natural treatment for alcoholism
If a person does not realize the gravity of his situation and does not understand that the source of the bulk of his problems is alcoholism. Treatment with folk remedies is carried out without the knowledge of the patient.
Alcohol abuse is the most common addiction in the world. Often, people suffering from such a disease do not have the ability and strength to fight against their own weaknesses. How to cure an alcoholic without his desire? Many relatives of a sick person ask this question, because in this case it is simply unrealistic to go to a specialized medical institution. Let's take a look at the most popular hidden treatment methods for alcoholics.
Our natural remedy to stop alcoholism is in the form of herbal tea. This natural therapy is the perfect solution to stop drinking. It is made up of plants that remove harmful toxins from the body while reducing the need for alcohol. These plants play the role of decreasing the release of dopamine (stimulated by the consumption of alcohol or other psychoactive substance) by inhibiting the neurons that release it. The decrease in the release of dopamine decreases the phenomenon of positive reinforcement (feeling of pleasure or reward) which would lead to abstinence. Our natural remedy for stopping alcohol consumption helps overcome withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, irritation, hunger, and lack of concentration.
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Bearberry can be added to the patient's diet without his knowledge, without exceeding a dose of 2 g per dose. The plant will have a mild effect, not causing vomiting, but gradually, but reliably, reducing the need for alcohol. In food, the powder will not be noticeable, because with the correct preparation of raw materials it does not smell and taste.
Used to fight against alcoholism in wine. For its preparation, a tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured with pure medical alcohol (0.5 l). Infused for two weeks, the tincture should be periodically shaken, after which it is filtered and added to the wine (3 drops per liter).
Only 5 crushed leaves of this plant need to be infused for a decade on vodka, filtered and given to the alcoholic through a drink, presenting it as an effective intoxicating agent. After consuming 2.5 liters of such a tincture of oleander, alcohol addiction should disappear.
Having collected nuts at the time of flowering, you can prepare an effective preparation for combating an insidious disease. Fill a half-liter jar with inflorescences of nuts. Pour the vodka on top. We keep the dye in the dark. We advise you to place the finished and filtered product in a conspicuous place so that an alcoholic can see it, drink it alone.
Despite its exoticism, this recipe shows its effectiveness in the treatment of persistent addiction. To do this, add to the patient's food half a teaspoon, crushed to the state of flour, cancerous shells. The nearest consumption of alcohol will cause, in the alcoholic consuming such a drug, discomfort and feeling of disgust.
Traditional healers are convinced that eating 3 sour green apples a day will significantly reduce the need for alcohol. They should be combined with a low fat diet to get the most effective result.
By making a cocktail of cabbage juice and pomegranate seeds, you will create a fairly effective remedy for a painful addiction. It is better to prepare the juices yourself, preferring the store-bought counterparts. Take 2 glasses of cocktail, dividing them into 4 doses.
This product is a panacea for diseases. When using it for alcoholism, the risk of psychological trauma is much lower. A mixture of half a teaspoon of honey and bee bread is taken half an hour before meals, the effect will be manifested already on the third day.
By squeezing the juice of 5 citrus fruits, mixing it with a few tablespoons of granulated sugar and half a glass of water, you can reduce cravings for all types of alcohol.
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: 0022990431727
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Some natural remedies to stop drinking alcohol
Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies is very common, it came to us from ancient times, when herbal remedies and decoctions were the only remedies for diseases. But in the modern world, they have never ceased to trust such methods. It is known that with the help of folk remedies, many diseases are treated or prevented. Therefore, in the field of drug addiction treatment, there are their own folk recipes.
The popularity of non-traditional methods of treating alcoholism is that the patient can self-medicate the alcoholism without announcing their problem. Very often a person does not turn to specialists precisely because of shame, mistrust of doctors, unconsciousness, or assumes that he can cope with the addiction on his own. It is in such cases that people resort to traditional medicine. Information on folk remedies for alcoholism is easily found on the net. Often relatives of a drinking person are engaged in the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies without the knowledge of the patient.
Dawasanté remedy for alcoholism
The natural remedy that we offer you to get rid of alcoholism consists of plants with various effects. These effects combined with each other allow you a safe and less brutal withdrawal. Of course, in everything you need will. Without the will to stop drinking it will be virtually impossible for you to be rid of alcoholism. Our natural remedy does not develop addiction, dependence and is without side effects in case of ulcer. It decreases the urge to drink and reduces the feeling of satisfaction experienced in contact with alcohol. It helps to maintain abstinence after withdrawal in alcohol dependent patients.
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: 0022990431727
Is it possible to get rid of alcoholism at home
Alcoholism is not just an addiction, but a real illness. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance.
Alcoholism is divided into 3 stages:
- The first stage: the patient begins to experience an overwhelming desire to drink. If it is not possible to drink alcohol, the urge goes away for a while. When alcohol is consumed, control is lost; for every case of alcohol consumption, he finds an excuse. Intoxication is accompanied by aggressiveness, irritability, rare cases of memory loss in a state of intoxication. At the end of the first stage, alcohol tolerance begins.
