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PROSTATITIS FOODS: Natural treatment

By On 26/12/2019 0



Prostate degeneration: a scourge for men

The cancer prostate is the most common cancer in men in Western countries. Each year, more than 40,000 cases are diagnosed in France. In addition, numerous studies carried out since the seventies lead to think that food is involved for 30 to 40% in the genesis of cancers in general. At the same time, and still in France, 70,000 men each year undergo an operation linked to benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Knowing that a number of dietary factors are involved in degenerative prostate disease, it is important for men to be vigilant about the contents of their plate. However, Dawasanté experts provide you with a natural herbal treatment to cure prostatitis. 


PROSTATITIS FOODS: Natural treatment

This natural treatment to permanently and quickly cure prostatitis that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. It also helps relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an enlarged prostate without having to have an operation. It works in particular by reducing the swelling of the prostate gland and providing immense relief. The natural treatment also helps cure urination difficulties and it restores sexual balance. So this is the secret to cure prostatitis by plants without surgery and without side effects.


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: 0022996374527


The current literature abounds in articles on the relationship between certain foods and the occurrence of prostate cancer. Even more in the field of nutrition than in others, separating the chaff from the wheat is not easy. Knowing this, and although we can not confirm anything in the face of data which are still mostly at the research stage, it seemed useful to us to carefully list the foods most often incriminated today in degenerative disease. prostate.

Gentlemen, take care of your prostate

From 10 to 20% of prostate cancers could be prevented with a balanced diet. Extenso reviews with you the content of your plate ...

Foods to choose

Vegetables, more vegetables!

Prostate cancer symptoms: Eating more broccoli can help cut the risk of  disease |

It's an indisputable fact: vegetables play a major role in cancer prevention. To enjoy their benefits, fill half your plate with vegetables. Vary the colors to take advantage of the different compounds they offer.

Also, although they are not all particularly colorful, vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family, such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts also have anti-cancer properties. Consuming it at least 5 times a week could decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Vitamin E and selenium

Selenium and Vitamin E to Alleviate Signs of Tying Up – The Horse

Selenium, which is found in rice, wheat, and Brazil nuts, would provide a protective effect. However, its effect would be seen especially in men who have low amounts of selenium in their blood.

Vitamin E, found in almonds, flax seeds, hazelnuts, safflower, corn and soybean oil would also be beneficial in prevention. Its role would be particularly effective in smokers and in those who have low amounts of vitamin E in the blood.

 Broccoli, and more broadly vegetables from the cruciferous family, help prevent the onset of certain cancers including prostate cancer.

Kroger - Broccoli - Crowns, 1 lb

The broccoli isothiocyanates including sulforaphane, and ibérine that appear to act on the expression of genes (6). According to some authors, when a person develops cancer, certain genes are activated and others repressed in particular, and other crucifers such as Brussels sprouts contain; However, broccoli seems to stimulate genes that prevent cancer and slow down genes that facilitate its growth, by chemical modification of ligands.

- It is recommended to drink green tea daily. Its benefits are manifold. It contains catechins, an antioxidant substance that is said to help limit the development of tumors. 

Other foods contain less lycopene:  pink grapefruit,  watermelon,  papaya,  guava,  dried apricots, for example.

- The pomegranate. "It is less known but pomegranate juice is a real ally for the health of his prostate. You can drink a glass every day," says Professor Zerbib. The antioxidants present in the pomegranate fruit are said to be responsible for these benefits. 

- Curcumin.  Several studies have shown that curcumin has anti-tumor effects. "Consumption once or twice a week is sufficient," advises Professor Zerbib.

Regarding alcohol, it is better to be careful of white alcohols such as white wine, champagne and beer which promote urinary disorders and infections but have no direct effect on tumor growth.

The best prevention is early detection of prostate cancer for men who have risk factors, including family history. 


Lycopene is a substance from the carotenoid family. It is a powerful antioxidant. The tomatoes are rich in lycopene. This lycopene is better assimilated in cooked tomatoes (tomato sauces, coulis, purées) than in raw tomatoes, except tomato juice which also offers good availability of lycopene.

But don't we say that cooking deteriorates certain food components, such as vitamins for example?

Certainly yes. Nevertheless, cooking seems rather beneficial to the antioxidant score, at least concerning the tomato.

