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By On 26/12/2019 0


Salpingitis, what is this?

PID is an infection of one or both fallopian tubesA germ of sexually transmitted diseases is always responsible for the primary infection (gonococci and chlamydia especially), the infection by other pathogenic bacteria occurring only secondarily through the vaginal, blood, lymphatic or peritoneal route.  However, Dawasanté experts have a natural herbal treatment for a tubal infection. Click on the image below to discover this natural treatment.


The causes and risk factors of salpingitis
Several causes are possible: 
· Sexual transmission (sexually transmitted infection STI);
- Endo-uterine intervention or examination: abortion, hysteroscopy, hysterography, insertion of an IUD, uterine curettage;
Infection of an organ close to the genital tract: appendicitis, sigmoiditis.
There are many risk factors: 
· Young woman between 20 and 25 years old;
· Multiplicity of sexual partners;
· Wearing an IUD;
· History of STIs; 
Endo-uterine gesture. 
Diagnosis of salpingitis
The  PID sometimes goes unnoticed, and is then discovered that during a sterility check, for example . The difficulty of the clinical diagnosis of salpingitis exposes the risk of too late or insufficient treatment with its corollaries: infertility or ectopic pregnancy. 
The clinical examination is not specific. There is no abdominal contracture or defense. The vaginal examination usually shows painful dead ends. The cervix is ​​sometimes red with purulent mucus, the uterus large and painful. The whole can suggest pelvic appendicitis.
If the diagnosis is not made, the infection can spread to pelviperitonitis with abdominal defense then contracture, deterioration of general condition and digestive disorders.
Symptoms of salpingitis
Most often  salpingitis  is asymptomatic . But women can have: 
Pain in the lower abdomen (sometimes radiating to the thighs and external genitalia);
· Fever ;
Abundant, yellowish and purulent leucorrhoea;
Burning during urination;
A frequent need to urinate;
- Metrorrhagia (bleeding outside of your period);
· Abdominal bloating;
· Nausea ;
Salpingitis: additional examinations and analyzes
Ultrasound  gives often very evocative images .
Sometimes, only  laparoscopy  confirms the diagnosis, specifies the intensity of the lesions and allows bacteriological samples.
The other additional examinations show:
- Hyperleucytosis with increased sedimentation rate and C reactive protein (CRP);
· Vaginal and cervical samples look for gonococci etc;
· Chlamydia serodiagnosis is performed.
Treatment of salpingitis
Treatment is based on  antibiotics administered for 10 days to 3 weeks  depending on the results of the antibiogram, still performed. Anti-inflammatory drugs are often associated. In case of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, the treatment should be extended for 6 weeks.
Treatment of the partner is necessary.
Salpingitis: disease course
Salpingitis can  progress to acute salpingitis . Treated, it heals in 48 to 72 hours. Recurrences are possible  in the event of poorly followed treatment or new contaminations. 
Complications of salpingitis
Abscess of the ovary or Douglas' cul-de-sac;
Pelvic phlebitis of the iliac veins;
· Infertility;
Risk of  ectopic pregnancy  
· Ovarian dystrophy or "  polycystic ovary syndrome ". 
Monitoring after treatment for salpingitis
Regular monitoring is desirableIt consists of : 
· Temperature measurement until the fever disappears;
Palpation of the abdomen and vaginal examination in case of persistent pain;
Blood tests once a week until normalization;
· Bacteriological control samples. 
A laparoscopy can be performed 3 months after the end of treatment in case of a desire for pregnancy or persistent pain. 
Prevention of salpingitis
· Use of condoms during sexual intercourse; 
· Regular intimate toilet with mild soap; 
· After urination, wipe from front to back; 
· Dry the vulva well after washing; 
· Avoid wearing tight clothing. 
What happens if I don't treat salpingitis? Is it dangerous?
The tubes damaged by salpingitis may no longer be able to play their role, which is essential. It is in the tubes that the ovum and the sperm meet and it is also in the tube that the first divisions of the egg occur before it goes to nest in the uterus. The infection has the effect of blocking the tubes or modifying their walls, increasing the risk of spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy.
· A woman who has already had salpingitis has a six-fold increase in the risk of ectopic pregnancy. But among the consequences of salpingitis, infertility ranks first. Salpingitis is frequently discovered as a posteriori during a medical assessment for infertility, which confirms the frequency of the "silent" evolution of this disease.
· The more frequently a woman has suffered from this infection, the greater the risk of infertility: after an episode, the risk is about 15%. After two, the risk doubles to 30% and reaches 60% in women who have had three or more salpingitis.
 Home remedies
In addition, certain natural remedies will help relieve your pain and improve your health:
A very healthy diet and cures of fruit or vegetable juices will help you a lot to strengthen your vitality and prevent relapses.
Take Echinacea tincture to strengthen the immune system.
Apply cataplasms of cabbage leaves to fallopian tubes. If you can keep them on overnight, you will enjoy them all the better.
Alternate with cold clay poultices on the lower abdomen. Take more than 1/2 glass of clay, every morning on an empty stomach (see:  Using clay internally ).
Take cold sitz baths every morning.
What meil their treatment naturalto unblock the fallopian tubes?

