lemon and hepatitis b
Using lemon to treat hepatitis naturally
Lemon: ally of the liver and natural solution of hepatitis
The liver is the “engine” of the body, being responsible for transforming food into energy stores and for chemical transformations that result in the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is the liver that is involved in cell rebuilding, the release of energy and the maintenance of body functions within normal parameters.
Hepatitis C is a disease of the liver caused by infection with HCV. According to the World Health Organization , approximately 70 million people are infected with HCV worldwide. The incidence rises most in less economically developed regions - the countries of Eastern Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean coast and African countries. At the same time, in each of these regions, the incidence is higher for certain categories of the population - people who inject drugs, for example.
Hepatitis C virus does not cause obvious or bothersome symptoms, but over time it affects liver function and degenerates into liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure.
Diet plays a key role in the treatment of liver disease. Discover below a natural treatment also very effective in the treatment of hepatitis C
Natural remedy for hepatitis B, C
Our natural remedy for hepatitis is indeed much more effective than the drugs usually used to fight hepatitis. These drugs do not fight the hepatitis at its origin. They can only prevent the symptoms of the disease, without destroying the virus.
Our natural treatment is different, it is 100% herbal and directly attacks the virus. At the end of your treatment, the virus will be permanently gone and you will be completely cured. Trust us ! This natural remedy is the secret to curing hepatitis B and C by plants.
Hepatitis B is not to be taken lightly. If some patients are cured, others will progress to the chronic form of the disease. The experts at Dawasanté have put together the best plants for you to concoct an effective remedy for hepatitis B. If you have done your research you will know that the conventional treatment used for hepatitis B is quite expensive with a questionable success rate. On top of that it comes with its share of side effects like depression, irritability, insomnia and many more. It is with this in mind that our natural, accessible and effective remedy is the most suitable for you. It has among its many properties anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which will be of considerable help in the treatment of your disease.
To discover our natural solution against hepatitis click here!
We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Delivery is free. Free delivery all over the world
You can contact us by whatsapp at: +229 51374202
The beneficial action of lemon on the liver
Lemon is a fruit very rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants, which can stimulate the detoxification of the liver, but also the regeneration of this organ.
The liver has the ability to make new cells. After proper treatment and healthy diet, we can treat some conditions like fatty liver disease.
Here are the benefits of lemon water for the liver:
Treats fatty liver (fatty liver)
- Lemon water prevents oxidation of liver cells.
- This mixture protects the liver against the degradation that can be caused by high levels of toxins and fat cells.
- Lemon water regulates the absorption of sugars and fats, preventing overloading of the liver.
- Thanks to the richness in antioxidants and the alkalizing power of this fruit, lemon water has the ability to detoxify the liver, facilitating the production of new and healthy cells.
- Remember that lemon juice is a natural antiseptic, which means that it is helpful against harmful bacteria that enter the body with the food eaten.
Protects the liver against cirrhosis of the liver
Few fruits have a higher content of vitamins and minerals than lemons. Therefore, this fruit has the ability to protect the liver against cirrhosis of the liver and to remedy the vitamin deficiency associated with this disease. One cup of lemon water each morning is enough to strengthen your liver.
This treatment works best if given for five days, followed by a five-day break.
Detoxifies the gallbladder and prevents the formation of gallstones
Lemon juice supports the health of the gallbladder and can treat any medical problems associated with this organ. This fluid facilitates duodenal drainage of gallstones containing stones, thus preventing their accumulation in the gallbladder.
How to take lemon water
A glass of lemon water on an empty stomach is a great way to protect your health. The reason why this paste must be administered on an empty stomach is that in this way the citric acid can be more easily converted into an alkalizing agent. Thus, it will be absorbed more easily and its beneficial properties will intensify.
Nutrition experts have reported the following:
- Not all lemons offer the same amazing benefits. Avoid overcooked because they are too high in sugar. Whenever possible, go for organic lemons and make sure the fruits are hard to the touch.
- Mix the juice obtained from half a lemon with a glass of lukewarm water. Make sure the water is low in minerals.
- Use this remedy for five consecutive days, then take a break for two to five days before resuming treatment. Watch your body condition and reactions carefully. In general, this remedy should do you good.
To discover our natural solution against hepatitis click here!
We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Delivery is free. Free delivery all over the world
You can contact us by whatsapp at: +229 51374202
Cure hepatitis B with plants
Hepatitis is an extremely serious and dangerous liver disease. About a quarter of the world's population, over 2 billion people, have been infected with the hepatitis B virus, including 350 million chronic carriers of the virus. This type of disease can take the form of acute (with a duration of manifestation of fewer than 6 months) or chronic presence in the body throughout life. In the acute form, in most people, the immune system is able to clear the virus from the body, with full recovery lasting several months.