Thus, its vitamin C content effectively decreases by cooking, but its concentration of phenols increases, so that the water-soluble anti-radical capacity increases.

Without being specific to prostate cancer, let us also point out a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on 2/17/99, which shows that men consuming more than 10 times a week of tomato products have a 33 % lower risk of developing cancer compared to those who consume less than twice a week.

It is interesting to consume lycopene almost daily, in the form of vegetables and fruits.



Polyphenols are what give food color.

The polyphenols in tea would protect against prostate cancer, and in particular green tea, the daily consumption of which could reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer by around two thirds.

Certain authors nevertheless emphasize the fact of consuming preferably teas resulting from a culture free from phytosanitary products such as pesticides or heavy metals. It also seems logical to extrapolate this remark to all of our nutrients.

A recent study conducted by NutriNet-Santé cites coffee as a major source of beneficial polyphenols among the French.

The red wine is rich in Resveratrol is a polyphenol. The rougher the wine, the more resveratrol it contains. This substance is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and would have an estrogenic effect (inhibiting testosterone, a male hormone which has a proliferative action on the prostate). 4 glasses of red wine per week would slow the progression of the disease by 41%

Consuming 250 ml of pomegranate juice every day would reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer by 60%.

The fruits and vegetables are rich in polyphenols cancer-protective, but not specific for prostate cancer. It is from this observation, among other things, that the National Health Nutrition Plan recommended 5 fruits and vegetables per day.

A diet rich in soy would reduce PSA levels by 14%.

Soy contains polyphenols (genistein, family of isoflavones) which have an antioxidant and estrogenic role. Tofu, soy drinks and yogurts are rich in it. Although it is not a phenol, it is interesting to know that soybeans contain saponins, which are anti-inflammatory but above all anti-proliferation of tumor cells. Remember, however, as said above that the consumption of soy can have drawbacks (drop-in sperm, among others).

Omega 3

Omega 3s have an anti-inflammatory role. They also control testosterone. They are present in fatty fish, which by the way, also contain more vitamin D, which is also beneficial for the prostate, the more fatty they are.

The flaxseed oil, rich in omega 3 is currently under study. Flaxseed oil also contains lignans which give rise to phytoestrogens.

A study presented in June 2007 in Chicago on the occasion of the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology showed a decrease in the proliferation of prostate cancer cells by 30 to 40% in men undergoing prostate removal in due to cancer and having previously consumed flax seeds.

The rapeseed oil has been the subject of controversy especially following an epidemiological study conducted at Harvard on a group of 50,000 physicians health professionals. According to this study, participants who consumed the most omega 3 had a higher risk of prostate cancer than those who consumed little!

While other studies say the opposite. For example, a large American prospective study conducted by the NIH (equivalent to Inserm) was published in August 2006. It involved 30,000 volunteers. She didn't find that men who consumed the most ALA (alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3) had more cancer.

Also contain omega 3:  rapeseed, walnut, wheat germ oils.

Monounsaturated fatty acids

These good fats would be favorable to prostate tissue. It is about olive oil , peanuts, hazelnuts but also  almonds  and  avocados  as well as goose fat, duck.

Vitamin D

Men with above-average plasma vitamin D levels have a 45% lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer, according to a study by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. As a reminder, 90% of vitamin D is synthesized in our skin following sun exposure, the remaining 10% being found in our  food of animal origin  (eggs, non-skimmed dairy products,  fatty fish, etc.).

On the other hand, we will see later that one should not abuse too fatty products.


Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. 200 micrograms of selenium reduce the incidence of prostate cancer by 63%. But 400 micrograms of selenium have a reverse action by pro-oxidant effect!

The  Brazil nut  contains a lot of selenium. The garlic  and  broccoli  are also well provided. The  red onions  also contain enough. Onion is a very interesting food against the occurrence of prostate cancer and other cancers, in particular by its content of phenols and flavonoids.


Lutein is a carotenoid with antioxidant properties and capable of promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death, 100 times more common for tumor cells than for healthy cells).

The lawyer  is particularly well endowed with it. It is in any case a food to recommend. An acetone extract of avocado inhibits the in vitro growth of both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.

Consuming 50 grams of avocado per day would reduce prostate cancer mortality by 40%.

