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NABOTH CAUSE CYST: Natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019 0



A  cyst Nabothian  (or egg  Naboth ) is a  cyst mucous that develops at the neck of the uterus; it is due to the obliteration of the excretory ducts of the glands of the uterine cervix. Here is the natural herbal treatment to cure Naboth cysts. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment. 

NABOTH CAUSE CYST: Natural treatment

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This is the accumulation of mucus produced by the glands of the endocervix  (columnar epithelium) which cannot be evacuated due to the physiological covering of the gland by squamous epithelium (a phenomenon of repair). These cysts are most often visible at the level of the ectocervix, presenting on colposcopy as a translucent cyst whose wall is covered with vessels. They can also sit in the endocervix and be visible on ultrasound.

Causes of Naboth's cyst

The  Naboth cysts  are formed:

  • Either because there is a development of the tissue of the cervix  (following childbirth for example).
  • Either in older women, because the natural secretions are retained in the thinned tissue of the cervix.

The cause of the appearance of a Nabothian cyst is the obstruction of the ducts carrying the secretions from the mucus glands. It is a common phenomenon in a woman after childbirth, the lining of the cervix develops, or in postmenopausal women, in whom the lining of the uterus becomes thinner.

The cysts of Naboth often appear after repair ectropion: epithelium squamous metaplasia (newly formed) covers the glandular endocervical crypts, without colonizing, and locked glands continue to secrete, which is responsible for their expansion; the glands then form small cysts which protrude under the squamous epithelium.

These retentional glandular cysts are visible on the ectocervix.

Nabothian cysts form when the mucus-producing glands in your cervix become covered with skin cells and become blocked. The skin cells clog the glands, causing mucus to build up. This causes a cyst to form on the neck that looks like a small white bump.

Childbirth and physical trauma to the cervix can cause Nabothian Trusted Source cysts in some women. During childbirth, excess skin cells can grow on the mucous gland and trap the mucus, causing cysts to form. Physical trauma around the cervix can cause excess tissue on top of the mucous glands during the healing process and trap mucus, which can also cause these cysts to appear. Cysts caused by physical trauma are especially common during recovery from chronic cervicitis, in which cervical tissue is inflamed.

You are more likely to develop these cysts if you are pregnant or of childbearing age. Childbearing age lasts from puberty until the onset of menopause, which can sometimes reach 40 or 50 years.

You might also be at risk of developing similar cysts if you have a disorder called malignant adenoma. This condition is a type of neoplasia that affects the production of mucus in the cervix of your uterus. These cysts are often identical to Naboth's cysts. Talk to your doctor about screening for malignant adenoma if you are concerned that your Naboth cyst is the result of this condition rather than other causes.

In most cases, Nabothian cysts appear when new tissue grows back on the cervix after childbirth. This new tissue blocks the openings of the nabothian glands in the cervix, trapping their mucous secretion in tiny pockets under the skin. Nabothian cysts are a normal finding on the cervix of women who have had children. They are also seen in postmenopausal women whose cervical skin has thinned with age. Less often, nabothian cysts are linked to chronic cervicitis, long-term infection of the cervix.

The mucus-producing gland in the cervix is ​​covered with cells and skin clogs. Physical trauma and childbirth cause additional skin cells to grow in the mucous gland and trap the mucus, resulting in the cyst forming.

Infection: The cervical glands produce large amounts of mucus to protect the area from all kinds of infections and inflammation. This process can be understood as the body's natural way to wash away foreign objects that can cause health problems.

As the level of mucus production increases, there will obviously be an increased risk of blockage and cyst formation. Therefore, infections and inflammation can cause the growth of Naboth cysts.

Hormonal changes:   the changes hormonal play a direct role in the formation of such cysts. For example, menopause is a stage in which a woman may experience thinning of the skin of the cervix. It causes inflammation of the cervix causing cervical infection.

The cervix connects the two most important parts of the female reproductive system. Therefore, hormonal changes will have a direct effect on him.

These cysts mainly develop during pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. Therefore, the development of these cysts could be the result of changes in hormone levels.

Trauma: Injury or scarring of the tissues lining the cervix could lead to the formation of Naboth's cysts. The body tries to grow new tissue to repair and heal the injured area, but sometimes there can be an overgrowth of the tissue.

Pregnancy: Normally, the cervix remains open to allow the movement of semen from the vagina to the uterus and the flow of menstrual fluid from the uterus to the vagina.

However, during pregnancy, the body's mechanism closes the cervix to ensure the development of the fetus in the womb. New tissue grows on the mucous gland after childbirth due to the process of metaplasia.

If these tissues grow excessively, they could block the glands and prevent mucus from draining out, leading to the development of Naboth cysts.

Neck Problems: Postmenopausal women may experience thinning of the skin of the cervix. Inflammation of the cervix is ​​a common effect of cervicitis.

These problems, along with other sexually transmitted infections of the cervix, could lead to the development of cysts on the surface of the cervix.


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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.



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