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home remedy condyloma

Condylomes acumines

HPV Genital Warts Treatment With 2 Effective Home Remedies

By On 01/09/2020

Treatment of genital warts, which are skin lesions caused by HPV and can appear on both male and female genitals, should be guided by a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist.

Depending on the case and the seriousness of the situation, the treatment can be carried out using creams, ointments such as imiquimod or podofilox, for example, or by surgery.

To effectively treat genital warts, also called  condylomata acuminata , the medicine indicated by the doctor for a few weeks should be applied to the infected area. However, healing can take a few months or even years.


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The natural treatment that we offer you is based on plants and herbs which have antiviral, immunostimulant, necrotic with burning properties and cytotoxic agents which prevent the growth and spread of warts.

Our natural treatment to destroy condylomas is made up of 2 elements: an ointment and a herbal tea. Anti warts ointment is a burning natural remedy, but very effective in removing warts. They contain plants that burn warts. It prevents the growth and spread of warts. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys the virus and fights infections. As for the herbal tea, it helps strengthen the action of the ointment. Our remedy which is 100% natural will allow you to avoid surgery, it is free of side effects and effectively treats warts in both women and men.

To discover our natural remedy for condyloma, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.

Treatment of female genital warts

HPV |  WART - Asia's Leading Sexual Healthcare Network.

Treatment of female genital warts should be guided by a dermatologist or gynecologist and, usually, it is carried out with ointments for warts, such as imiquimod, podofilina, podofilox or trichloroacetic acid, for example, which should be applied to the affected area. Find out about other remedies for HPV .

A small amount of the drug should be applied to visible warts, avoiding touching the drug with healthy skin, due to the risk of irritation to healthy tissue. For treatment to be more effective, women should:

  • Avoid hair removal on the genital area,  especially with a razor so as not to injure the skin;
  • Avoid wearing tight pants , as the heat can cause warts to spread;
  • Avoid going to swimming pools  and saunas, and avoid damp items such as beach chairs, as humidity and heat can increase warts.

In addition, during treatment, the person can work, go to school or exercise without restriction. It is important that treatment is carried out as directed by the doctor and that it is continued even if there are no more symptoms for recovery from HPV to be possible. Understand when HPV is curable.

Male genital warts

Genital warts (condyloma): symptoms and effective treatments

Treatment for male genital warts should be guided by a dermatologist or urologist and is usually done with the application of ointments, such as podophyllin, to the penis, anus, or to the surrounding area such as the groin or thighs. testicles, depending on the location affected.

Moreover, when warts are identified in an individual, the sexual partner should also be examined and treated, and the best way to avoid contamination is to use condoms in intimate contact. See how HPV is treated in men.

Signs of improvement and worsening

Signs of improvement in genital warts usually appear when a person complies with treatment, causing the warts to start to shrink in size and become flat, and then fall off.

However, when the person does not follow the treatment recommended by the doctor, it is possible to notice a worsening of the symptoms, such as an increase in the number and size of warts in the genital area. In this case, it is necessary to return to the doctor to change the treatment.

Complications of genital warts

Complications of genital warts occur when the treatment directed by the doctor is not followed and the main complications include increase in the size of the warts and extension, in addition to the high risk of contagion from the partners. In addition, in some cases, it can progress to cancer, requiring more specific treatment.

Home treatment

Home treatment of genital warts should be used in addition to the treatment indicated by the doctor and consists of a daily consumption of foods that strengthen the immune system, helping to fight the virus responsible for the disease. Recommended foods include foods rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid, such as tomato, radish, orange, mango, pumpkin or echinacea tea.

Another home treatment option for genital warts is sitz baths, as they also stimulate the immune system to work against the causative agent of warts, and should be done with water and vinegar. Check out other home remedy options  for genital wart.

Home remedies for HPV

A good home remedy for HPV is to consume foods rich in vitamin C such as orange juice or echinacea tea on a daily basis, as they boost the immune system and make it easier to fight off the virus.

However, none of these treatments replace the use of drugs prescribed by the doctor, being only a way to supplement it, increasing its effectiveness. 

  1. Orange juice with carrots and beets

Recipe Beetroot, Carrot and Orange Juice |  City vegetable garden

See the recipe for fortified orange juice:


  • Juice of 3 oranges
  • 1 peeled carrot
  • 1/2 raw beets, peeled

Preparation mode

Beat all the ingredients in a blender, strain and drink immediately after, between meals. All ingredients should preferably be organic. You can swap the orange for tangerine or apple to vary the flavor of the juice.

It is important that this juice is consumed soon after its preparation to ensure a greater amount of vitamin C present in the fruits.

  1. HPV Echinacea tea

Echinacea syrup

A good home treatment for HPV is to change the entire diet, preferably consuming organic foods as they do not contain pesticides, hormones and other chemicals that can be harmful to your health.

A good tip is to take 1 glass of natural fruit juice twice a day and invest in teas such as Echinacea, which has detoxifying properties. For the tea:


  • 1 tablespoon of echinacea
  • 1 cup of boiling water

Preparation mode

Boil the water and add the echinacea leaves, leaving to stand for 5 minutes. When it's hot, strain and take it. It is recommended to take this tea 3 times a day.

To discover our natural remedy for condyloma, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by whatsapp at the same number.