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baobab bark against female infertility

Baobab bark for female fertility

By On 17/08/2020

Symbol of life in the African plains, the giant baobab belongs to the genus Adansonia,  which is a group of trees made up of nine different speciesThere are only two species:  Adansonia digitata and Andansionia kelima,  native to mainland Africa, while six of their parents are in Madagascar and one in Australia.  Although the genus of the baobab is small, the tree itself is the exact opposite.

The bark and flesh are soft, fibrous, and fire retardant and can be used for weaving ropes and fabricsBaobab products are also used to make soap, rubber and gumWhile the bark and leaves are used in traditional medicine. The baobab is also a wildlife agent for African wildlife, often creating its own ecosystem. It provides food and shelter for countless species, from the smallest insects to the mighty African elephant..

Discover in this article all the benefits of baobab bark for female fertility.


Dawasante's natural remedy for female infertility

FEMALE INFERTILITY: Natural treatment

Female infertility can be caused by many gynecological disorders or dysfunctions: endometriosis, anovulation (absence of ovulation), uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, miscarriages, blocked tubes, obesity, ovarian cysts, stress, excessive alcohol consumption. ..

For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer specific natural treatment. This is the secret to curing female infertility. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or have had a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility.

To discover our natural remedy to boost your fertility, click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp  : 0022990431727



Baobab myths

In Senegal, the sacred baobab resists time - Evening edition ...

Elsewhere, it is believed that washing a young boy in a tree where baobab bark is soaked will help him grow strong and tall.Others carry the tradition that women who live in the baobab area are likely to be more fertile than those who live in an area that does not contain baobab trees.In many places, giant perennial trees are recognized as a symbol of community and a place of gathering.


Properties of baobab fruit and bark

Baobab bark to unclog your proboscis -

• powerful antioxidant: contains 10 times more antioxidants than orange contains 6 times more antioxidants than blueberries or blueberries contains 4 times more antioxidants than apple or kiwi contains 2 times more antioxidants than Tibetan goji berry

• rich source of vitamin C: the vitamin C content is 6 times higher than that of an orange

• contains 6 more potassium than bananas

• contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,

omega-6 and omega-9 (vitamin F)

• contains more iron than red meat

• contains more magnesium than spinach

• contains twice as much calcium than milk

• contains 9 out of 10 essential amino acids


Benefits of baobab bark for female fertility

1-Normalization of hormonal levels 

Baobab bark helps to eliminate hormonal disorders in women. This is due to the fact that, according to modern medical concepts, the intestine is an important hormone-producing organ in humans. By cleaning the intestines and restoring its normal microflora with the help of baobab bark, you will also restore the hormonal background. Experience shows that baobab bark gives good results even with severe hormonal disturbances. We add that baobab bark is also useful for very serious hormonal disorders, especially thyroid gland problems. After using the product for several months, a decrease in goiter, including hypertrophic, is recorded.

2- Help during pregnancy

Baobab bark is of great help during pregnancy at all stages. Baobab bark contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for pregnancy and also solves many problems of pregnant women - sleep disturbances, digestion, toxicosis and many others. Baobab bark is no less useful during lactation, healing and nourishing the organisms of mother and child.


3. Reduction of pain during menstruation

Baobab bark reduces the pain of menstruation, especially in severe and chronic cases. This is due to the general normalization of the genitourinary system, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action of Baobab Life. A decrease or disappearance of premenstrual pain was also recorded.

4. Help with irregular periods

About half of women who have an irregular menstrual cycle note their recovery from taking baobab bark.

5. Prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis)

Baobab bark is a very effective remedy for dysbiosis. It has a direct effect on the microflora of the intestinal mucosa. But, since all the mucous membranes of a person are interconnected, there is a natural normalization of the microflora of all the mucous membranes, which helps prevent and often cure vaginal dysbiosis.


6. Blocked fallopian tube

Baobab bark is a good remedy for blocked proboscis. When we know that blocked fallopian tubes are one of the major causes of female infertility, we understand why baobab bark has its place among the list of folk remedies for female infertility.

To unclog the proboscis, boil some BAOBAB bark in 2 liters of water for half an hour. Let cool and purge yourself with this potion using a pear. Repeat this every other day for a MONTH.


To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp  : 0022990431727