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Naturally cure hydrocele

Bouleau sante bienfaits 1


By On 15/04/2020

A hydrocele is the buildup of fluid inside the scrotum surrounding the testicle, which can leave a little swelling or one testicle larger than the other. Although this is a more common problem in babies, it can also occur in adult men, especially after the age of 40.

Normally, hydrocele does not cause pain or any other symptom besides swelling of the testes and, therefore, does not cause lesions in the testes, nor does it affect fertility, disappearing spontaneously mainly in babies, without need treatment. If your testicles hurt, see what it can be.

As swelling can also be a sign of more serious illnesses, such as cancer, it is always recommended to see a pediatrician, in the case of the baby, or a urologist, in the case of the man, to confirm the diagnosis.



The main causes of hydrocele

Hydrocele in babies occurs because during pregnancy the testes have a sac with fluid around, however, this sac closes during the first year of life and the fluid is absorbed by the body. However, when this does not happen, the sac may continue to accumulate fluid, generating the hydrocele.

In adult males, hydrocele typically occurs as a complication of strokes, inflammatory processes, or infections, such as orchitis or epididymitis.



Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs

The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often give positive results and act significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.

Trust us! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.

hypothyroidism natural treatment

The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.

Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of the appearance of side effects.

 To discover our remedy to treat hydrocele click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp
: 0022996374527


READ ALSO: 5 Natural Juices To Treat Testicular Hydrocele


Herbal infusion

6 ULTRA EFFECTIVE infusions against cellulite - Cellublue

It is prepared from two types of herbs - coltsfoot and medicinal clover. Removing the grime with this tool is possible thanks to its external use.

The healing properties of herbs are based on their composition.

Thus, sweet clover contains the following elements:

  • Coumarins, which regulate blood flow, in particular improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs and male genitals;
  • Dicoumarol This substance also contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, metabolic processes, which allows the removal of the testes;
  • Melilotin;
  • Choline;
  • Tannins;
  • Resins;
  • Saponins. These substances also contribute to the regulation of water balance;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Starch

The composition of coltsfoot includes the most useful substances necessary for male health, the normalization of metabolic processes:

  • Organic acids (gallic, tartaric, malic);
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils ;
  • Glycosides;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Mucous substances;
  • Carbohydrates ;
  • Triterpene alcohols.

The components of coltsfoot and clover very quickly contribute to the removal of testicular hydrocele in males and can be done without surgery.

In this way, you can prepare a drug with which testicular drip treatment is carried out without surgery.

  1. We combine herbs in equal quantities, take 1 tbsp. l composition and fill it with boiling water in the amount of glass.
  2. Cover the dish with the mixture from the lid, let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Dissolve the infusion by applying gauze or a folded cloth several times.

Here is what you need to know about the correct use of clover and coltsfoot tea to treat swollen testicles:

  • Take medication should be 4 tbsp. l. which is about 60 ml. The frequency of use of the drug - 5 times / day;
  • It is necessary to use herbal infusion until the problem disappears completely. At the same time, you can not treat hydrocele with a subset for more than a month and a half, but this period is usually enough to solve the problem;
  • Do not increase the dose of herbs while preparing medicines and do not increase the number or frequency of infusions.

The infusion of clover and coltsfoot has certain contraindications for use:

  • The tendency to internal bleeding;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • It is impossible to treat children with these herbs. By the way, drops can be observed even in newborns, but in this case, treatment does not require treatment. It may eventually withdraw on its own, and if this does not happen, the doctor should develop a strategy to control the hydrocele;
  • Liver disease.

Means used in folk medicine are very effective in the treatment of testicular edema, therefore surgery is not necessary, even if it has already reached the size of eggs, but you should not underestimate the doctor's recommendations, which should be read before starting treatment.

If traditional methods for hydrocele do not show a healing effect in the first days of their use, these drugs should be stopped.



Treatment of testicular edema without surgery in men

Most men, after hearing the diagnosis of "falling testicles", when they are examined, start to panic, believing this to be a verdict. This is because the appearance of serous fluid in the scrotum does not always require surgeryAfter reviewing the information, a person will be able to choose how to get rid of the hydrocele.