- The second stage: a person gradually loses complete control over the amount of drink. There is a significant dependence of the body on alcohol. Physical dependence begins with withdrawal symptoms, health problems appear: headaches, poor sleep, irritation, heart pain, tremors. There is a vicious cycle of drunkenness over several days.
- The third step: the alcoholic's body needs a lot of alcohol. Alcoholic amnesia is more and more common, other areas of life take a back seat, and general degradation occurs. A self-interrupted binge is accompanied by metallic alcoholic psychosis and requires medical attention.
The first two stages are treatable at home: there is no harm to the body, the maximum effect is achieved. At the third stage of alcoholism, urgent hospitalization of the patient in a medical institution is required.
How to stop drinking at home
Alcoholism can be overcome at home. For this, the patient must be aware of his addiction and have a strong desire to overcome it. Another prerequisite for treatment is the support and faith of loved ones.
Doctors give general recommendations to speed up recovery:
- sleep at least 8 hours a day;
- foods rich in vitamins;
- drink plenty of water from 2 liters per day;
- refusal of salty and spicy foods;
- outdoor walks;
- fresh shower twice a day;
- fill his free time with positive emotions: watching positive movies, favorite hobbies, games;
- moderate physical activity, sports.
The main recommendation is a complete refusal to drink alcohol. Neither the addict nor the immediate environment should consume alcohol. The patient should be restricted even in the recall of alcoholic beverages.
Folk remedies to stop drinking
Sometimes it is impossible to use drugs or psychological methods, due to contraindications. In this case, you can try the treatment of alcoholism at home with folk remedies . Note that these methods are only effective in the first stage of alcohol addiction.
Lemon juice
Treatment of alcoholism with lemon juice lasts 14 days. Contraindication to the application of the method is peptic ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis, increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.
On the first day you need to drink the juice of one lemon. On the second day, the juice of two lemons is consumed. So, throughout the week, a lemon is added every day. After a week of use, you should reduce the number of lemons by one piece per day. Therefore, on the 14th day, you should consume the juice of one lemon.
Honey therapy
The method is based on the replenishment of the deficiency of potassium and glucose in the body. Has a short admission course - 2 days.
On the first day, you need to consume 6 tablespoons of honey at a time. In total, there are 3 such catches per day, the interval between them is 20 minutes. On the second day there are 3 doses of honey. The first and second take - 6 spoons each, the third - 4 spoons.
Bay leaf
The recipe helps reduce cravings for alcohol. You must infuse two bay leaves in 200 ml of boiling water: put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. The tincture is filtered and cooled. You should drink in small portions throughout the day. You can take the solution for a long time. The tincture is suitable for reducing the urge to drink alcohol.
Treating alcoholism with apples
In traditional medicine, it is believed that it is possible to treat an alcoholic with sour apples. For medicinal purposes, you need to eat 3 apples per day. The day before eating, you need to stick 6-7 nails in the apple. The duration of treatment is 6 weeks.
Bearberry decoction
Add 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaf to a glass of boiling water. Put on the fire and wait for it to bubble. Cool the decoction. Take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day. The timing of meals does not affect the taking of the remedy. This method has been shown to be effective in curing alcoholism from beer. This folk remedy for alcoholism involves treatment for 2 months.
Treatment of acute poisoning
For the treatment of acute poisoning , drugs are used that reduce the effects of alcohol on the body: a cup of black or green tea with mint, black coffee, a glass of cucumber or cabbage juice, pickles, a cup of hot coffee with salt.
Among the popular plants and herbs for alcoholism, the most used in the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies: bay leaf and root, collection of sorrel, mint and burdock, collection of thyme and violet, as well as wormwood, lovage, bearberry, red pepper.
Mode of action of folk remedies
The dosage and application of each broth is different, but all from the point of view of the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies should develop a persistent aversion to alcohol in the addict. Many decoctions work quite dramatically - they cause instant vomiting, alcohol intolerance during the entire period of use, general malaise with signs of poisoning. Naturally, these methods have contraindications, which are not always known to parents and the patient.
It should be remembered that almost all traditional drugs for alcoholism are contraindicated in gastrointestinal disorders.
Reviews of the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies
For a patient who is self-medicating against alcoholism, who has become aware of his addiction and has sufficient motivation, alternative alcoholism treatment can serve as a kind of additional psychological support. Choosing traditional medicine, a person can judge the effectiveness of the treatment of alcoholism using folk methods from reviews on the Internet and according to friends. Most opinions boil down to the fact that the outcome depends only on the personality itself. If you decide to start the treatment, we can say that you have already completed half of the work. All other methods, folk or traditional, are designed to maintain your willpower until you are released from a bad habit.
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: 0022990431727