Thanks to our research, we have identified several natural home remedies that are very effective in unblocking the tubes and getting pregnant quickly. It is:
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. It can be very effective in unblocking the fallopian tubes. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is very effective in reducing inflammation. You can consume curcumin in supplement form, add turmeric to your food, or drink a glass of turmeric.
Turmeric has no known side effects when taken in small doses. However, at doses of more than 8 grams per day, it can have unwanted effects. Make sure you take the correct dosage of turmeric or, better yet, add the spice to your cooking.
Garlic is a great way to improve fertility and unclog fallopian tubes. Garlic has always been consumed for its many health benefits as the aphrodisiac properties present in garlic help in improving blood circulation in the body. Eating raw garlic every day on an empty stomach helps fight infertility in women, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
3- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation by helping your immune system to function better. For this reason, it is ideal for healing scars and may have a positive effect on the fallopian tubes.
If you suspect that the cause of the blocked fallopian tubes is an infection, vitamin C can help you overcome it. To unclog your tubes, we recommend that you use natural vitamin C. It's easy to get vitamin C from food sources, especially when you like citrus fruits. Eat as many oranges, lemons, and grapefruit as possible. Aside from, you can try strawberries, broccoli and green peppers to heal yourself with a good vitamin C.
4- Castor
oil Castor oil has been used for centuries to improve fertility in women, and more especially to unblock the fallopian tubes. How is it used?
- dipped a rag in castor oil
-Place this cloth on the skin on the lower abdomen. This will improve circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs under the skin. Castor oil therapy helps the fallopian tubes by softening tissue and improving circulation in the pelvic area.
5- Apple cider
vinegar Apple cider vinegar is a fermentation product that produces yeasts and bacteria that are beneficial for unblocking the tubes. This is because vinegar contains a number of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, copper, group B vitamins, and vitamin C. Taken daily, it can help unblock the fallopian tubes by balancing hormones and shrinking fibroids.
-Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water
-You can add a touch of honey or molasses to soften the mixture.
-You can drink the mixture right away or sip it for 30 minutes.
Meditating daily will help you decrease stress levels and promote general healing. However, reducing stress reduces deterioration and inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
As an additional tip, don't forget to start meditating with a short session consisting of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Even if you only do it for a few minutes, meditation will provide you with positive energy to start your day and reduce your stress.
7- Fertility massage
Some practitioners of alternative medicine suggest fertility massages unblock the fallopian tubes. These usually involve hot oil massages in the abdominal area. How to do a fertility massage?
- Lie down on an exercise mat with your face up and a pillow under your lower back.
-Relax and apply almond, olive, or lavender oil to your hands and apply by massaging your pubic bone, as the uterus is below this bone.
-Gently massage from bottom to bottom and pull your abdominal wall towards the navel. Maintain this position, count to 10 and release your hands. Repeat this maneuver 10 to 20 times.
NB: Do not do this if you are bleeding or are pregnant. Also, if possible, visit a massage therapist who specializes in abdominal massage for best results.
8- Mugwort
Mugwort is a plant sometimes recommended to improve female fertility. It is also recommended for unblocking the fallopian tubes.
Mugwort has a long history of use for fertility in a number of different cultures. It has been used all over Europe and Asia for centuries. It is often used in Chinese medicine in the form of moxibustion, which involves burning mugwort above an acupressure point.
9-  Green clay
The use of green clay to unclog the proboscis is very common in East Africa.
The blocked tubes are unblocked by the serious treatment of green clay and the follow-up of a feeding program made by a dietician or a naturotherapist.
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