When the immune system cannot cope with the liver virus, the infection persists in the body for a lifetime (in the case of chronic hepatitis), with the risk of developing severe conditions such as liver failure. , cirrhosis, or cancer of the liver. Herbs for curing this disease are still treated with care by many doctors, despite many reports of their beneficial effects on health. Benin is an African country where very efficient plants are used to totally destroy the hepatitis B virus.
The natural treatment that we offer to cure hepatitis B and C is entirely made up of medicinal plants. Unlike drugs that only fight the symptoms of hepatitis, it completely destroys the virus. It ensures the elimination of toxins from the liver and stimulates the production of new liver cells. This is the magic bullet to cure hepatitis B and C . this contributes to:
- Normal functioning and health of the liver
- The process of liver maintenance and regeneration
- Detoxification of the liver
- Maintenance of liver function
- Promotion of digestion
- Support the natural immunological defense
- Maintain the normal level of lipids in the blood
- Removal of heavy metals
- Functioning of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys
- It has important antioxidant properties
Our natural remedy also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in the treatment and prevention of liver problems. It also provides antioxidants which help maintain the overall health of the liver.
To find out about our natural cure for hepatitis B and C, click here.
To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527
- Armory Extract (Silybum marianum)
-Dandelion leaf powder (Taraxacum officinale)
- Chicory extract (Cichorium intybus)
-Artichoke leaf powder (Cynara scolymus)
-Gentian leaf powder (Gentiana lutea L)
- standardized extract of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) with min. 0.3% hypericin
You can buy natural hepatitis remedies in one of our plant pharmacy or order through the online store. Delivery is made by DHL within 24 hours all over the world.
Symptoms of hepatitis B
After infection, HBV can be eliminated or survived in the body of an infected person throughout his life. The period from infection to onset of symptoms is usually 3 to 4 months, and sometimes even longer (up to 6 months). HBV infection may cause symptoms of acute inflammatory disease or only cause non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, myalgia, fever, pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowing of the skin and sclera. Half of those infected do not complain and the only sign of damage to liver cells is an increase in liver enzymes (ALT, AST).
Unfortunately, even in asymptomatic infections, there is a risk of developing complications at a distance: 25% of people with asymptomatic infection may develop chronic inflammation, followed by cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma after more than six month. In some patients, the course of the disease occurs in several phases: alternating phases with active hepatitis and phases of weak activity.
Causes of viral hepatitis B
The main cause of viral hepatitis B is human-to-human transmission of the hepatic virus through the blood or other body fluids. It is common to sexually transmit, by reusing a syringe needle, from mother to child, the use by several people of personal hygiene products (toothbrush, razor), but also by using non-sterile equipment (at the dentist), manicure, pedicure, tattoo).
Some people are more exposed to contact with the hepatitis B virus. These include people who have several sexual partners and who do not use specific means of protection, children born to mothers who are carriers of this virus, people who have prolonged contact with an infected person (family members) or people receiving blood transfusions.
Treatment of viral hepatitis B
The therapeutic management of viral hepatitis B aims to cure or stop the progression of the disease towards other complications, such as cirrhosis of the liver. So, a treatment regimen for viral hepatitis B includes dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as the administration of the specific drug - interferon-Peg, the nucleotide or nucleoside that blocks the replication of the virus. These are administered under the close supervision of the doctor.
Natural remedies for viral hepatitis B
In addition to pharmacotherapy, usually without side effects, there are a number of natural remedies for viral hepatitis B with beneficial effects in treating the disease:
Milk thistle
The recommended herbal remedy for liver problems is milk thistle. Its valuable health properties are used in many diseases and diseases of this organ. This herb is characterized by detoxifying and cleansing which contributes to faster liver regeneration. Other properties of milk thistle are also to prevent toxins from entering the liver. This plant is also recommended for inflammation.
The artichoke is another herb recommended to fight against hepatitis B. The extracts of the leaves of this medicinal plant are cholagogic and cholagogue. In addition, laxative and antispasmodic properties are also noted. This herb is also characterized by a general protective effect on the liver. Make sure to use it if you want to regenerate this organ.
Regular use of artichoke fights the hepatitis B virus, detoxifies the body and positively affects its metabolic functions.
The use of this herb is especially recommended for liver problems and insufficiency, as well as for gallbladder and bile duct disorders.
Dandelion is a popular healing herb that is recommended for many ailments and conditions. However, teak flower is one of the most effective herbs used to treat liver disease, including hepatitis B.