Other hypothetical protectors

Pumpkin seed oil  is also sometimes cited still for its antioxidant action. It can be used mixed with other edible oils to season dishes.

Dietary factors that attack the prostate

The alcohol

The alcohol  should be consumed in moderation. Alcohol seems to be involved in many cancers (16).


Industrialized products containing  hydrogenated lipids should be  consumed in moderation.

Products containing  saturated and trans fatty acids should  also be consumed in moderation.

Among the foods containing trans fatty acids, we can mention  margarines ,  cookies ,  pastries ,  fried foods .

The  red meats  and  cold cuts  are often stigmatized by their intake of saturated fatty acids. However, red meats are not necessarily very high in fat. However, according to a study conducted in 2000, it still takes a daily fat consumption corresponding to more than 33% of the calories of the day to multiply by 3 the risk of prostate cancer.

While it is true that omega 3s are considered favorable to the prostate, it is accepted that  omega 6s  ( corn oil , walnuts, grape seed, sunflower, etc.) generally attack this prostate tissue.

It should be noted that obesity  must be fought here as in the fight against other cancers: the risk of death from prostate cancer is doubled with a body mass index exceeding 30. The prostate is larger on average by 32% in the obese. In the same vein, and to fight cancer in general, you must avoid a sedentary lifestyle. A low calorie diet and moderate physical activity (30 minutes of walking per day) would reduce mortality by 10 to 30%. Be careful, however, not to overdo it: more than 2 hours a day has a pro oxidizing effect

Food supplements

According to some authors, the excess intake of antioxidants  eliminates too many free radicals.

Free radicals are certainly responsible for the occurrence of cancer, but their presence is also useful in the elimination of cancer cells which are rich in them and which can be self-destroyed by this auto-intoxication. According to these authors, it is therefore necessary to avoid industrial antioxidant supplements, to stick to a good diet sufficiently supplying natural antioxidants. So be careful with "food supplements".

Preparation methods

The acrylamide  promotes the onset of prostate cancer. This substance is found in  crisps  and   breakfast cereals . This is linked to the cooking method.

The  polyamines  found in  cold cuts  in the form of  nitrosamines  during salting and smoking seem to promote prostate cancer.

In particular, it is known that polyamines increase PSA and bone pain from prostate metastases.

Overcooking, leading to the presence of  polycyclic aromatic substances  can be carcinogenic. Example with the blackening of overcooked meats.

Beware of excess!

It is likely that selenium and vitamin E taken in too much can have harmful effects on your health. It is therefore preferable to include foods that contain them in your diet rather than consuming them in the form of supplements. In fact, supplements have not been shown to help prevent prostate cancer.

Foods to eat in moderation

Fatty substances

A diet high in fat, especially animal fat, would increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, excess fat in the diet could lead to excess weight. Since excessive calorie consumption and obesity are two factors linked to a greater risk of prostate cancer, it is best to ensure that you meet your energy needs, without exceeding them.

Tips to limit harmful fats:

· Prefer cooking with steam, in the oven or on the grill rather than deep frying;

· Reduce your consumption of pastries and baked goods (croissants, commercial muffins, donuts, etc.).

· Decrease your consumption of animal fat, by varying your sources of protein: include fish and legumes more often in your menu;

· Favor non-hydrogenated oils and margarine over animal fats;

· Choose leaner cuts of meat;

· Switch to low fat milk and alternatives.


Red meat and cold cuts

Red meats, mainly those that are grilled, could promote the appearance of certain cancers, including that of the prostate. Processed meats (ham, bacon, cold meats and cold cuts) could also play a harmful role.

At lunchtime, choose canned fish, chickpea or tofu spreads and leftover roasts rather than the traditional slices of ham, salami or "baloney".

Calcium and dairy products

Although calcium is an absolutely essential nutrient for the development and maintenance of bone health, it seems that excessive consumption may be linked to a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. To enjoy the benefits of calcium without risking the disadvantages as well, it is recommended that you do not take calcium supplements that provide more than 1000 mg.

High consumption of whole, partially skimmed, or fat-free dairy products has been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This link is not clear and more studies still need to be done. 

Canada's Food Guide classifies dairy products as a protein food. They therefore have their place in your diet, without having to give them a disproportionate importance. 

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527



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