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herbs for epilepsy

Remede naturel epilepsie


By On 11/12/2020

At least 5% of people worldwide have had an epileptic seizure at least once in their lifetime. Unfortunately, even a correctly selected treatment does not stop seizures in at least 30% of cases, which is why the questions of therapy with the help of alternative medicine remain relevant. What possibilities does the treatment of epilepsy offer for folk remedies?



epilepsy cure

Anyone who has epilepsy  or a loved one who has epilepsy knows how difficult this disease is psychologically. In fact, people with epilepsy generally live in constant fear that a new seizure will occur at any time and overwhelm them. Reassure you! Our natural treatment will allow you to say goodbye to your epileptic seizures for good. It is a fast and effective natural remedy for preventing and controlling seizures. We use the best natural herbs to cure epilepsy. This natural remedy is therefore active in all epileptic seizures. Thus, it is suitable for children as well as adults. Modern medicine offers drugs for epilepsy. Unfortunately, these drugs often have many disastrous side effects and are not always effective. They inhibit seizures, but are not curative. Trust us ! Our natural treatment is the secret to preventing epileptic seizures from herbs. 


 To discover our natural remedy for epilepsy click here!

We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Delivery is free.

Free delivery all over the world.

You can contact us by whatsapp at: +229 51374202



According to the World Health Organization, approximately 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. This chronic brain disease affects people of all ages, but often shows up in childhood. In the United States alone, it has been detected in 300,000 children under the age of 14. Some of them, in all probability, can "get over" this disorder, but most will be forced to fight the disease throughout their lives.

The exact cause of the development of the disease is not always possible to establish: in half of the patients it remains unknown. It is known that one or more genes are responsible for the onset of seizures. However, genetic diagnosis is a complex process, not available in all regions, and all variants of genetic epilepsy are not yet open.

In about 30% of patients, changes in the structure of the brain are detected that are associated with the occurrence of seizures, and they may be congenital. However, most often the disease develops due to various diseases, including:

  • Congenital metabolic disorders
  • Intracranial hemorrhage
  • Oxygen deficiency during childbirth
  • Brain tumor
  • Infections
  • Congenital genetic syndromes
  • Head injury
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer's disease, etc.



The main goal of therapy is to stop attacks with minimal adverse drug reactions. The basic principle of the therapy, which is declared by the main international organizations to fight this disease, is "No seizures, no side effects".

The therapy is complete. First, the factors associated with the occurrence of seizures are excluded (lack of sleep, physical or mental stress, etc.). The main role in the successful management of seizures is played by correctly selected drug therapy. It is based on prescription drugs. In most cases, antiepileptic therapy allows you to control the condition of patients, but sometimes this does not happen. Additionally, some consumers are gravely concerned about the long-term safety of anticonvulsant drugs. In this regard, in recent years the interest of patients has increased (nevertheless, specialists are less inclined to treatment with folk remedies) in the alternative and alternative treatment of epilepsy.





Medicinal plants are widely used in medicine: more than 80% of the population use them as first line treatment for various diseases. Medicines used from plant materials and for the treatment of epilepsy. A number of studies have shown the effectiveness of complex herbal remedies for severe epileptic seizures.

Medicinal plants are usually used as part of a complex treatment. A number of herbal remedies, for example, chamomile, passionflower, valerian, due to the sedative effect, can increase the effectiveness of the main therapy. According to some reports, St. John 's Wort extract helps reduce the frequency of seizures. However, one should be careful while using herbal remedies and consult a doctor.




Vitamin deficiency, especially vitamin B6, can contribute to the development of seizures. As part of the complex treatment of epileptic seizures, multivitamin preparations containing vitamin B6, vitamin E, magnesium, folic acid and other nutrients are often used.

Long-term administration of anticonvulsants may contribute to a decrease in plasma levels of various vitamins, including vitamins D, E and others, according to the Cochrane review. In this regard, supplements and multivitamin medications may be recommended to patients receiving antiepileptic therapy. However, the feasibility and effectiveness of including vitamin therapy in the treatment regimen for epilepsy needs to be further investigated and confirmed.




The correction of the diet is attributed to alternative methods of treating epileptic seizures. To improve the condition and reduce seizure activity, the so-called ketogenic diet, or ketodiet is used. Its characteristic is that it is low in carbohydrates, high in fat and moderate in protein. Consumption of these foods promotes the production of ketones, an increase in the level of which leads to a decrease in the frequency of epileptic seizures. The ketogenic diet shows optimum results when used in children and young people with severe forms of the disease that cannot be treated with anticonvulsants. In almost half of the cases, patients note a decrease in the number of seizures, at least by half, and the

The classic ketogenic diet is out of balance. It contains very small portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and foods rich in calcium. It is recommended to additionally introduce B vitamins, calcium and vitamin D in the diet as part of multivitamins.



atkin regime

The Atkins diet also shows positive results in people with epileptic seizures, in which foods high in protein and carbohydrates predominate. The most common side effect of this diet is constipation - about 30% of people report deterioration in digestion with an Atkins diet. This is due to a decrease in the volume of fluid.

With the Atkins diet, meat, including pork and beef, as well as oily fish, seafood, eggs, fatty dairy products, nuts, olive oil, are allowed. Prohibited foods include sugar, including drinks, cakes, candies, grains (wheat, rice), low-fat foods, and legumes. Atkins dieters are not recommended for high carbohydrate fruits and vegetables - bananas, apples, grapes, carrots.




It is known that stress and anxiety increase seizure activity, therefore, a number of alternative methods of epilepsy treatment aim to improve emotional state. There are many practices that help patients relax, calm down, normalize sleep. One of the most popular methods is yoga, which is based on breathing exercises, using various postures and meditation methods. You can use other individually selected relaxation methods.



Studies have proven the effectiveness of correcting epilepsy using hypnosis in combination with aromatherapy. More than a third of the 100 participants in the experiment who received such alternative therapy for 12 months got rid of the attacks. However, the processing was quite laborious. It should be kept in mind that some essential oils can cause seizures, for example eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary oils. Therefore, before proceeding with aromatherapy, it is important to consult a doctor.

Another popular method of treating seizures is acupuncture. Its effectiveness has been studied in a number of clinical studies involving patients who have failed to respond to drug therapy for epilepsy. Unfortunately, the experimental results have not confirmed the effectiveness of acupuncture: patients who have undergone sessions have always experienced seizures. However, many people with epileptic seizures believe that acupuncture still helps them feel better.

Folk remedies are not a method of treatment. Treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician, who may decide to additionally use one or another remedy for the main therapy.

 To discover our natural remedy for epilepsy click here!

We have representation in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Kinshasa. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Delivery is free.

Free delivery all over the world.

You can contact us by whatsapp at: +229 51374202