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herbs that cause infertility fertility

3 what are signs of infertility in women


By On 26/12/2019



What is female infertility? What are its causes ?

The infertility is the inability for a couple  to achieve pregnancy  or to a woman, to lead his term gestation. It is estimated that infertility is established after two years of unprotected sex. Unlike infertility, female infertility  is not permanent. It can result from various gynecological disorders or dysfunctions:  endometriosis,  ovarian dysfunction, uterine polyps, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, obesity, stress, excessive alcohol consumption. However, to remedy this problem, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural treatment based on medicinal plants to permanently cure infertility. 






Our natural remedies are the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our natural remedies have no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is not dangerous. You can therefore cure female infertility without fear of the appearance of side effects.


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What are the symptoms of female infertility?

What Causes Female Infertility and How to Treat It - eMediHealth


The main symptom of female infertility is the absence of pregnancy. But beware, conceiving a child can naturally take time. So do not worry if the baby tests follow one another without the expected result. The process of fertilization is complex and can take time. However, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist if the absence of pregnancy is associated with menstrual cycle disorders ( amenorrhea ,  dysmenorrhea, etc.),  abnormal vaginal discharge, or pelvic pain.



Who are the people at risk?


From the age of 30, female fertility tends to decreaseIn addition, tobacco, alcohol and caffeine consumption also represent potential impediments to fertilization and can increase the risk of spontaneous abortionFinally, physical condition is also an essential parameter. Thus, women who are overweight or, on the contrary, very thin may have difficulty in getting pregnant.



How is the diagnosis of female infertility made?



In the event of difficulty in obtaining a pregnancy, it is essential to consult a gynecologist, the only practitioner authorized to carry out an appropriate medical investigation. For this, the health professional has a battery of tests to confirm and detect the exact cause of infertility: blood tests, vaginal smear, pelvic ultrasound, hormonal assessment ... For the most difficult cases, he can also perform the Hühner test, a post-coital test that allows, among other things, to analyze the quality of cervical mucus.



What are the treatments for female infertility?


Indeed, the management of female infertility will depend on its origin. If it is menstrual disorders, hormonal treatments (ovulation stimulators, etc.) may be recommended. In addition, the surgical route will be preferred in the presence of ovarian cysts or obstruction of the fallopian tubes, while the use of medically assisted procreation techniques will be offered to certain couples.



 Plants for hormonal detoxification

Due to the number of pollutants present in our daily environment, we are constantly exposed to many products that disrupt our hormones. (1,2,3) We call them, moreover, endocrine disruptors. These substances or compounds interfere with the proper functioning of our hormonal system and can increase the risk of suffering from infertility. Even by eating well, by not taking the car, by making your cosmetics and cleansers yourself, you risk coming into contact with certain endocrine disruptors, if only in the air you breathe. One interesting strategy for preserving your fertility is to help the body detoxify itself from endocrine disruptors. Here are some interesting herbs to help the liver with this task:


Dandelion (root)

Dandelion Root Benefits, Uses and Side Effects - Dr. Axe

Dandelion is one of the best liver plants. We know that it is the liver that takes care of breaking down the surplus hormones with a view to their elimination and the dandelion takes care of decongesting it while helping the intestinal elimination of hormones via the bile.


Milk thistle  (flower) 

milk thistle flower photo by Nikolaydonetsk on Envato Elements

Another beautiful liver plant! Milk thistle will help protect the body from toxic and fertility-damaging substances and help decrease excess estrogen in circulation.

Turmeric  (rhizome)

Turmeric for rheumatoid arthritis: Does it work?

Turmeric is one of the most antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plants. It helps stimulate the liver and the gallbladder and therefore promote the elimination of excess hormones. It also helps reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of free radicals, 2 factors that are highly harmful to reproductive health.



Plants to reduce stress



Stress is very damaging to reproductive health. Among other things, it can disrupt the normal production of hormones, lengthen the menstrual cycle, prevent ovulation and adversely affect the quality of the ovum and sperm. To calm daily stress, here are some interesting plants to take in herbal tea:



Lemon balm  (leaf) 

How to grow lemon balm and make lemon balm tea - thisNZlife

It is the plan of letting go! Have you been told that it is by letting go that you will get pregnant ? If you have difficulty, choose lemon balm. Plus, it will help your mood and digestion.


Oats (straw)

Four Ways To Relieve Neuropathy Symptoms With Oat Straw - Nerve Renew

Oats are a great tonic for the nervous system. In addition, it contains several nutrients favorable to fertility and the cycle of women, including calcium. To be taken long term.


The motherwort  (flower)


The motherwort is used for a range of problems including anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, etc. It is one of the best herbs to have on hand when the nervous system seems exhausted.

Plants that nourish the reproductive system

In addition, to get pregnant, it is important that the body has all the essential nutrients. The most important nutrients for male fertility are: copper, omega, zinc, selenium and vitamins B, C, D. For women: Omega 3, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and vitamins A (especially beta-carotenes), B, C, D, E. A good way to get the most vitamins and minerals possible, is to add nutritious plants to your daily life. Here are a few examples:

Nettle  (leaf): Nettle is one of the richest nutritious plants! It contains a lot of iron, beta-carotene, B vitamins and vitamin C.

Raspberry  (leaves): The raspberry, in addition to being the tonic par excellence of the reproductive system of women, contains a lot of iron, vitamin C and beta-carotenes. It also contains certain B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium among others.

Although herbs are wonderful allies in improving your fertility, if you have a particular or long-standing infertility condition, consult a qualified naturopath or herbalist for more personalized recommendations. And more in-depth monitoring of your condition. Remember to consult a doctor for medical advice or if in doubt.




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For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.