By On 15/04/2020

Dropsy of the testicle


Dropsy of the testes (hydrocele) is a specific disease that affects the genitals in men. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid between the parenteral and visceral plaques of the testes. In this article, you will uncover the actual benefits of parsley on hydrocele. It has not yet been scientifically proven, however, there have been positive results of 4 out of ten who have used the herb. 

Nonetheless, we present to you African's finest herbal formulation which has been used for hydrocele over the years after much research of its benefit to the male reproductive organs.



Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs

The natural remedy to permanently cure the testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often gives positive results and acts significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.

Trust us! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.

hypothyroidism natural treatment

The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.

Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of the appearance of side effects.

 To discover our remedy to treat hydrocele, click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp



Testicular dropsy (hydrocele) - causes

Why is there a dropsy of the testisFirst of all, it depends on the type of disease. If detected in early childhood, this problem is caused by abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

In adulthood in men, the causes of dropsy of the testis can be:

  • Testicular injury;
  • Benign and malignant tumors, appendages, testes or membranes;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Tuberculosis
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.

The cause of the disease can be quite extensive heart failure, filariasis. In addition, dropsy of the testes may appear from a hernia, which was removed surgically.



Parsley pudding

Parsley - Direct Fines HerbesThe milk |  All about this dairy product |  Olo Foundation

C Due to the disease, the size of the scrotum can increase significantly, to the extent that it will be the size of goose eggs, and possibly even larger. In addition, hydrocele can lead to impotence and parsley not only helps get rid of the disease but is also very useful for human strength.

The composition of this tool includes only two elements:

Greens are the main ingredient of the drug.

The composition of parsley includes elements necessary for the proper functioning of the male body:

  • Vitamins C, A, K, group B;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • Essential oils (myristicin, limonene, eugenol);
  • Flavonoids, including apigenin.

The composition of parsley causes a beneficial effect. Since ancient times it has been regarded as a product that men simply need.

Parsley for this purpose:

  • It helps normalize blood flow, which is the main condition for preventing and eliminating stagnant processes;
  • Regulates the outflow of fluid from the scrotum, thereby eliminating hydrocele;
  • Parsley contributes to the improvement of potency, and a full-fledged intimate life is necessary for a man, so that his genitals can be released from the secretions that are secreted, thanks to which hydrocele can appear, which may require intervention surgical.

Prepare the medicine in this way.

  1. We wash the parsley at 800 g, put it in a saucepan, pour the milk at 1 l.
  2. We send the mixture from which we will prepare the drug for swelling of the testicles in men, to the oven, where it should simply remain (the mixture should not boil) for about 4 hours.
  3. In the production of milk, the means will be two times less than the original volume, and the thinning of the composition must be completed.
  4. We wipe the mixture from the oven, cool, and then decant.

Here are some recommendations to consider when treating hydrocele in humans to avoid surgery:

  • The drug should be taken every hour in an amount of 20-30 ml;
  • The prepared drug should be consumed within one day, and the next day prepare a new portion since toxic substances from the second day appear;
  • You can take the medicine regardless of the meal;
  • Do not use more than the medicine prescribed for the swollen testicle, as this can lead to side effects such as headache, dizziness, and sudden weight loss.

Supporters of traditional medicine say that parsley testicular eczema is eliminated very quickly, it does not allow to accept the size of a goose egg, and surgery is not necessary, but there are some contraindications to its use should be considered:

  • Acute cystitis;
  • Inflammation of the kidneys;
  • Gout;
  • Urolithiasis.

In the presence of such diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment with parsley.


 To discover our remedy to treat hydrocele, click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp

Hydrocele testis

Hydrocele - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Natural Treatment

By On 08/01/2020



The testes are part of the male reproductive system responsible for producing sperm and testosteroneThis pair of testicles hang below the penis in a skin sac called the scrotum.

Hydrocele is the buildup of fluid around the testicles, which is usually painless and harmless. However, this accumulation of fluid can cause the scrotum (testicular sac) to swell and cause discomfort. Adult males with hydrocele generally feel uncomfortable due to the increased size of the scrotum, and the weight becomes heavier as well.

A man will be more at risk of suffering from hydrocele after he reaches the age of 40. Additionally, men who suffer from infections (including sexually transmitted infections) or have a history of scrotal damage are also at risk of developing this condition. While in infants, the risk of hydrocele will increase in the case of premature birth.



