Bone cancer starts in the bones of the arms and legs, it may well come out of any other bone ... or it may be a metastasis from other organs in the body. On the contrary, it is considered a very difficult disease, which is accompanied by sharp pain, bone fractures, fatigue, swelling, weight loss, and more. In children, bone cancer can cause abnormal growth.
Natural medicines and remedies for this disease
Here we offer you a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which can prevent and cure cancer (breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer. uterus, kidney cancer, bone cancer, etc.) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use of cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.
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Green tea
One of the most popular methods in the treatment of bone cancer. Green tea has anti-cancer properties, especially in bone cancer. It works as an antioxidant, which is a great remedy for all types of cancer - it also protects our bodies against other serious diseases.
People with bone cancer should get plenty of it in their diet. Vegetables and fruits, which are a rich source of vitamin A (all yellow, orange, dark green vegetables are rich in vitamin A), especially bowing here.
Aloe Vera
One of the most popular methods in the treatment of bone cancer. The aloeridia found in aloe help fight bone cancer and are extremely important in the healing process. Aloe also increases energy. With bone cancer, a large number of toxins are produced which overload the kidneys, aloe helps cleanse them. Aloe can be used in the form of juice, gel, without fear of side effects.
It contains enzymes that help get rid of proteins that don't belong to the body (eg. Mucus). The second known herbal tea in this series is Flor Essence. Both are very effective in fighting bone cancer.
Herbs and mushrooms
Ginger, turmeric (turmeric) and other herbs ... red Reishi mushroom, maitake, which strengthens the immune system.
Minerals important for bone health
-Magnesium, which helps increase calcium in the body, especially useful for bone cancer. You can use it in combination with calcium.
-Calcium, which prevents your bone from getting worse.
-Strontium, the most important element in the fight against bone cancer, helps the body to process calcium.
-Omega 3, which prevents the deterioration of bone health. Omega 3 oil should not be missing in the diet. It can be obtained from fish fat, flax seeds, flaxseed oil.
Diet for bone cancer
- Grape seed extract - works especially well when we drink green tea.
-A diet rich in minerals and vitamins is very important. In this case, the diet should be based on good dairy products, green plants and orange-yellow vegetables.
-Fresh and healthy milk has antioxidant properties and is a good remedy for bone cancer.
-People with bone cancer should drink plenty of distilled water.
-For cooking use fish oil, coconut oil - all sweets, cookies, donuts, crackers, fries, margarine should be eliminated from the diet - eat healthy protein, fats and carbohydrates ... of course, all the stimulants (alcohol, nicotine, coffee). Apple cider vinegar, especially drunk at bedtime.
Helps treat bone cancer: 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar for 1 cup of water, 30 minutes before bed. The diet can not lack onions, garlic. It is advisable to take large amounts of vitamin C, D3, K2, which will support the diet.
The diet should not be short of fresh juices of dark green, orange, yellow vegetables, and fruits (carrots, papayas, spinach, lettuce, green parsley, kale, wheat germ, nettle herbs, dandelion). The juices must also be reinforced with spirulina or chlorella.
In addition, we recommend music, sound, meditation, biotherapy, we do everything to remove toxins and strengthen the immune system, we also strengthen weak bones which break-even under slight effort.
To discover the natural solution for cancers, click here
We deliver all over the world.
For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 51374202 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.