Heal hydrocele naturally
Surgical And natural Treatment For Hydrocele
In almost all cases of testicular dropsy, doctors recommend surgery to prevent relapse. The results of hydrocele treatment directly depend on the accuracy and speed of the diagnosis.
Indications for surgery for dropsy of the testis:
- Severe symptoms;
- Sharp pain ;
- Relapse complicated by pathologies of the scrotum;
- Severe swelling and redness of the genitals.
The refusal to treat dropsy of the testis is fraught with irreversible loss of reproductive functions. The atrophy of the tissues will cause disturbances in the process of semen secretion, which will cause infertility. The result of the surgical treatment of hydrocele largely depends on the ability of the doctor, so you should carefully choose the clinic.
Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs
The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often give positive results and act significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.
Trust us! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.
The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.
Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of side effects.
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: https://wa.me/22996374527
Winckelmann technique
This operation is also called plastic surgery of the testicular shells according to Winckelmann. It is considered one of the best in the treatment of small hydroceles and allows you to fully restore the functionality of the testicle.
Winckelmann's operation in children is performed under general and local anesthesia and is recommended for adults. The intervention requires a combination of local or general infiltration anesthesia and conduction. Before the operation, the patient passes all the tests to eliminate contraindications and assess his condition.
Winckelmann plastic testicular stages:
- On the front side of the scrotum, directly above the swelling, a 3 to 5 cm incision is made.
- The tissue is dissected in layers for the vaginal process and the testis, along with the vaginal membrane, is removed into the wound.
- Pump out excess fluid through the perforation of the vaginal membrane.
- The vaginal membrane is dissected and the testes and appendages are examined.
- The shells turn and sting the tissue (it is important not to compress the spermatic cord). More precisely, this step is called plasticity according to Winckelmann.
- The skin is sutured with catgut sutures and drainage is left in the wound. This is necessary to remove blood and prevent hematoma.
- Apply a compression bandage.
After such an operation, the fluid produced by the vaginal membrane begins to be absorbed by the tissues. If the patient has communicating dropsy, the lumen of the vaginal process is also sutured.
Immediately after the procedure, an ice pack is applied for several hours. After the operation, it is recommended to treat the wound and make regular dressings for several days. After 2-3 days, the drainage is removed. The sutures resolve in 10 days. Winckelmann's operation leaves virtually no trace.
Operation Bergman
Such an intervention is preferable in cases where the dropsy is severe or accompanied by thickening of the testes. With such complications, dropsy is localized to the right or left, the scrotum is enlarged only on one side. During the examination, the testicle on the affected side is usually not palpated and the other part does not change.
The Bergman technique is similar to that of Winckelmann plastic, but in this case, the membranes are excised rather than extracted. In this case, part of the leaflet is removed and the rest is sutured.
Stages of Bergman's operation:
- An incision of up to 6 cm is made on the anterior surface and the testicular membranes are dissected in layers.
- The testicle is removed into the wound and the fluid is pumped out with a syringe.
- The vaginal membrane is dissected and excised around the testicle. Catgut sutures are placed over the remains.
- The testicle is lowered into the scrotum and the skin is sutured.
- The wound also leaves drainage.
Operation Lord
The operation is indicated for small and medium sizes of testicular dropsy: from the natural size of the testicle to an increase of 2-4 times. Lord's operation is the least traumatic and the recovery period is minimal. Complications after such treatment are rare, as the surgeon operates on the hydrocystic pouch and vaginal membrane without freeing the testis from surrounding tissue and without dislocation. As a result of this procedure, healthy tissue and adjacent vessels are not injured.
Possible consequences of the operation
The hypersensitivity is considered the most common consequence of surgery for hydrocele. This condition is characterized by pain in the area of intervention on the scrotum. Hyperesthesia is caused by the fact that during the operation or during healing, the nerve endings may be affected. The pain goes away on its own within 6 to 12 months and, as a rule, does not require additional treatment.
