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By On 26/12/2019 0


The teratospermia (or teratospermia ) is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm having morphologies defects. Due to these deformities, the fertilizing power of sperm is impaired, and the couple may have difficulty conceiving.  However, the experts at Dawasanté provide you with a natural treatment to permanently cure teratospermia and allow you to conceive quickly.

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Male infertility natural remedies

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Teratospermia is a sperm abnormality characterized by sperm with morphologic defects. These abnormalities can affect different parts of the sperm:

  • the head, which contains the nucleus carrying the 23 paternal chromosomes;
  • the acrosome, a small membrane at the front of the head that, at the time of fertilization, will release enzymes that will allow the sperm to cross the pellucid area of ​​the oocyte;
  • the flagellum, this "tail" which allows it to be mobile and therefore to move up from the vagina to the uterus and then the tubes, for a possible encounter with the oocyte;
  • the intermediate part between the flagellum and the head.

Often, the anomalies are polymorphic: they can be multiple, in size or shape, affect both the head and the flagellum, vary from one sperm to another. It may be globozoospermia (absence of acrosome), double flagellum or double head, coiled flagellum, etc.

All these abnormalities have an impact on the fertilizing power of the sperm, and therefore on the fertility of the man. The impact will be more or less important depending on the percentage of normal sperm remaining. Teratospermia can decrease the chances of conception and even lead to male infertility if it is severe.

Often, teratospermia is associated with other spermatic abnormalities: oligospermia (insufficient number of spermatozoa-, asthenospermia (defect in sperm mobility. We then speak of oligo-asthenic-teratozoospermia (OATS).

Like all sperm abnormalities, the causes can be hormonal, infectious, toxic, drug-related. The morphology of spermatozoa is in fact the first parameter to be altered by an external factor (exposure to toxicants, infection, etc.). More and more specialists also consider that atmospheric and food pollution (via pesticides in particular) has a direct impact on the morphology of spermatozoa.

But sometimes, no cause is found.

The main symptom of teratospermia is difficulty conceiving. The fact that the shape of the sperm is abnormal does not affect the occurrence of malformations in the unborn child, but only the chances of pregnancy.

Teratospermia is diagnosed using a spermogram, one of the first examinations systematically performed in men during an infertility assessment. It allows a qualitative and quantitative study of sperm thanks to the analysis of different biological parameters:

  • the volume of the ejaculate;
  • pH;
  • sperm concentration;
  • the mobility of sperm;
  • sperm morphology;
  • the vitality of sperm.

The part about sperm morphology is the longest and most difficult part of the spermogram. In a test called a spermocytogram, 200 sperm are fixed and stained on smear slides. Then the biologist will study the different parts of the sperm under a microscope in order to assess the percentage of morphologically normal sperm.

The type of morphological abnormalities is also taken into account to estimate the impact of teratospermia on fertility. Several classifications exist:

  • the David classification modified by Auger and Eustache, still used by certain French laboratories;
  • the Kruger classification, the WHO international classification, is the most widely used in the world. Carried out using an automatic machine, this more “severe” classification classifies as atypical spermatozoa any spermatozoon which deviates, even very little, from the form considered as normal.

If the proportion of correctly formed sperm is less than 4% according to the WHO classification, or 15% according to the modified David classification, teratospermia is suspected. But as for any spermatic abnormality, a second or even a third spermogram will be carried out 3 months apart (the duration of a spermatogenesis cycle being 74 days) in order to make a firm diagnosis, especially as various factors can influence on sperm morphology (long abstinence time, regular cannabis intake, feverish episode, etc.).

A migration-survival test (TMS) usually completes the diagnosis. It makes it possible to have an evaluation of the number of spermatozoa able to end up in the uterus and able to fertilize the oocyte.

A sperm culture is often coupled with the spermogram in order to detect an infection which could alter spermatogenesis and lead to morphological defects of the sperm.

Teratospermia occurs when less than 4% of the sperm present in the male ejaculate is said to be “typical” or normal. The remaining 96% are carriers of abnormalities or have an alteration in their morphology. A normal sperm consists of an oval head, an intermediate body one and a half times longer than the head, and a long, thin tail (the flagellum) which promotes its mobility. The abnormalities detected can affect the head of the spermatozoon as well as its intermediate part or even its flagellum. There are also combined forms of anomalies.

Teratospermia is usually the cause of male infertility. Indeed, alterations in the morphology of spermatozoa can affect their mobility and prevent them from reaching the egg. There are different degrees of severity of teratospermia which can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe. The higher the degree of severity, the more difficult natural procreation will be.

Little is known about the causes of this anomaly. The origin can be infectious, medicinal, genetic, anatomical (varicocele or varicose veins of the testes), environmental or related to the hygiene of life. Finally, there are reversible forms of teratospermia. This is why the patient is generally asked to perform a second examination, 3 months apart from the first, in order to detect the persistence of the anomaly.


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For more information, you can contact our experts at +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


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