Dandelion has choleretic, cholagogic and laxative properties. It is recommended to use it against the weakening of liver function, since this plant is also characterized by anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. It should also be mentioned that dandelion supports the whole body detoxification process through the kidneys.
St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort, like dandelion, has multidirectional health benefits. It should be used for abnormal liver function, as well as to accelerate the regeneration of faith.
Berries with five flavors (Schizandra)
Plant known under the name of very good antioxidants, also having important astringent and antispastic properties. In addition, Schizandra extract is highly regarded for its role in detoxifying and protecting the liver.
To find out about our natural cure for hepatitis B and C, click here.
To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527
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Treatment of hepatitis C in just three weeks!
The hepatitis is a common and very dangerous viral infection that occurs with the poisoning of the body and the predominant damage to liver cells. The main target of all hepatitis is the liver.
Modern medicine distinguishes several independent types of hepatitis: A, B, C, D, G, E, etc. The most severe and most insidious is hepatitis C. Its chronic form is particularly dangerous and develops in 70-80% of patients.
At the same time, there may be no external signs, except weakness and general malaise, reminiscent of flu symptoms. As a result, many infected people find out about their diagnosis too late. Because of this hidden course of the disease, hepatitis C is commonly referred to as the “mild killer”.
African herbal remedy to cure hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is not to be taken lightly. If some patients recover from it, others will progress to the chronic form of the disease. Dawasanté experts have created the best plants to concoct an effective remedy for hepatitis B. If you have done your research you will know that the conventional treatment used for hepatitis B is quite expensive with a questionable success rate. On top of that, it comes with its share of side effects like depression, irritability, insomnia, and many more. It is with this in mind that our natural, accessible, and effective remedy is the most suitable for you. It has among its many properties anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which will be of considerable help in the treatment of your disease. Do not allow your disease to develop into cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.
To discover our natural treatment for hepatitis B, click here!
To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: 0022996374527
Three differences between hepatitis C and other types of hepatitis
- 1-Of all the others, this virus is characterized by an increased ability to mutate. Even today he is alone, and after a while - another.
In one month / two months / six months, he can be genetically modified by changing part of his genes. Other types of hepatitis have this ability but to a much lesser extent.
This is why, as soon as a strain of a new hepatitis C virus is obtained in a laboratory, it does not make sense to vaccinate against it. Because a year later, it turns out that it has changed again, and an obsolete copy is in the laboratories of scientists. It is clear that in this case, it makes no sense to make a vaccine - because the virus subtype, its genome is already different.
- 2-The second important quality of this virus is its particular aggressiveness. If the A and B viruses infect the liver cells but recede nonetheless, the hepatitis C virus completely damages the liver and will not go away "without a fight".
In other words, this infection continues to exist in the body permanently. Naturally, if you do nothing and mobilize your body's defenses in some way or another, after a while the patient will suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, which can progress to liver cancer.
- 3-The third characteristic of hepatitis C is really unique and is that the virus, so to speak, blocks nerve signals from the liver to the brain, thus preventing the body from taking certain adequate measures to protect itself.
It turns out that the signals come from the liver infected with the virus, but they never reach the brain. And often, for a person who has come to the doctor for an exam, it becomes a shock when they are told that they have serious liver problems when they have not felt anything.
And all because the virus took care to block the information channels between the liver and the brain.
What does offer today?
For the treatment of hepatitis C, modern science suggests the use of interferons. These are substances that are secreted by the body in response to the introduction of some kind of infection.
The interferons themselves do not kill the virus, being exclusively an intermediary link. They help the body decode the type of infection itself, that particular type of virus, understand its vulnerabilities, help the immune system develop an enzyme that would kill it.
Interferon treatment is considered a necessary measure; in fact, there is no other effective drug in the arsenal of orthodox medicine.
And since until recently there was no other alternative to this regimen, modern medical science still conducts treatment for hepatitis C exclusively using interferons.
Recently, it is a safer and more effective pigmented interferon than the previous options, but still causes a lot of side effects.
Apply pigmented interferon with the antiviral drug ribavirin. It is this combination that is accepted worldwide as the standard for the treatment of hepatitis C.
Unfortunately, conventional interferon therapy is very toxic and difficult for the human body. And although its use is designed for at least six months, in 85% of cases, patients endure such treatment only for the first 2-3 months.
And it is not known whether it is the hepatitis C virus itself or this extremely toxic chemical combination that is making the sick person's health worse. Therefore, the problem of effective treatment of hepatitis C today is very relevant.
How is hepatitis C diagnosed?
The main diagnostic criteria are laboratory indicators. Very often this happens when a person passes the tests and suddenly finds out on their own that they have tested positive for hepatitis C.