Natural remedy to cure testicular hydrocele with herbs



The natural remedy to permanently cure testicular hydrocele that we offer is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the decoction of the powder and the ointment results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. The first effects will be felt very quickly and you will notice that your testicles will gradually return to normal. The use of natural plants very often give positive results and act significantly against hydrocele. This natural remedy is the secret to permanently curing testicular hydrocele.

Trust us ! It is the perfect solution for those who want to cure testicular hydrocele naturally and especially for those who want to avoid the operation.

Hydrocele remedy

The natural remedy against testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, durable and above all, it will prevent you from going through an operation. It is a miracle solution to cure testicular hydrocele. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.

Our treatment is not dangerous. You will, therefore, be able to overcome testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of the appearance of side effects. To discover this remedy click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following number, tel / WhatsApp


Symptoms of hydrocele


In many cases, there are no specific symptoms that indicate a hydrocele. However, some experience pain, the scrotal skin turns red, and a feeling of pressure at the base of the penisUsually, pain is not felt until the size of the scrotum increases. The swelling can change within a day. In babies, the hydrocele swelling usually goes away on its own.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • You feel a sudden pain in the scrotum, even though there is no swelling.
  • You notice swelling in the scrotum.
  • You have a baby with a hydrocele that does not go away after a year.



Causes of hydrocele



Most of the causes of hydrocele are unknown. In babies, this condition can form before birth. Hydrocele can also be a sign of open space between the stomach and the scrotum.

In the uterus, the baby's testicles in the abdomen descend into the scrotum through the space between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum. Both testicles are wrapped in a bag filled with fluid. Normally, the gap between the stomach and the scrotum will close before the baby is born or immediately after birth. Then the liquid in the bag will be absorbed by the body itself. However, the liquid may still remain after closing the gap, it is a non-communicating hydroceleThis fluid will usually be absorbed slowly during the first year after the baby is born. It is also possible that the space does not close and fluid continues to flow from the abdominal cavity or that there is reflux into the abdominal cavity when the scrotum is full. This condition is called communicating hydrocele and may be accompanied by inguinal hernias.

In adults, hydrocele can appear as a result of infection of the scrotum. Filariasis or elephantiasis, a parasitic infection caused by the Wuchereria bancrofti worm, is the most common cause of hydrocele in adults worldwide.



Hydrocele diagnosis



To diagnose hydrocele, the doctor will first make a complaint and examine the physical condition of the scrotum by:

  • Checking the tenderness of the swollen scrotum.
  • Illuminating the scrotum with a flashlight until light penetrates inwards ( transillumination ). If there is a hydrocele, the flashlight will indicate the presence of fluid around the testicles.
  • Pressing on the stomach and scrotum to test for symptoms of inguinal hernia.
  • If the doctor suspects that the swelling of the scrotum is the result of an infection, a urine or blood test will be done to confirm this. During this time, if the doctor suspects a hernia or testicular tumor as the cause of scrotal swelling, an ultrasound will be done.



Hydrocele treatment


  • In babies, hydrocele usually goes away on its own until they are two years old. If the hydrocele still exists after this age or even shows pain, surgery is needed to remove it. The operation to remove a hydrocele is called a hydrocelectomy.
  • In adults, hydrocele also goes away on its own within six months. Medical treatment will only be done if the hydrocele is causing pain or is bothersome. In addition, the hydrocele removal operation is performed only if the size of the hydrocele is large enough to cause discomfort and pressure on other parts of the body.

Some risks that may be faced by patients with hydrocele who undergo hydrocelectomy surgery are:

  • Infection.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clots.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Lesion of the scrotal nerve.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

After undergoing a hydrocelectomy, the doctor will usually advise patients to use scrotal support and compress the scrotum with ice cubes to reduce swelling.




Complications of hydrocele


Male fertility will not be affected by the presence of hydrocele. However, the problem is that some serious diseases can be characterized by the appearance of hydrocele. One of them is an inguinal hernia, which gets trapped in the intestine in the abdominal wall and can lead to fatal complications. Additionally, hydrocele can also be an early sign of an infection or tumor.



Prevention of hydrocele



One of the causes of hydrocele is filariasis. To avoid filariasis, the best way is to avoid the bites of mosquitoes that carry the worm, for example by using mosquito nets.