lactose free, light, etc.), the best milk at the moment is almond milk, which in addition to having calcium and many nutrients, almonds help to fight infections. Also avoid white flour and sugars, as well as red meat and alcohol and irritants.

Recommended foods are: brown rice, sprouts, smoothies with nuts and fruits, oats , amaranth, fish, vegetable soup, broths, avocado, baked tsotas , etc.

Drink two liters of water a day and add a tablespoon of chlorophyll to a glass of water after you have completed six days of taking tea tree oil.

To discover our natural remedy for the human papillomavirus, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.