This analysis is said to be qualitative, it shows the presence of the virus in the body. If a virus is detected in the body, a second is carried out: the main analysis, which shows a quantitative result (the amount of virus contained in 1 ml of blood).
This crucial analysis determines the degree of infection and the severity of the process.
In particularly complex cases, the number of viral strains can reach ten to the sixth degree, seventeenth degree of IU, etc. These are millions of copies in 1 ml of blood, which indicates an active process in the body and a high degree of damage.
How is hepatitis C spread? In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The main route of infection is a person's contact with infected blood. In the past, hepatitis C was mainly transmitted by drug users and members of socially disadvantaged groups.
Using the same needle by different people greatly increases the risk of infection, so infection with syringes is really the most common way among drug addicts.
But as practice shows, successful and successful people from normal families often get sick with hepatitis C.
Often people are infected by transfusion of donated blood; sexual transmission from mother to fetus is also possible.
The hepatitis C virus can also be transmitted through tattooing, acupuncture, manicure, ear-piercing with non-sterile needles.
And even after a visit to the dentist. That is why, at the dentist's appointment, many wealthy people today prefer to have an individual set of dental instruments with them for safety reasons.
How to get rid of the hepatitis C virus effectively? In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Dawasanté experts have approached the issue of treatment for hepatitis C in a not quite traditional way, having developed its own algorithm of actions, different from the standard.
As you know, there is an acidic, alkaline, and neutral environment. If we take the scale of acid-base balance, it ranges from 0 to 14 units. The normal pH of our blood is 7.34.
The hepatitis C virus feels comfortable in a neutral environment and begins to actively proliferate in an acidic environment. Using this, experts have taken as the basis of treatment several well-known and officially recognized drugs whose pH is alkaline or slightly alkaline.
All of these drugs have long been tested and have an extremely positive reputation. As a rule, these are immunomodulators, hepatoprotection and drugs that are actively used in cardiovascular diseases.
A new concept for the treatment of hepatitis C is to select the right drug with alkaline properties, which is presented to the patient.
Thanks to the close cooperation of the clinic with the laboratory, the result of the analysis is available within one day, thanks to which you can find out whether this drug is effective or not for a particular patient. With a positive reaction, the second drug is connected, the third, the fourth ...
Quickly determining which drugs are most effective, they are combined with each other, choosing the most optimal combination. Because of this, the conditions for the multiplication of the virus become uncomfortable. Which, in turn, is enough for the virus to leave the body.
Laser to treat hepatitis C
In addition to intensive antiviral therapy with a rational combination of various groups of drugs, Dawasanté specialists also use other methods that have a powerful and diverse effect on the virus, including laser therapy.
In the mid-1970s, specialists at the military hospital named Burdenko found that if the skin was exposed to a powerful metal vapor laser pulsed at an enormous speed - more than 10 pulses per second - it did not there is no time to perform its barrier functions, and the energy enters it unimpeded.
Military doctors used their discovery to treat rhinitis, hepatitis, and cancer. But in the 1980s perestroika happened, funding collapsed, and the method was forgotten.
Our experts have decided to relaunch the experience of military doctors. In the clinic, we thus act on the projection of the right lobe of the liver and the lumbar region, obtaining a pronounced therapeutic effect.
Laser therapy for hepatitis C is always carried out in parallel with drug and diet therapy.
“Treatment for hepatitis C usually takes quite a long time. The European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases recommends a course of at least 6 months.
But in our clinic, we learned how to treat hepatitis C in just three weeks of therapy.
This happens thanks to productive cooperation with the clinical laboratory and the fact that we are able to individually select effective drugs for each specific case, a specific organism and a specific strain of the hepatitis C virus.
The general treatment regimen is to use several drugs, including antivirals, with slightly alkaline and alkaline properties. Such an environment creates impossible conditions for the reproduction of the virus.
By combining the drugs that are most effective for a particular person, we “turn” the virus from different angles. And thus make it withdraw from the body.
The uniqueness of our method is that it happens in just three weeks. And not for six months and not for a year, as in the whole world! The difference is also that this technique is not only effective, but also virtually harmless.
Due to the operational interaction with the laboratory, we literally get the result of the action of each drug on the same day. In this efficiency, we are ahead of the curve. The virus is just thinking about changing, and we are already hitting it with a new drug.
And the fact that we are always ahead of the virus is the main guarantee of our success. And as a result, in just three weeks of treatment, we are able to dramatically improve liver function, and bring biochemical parameters back to normal.
To discover our natural treatment for hepatitis B, click here!
To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp: 0022996374527
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