In traditional dropsy removal operations (Winckelmann and Bergman), a long incision is made to expose the pathology, the water bag is separated from the surrounding tissue, and the testis is completely removed from the wound. This damages membrane and breaks up blood vessels, leading to bleeding and bruising. In addition, excessive tension in the testicles increases the risk of blood flow and lymphatic circulation disorders. Often such violations cause orchitis after the removal of testicular dropsy in the traditional way.
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: https://wa.me/22996374527
What is dropsy of the testis in men
Hydrocele or dropsy can be of two types: congenital or acquired. The fluid that accumulates in the departments between the membranes inside the scrotum in large quantities leads to discomfort, increased size, and difficulty in releasing urine or semen during intercourse. With a small amount of serous fluid, it is visually difficult to determine the diagnosis. The color of the scrotum does not change, it remains elastic to the touch.
Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs
The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often give positive results and act significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.
Trust us! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.
The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.
Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of side effects.
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To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: https://wa.me/22996374527
Why does fluid collect in the scrotum
In an adult man and a newborn boy or boy under one year of age, the causes of dropsy differ. What factors influence the onset of the disease:
- While they are still in utero, the genitals begin to form in the male embryo, but they are found in the abdominal cavity. Before birth, the testes descend into the scrotum through the abdominal process. If it does not tighten in time, the fluid passes through this passage to the testicles, and a newborn is diagnosed with congenital dropsy. Until they reach a year of age, doctors watch for changes in the scrotum. At this point, in most cases, the boy's edema goes away on its own.
- An adult man notices swelling, the appearance of dropsy in the inguinal area after suffering bacterial genital infections, trauma to external male organs, and surgeries for inguinal hernia. The reason for this is a violation of the outflow of lymph from the space of the testis.
Is it possible to treat testicular hydrocele without surgery
Prompt treatment of the patient to the doctor, examination, and treatment started will allow you to dispense with drastic measures. Treatment of dropsy of the testis without surgery in humans is possible, according to the results, the effectiveness of this method is not inferior to surgical. Reproductive function is restored, the severity and swelling of the scrotum subside. To date, two methods are known and widely used that help removes fluid in the testes in humans.
How to treat dropsy of a testicle in a man without surgery
Before resorting to non-surgical methods of removing fluid from dropsy from the testis, an experienced doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy with drugs to eliminate the main cause of edema. After treatment, most of the fluid goes away on its own. If the volume of the scrotum is not fully restored, the tumor remains, then on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, they carry out the treatment of hydrocele without surgery in humans by puncture or sclerotherapy:
- Perforation does not create a therapeutic effect, but for some time it will help alleviate the patient's condition. During this procedure, excess fluid is pumped out of the space between the shells. After a while, the filling can be repeated.
- Sclerosis is similar to puncturing during the procedure. The liquid contents are pumped out of dropsy, but instead, sclerosing drugs are introduced, under the influence of which the fluid production decreases. To achieve a lasting effect, sclerosis is carried out two to three times.
Treatment of dropsy of the testicle with folk remedies
There are some popular methods that can treat the dropsy of the testis without surgery in men. Convenient tools, herbal infusions relieve swelling, help the outflow of fluid from the scrotum. Here are some effective remedies for the complete treatment of hydrocele:
- Half a liter of a dark beer pours 50-60 g of dry peas. Let stand for an hour in a warm place, then bring to a boil and boil for about 20 minutes. The cooled broth should be used as a lotion on the edematous area twice a day.
- Fresh pharmacy chamomile, after washing it is crushed to a pasty state. The resulting mixture is applied to the scrotum several times a day. They compress well relieves edema, quickly removes the hematomas that remain after the procedures of pumping liquid.
- In an enameled container, place 1 liter of milk and 800 grams of fresh parsley. Bake for 3-4 hours at minimum temperature until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Drink during the day in small portions. Prepare a new infusion daily.
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: https://wa.me/22996374527