Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It is caused by a virus. When a person is exposed to hepatitis, liver function decreases and becomes more and more damaged.
There are several known types of hepatitis, namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G.
Herbal natural remedy against Hepatitis B and C
The hepatitis virus is very vicious, it is a tough virus that spreads and duplicates especially in the liver creating disturbances. If you have hepatitis B or C, but find conventional treatments too expensive, ineffective, or worried about the side effects of all of these chemical drugs, this natural treatment is great for you.
Our natural remedy for hepatitis is much more effective than the drugs commonly used to fight hepatitis. These drugs do not fight the hepatitis that caused it. They can only prevent the symptoms of the disease, without destroying the virus.
In addition to being ineffective, these antiviral drugs can have side effects such as: anemia, insomnia, suicidal urges, irritability, impaired lung function, pancreatic diabetes, etc.
Our natural treatment is different, it is 100% herbal and it attacks the virus directly. At the end of your treatment, the virus will have definitively disappeared and you will be completely cured. Trust us ! This natural remedy is the secret to cure hepatitis B and C by plants.
To discover our natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and hepatitis C click here!
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Hepatitis A (HAV)
Hepatitis A represents approximately 1,781 new infections per year in the United States, according to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, compared to 1.5 to 3 cases per 100,000 habitat in France per year. Hepatitis A can be easily spread from person to person like other viral infections. This virus is present in the stool of an infected person. He remains alive for around 30 days in the open air. It is mainly transmitted by water and food contaminated with faeces, especially by poorly washed hands. An infected individual can transmit the virus about two weeks before the first symptoms appear and during the infection period.
Hepatitis A is usually spread easily within the same family in the same house. For example, through intimate kisses.
The spread of hepatitis A can also occur in restaurants and in children if handwashing is not done regularly and properly. Symptoms include fatigue, nausea, upset stomach, loss of appetite and mild fever. The incubation period of the virus in the body is two to six weeks. HAV is almost always mild and is destroyed by our immune system. It generally does not leave any sequelae.
Hepatitis B (HBV)
According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013, there were more than 19,000 new cases of HBV infection. In the United States, more than 1,800 people die from chronic hepatitis B each year. The World Health Organization estimates that hepatitis B caused 887,000 deaths worldwide in 2015.
Transmission of hepatitis B can be through blood or serum (part of the blood fluid) that contains the virus. In addition, this infectious disease can be spread through sexual contact, unprotected vaginal or anal sex, oral sex without a condom, cunnilingus without a dental dam, blood donors, syringes contaminated with infected blood, and blood transfusions.
Pregnant women who test positive for hepatitis B can also transmit the infection to the baby. The infection can also be transmitted through tattoos, piercings, razors and toothbrushes (if infected with infected blood).
About 6-10% of patients with hepatitis B develop chronic hepatitis B. This infection lasts for at least six months or even years.
Patients with chronic hepatitis B are also at risk of developing cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. It is estimated that 2.2 million people in the United States and 2 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B manifests itself in the form of yellow eyes, abdominal pain and a dark coloration of the urine. In some people, especially children, they experience no symptoms. In chronic cases, patients may suffer from liver failure, cancer or cirrhosis.
Hepatitis C (HCV)
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are approximately 16,500 new cases of hepatitis C reported annually. Hepatitis C is transmitted by sharing needles between drug users and blood transfusions.
Transmission of the virus can also occur through sexual contact. It is estimated that 50 to 70% of patients with acute hepatitis C suffer from chronic infections. This can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. It is estimated that approximately 3.2 million people suffer from chronic hepatitis C in the United States.
Most people do not have symptoms of hepatitis C. They may experience fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and yellow eyes.
Boiling instruments used for injection or tattooing and body piercing is not a method of sterilization. These instruments must be heated to a very high temperature in a device called an autoclave.
Bleach used as a sterilization method can kill hepatitis A and B viruses, but not hepatitis C.
Hepatitis D, E and G
There are also types of hepatitis D, E and G viruses. The most important now is the hepatitis D virus (HDV), also known as the delta virus or agent.
Transmission of hepatitis D is spread through the use of needles shared between people who use drugs, contaminated blood and sexual contact. People who have been infected with chronic hepatitis B can get hepatitis D at the same time.
If a person is infected with the hepatitis D virus and hepatitis B together, it is very difficult to treat. Symptoms of hepatitis D include stomach pain, nausea and fatigue.
The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is similar to hepatitis A. This occurs mainly in Asia, where contaminated water is transmitted. Some symptoms include jaundice, poor appetite and nausea. In rare cases, it can progress to acute liver failure.
The hepatitis G virus (HGV, also called GBV-C) was recently discovered and resembles hepatitis C. However, the hepatitis G virus is a form of flavivirus (a type of virus). Currently, the hepatitis G virus and its effects are under further investigation.